I Was Betrayed But It’s Okay haha

Chapter 33


“What’s going on? What’s happening?”

“Is that Chae Suhyeon?”

“Why is Chae Suhyeon here in our guild? Didn’t she go to Baekho Guild? Why is she suddenly here in a rival guild?”

People started to gather curiously, buzzing among themselves.

Chae Suhyeon had screamed loud enough that it shocked everyone, drawing their attention.

‘W-what the hell… Why has the progress suddenly accelerated?!’
‘Is it because I came here directly? Right? He didn’t even acknowledge my call but just brushed me off?’

Chae Suhyeon sat down on the floor, boiling with rage. Her mind was a complete mess.

There had been a level of trust since she had controlled Baek Jihoon for years. She never imagined things would turn out this way.

Just before leaving home today, she believed it would all end happily.

‘Ah. Suhyeon… I’m sorry. I was too angry.’
‘I’ll cancel the recovery.’
‘I hope you live happily.’
‘I must have lost my mind for a moment after losing you.’
‘I feel like I can’t live without you. What should I do? Sob…’

She had envisioned a conversation like this would unfold…

But reality was met with rejection. Moreover, the progress had now accelerated as an added bonus.

Chae Suhyeon felt completely blindsided and could only tremble in shock.

“Excuse me. Are you okay? Should I call an ambulance?”

A man approached with a subtle smile.

“Ah. Get lost. Don’t interfere in other people’s business!”

She glared at him with a severely furrowed brow. The man flinched and quickly left, as if fleeing the scene.


The number had shot up too quickly.

‘At this rate, I’ll lose everything soon.’
‘What should I do? How can I stop this? That bastard, what on earth should I do?’

Until now, she had never encountered a problem dealing with men. But since cutting ties with Baek Jihoon, things had continuously gone awry.

‘For now, I need to retreat. Today isn’t my day.’

After showing up with confidence at the Blue Guild’s lobby, she was now retreating in a fluster, having received a massive blow.


“Heh. Chae Suhyeon. Feeling a bit dizzy since you got hit, huh?”

Seeing her quietness, I sensed that she was aware of my recent actions.

Having spent a significant time with Chae Suhyeon, I could generally read the situation just by observing her behavior.

‘She must be scared.’

‘She isn’t messaging me to complain.’

A sense of pride washed over me.

‘Hmm. Should I completely destroy her today?’

‘Nah. Let’s wait a little. I think I need to raise my own level first.’

My thoughts shifted slightly. I never had much ambition regarding my rank, intending only to quietly live in the Blue Guild. Just witnessing Chae Suhyeon’s gradual downfall would have been satisfying enough.

However, I felt a change of heart today.

‘How dare she come to our guild?’

It seemed she wouldn’t easily give up despite the weak intensity.

I believed a more powerful approach would be necessary to invoke regret or self-reflection in her.

‘Gradually ramping up the intensity…’
‘After a few consecutive blows, she’ll be crying and begging for mercy, right?’

That was my plan. To quickly raise my rank.
Then what if I became famous?

From Chae Suhyeon’s perspective, she would likely feel regret that transcended anger.

The lowest-rated servant beside her turns out to be a highly successful top-tier hunter?

That would be enough to send her into a frenzy of regret.

Imagining her later coming to me on her knees, sobbing and apologizing made me chuckle involuntarily.

‘Exactly. When she remembers what she did to me…’
‘Succubus… damn…’

I had seen something similar in an insect documentary. Creatures controlled by paralysis or venom.

That was the state I was in.

‘Damn girl…’

But it’s alright.

‘Yes, Chae Suhyeon. Thank you. It seems like I’ve become an Incubus thanks to you.’

Though I didn’t have complete information yet, it certainly felt that way. Perhaps I could become the hunter with the weirdest traits on Earth.

I could invest in others and automatically gain their affection.

‘Then I could just go around swindling S-rank hunters, huh?’
‘That’s why Lee Sooah keeps acting that way, right?’

For some reason, it was starting to feel amusing.

With each blow I landed on Chae Suhyeon, I felt more clear-headed.

‘Is this the process of breaking free from the Succubus?’

It felt like a good thing overall.

‘Alright. Let’s start progressing.’

“Hey, Jihoon!”

I realized I had been lost in my thoughts for too long, grinning away.

When I snapped back to reality, all the team members were staring at me.


