I Was A Hero In Another World But My Dog-Girl Slave Swapped Places With Me And Now I Can’t Disobey Her

Chapter 54: In Which I Learn Some New Ways To Bond With Wren

By the time Valentine got back, Wren had fallen asleep against me, and was warm and utterly relaxed.

She blinked, sniffed the air, and then smiled at me knowingly, making my cheeks flush. I had just basically abused Wren, and I felt ashamed.

I looked away, and Valentine came closer, kneeled down next to the bed, and lean in next to my ear, whispering softly, "You're fine. There's no harm in giving a girl what she wants."

I beckoned her close, and she put her ear up to my lips. I was tempted to give it a little kiss, but held back. "But I took advantage of her, and reinforced the terrible training Eve put her through."

Val shifted back into whispering into my ear position. "You took her back to the mental state where she was feeling utterly abused and used and subservient, but then made her feel good and wanted and reassured, right?"

I nodded slightly. That sounded basically right.

"That's what she needed, I think. She hasn't been sleeping well, but now she looks peaceful."

"...you think slavery is okay, don't you?"

"No, of course not, or my Goddess wouldn't want to get rid of it." Fuck, was that her primary reason, rather than, you know, her terrible personal experiences? "...but if girls here didn't fuck when how they had been hurt and used by others was somehow tangentially involved, I think we'd have a lot of celibates." She tapped my nose with a grin. "Yourself included, cutie."

"What if I'm... turning into a sadist?"

She grinned. "Then torture me, if you feel like it. There's some other girls around here who are masochists too, if you'd rather. You're just a cutie who wants to make others happy, and I don't think you're likely to take anything too far out of cruelty... you might fuck up once or twice, but hey, everyone does... and I don't mind if you give me scars or whatever, if you need the practice. I'd be proud if you gave me a scar... well, since it's you, you could probably heal it."

I flushed again, and started crying a little. I was so scared I was becoming evil, so it was really nice to have Valentine reassure me... she petted my head and scritched behind my ears, softly and quietly showering me with affection as she called me a good girl and a nice girl and other such sweet little things in my ear until my shoulders finally relaxed... I hadn't even realized I was holding tension there.

It was okay... I could get through all of this... I was doing my best, probably....

That evening we were let out of being bound, and I heard muffled screams coming from another cell, which I tried my best not to think about... it was a prison, and nothing had particularly signaled to me that Princess Asperia was above torture. Maybe it was just some consensual BDSM, I tried to tell myself, but the faint anguished cries really didn't make me think it.

"Are you okay, Mistress?" Wren had taken to calling me Mistress even when I wasn't dommeing her, and it was what made her comfortable, so it was kind of hard to stop. I took her hand and squeezed it softly. "I'm fine."

Valentine petted my head, scritching behind my ears distractingly... it felt really good, and I nuzzled against her hand instinctively a little. "I'll guard you on the way up to your room, and then Wren can contact me with her guard bracelet whenever you go outside your room. You're going to be safe now."

"...That's not what I was worrying about," I said softly.

"I know," replied Valentine, seemingly not worried by the theoretical torture going on so much as my reaction to it, "but it is what I can do something about."

Wren stuck close to my side, Valentine bringing up the rear, and soon enough we were back in front of my room. My escape from everyone... well, except Wren and Mistress Eve.

We entered, and I smiled up at Valentine. "Thank you."

She grinned back down at me and ruffled my hair. "Any time."

And with the door closed, me and Wren were alone.

Wren moved around, checking everywhere for any possible dangers that had been left... she seemed to be taking this guarding thing very seriously. I sat down on the bed and spaced out for a bit, but soon enough Wren was done with her security check, and cuddling on my arm, tail wagging as she looked up at me adoringly.

...darn it, animal girls who were utterly devoted to me and just wanted to make me happy and serve me were cute, but this one had been tortured into it... well, so had Eve, back when she was Sasha, come to think of it.

So had I... sort of. Maybe?

I sighed and pulled Wren close, and she covered my face with eager little kisses. rubbing her body against mine, clearly wanting more attention. I scritched behind her ears with both hands, and she relaxed against me, panting softly.

"Mistress..." Her voice sounded a little needy, but mostly just sweet and adoring.

"Yes, my good girl?"

A little shudder ran through her body. "Is there anything I can do to serve you?"

I pondered for a moment. It was tempting, but... "No, I'm good-- Mistress Eve made it so I can't cum by anyone else's hand without permission, and I don't feel like getting all worked up and then frustrated."

"Oh, right!" She fell silent for a moment. "Do you want a massage?"

"...how did a noble girl like you learn massage? Did Eve teach you that?"

She flushed. "Uh, no, I had a boyfriend once who taught me how... come on, roll over, I'll make your body feel all good and relaxed...."

I rolled over onto my front, and Wren pulled up my dress without asking, wriggling it off of me as I sat back up a bit to help her.

I was nude, and she still had her dress on, and she gently pushed me back down onto the bed, starting to gently tap her fingers against my shoulders and back.

