I was born the Unloved Twin

Ch 5: More Spilled Milk (2)

To me, it's a considerable distance from my room to mother's private quarters. But it gives plenty to see during the long walk.

How large the house looks, though it would be more appropriate to call it a mansion. Employed here are various people, the amount comparable to an office firm. We're quite well off if I say modestly.  Filthy rich by this world's standards if I'm being realistic.

While the hallways are more moderately decorated there are still ornate candle holders, flower vases and the occasional painting adorning the walls. While it's nothing as cluttered as, say Victorian England or some Baroque style, it's no less grand and comparable to a historical castle tour. It's very tasteful to my modern eye. There are more clean white stone structures though, I assume from the hotter more Mediterranean like climate.

Mother's room is just as I remembered it, with its heavy carvings and golden gildings. Plush cushions lay everywhere and a draping curtain runs over the bed.

On the other side of the bed is a lacy white cradle, not too differently decorated from my own. A lot cleaner than mine though as I can clearly see a bundled up Lilyanne in there. So sue me, I like my pillows.

"My lady, little Rosalia is here to visit."

"Thank you Gerta, do bring her over here. Look Lilyanne! Our Rosalia has come to see us."

Oh mother's been sleeping by a crying baby this whole time and it shows. How stressful.

My normally beautiful mother looks every bit like the new parent she is, dark circles and all. The maids place me in her free arms and while I expected it I'm still shocked by her thinness. Is this really the figure of a woman who just gave birth? I don't mean that as a compliment.

My curious groping seems to have made her laugh so there's that.

"She's so very soft....and heavier than Lilyanne."

Mother, that's a good thing. Babies need to be that way to grow! You could stand to gain some weight yourself you know?

But I know she doesn't mean it in a bad way, not when her arms tighten around me in trembling hug.

"If only Lilyanne could be like this too. "

Yes yes yes I know, if only Lilyanne could be the healthy one. I've heard it too many times before already. After squishing me for a moment longer mother turns the conversation on me for once.

"Tell me how has this child been? I haven't seen her since I've been confined to bed rest here."

"Nonsense my Lady, our youngest baby is still growing and the doctors have assured us she'll be ok after the heaviest has passed. Meanwhile, the eldest miss is as good and healthy as a baby can be."

"Does she cry all alone in the nursery, she did cry so hard at birth after all."

I see my reputation precedes me. It was one time everyone, one time! It shows that I have great working lungs.

"Oh hardly my lady. She can be louder than a singing rooster at dawn when she wants but won't cry when there's someone checking up on her. She's a clever one I say, knows how to use the maids as she wishes already!"

"That's good..., we feared she would cry herself hoarse. I've heard so much about those sorts of babies."

"Well it's a little early to say but our eldest Rosalia has been no trouble with that thus far. No issues in the middle of the night either, sleeps a good deal along with the rest of us, all the girls can attest. But my lady... it is good for a child to be a little noisy."

Mother trembles a little as she holds me even tighter. I have plenty of cushion on me but that could hurt you know? I try to baby talk my adorable nonsense to snap mother out of her thoughts and loosen her hold on me. All that comes out are awkward cooing crying sounds though, at least it sounds cute?

"Yes, yes it is a good thing. Thank goodness you're healthy little one. If not for my own weakness then perhaps Lilyanne wouldn't have to suffer so much."

I wonder how young my mother really is, she hardly looks a day over 20. Of course, she's not that far off in age, I think.  Women seem to marry and have families early in this place don't they? It's very silly of her to blame herself especially after the birth and I make my opinion known by smacking her where I can reach.

"Well would you look at that, she's comforting you M' Lady."

"Oh ho ho ho I suppose so. As expected of Frederick's child, I really should know better."

It was at that moment another babbling crying noise echos my own, coming straight from the cradle.

"Oh dear, my Lilyanne woke up!"

"Looks like she wants to play. She's your child after all, it's only natural that she would want to join where the festivities are."

Another of mother's maids makes to bring over the cooing bundle and places her down the crook of mother's free arm.


Ah, it's the first time we officially meet in this life Lilyanne. It's a little nonsensical isn't it?

"Geee heheh bewh!"

She's seemingly so excited, completely innocent like this.

I knew it, it's only me that remembers anything, only me that's weird. In front of me is a completely normal baby, barely a couple of weeks old. I can't help but give in, just like the me of before.

Hello, I'm your older sister Rosalia.... let's get along from now on.

"She's never been this energetic before!"

Mother exclaimed in excited shock.

"Of course they would be glad to see each other. They've been together all those 9 months and suddenly they're separated. It doesn't do to separate twins if you can help it."

Everyone good naturedly agrees with the words of mother's head maid. I don't remember any of those 9 months but I have a lot more than that. A hell of a lot more time.

"Aba! goo!"

No matter how I react or what babble sound I make. Lilyanne seems to love it. She doesn't seem to understand me of course but why not try?

Remember to drink lots of milk Lilyanne. To get as big and strong as me you must eat properly!

I babble and make awkward hand and head motions but she tries to follow along to it diligently. Is this the rumored twin telepathy? She repeats my motions with some difficulty but does them none the less, then laughs in response. A very good try.

"Look how the little one copies after her older sister! It's so precious."

"My lady, try feeding the children now. Perhaps if Lilyanne sees Rosalia nurse well she'll do the same."

"What a good idea!"

The maids chirp excitedly, especially the ones who have been attending to mother and Lilyanne this whole time.

While mother pulls down the top of her generous dress, Lilyanne seems more interested in me than the food. Touching but mealtimes are important you know? I instruct her in our strange baby babble language.

You should know this already but aim and drink up, closing your eyes is optional.

As I follow through on my motions I watch to see her copy me though it's slow.

In the next moment though, I come to understand completely why she's been throwing up all this time.


Bland! Flavorless! Like drinking warm dish water! No wonder Lilyanne's been spitting out her feedings! I struggle to not immediately spit it out myself and start to gesture cry towards my wet maids.

Get over here and feed us properly!

While others may be confused I believe have my maids well trained on feeding time. They're quick to understand my communication skills.

"It appears she's just too used to the nursemaids. My deepest apoligies M' Lady."

They make to take me away but I stubbornly grab on to Lilyanne. She's starving over here, I refuse to leave her like this.

The real baby here, however, is happier over getting a hug and clumsily clings back to me like an excited monkey. I make the motions to feed towards said monkey sister.

Eat! Feed! Feed her!

"...Lady Maria, may I?"

While confused my mother allows a nursemaid to carry us both up, only then did I relent and release the monkey child. After fighting her giggling hug off I repeat my feeding instructions babble to Lilyanne.  This time the change is instantaneous. Her watery eyes light up and she immediately starts drinking greedily.

There are excited gasps resounding around the room in response.

Since I had plenty earlier I am now just encouraging her good eating habits. That's it Lilyanne, eat up! Mother's milk was just not fit for drinking was it? It must have been hard on you.

She giggles and sinks in happily into her first good meal and I mentally pat myself on the back for a job well done. I'm so glad to be a help and crossing off the first step in improving Lilyanne's condition that I hardly pay any mind to the laughing maids trying to comfort an awkwardly depressed mother.

"The problem was with me the whole time?"

She's practically making the T_T face.

It's okay mother, as long as you know now.


Okay seriously, good night now :P

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