I was born the Unloved Twin

CH 69: Old gossip, still relevant

I'm being punished.

I'm being confined.

I've been grounded and I can't escape.


I know it's really no big deal to ground a toddler. Most of them don't do anything and really shouldn't be out. For example my lovely little Lilyanne.

But this is me we're talking about.

Apparently, it's not punishment enough to leave me alone on my own. The possibility of me sneaking out is too high, if not absolutely expected.

How dare they figure me out so quickly before I can even act? What happened to the 'ignore Rosalia' part of this sad act?

Oh yeah, me. I messed that up already.

It's not like any of the maids can ever catch me and Ms. Gerta is too busy to bother with me. I'm doomed if she catches me though, I still recall the ear pulling. As long as I can avoid Ms. Gerta I'm in the safe.

The rest of the staff are too used to seeing me around. They won't stop me, not really. Not if they want to keep using soap or have new additions to their daily meals. Aren't I just absolutely deplorable? Absolutely evil.

Well, our head butler Alfonso hasn't stopped me yet so obviously I must be allowed this much leverage power. I don't think I'm anywhere near the original goods level of spoiled but let's not get anywhere near that point.

It's odd though, I consider myself very well behaved. Much more so than the original goods. Yet she was never called spoiled by her family, well actually I don't think she was ever bothered with.

I, however, due to messing with the timeline, get chidings and head shakes.

Right now I'm in the jaws of the big boss, mother. I may be able to sneak through rafters and occasionally parts of the walls but this mansion is her domain. If mother says I'm grounded then I am grounded, locked away in her parlor.

"Darling spoils our eldest far too much! I thought papa would do something when he said he would talk with her but I fear he's just encouraging her. Yes, it's far too dangerous whenever they're together."

"But Lord Frederick-"

"Is a fool, a terribly handsome fool and he knows what he's done! I will not have him step foot near my parlor!"

"But my lady you were so anxious for his return and-"

"And nothing! Not a foot! Or whisper from him! Why should I allow him to see me and my children when he's always running off...from me....yes not a strand of his hair is to be seen of him. That's fair."

To the maids and immediate guards, mother has instructed me on lockdown. I am grounded! the oddest part is that I'm not allowed to see father at this time? Or rather father isn't allowed to see us.

Grampa is also in the gray zone.

Apparently they also spoil me? When did that ever happen? More like torture me!

Grampa is too obvious and I'm still growing out my red chicken hair from father. Aren't they just big weird bullies? The tools I commission for father to design and produce are but small compensation for my emotional pain and suffering. So what if I get distracted by him farm nerding or wheel making, it's productive to my plans. And give the poor sap a break with the occasional bar visit, man his age never visited a tavern till this year. Do more research for me!

But them "spoiling" makes me dangerous?

Whatever is that supposed to mean?!

So thus it is boring solitary confinement time. No father to pester into creating stuff, no kitchen nightmares to conduct, not even a wild grampa to entertain me. No, actually grandpa committed an even worse sin!

He stole my cookie dealer.

Just showed up out of nowhere, grabbed Amar by his tiny waist and hopped away going.

"This one first, number one down!".

Just what?

Grampa can we not be vaguely kidnapping people? Children? With no explanation! I know I said we should return the kid but that was before the cookies. I haven't figured out where he hid his stuff yet! What if he took it with him!?!

The boy was also hiding Turkish delights! He has gel candy! Who knows what else I could have squeezed out of him!?!

Hey hey hey what do you people use in place of corn starch? We don't have corn here! What is it?! How do I make my own gummy candies? Sugar is expensive, what sweeteners were used in these godly sweet things? I haven't gotten pistachio or sesame seeds from him yet how am I suppose to start my supply farm? What else did you bring back!?!

And now I won't get to know because I've been grounded and locked away. I can't hunt down and interrogate anyone when I'm the prisoner.

"Rosalia dear I truly don't understand why you insist on using the word 'grounded'. Where does it come from in your little head? "

Mother looks at me concernedly from her place on the couch. It's a pretty thing, with it's curved legs and floral patterns, but needs a great deal more cushions and pillows to be comfortable.

Thus I have taken the liberty of gathering every pillow I could find to make myself a pillow fort.

I am a child now ok. I am allowed this much.

"Rosa gwonded!"

"Yes Lilyanne, I am grounded. This is my jail and I must stay in here until my sentence is up!"

