I was Betrayed then Reincarnated as a Kitsune

Chapter 23: Orc Hunting

We went to the forest to the south of the capital instead of the east to find our prey.  It was a lot darker and denser than the other one which would make it harder for Velvet to use her sword-whip.  When I pointed this out to her, she told me.

“It’s fine, that is my backup weapon, I mostly use fire and dark magic.  With the forest as dark as this, my magic will be even more effective.  Though I’m grateful that you’re looking out for me.” She added.

“Do you mind if I practice with my mist as we hunt?  I want to try and exclude allies from its effects, since we’re going to be in a party for a while.” I said, asking for her permission to use her as a test subject.

“I don’t mind as long as you don’t drop the temperature too low.  I don’t want to end up like the goblins and kobolds from last time.” She said, giving her consent.

After that, I released my mist into the surroundings.  I could feel the small animals like squirrels and rabbits run away when the mist covered them, their instincts telling them it wasn’t safe to stick around.

“How are you feeling right now?” I asked Velvet.

“A little cold and sluggish, nothing I can’t handle.” She replied.

“Got it, lets start looking and I’ll do my best to exclude you from the effects while we go.  I’m already starting to get an idea of how to do it, but it needs some practice.” I said as I started to go deeper into the forest, Velvet right behind me.

We were searching for about two hours when I noticed something enter my mist.

“Hold on Velvet, something just entered the mist.” I warned, turning in the direction of the intruder.

Since the range of my mist was quite big it took a while to get closer.  When we did, we learned that the intruder was a single orc.

“Do you think its just a scout or something?” Velvet asked, whispering next to me.

“Probably, though now it’s completely lost since I’m also showing it some illusions to keep it from leaving.” I whispered back.

“What are you showing it?”

“What every orc wants, a group of women all for itself.  Though it makes me feel disgusted thinking of what it thinks it’s doing right now.  I’m going to take it out.” I said as I pulled my bow out of my inventory.

“Archery and space magic as well, is there anything else I don’t know about?” Velvet asked after seeing what I was doing.

“I’m also great with daggers and short swords and poison.  While my class is a mage type, I also have the abilities of a scout.  I’ll tell you the reason for that someday.” I said as I loosed the arrow I prepared.

The arrow went straight through the orc’s eye and embedded itself in the tree behind it.

“I guess I put too much power into that.”

“Just what level is your archery skill, actually never mind, we’ll never get anywhere if I keep getting surprised by everything you do.  Can you store away the body, we can dismantle it later.” Velvet said, giving up thinking about my skills.

“Got it, by the way its friends are nearby.” I said as I pointed in the direction of the dead orc’s friends.

“How many?”

“Four, just enough to finish the quest.  I’ll take two you take two?”

“Sounds good, let’s begin.”

After discussing our plan, I collected the corpse and we both started moving in the direction of our prey.  When we got in range, Velvet used her dark magic and impaled two orcs on shadow spikes while I struck my two down with lightning magic.

“You know, every fight we have is always so easy that it’s kind of boring.” I complained.

“I get the same feeling, but we are still low ranked adventurers.  It can’t be helped, and look on the bright side, us finishing this quest will raise our ranks to E.” Velvet said trying to cheer me up.

“You’re right, and as a bonus, I leveled up from that.  Soon I’ll be level 10, I wonder if anything’ll happen when I get there?” I said, thinking out loud.

Since we finished our quest, we decided to dismantle the orcs right here, then head out of the forest to cook them for lunch.  I took the edible parts, and the proofs of subjugation and Velvet burned the rest.

“Do you want to teleport to the entrance of the forest instead of trekking all the way back on foot?” I asked before we departed.

“Sure, it’ll be much less tiring that way.” Velvet replied back.

“Have you teleported before?”

“A few times, yes.  Why?”

“I’m still not used to the instant change after teleporting, so you’ll need to give me a few minutes when we get there.”

“I understand, that feeling was the worst.”

I put my hand on Velvet’s shoulder and the next thing we knew; we were at the spot we entered earlier.  I walked over next to a tree and started vomiting up my breakfast.  I wish I didn’t have to go through this every time.

{You’ll be alright, Luna.  Just a few more times and you won’t have to feel this way anymore.} Tamamo said, comforting me.

‘I really hope you’re right.’

When I finally felt better, I walked back to where Velvet was.  She was setting up a fire so that I could cook the orc meat.

“Feeling better?” She asked, sympathy painted across her face.

“Yeah, but I don’t think I’m going to teleport us to the city.  I don’t want my lunch coming back up.” I said after washing my mouth out.

“That’s fine.  By the way, I’ve been meaning to ask, what are your plans moving forward?  Are you going to stay in this kingdom or are you going to travel around?” She asked.

“Well, first I need to raise my rank to D, then I need to get to level 20.  After that I’m supposed to go to the Celestia Kingdom, take care of some pests, and clear a dungeon there.  After that, I’m not sure, I don’t know what level I should be at to take on that arrogant mongrel that wants Tamamo.” I said going over my immediate goals.

“Well, it’s good to know you at least have a plan for the near future.  Now, let me see just how good of a cook you are, Luna.” The excitement in her voice growing more intense.

“Yeah, yeah.”  I said as I pulled out what I needed to start cooking.

After about 30 minutes, I was done.  What I made was some orc chops with salt and other spices.  It was simple since we were right next to the forest and didn’t want to attract any monsters with the smell.  After handing Velvet her share, I sat down and started eating.

“I think I’ve outdone myself, even with the limitations due to our location” I said as I continued eating.

“So, this is what a high level of cooking skill can do.  With just this you could be hired by royalty as a chef.” Velvet said as she savored each bite.

“Aren’t you a higher up in an organization of vampires?  I thought you would be used to cooking of this level, if not higher.”

“That doesn’t matter, good food is good food.  Besides even if I am a higher up, it’s still expensive to hire someone of the same or higher skill than you just to cook.”

“Speaking of your organization, will I need to meet anyone from there?  You’ve told me before that besides you, one other person knows about my relationship with Tamamo.”

“I think you’re fine for now.  In the future when you join the Goddess, you’ll need to send a message out through an oracle but that’s about it.”

I was about to continue on with our conversation when I heard something coming from within the forest.

“Velvet, get ready, somethings coming.” I said, standing up.

“Do you know what it is?” She asked becoming alert.

“No, but we’re about to find out.”

As soon as I finished saying that a large bear appeared out of the darkness of the trees.  It was then that I noticed something off about it.  In several places the flesh was starting to rot, and I could see it’s bones here and there.

“Why is an undead bear around here?” I asked in a panic.

“Do you have anything that can deal with it?” Velvet asked.

“I do, but I’ll need some time, I haven’t practiced much with it.” I said back.

“Then I’ll distract it, you get ready.” She said as she ran towards the undead bear, unsheathing her sword-whip.

I closed my eyes and concentrated.  I needed to accumulate power in my body and give it form.  It was then that something in my mind clicked.

“I see, so that’s how I do it.  Things are about to get interesting.” I said with a wide smile.

Author's Note:

Here is the last chapter of today.  I can't fight off the sleep anymore so I have to end it on this cliff, please hang in there.  I'll probably be able to write the next chapter tomorrow morning before I leave for classes, so you don't have to wait too long.  Thanks for reading.


P.S.: There might be moderate amounts of Fluff next chapter.

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