"...what are you even doing? And, boyfriend? Tell me more about him."

"Ah, I'm finding where your muscles have hardened, and telling the spirit in each part of your body that soon I will be helping it find peace... and, well, it was sort of a taboo relationship, I shouldn't have brought it up...." She sounded embarrassed.

"I'm from Earth, I'm probably the person who will find it least scandalous in this world."

"...he was a hired servant, and trained me in the way of the sword." Her fingers started to stroke and gently press at my back and shoulders, seeming to zero in on each point of tension and just rub it a little before moving on. "His body was always so much more relaxed than mine, though, and I asked him how he did that... and he said he could teach me the art of relaxation through various means, but I'd have to be utterly obedient to him, and not tell anyone about it... and I did, and well... he slowly made my body entirely his."

Her hands started to slowly grasp, squeeze, and release my shoulders, and I let out a bit of a moan... the tension releasing really felt good. "...yeah, that's not all that taboo, by my world's standards. Like, a little taboo, I guess...? Student teacher thing?"

"Well, if I hadn't submitted to him, it wouldn't be so embarrassing... as a noble, I'm supposed to remain in control of the situation... but eventually he decided to impregnate me, and my family found out despite my best efforts. My family let me have the child, but I had to break up with him, and take a trip to another country."

"Mmm... how are you so good at this... and... that was the end of it?"

"Well... he tracked me down in the other country, offered to make me into his slave and take care of me and our child... but that was too insulting, so I slapped him and cursed him out. And... that's the last time I saw him."


"...of course, it was a good thing I did turn him down, or Mistress Eve may never have found me and made me into the perfect slave I was supposed to be." Despite her attempt at a chipper voice, she didn't sound entirely chipper about it.

"What happened to your child?"

"The usual. A story was made up, and my daughter was adopted by another minor noble family. I didn't get to see her often... I wasn't even her mother, really... I really wonder what I thought I was going to gain from all of that."

"Sometimes," I said, "your devotion can blind you to how people are using you."

"...maybe. But I only exist to be used by Mistress Eve now. I think if I knew I could no longer be of use to her... I don't know what I'd do...." Her hands on me tensed up.

"Okay, clutching at my shoulders a little too hard now."

"Sorry, Mistress!" She started massaging my back, and now that she wasn't massaging or clenching my shoulders, they felt all expanded and relaxed... I could get used to this.

"Mistress Eve really wanted to impregnate me."

"I know! And you talked her down from it-- I'd be flattered."

"I... don't like how dependent I am on her. I mean, I kind of do, but also... and I can't guarantee the safety and freedom of our daughter, since she'd have animalfolk blood."

"I guess you can bear her children once she eradicates slavery from this world... even if slavery is gone, we'll still be Mistress Eve's slaves, right? Maybe she'll impregnate me too, and we'll be like twin wives, our bellies growing round at the same time." Her voice was sounding actively horny about that... maybe she had a pregnancy kink.

"...mmm. I wonder about that. Maybe once Mistress Eve ends slavery, we'll all be equals."

"...I can't really imagine being her equal. But I can imagine being her slave, using me however she wants... I just want to be a good girl for her...." She was massaging my lower back now, and it felt good, but she was also straddling one of my legs, her bare, wet crotch pressed up against it.

"...are you trying to seduce me, Wren?"

"Oh, no, not at all, Mistress! ...is it working, though? Are you getting seduced?" Her hands moved lower, massaging my rear now, her fingers sinking into my soft flesh and slowly working out the tension as I moaned helplessly... I could probably ask her to stop, but it felt really good and the rest of my body did, too....

"...mmm... it's making me feel more submissive, than anything."

"I know, right? That's how my boyfriend got me... do you want me to do anything to you, Mistress? I'm happy to obey, you just have to give the command...."

"Can you take charge of me for a bit?"

There was a pause, a hesitation, and then the chipper reply, "Of course, Mistress!"

She hopped off the bed, and came back with some silk ropes -- I didn't even know we had those, but I guess I hadn't entirely searched the room -- and a gag and a blindfold. She smiled down at me, and slid the blindfold over my eyes, enveloping the world in darkness, and then tapped my mouth, and I opened it up to speak, but the gag was already inside... well, I didn't really resist too much... had she been thinking just what she'd do to me this entire time? Then each of my limbs were bound separately, pulling slightly in four different directions... the four posts of the bed, presumably.

I was naked and tied up and blindfolded and gagged, and feeling utterly relaxed and submissive... there was no point in trying to resist, I was utterly at her mercy, and I was feeling extremely horny about it... would she torture me with trying to make me cum? Use my mouth for her pleasure? ...okay, less likely with the gag in it.

I felt something cool and smooth press against my pussy, and slowly slip inside, and realized it was a lubed up dildo... fuck... my pussy really needed to be full... then it turned on to a soft buzz, and I realized it was some sort of vibrator, magical, presumably... oh, fuck, what was she going to do to me?

I moaned helplessly into the gag.

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