Lilyanne does not understand a word I say but her happy clapping is a lovely response none the less. She is still now allowed in here lest she destroys my fort. It's actually a lot of effort to balance these shitty pillows.

"Where do you learn such odd things if not from Papa or darling? Well I suppose it's also my fault for allowing it. " chides mother.

So essentially my nondesirable personality is being blamed on grampa and father for being bad influences? I can live with that for now. It's not like she's wrong, they are pretty awful adult figures.

Speaking of father though...

"Mother? Did you receive the souvenirs father brought back for you yet?"


"You know, the gifts! Father and I spent a long time thinking of them for you!"

"....Did you mean Rosalia darling...this lovely...basket...of vegetables?"


Despite her tone, mother must appreciate the token of affection to some extent because she has it placed on a column like one would place a vase of flowers. It really is a well-loaded basket of autumn vegetables, full of color and deliciousness. I would love it if someone gave me something like that.

But mother is obviously not me and I swear I told father that. Most women like flowers and pretty shit. Besides, this isn't what we discussed!?! I specifically said to give her something pretty and sentimental!

"Um....we...picked each and every plant? At least father did....he also....washed them himself?"

"....I see."

Does that help? Or make it more romantic? It's the sentiment that counts right?

Oh forget it we're screwed, father has failed at romancing mother into forgiving me. Hell he needs all the luck to save himself.


No sane man gives his wife a bouquet of vegetables, though it is quite practical and lovely in my personal book. Look at those dark leaves, and the gourds are wonderful this time of year, and the detail on those tied nuts. But we're not wooing me now are we?!?

Damn that nerd of a father! His only good attacks towards mother are in his appearance but that's useless when he's been banned! How did mother, with her pick of suitors, ever marry this sort of strange man in the first place?

Wait... will that sort of topic distract her? Maybe if I'm lucky I can redirect her 'anger' towards father enough to distract my next rounds of escape.

"Mother, I'm very sorry father was too inconsiderate of you. He didn't mean anything bad but you know how he is- actually...'mama'?"

Yes, I'm using that attack. It somewhat works in softening mother but her guard is still up.

"Yes Rosa dear."

"Mama how did you and father get together in the first place?"

"Mama an Papa?! Wuv Papa n Mama!"

Our combined voices has mother rising to a blush. Yes isn't that a precious moment, the first time your children ask for your love story! Seriously though, they're such a stupidly lovely dovey couple, even when she's mad at him.

Can't deny I'm kinda curious how it works.

"You must have had a lot of men who wanted to marry you~ People who would bring you flowers over vegetables. Why our papa?" I tease.

Certainly, it must take true love, or a very specific fetish for red headed nerds, for a lady like mother to be in so deep for father. Look how she blushes like a maiden that never gave birth to two children. To be fair he looks very dashing most days, but that rude mouth of his!

How did a lameo rich boy and seduce the Maria Ventrella, who was likely the most desirable woman of her time?

"Wuv papa?" repeats Lilyanne, already swooning in her diapers. Ah little girls and their romance stories.

"Oh, of course, I love your papa, he's....well I wouldn't choose anyone really. Wouldn't want anyone else."

"Even if they bring you flowers or jewels like they're supposed to?"

"Yes...yes my sweet, even if they brought me all the pretty flowers, dresses or jewels. They're empty...as pretty as they are they mean nothing beyond their initial beauty. Besides I can get those easily on my own."

That you can mother, for I have seen your shopping habits. How dare a man to assume to get you something when your tastes are already top of the line. Father never had a chance.

"But then how did father win?"

"...He didn't win anything my dear."

"But how did he win your hand in marriage then? If no one could woo you with gifts, how did you choose him? Don't tell me it really was vegetables that got you?"

Mother goes mute, and possibly redder than father's auburn hair has ever been. What's there to be shy of? You already made two kids together, given they were born at the same time.

Wam bam done, no need to be such a blushing maiden after all this time. You've been married for quite a while by now no?

"I...I didn't....you don't....my dear little birds, you don't get to choose who you fall in love with. You can make all the lists and check them off but, it's the heart that wants what it wants."

"Oh so you didn't want father?"

Wow won't he be devasted to hear that? Can't wait to tell him. It's going to make a hilarious face. Take that as my revenge father! Of course, I'm not worried about their marriage being impacted, they're already gross enough as it is.

