I Was A Hero In Another World But My Dog-Girl Slave Swapped Places With Me And Now I Can’t Disobey Her

Chapter 9: In Which I Share The Secret With Someone Else For The First Time, And Begin To Learn Something Even More Valuable

We stopped by another town on the way, at which Master said she had an errand– she did not elaborate, and no one asked her to.

Seeing how out of it I was after holding her cock in my throat for most of the ride over, Master left me with Valentine, and had Miravel take her into town. We watched over the town from a small cliff, and I dangled my feet over. I had intentionally overcome my fear of heights, among other things, when I had the power to fall from very high places without taking damage, and apparently it had stuck even when I was within this far weaker body.

Still, it’s not like I was about to fall off or anything… unless Valentine pushed me, but if Valentine wanted me dead – wildly improbable, given her history – a cliff or lack thereof wouldn’t matter.

Valentine handed me her waterskin and I took a gulp... I’d gotten used to the taste of water that’s been sitting in a waterskin for half a day. Rather, maybe I preferred it now to the lingering taste of my former body’s cum, reminding me of what happened. I hung my head a little.

“You okay?” Valentine was wearing her cloak plus mask combo, which made it her seem like some strange guardian rather than an actual person I had talked to, but her voice was inquisitive, sympathetic.

“I’m fine.”

“Oh, okay. I’m usually pretty good at reading girls, and I had always heard stories of how deeply in love Sasha was with her Master, but… stories always exaggerate things, huh?” I nodded, staring down, more focused on the town than the conversation–

“Yeah, I don’t think she ever loved me. Just saw herself as my slave and did her best to survive in that role. I didn’t see it, of course, fool that I was.”

There was a long pause as we both stared down at the town.

“...wait, you wanna run that by me again, Sasha? I’m pretty confused by what you just said.”


“Okay, so uh…” I tried to think of a good cover story for this, then my shoulders drooped a little. Valentine was probably the safest person to tell, not that that was saying much… but I couldn’t really handle being one of the only two people in the universe who knew this. Maybe she could help me.

“Sasha has mind magic.”

“And you’re referring yourself to the third person why…?”

“Sasha is Master now. Master is Sasha.”

“...oh, fuck.”

Another long pause, and Valentine pulled off her mask and looked over to me, tilted her head a bit to one side as she studied my face.

“I’m guessing you were the one who saved me, then.” I nodded. “I was wondering why Sasha didn’t just use mind magic or something to make the situation go smoothly like she usually does.”


“...well, that’s stupid brave of you. I respect it, and that means you’re the second girl who’s saved my life… or, guy who saved my life, I guess? Either way… if I can help you, I will.”

I perked up a little. If Valentine could help me–

“As long as it doesn’t involve killing anyone, at least.” Right.

I started crying a little, and nodded. “I don’t know about gender stuff anymore, it’s gotten very confusing.”

Valentine wrapped her arms around me and held me close against her chest with surprising gentleness. “Hey, it’s okay. Cry all you need to.”

“I shouldn’t have told you… Master can read minds....”

“Oh, that’s easy. Against mindreaders, you just avoid thinking against stuff. I’ve fought a few.”


“You know, focus on something else?”

“Doesn’t that end up like ‘don’t think about pink elephants’?”

“Don’t… what? I’m confused. What’s an elephant?”

“...Nevermind.” I sniffled into her chest as she petted my head idly.

“Oh, I got it. I can just create something else for you to focus on.”

I pulled back and looked up at her in confusion, my gaze only flickering down to her lips for a moment… it was hard to ignore that we were very close….

“What, like magic...?” Valentine laughed.

“Of sorts.” She leaned in and kissed me deeply as she started to stroke my back and sides, and I blinked a few times, not knowing what to do, and she drew back a little, tilted her head to one side as she stared down at me.

“Oh, did you not want to kiss me? I’m usually good at reading girls.”

“Want to or not want to, do you think Master is going to be happy if you kissed me? It’s not really safer to focus on.”

“She was practically offering to let me fuck you on the ride over, which was what I was going to do, cause I thought you were into it. I don’t think a little kiss is going to be a big deal.”

“...maybe you’re right. Let’s not do the actual sex thing, though.” Although I was thinking about it all too clearly right now… how satisfied Miravel had looked… darn it, this was probably just because Master hadn’t let me cum and I was getting too horny. Like, muscular girls are hot, and she smelled good, in like, a slightly sweaty way… but still.

I started to slide back out of her lap, and she grabbed me suddenly and held me close, and I realized that like Master, Valentine could do basically whatever she wanted to me and I couldn’t meaningfully fight back… why was that arousing me? Why was I toying with the idea of belonging to Valentine, now, rather than freedom.

She wiggled back from the cliff a little ways, and set me down on the ground next to her. “Sorry, you gotta be careful how you disengage next to cliffs.”

“Um, yeah, thanks.” I stared off into the distance and tried to calm down my rapidly beating my heart and stop myself from getting too aroused. “...is there a way to break mind magic spells?”

“Absolutely. Some of them, at least. Can’t say I’m an expert on the subject. Want me to look into it for you if I get the chance?”


“Need another kiss to distract you from the planning?” Her voice was teasing.

“No, no... I think that was quite enough of that….”

We both fell silent, and watched the little town until the sun started to set.

I wondered how many other slaves were in it, and what their lives were like.