Caught in the odd atmosphere, I could only respond strangely.

“Hey~ What’s up? Is something good happening? Why are you smiling to yourself since earlier? Did something good happen with a girl or something?”

It was as if they were subtly hoping for something and kept probing.

“Oh, well, it’s somewhat similar.”

Since it was somewhat accurate.

“Wow, indeed~ Baek Jihoon. You know, I have a serious request.”

The manager leaned in quite close.

“Please, save our team.”


“We’re counting on you, Jihoon.”

“What do you mean…”

Everyone was focused on my face.

“So, you know our Hunter Lee Sooah? She has everything good going for her. Great looks, an impressive body, outstanding abilities as a hunter, fame… all good except one thing. Her personality has become quite difficult, you see?”

I shook my head slightly as I spoke.

“Originally, she wasn’t like that. I was one of the early members. But at some point, she changed.”

Everyone nodded in agreement at this point.

“Everything else is fine, but she’s just so hysterical that it’s stressful for us. Our guild is great, and our A-Team is solid, but just that one thing about Hunter Lee Sooah’s personality makes it really tough.”

Everyone looked at me, almost in tears.

“You probably don’t know what Lee Sooah was like before, Jihoon. Her temper is really down now… about -95%?”

‘Huh? Really?’

Of course, I only knew her from broadcasts. I had no way of knowing how she used to be.

“Um, so?”

“But ever since three days ago, after Baek Jihoon joined our guild, things changed drastically!”

‘Hmm… so her temper died down after I joined…’

I was beginning to understand little by little. If it were before, I might have been confused about the situation, but now I think I get it. It was clear that some of Chae Suhyeon’s succubus abilities had transferred over to me, causing such effects. Moreover, I had also removed her status ailments.

“So, we have a favor to ask. Please seduce Lee Sooah for us.”

“Excuse me?”

The strangest request I had ever heard in my life.

To seduce the nation’s top S-rank hunter.

Of course, it was true that I had been dating Chae Suhyeon, who had just claimed the top S-rank position, but still, it was an odd request.

“Haha… Is that really something I can just will into existence? Just because I want to doesn’t mean it’ll happen.”

“Don’t worry about that! We’ll push for it. Our A-Team, no, our entire guild will support you.”

“Yeah, everyone wants Hunter Lee Sooah to find some peace.”

Everyone seemed to nod in agreement.

‘Well, I’m also thinking about using my abilities and exploring them, but now being thrown into this situation feels a bit burdensome.’

As all eyes turned toward me, while some might eagerly accept the challenge, I felt a bit pressured. Perhaps it was because I had lived as a slave for years.

I still seemed to have a slave mentality.

“Well then… I understand. I’ll give it my best shot.”


Everyone suddenly erupted in cheers at my answer, throwing papers into the air.

It turned festive.

‘Damn. Is this really that important?’

The most successful guild in the country. Among them, the highest and most famous A-Team.

Yet, they were focusing all this energy on something trivial.

‘So does Lee Sooah really have such a terrible personality? Or are these people just odd?’

It felt like the whole world was pranking me.

“What’s going on here?”

A cold voice from Lee Sooah cut through the air.

All at once, everyone quickly returned to their positions.

“Ah, Hunter Lee Sooah. Hehe.”

The manager began to sweat profusely.

“Is there something so amusing happening? The atmosphere of A-Team seems to have improved lately?”

She gave him a slightly menacing look, mixed with a complex expression.

“Haha, indeed. Things changed a bit since Baek Jihoon joined. Hehe.”

“So, what’s this interesting story they were cheering about? I’d like to know too.”

Lee Sooah moved closer to the manager, starting to apply strong pressure on him.

It felt like if he didn’t answer properly, he would be in big trouble.

“Ah! Um, well…”

“How good could the news be that everyone erupted in cheers? I’m curious too.”

Wearing high heels, Lee Sooah leaned menacingly over the manager with her arms crossed.

“Um… well, Baek Jihoon said he would raise his rank from D to C in this week’s rating test.”

‘Wait. When did I say that?’

“Eh? Really? There’s not much time left. Is it possible?”

Lee Sooah looked at me with a peculiar expression, while the team members peered over the partition, wearing anxious faces pleading silently.

‘Hah… What a sudden bombshell.’

“Yes, that’s correct.”

Faced with overwhelming, unspoken pressure, I could only hurriedly answer out of necessity.

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