"Of course I wanted your father, you all wouldn't be here if I didn't." mother chuckles wryly.

She looks at Lilyanne and I fondly, like how one would look at their dear children. Which we are, or at least Lilyanne is. When she pats both of our hair she sighs in a self-satisfied manner, a little dreamily and a lot like a contented cat.

"Your papa didn't win anything, I did. I won the best prize and now I get to live my life here, with my beloveds."

"Mama win... papa?" repeats Lilyanne slowly, as if comprehending something new.

"Mmmm out of everyone else I saw your papa, really saw him, and wanted only him. Only him. As if the word was dull and only he was in color. And out of everyone else, I beat them to your papa's heart. It wasn't exactly easy but the rest is history, we got married and now are living happily ever after."

Lilyanne giggles and coos at how prettily mother beams, like a blooming flower. Sweet but I'm getting goosebumps at the rosy atmosphere.

"But why would you want ...him?" I grimace.

If I put myself in mother's shoes, his only good visible good points are his looks and his well-established family background, maybe his work competency.

Ok a lot his work competency, a deadbeat man is a no good man. I'm pretty sure he's back in court today after being scolded and banned by mother. Get that paperwork pile done!

Mother wiggles my nose in an annoying but not painful way that gets me pouting.

"Don't be so mean about your papa. Oh dear, this may be why he's so fond- you're exactly the same in how you speak."

"Ewww I do not!"

"Did Lilyanne get these eyebrows? Lily dear can you scrunch up your face real quick? Copy your sister's funny face dear, just so mama can see."

I huff and puff in silence as Lilyanne giggles and laughs cutely. Even when she makes a funny attempt at an angry face it's super cute. For one, I do not scrunch my face! And two, we're identical but there's no way Lilyanne resembles our gross father. She's a little angel!

Thus I do not know what mother is talking about. Lilyanne doesn't have father's eyebrows but I supposedly do? We're identical! Except maybe our hair but I can fix that....over time. Give me a winter okay?

What a strange and delusional woman, well it can't be helped when you're directly related to grampa.

Mother sighs with a sweet smile, as if she's used to this, as she smooths out my not at all scrunched up forehead.

"Your papa isn't so bad...he's not very good at sincere words...and he's not the smoothest of gentlemen...but he's real. He's a real genuine person... He loves what he does and actually takes the steps, and work, towards what he wants. Doesn't complain...even when he should. He works terribly hard, even if he isn't noticed for it. He's awfully kind, so much so that when you realize it, it's such a shocking gap from his words that you feel like falling over...."

Okay that's enough, reaaaaally now mother that's enough. I get it already. You somehow love him faults and all. Geez talk about being a gross couple.

I mean good for them, yay for romance and marriage for love, we need more of that in the world. But I'm literally seeing hearts and roses bloom out of nowhere and I'm not the right sort of person to enjoy this. Maybe the awed silent Lilyanne.

Father take me back to the drawing room or the farms, anything! We can even talk about beans and butter! This is too gross for me!

"And he likes me...from before darling actually liked me for me. How could I not want such a lovely fool? How could I leave him to be snatched by another woman who wouldn't see or appreciate all his kindness and wonderful little traits behind it all? Such a foolish boy, if I didn't snatch him up he would have obediently married whoever that awful hag arranged for him."

"Wait wait wait, father had an arranged marriage!?! Really?!"


"And you stole him away? Oh that's gooooood."

"Mama stowe papa? wuv?"

"Yeaaaah, she loved papa so much she stoooooole him. Ohohoho how juicy."


Our giggles resound in the parlor room and mother can only blush in the truth she just has spoken out.

I didn't really expect such a thing from my lady like mother but I can actually see that. She's vicious enough when she wants to be. So father is the one that got swept off his feet huh? Interesting.

Oh well, lucky guy. Wonder what good merits he gathered in the last life to score Maria Ventrella?

"Oh I do so hate arranged marriages, I hope your father knows what he's doing by setting up a business one for you. They rarely end well, even with all his terms and conditions set up."

"Don't worry mama, it will end well for me! I just won't get married!"

"Well if you say so dear, don't let the other side hear that sort of talk. Oh you're far too young to even have to be thinking of these things....but you are like your papa so."

"Rosa wik papa!"

"Lily take that back, no bad. Bad thinking. I am not like him in any way at all. Anyways mama, back to you~ If you worked so hard to steal father, why are you so mad at him now?"

