I was born the Unloved Twin

CH 22: I Challenge You!

Yesterday was a very bad terrible no good day.

And some days will just be like that I suppose. It's not like I can physically sweep the fear and anxieties away permanently. They were kind of traumatic.

My disappearance most certainly gave grampa a scare though. He'll be heading off to join the rest of the nobles and politicians at the conference but his special personal troops are stationed here. They're not directly staying in the mansion with us but nearby and around the servants quarters.

Not only will they be in charge of protecting us very desirable and ransom worthy children, but they'll also be jump-starting us with weapons training!


I've been set up with tutors but not weapons or fighting instructors yet. Though the educational tutors were assigned after it was discovered that I read so much of our family's home library. Did I really now? Who would honestly believe that, besides my own father? I'm beginning to doubt his sanity for taking a toddler so seriously.

Out of boredom, I kept pestering father to stock more interesting books. No one reads finances, tax records, nor old family trees for fun. As I said before the entertainment of this world is extremely lacking.

I also think that most of those popular adventure books are based on grampa, which then just makes it too awkward to read. Just plain creepy. You try reading tweaked fan fiction about a grandparent of yours!

You know what else is awkward?

Since I woke up Lilyanne has been stuck attached to me and refuses to let go. She's scared I'll disappear for real after yesterday. It was just one day, sheesh let it go.

That's not too unexpected knowing Lilyanne, still as clingy as ever. No the really awkward part is that the stupid prince is in on it too! Is this his way of sticking to Lilyanne and annoying me? It's absolutely disgusting.

The poor stupid rock of a child probably has no idea he's getting engaged to me, otherwise, he wouldn't be so close. Eww.

That future announcement is not one I'll be looking forward to.

While we're lead to the prepared garden area for our first lesson plan I contemplate how Father's doing with the plan. After imagining the mess that is the court, I suppose that staying here even with Lilyanne and the stupid prince in tow isn't as bad.

The guest instructor that will be in charge of us today is part of Grampa's crew of course.

Uncle Geoff is still back home in our territory managing both his estate and the campgrounds. In the past, he's the one that started our weapons training and I expected that would be the case this time as well.

It must have been my actions, or well lack of them yesterday, that changed things.

Not only that but grampa knows about my consciousness, how I'm not an average toddler. I don't know how but he's proven multiple times that he knows. He may be arranging for my training early in that case. Why not take advantage of the time? Yes, that would be the most reasonable explanation.

Years ago, a lifetime ago, we were first trained in small daggers, subtle safe enough weapons and eventually moved on to fencing. Those were deemed appropriate and fit into the hobbies that a young noblewoman could have or easily conceal. Lessons were dabbling in other 'arts', such as horseback riding or poison making. Those were the ones that Rosalia took best to besides the main weapons we focused on

Again when I say 'we' it actually was just me most of the time.

Lilyanne was excused and absent from so many training sessions she may as well have never attended. I don't think she even knew what to do past the form for holding a saber, even if it was the lightest and thinnest foil.

But that was fine, Lilyanne wouldn't need it. Ever. She had no need knowing how to fight. Not when everyone would always protect her. Even me.

A bitterness wells up in the back of my throat, not unlike vomit bile. I don't even try to deny it's part jealousy. How nice it must be to not ever have to fear for your life, to work for your survival? How luxurious.

It's a luxury I can't afford, not for a long time.

So I take the introduction, any part of training really, seriously. Instead of one instructor, it's a small crew of people, a team currently close to gramps in running dungeons and accompanying him. The majority of the section of troops he took with him is encamped while his closest bodyguards are with him at the conference. But these guys are nothing to mess around with. I recognize a good number of them, the kind of people to stick around the family through the years. The kind of people to keep.

They will introduce us to various easier weapons. We'll get an introduction and feel for them before starting with the popular and classic swordplay of this world.

Before that, we'll be running a set of physical tests. It's P.E essentially, we're going to stretch and run.

Sounds more like summer camp honestly.

"Lukas, Amar, show them how it goes!"

"We'll be over here supervising and preparing. The kids will learn better around those close in age to them."

"Yes, ma'am!"

"Okay Tamera!"

The kids from yesterday are the youngest ones in this campaign. I remember now how they were also in grampa's training camp back south. Their youthful presence awes Lilyanne and Erik. Kids not much older than them can become warriors? What an amazing concept! The stupid battle crazy prince is already starry-eyed.

"Hey there little squirts, I'm the awesome Lukas. And this here is my not as cool but still good friend Amar."

When asked they tell us that they are only 3 years older than me, at the age of 5. Normally that wouldn't be such a big deal, right? To children, the 3-year difference in maturity and such may seem immense but it's nothing in the eyes adults.


Of course, that's wrong, what 5 year old becomes enlisted in the deadliest training corps in the known world?

Anyone, child or not taken to personally train with grandpa can't be simple. If I know grampa's recruiting style, to get in his circles especially so young, you either have to have vast potential to be powerful or you have a tragic backstory to unlock that. Often they have both, what a combo.