The carriage finally pulled up to the base of the cliff, and without warning, Valentine swept me up into her arms and jumped down the cliff, rolling with me as she hit the ground, and then back up onto her feet, setting me next to her– dizzy and terrified, I clung to her side for a moment before stabilizing myself.

Master looked completely unruffled as she approached. Miravel was back with the carriage, freeing the horses and so forth. I didn’t actually know the details, it never seemed that important when I could run faster than a horse... maybe I should bother to learn.

Valentine smiled at Master. “Errand go well?”

“Yes, perfectly, I think. Looks like you two have gotten close.”

I flushed and looked away, thinking about how Valentine had kissed me, and suddenly, Master’s eyes narrowed. “...what.”

Valentine blinked, and quickly kneeled down in her sex slave position and lowered her head. “It’s my fault for misreading Sir’s intention, please punish me however you like.”

Master smiled, but it didn’t reach her eyes, and she raised a hand, almost savoring what she was about to do to Valentine, when I stepped in front of her without thinking about it.

She paused, eyes widening for a moment, then glared at me. “Are you seriously going to get in my way?”

“Does hurting Valentine help in your goal at all, Master?”

Master paused, and stared at me for a few moments, and then seemed to deflate a little, and shook her head. “No... you’re both right. I said vague things to Valentine, and harming her would be counter to my goal. I’m sorry, please forgive me.” Her voice sounded a bit like Sasha’s used to… maybe she just thought of apologizing as a servile thing to do, or maybe she was remembering what it was like to be on the other end.

Valentine smiled up at Master, seemingly genuinely impressed that she had held herself back from beating us up, and even gone so far as to apologize. “Thank you, Sir!”

“Thank you,” I echoed, not meaning it nearly as much. At least Master could recognize her faults, but she was getting a bit tyrannical.

“We’re going to the Night Court tomorrow night. According to my information, it’s run by Princess Asperia, and it should be a far easier way to get you in front of her to negotiate than going through the front gate of the castle.”

“...the Night Court? Don’t some people who go there never come back?” Valentine made it sound like a casual question rather than a critique of Master's plan.

Master shrugged. “That’s the only plan I have that involves protecting you. Take it or leave it.” She was still being snippy about it, even though she had practically offered my pussy to Valentine on the ride over.

Master reached over and petted my head with just a little more force than necessary, which I took to mean ‘don’t make me mad’.

Sorry, Master.

Okay, not thinking about things was actually hard. I defaulted to think about how soft Valentine’s lips were instead, and how her tongue had–

Master grabbed me by the arm. “I have a few things to discuss with Sasha here.”

“Of course!” Valentine smiled up at her guilelessly. Was she really that good at keeping thoughts out of her brain, or had she spilled it all?

I moved as best I could as Master half-dragged me back inside the carriage, pulled the blinds, and glared at me. “What did you two do?”

“She kissed me… I guess there was a little bit of petting, too? Didn’t get that serious, though, I let her know you probably wouldn’t appreciate it.”

Master furrowed her brow, searching my eyes, and I tried to keep my mind blank. “Why are you keeping your mind blank?”

“You get jealous when I think about the kiss with her.“

“Do I look like the sort of Master who gets jealous because her slave gets a little intimate with another slave?”

I stared up at her... as if she hadn’t just proved that fact twice over. I literally didn’t know how to respond, the truth was so obvious. She growled softly.

“...okay. Okay, that’s fair.” She took hold of my chin and looked down into my eyes. “ You’re mine, got it? Don’t ever do anything with anyone else without my permission.”

“...Yes, Master. I was trying to be a good girl for you, I promise.” ...was my tail wagging just from saying that? But I could feel that desperate devotion towards her again right now. “...um… are hugs okay?”

She rolled her eyes and let go of my chin. “Yes, platonic hugs are fine, sure.”

“But no kissing?”

“Obviously not…” She looked at me suspiciously “...is this fun for you?”

I blinked a couple of times. “I... guess a little bit? I didn’t think I’d live to see the day you actually apologized for anything after you took over.”

“I’m not used to having power, and even less used to having it challenged. I’ll do better next time. I learn quickly.. unlike some people.” Seemed like a fairly petty dig, but okay.

“...that reminds me, Master… can you please teach me the Heal spell?” She smirked at my question.

“...I thought you were going to beg me to let you cum.” She rubbed between my legs, and I couldn’t help but moan softly, wondering if she’d actually let me… but after a moment’s hesitation, I shook my head. She probably wouldn’t, and more importantly...

“I’d rather have the power to save lives, at the moment. And it’s an important element if you want to keep the fact that we swapped secret… I thought my cover I was completely blown this morning.”

Master stared for a moment, then nodded, and started going over the pattern with me, sketching it out with her hand in the air as she tried to get the abstract symbol across to me. It was hard to wrap my head around, doubly so because I was distracted from being worried that Master was still worried about me, or suspicious of something.

She was looking at my face a lot… did she think I liked Valentine? Was that the suspicion?

I mean, Valentine was kind of cute, but I wasn’t the sort of girl who would just throw myself at anyone. Or boy, for that matter. ...person?

She tapped my forehead softly with her finger. “Focus, or I’ll start edging you until you’ll offer me anything just to let you cum.”

“But everything I am is yours already, Master.” She smiled at that, and I relaxed a little. And I focused.

Magic was unintuitive as hell, and if I was going to learn this spell, we might have a long night ahead of us.

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