You can't just bring a dog home and then leave it there, that's not how it works. You can ignore the pitiful puppy all you like but once you actually pick up the dog you actually have to commit yourself to it. Given I don't think marriage is actually like raising a dog but hey, I died single.

What do I know?

Nothing. I don't know anything about relationships or love, in any of my lifetimes. Maybe I got teased a bit as my other self but really I got nothing.

So maybe I'm enjoying the relationship gossip with mother, just a little. Guess I still have a maiden's heart after all. Darn, I was hoping it had hardened into a splendid badass by now. Well, I can still do that too.

Even when mother looks mad, she still looks lovely. Actually, at this point, she doesn't look all that mad, more hot air than anything. Actually she even looks a little, shall I say, sad and downtrodden.

"Because...your father knows how much I don't like being left behind...and he's been doing it quite often lately. He of all people knows."

".....Huh? What?"

I'm at a lost here, mother doesn't like being left behind? That's weird, given that she's the one who insists on staying back.

"But father was busy lately with the farm and village improvements. They're really good plans. He's even building a bridge and improving the connecting roads to promote travel to the aging villages. And he still had to do his court work."

"I know! I know darling is busy and he's doing great and important work to help so many people!"


Lilyanne and I both look on confusedly. If she knows then why complain? She could always go with him if she's so upset about being separated.

"I know....I know it's selfish, selfish to want him to choose me."


"In the future....you will understand. Oh I hope you girls won't have to understand, won't have to be put into the situation where you will learn to understand. It would be best if you only had to be beautiful little fools."

....Now what is that supposed to mean? I may like to joke but I am no fool. Maybe Lilyanne?

Wait wait no we let her stay naively foolish the last time and that turned out awful, how about no. Let's raise a wise little girl who can think for themselves please, oh please. I don't think I can juggle everything and look out for a foolish Lilyanne 24/7. She's vulnerable enough as it is!

"That's silly mother, of course he's already chosen you. You're already married."

"...I hope you never have to understand this feeling my sweet. To never want so badly for someone to choose you, to fight for you. It's an awfully deep pit to fall in."

"How silly."

"Yes, yes my Rosa, it is very silly."

She holds my sister and I close and somehow her breasts don't suffocate me this time.

Her thinking really is silly, of course I know what that feels like. I'm Rosalia, the ghost girl. The only difference between mother's line of thought and mine is that I've already given up long ago. No one will choose me. Not even if Lilyanne wasn't in the picture.

So I have to choose myself, again and again. I have to work towards the life and safety I want. That's enough. I'm enough. Silly past Rosalia, she just had to love and choose herself once in a while instead of sacrificing all of herself till she had nothing left.

Mama is the one who doesn't understand. She has all this love and always has, she even has a pretty dumb nerd still gaga over her.

"Father has always chosen you, I don't get it. Even if the vegetables look lame, he really did pick them all out carefully and saves the best ones for you. Did you know he got dirt under his nails? He was so excited over showing you each thing he picked, it's really dumb....but sweet I guess."

They're not pretty bouquets or sparkingly jewels but, he really does care. Maybe I'm just an inexperienced sap but, doesn't something simple but chosen with heart mean more? Eh but I'm a weirdo who actually likes vegetables, what do I know?

"Yes, yes I suppose he did."

Mother chuckles softly, her eyes showing a new appreciation over the vegetable basket. As she should, these are fine specimens.

Perhaps I can now turn things around. Woo mother on father's behalf. These veggies just need some better PR, a little more descriptions...okay a lot. Sure this would be easier with flowers but I can work with what we built up so far.

And by that I mean I will just throw father under the bus, just straight out embarrass him. Mother likes those kind of stories right? I sure do.

"Father threatened the local wildlife for those acorns, said it was for his wife."

"Oh dear how gallant."

"And he slipped and fell on some ice gathering the silver beets, just slid right out of the field."

"Oh that's darling, Frederick skates so wonderfully."

"...father failed to run away over three times from the pumpkin patch and then sacrificed me to a great food fight that resulted in a lot dead birds."

"Yes, he always does have a back up plan for his back up plans. It's very foxy of him, how cute! Is that why he calls you pumpkin in addition now?"


Guess what they say is true, love is blind.

"Pumkin! pummmkkkkin!" claps Lilyanne, reaching for the strangely colored squash.

"....well at least Lilyanne likes it."