That's why he's so popular with the common people even till now. Grampa is well acquainted with and even helped jump-start many famous heroes and adventurers in their own right. Smiles and glory aside these people are not common, nor did they lead very charmed lives prior to fame.

These kids are dangerous. not just because one of them will be instrumental in my very own death.

What action can I take against them right now?

Do I get rid of them? Recruit them? Just ignore them?

They run us through the P.E exercises with the manner of older kids taking care of their younger siblings. They're so natural and disarming about it that Lilyanne and Eric are already completely comfortable with them. Even calling them 'big brothers".

Can't be helped, they're just children and I'm stuck playing one.

It's especially surprising how animated Lukas is about it, he doesn't strike me as the type to play baby sitter. While they pay attention and joke around with all of us, with the concentration no normal 5 year old should have may I add, Lukas is especially focused on the stupid little prince.

Ah, I see.

He's my damned cousin Phillip's friend too. So he's a social climber, is he?

Buddying it up to the prince of a northern country wouldn't be a bad choice. Now that I can look at him carefully without panicking, the boy is most likely Northern himself given his overly pale coloring and straight slim nose. I don't have the patience to bother telling him to give it up, that prince cares for no one. No one but Lilyanne perhaps.

You can try to warm up to him now as a baby but I've seen the robot-like person he grows up into.

"And bend and stretch! Good job you almost got it!"

"I think we're almost done here, sir!"

The stupid prince is still dazzled though, especially by Lukas who gives him extra care and praise. How stupid, in the future plenty of strong people will try to worm their way to you. It strange seeing Erik like this, so unguarded and more excusably stupid than usual. It's even a little amusing.

"You girls did really well too, especially you Rosalia. I hope you're feeling better."

Oh yeah, the kid found me passed out in a bush and carried my crying ass home. A little dopey but he's not an unkind kid I'll give him that. It warrants a polite response, at the very least more than Lukas. I don't remember this one in the crew trying to kill me.

"Yes I'm feeling much better, thank you. I apologize for the unfortunate first impression."

"Ah, that's the most you've said to me so far! Still, don't smile much do you? Still, you're so little but know so many words, you must be very smart!"

"Yep Rosa knows lots!" cheers Lilyanne, aww it almost warms my heart enough to forgive her for being so sticky. Almost, not quite.

"Thank you for the praise, and again thank you. I must ask and trust though that yesterday's matters be kept quiet."

It's embarrassing, no one further needs to know my shame. Especially Lilyanne, she's oddly worried about me since I came back last night. Which may be why she's been sticking to me, and thus Erik too.

"Okay then, it will be just between us."

"Eh, Rosa I wanna be in tween to. Rosa?"

It's too embarrassing, the less Lilyanne knows the better. In fact the less that anyone knows, the better. I nod to the older boy and keep my mouth shut.

"Alright then kiddos, we'll be having our first demonstration with swords. This is the weapon you probably see the most."

"Mmm! Papa an grandpapa have swords!"

"I have one too!"

The baby stupid prince waves around his wooden toy sword, which appeared from out of nowhere. Where was he even keeping that thing during exercises?

I don't know how useful those things are actually in real combat, just doesn't seem all the feasible to me. But then again I'm from a different time and a different world. When in Rome do as the Romans do.

We're lead through the basics such as holding, stance, and attack types, very Day 1 sort of material. It's adorable how even Lilyanne is giving it a try, though I know it won't stick. There's also how she keeps falling back on her butt? That'....awkward, adorable but awkward.

Erik though is an arrogant little prat even as a baby. He stomps his feet impatiently and in an attempt to show off waves around the demonstration with his toy sword. Oh, he's definitely showing off since he expectingly looks back at my sister and me right after.

Don't expect any praise here, Lily is too bust trying to get back up and I sure as hell am not going to talk to the baby stupid prince.

"That's all easy stuff! Of course, I already know how to do all of that, I'm the prince!"

I can't believe I was seriously going to marry this kid in the future, even for duty. I died for it but damn, dodged a bullet there.

The instructor, a bulky young man, looks at him with a tired sigh reserved for when dealing with nobles. You know the kind you make at work when handing annoying customers while they're being unreasonable.

"Yes your majesty, but there's a lot to master in the basics. Without the foundations, the following layers you learn will be weak."

"I'm not weak!"

"Hehe, sir Malcolm, can I teach him the lesson?!" giggles a loud boy who volunteers by waving excitedly, like a cat ready to play with its food. The cat sitter sighed but looked ready since the mouse, aka the stupid prince, was even more annoying.

"*....sure Lukas, why not. That's what you're good for I suppose. Just don't bully him too badly."

"Big brother Lukas?!" gasped the stupid prince in both awe and surprise.

"So squirt, I won't talk much. Just fight me and that will do the talking."

"A duel! My first duel?! I gladly accept and will show you my skill!"

"Show me then you spoiled little squirt."

Now, this is what I'm talking about, Oh this will be amusing to watch, especially if a certain stupid prince gets beat to the ground. Please, Lukas, I'll even up my impression of you if you make that stupid prince eat sand!

I'm really not sure how the trending list works but this novel got on it for once, for like a day. So cool? Oh well more views are always nice.

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