Go Lilyanne, your turn to convince mother. Use your natural cuteness!

It prompts mother to get up and bring over the vegetable bundle for Lilyanne to grasp and play with.

"I like it just fine if it's something darling has given me. Even if I don't I'll just have to- I made that poor fool marry me after all." mother chuckles a little self depreciatingly, watching as Lilyanne rolls and pats squash.


"Oh my Lilyanne, be careful my sweet."

But it's too late, and my baby sister had toddler style bulldozed the basket, tipping it over and spilling a few of the items out. What a mess! Squash isn't really meant to be squashed! Not till they're in the kitchens.

But then something delicately pink and very not vegetably catches my eye.

"Huh...mother what's that?" I make to point.

After making sure Lilyanne was unharmed and sufficiently squash free did mother gingerly take a handkerchief to fish up a small slim delicately wrapped thing.

"Oh that fox! That's just like him!" she exclaims, not really sounding all that angry.

A present inside that basket! Yes! Yes! Father don't fail me now! It is very small though, maybe I shouldn't get my hopes up too high for that nerd.

The waxy pink paper crinkles a bt as it unfolds. Out comes a letter, or two, along with a delicate wooden comb.

It's obviously the comb that catches our attention first. The wood was a dark mahogany color and obviously well oiled and shined, but it was the bouquet of carvings that adorned it that truly made the wood stand out. What a beautiful thing!

Yes this is such a sentimental vanity item that would please mother!

However...the swirling circular style of the carving is awfully familar....and as I look closer, the teeth of the comb aren't as professionally even as it could be. Oh no don't tell me....

That damn sappy nerd.

Oh please tell me it worked because I feel queasy just thinking about this sap.

If I thought that was bad, the letter that unfolds from mother's hand, breaking father's usual wax seal is even worse.

It's awful- oh god the letter. It's so cheesy I'm dying and I'm not even lactose intolerant! Did that shitty nerd really write this?!? Pictures! Oh god he included hand drawn illustrations?! Is that sunset? The building bridge...and flowers? Wait...is that... is that me dying by pumpkin tossing?!

But the contents, the words- oh ew ew ew.

I'm choking out of sheer cringe- get this gross couple away from me! They're too fluffy Imma die!

But it causes tears to well up and drip down mother's lovely face. She stretches her hands up, far away as if her tears would stain the paper that the letters were written on.

"Oh Frederick- oh no what do I do? Oh no- I have to fix this, I have to see him! Immediately! But but-the girls, oh but-and he's not even here! Oh Frederick darling I'm sorry!"

Mother looks frantically around, back and forth, her teary eyes looking around and then between Lilyanne and I, debating on her options.

Blessed be Lilyanne, for ignorance is bliss. Girl can't read, literacy and comprehension is my curse.

I'm still dry heaving from the diabetic grossness. No one needs to see their parents be so lovey dovey, no one. Especially not in letter form.

Oh my god what is father? A Jr. High student?!? Mr. Fitzwilliam Darcy?! What's with this shit!? This isn't the nerd I know!

In the mess that was it all, a miracle occurs. A miracle appears to save us, to save me.

"How about I take the girls, just for a bit? How does that sound buttercup?"

"Oh Gable! My dear blessed angel Gableeee! Gabey I messed it all up again- Frederick darling must be oh so terribly hurt by me all this time! Gaaaabey, I'm so sorrrrrrrry" sobs mother, running head first in the arms of my savior, standing perfect and almost glowing as ever.

"It's alright Maria, this isn't so serious. Nothing at all. It's not love or marriage without a few spats here and there- it shows you still care."

"Gaaaabbbeeey, Freeeedddddieee, Frederick *hic* tries so hard and *hic* and I *hic* I was selfish again and did the thing I said I wouldn't. I took *hic* my sweet darrrrllling for granted! *sob sob sob*."

"There there buttercup, you're only human. What's important is what you do after you figure out your mistakes. Besides, that awful boy made you feel lonely now didn't he?"

"Noooooo I did it myself *sob sob* I said *hic* I would tell him *hic* and not hold back *hic* like with papa waaaahhhh *hic* and now I've hurt him!"

"And so would we, if he ever hurt you. To which he did but I suppose this time, I won't tell your papa- it seems like it was a mutual misunderstanding between you two."

"Gaaaabey why *hic* do I always messss up! WHy do I always huuuurt others."

"Shhhhh because that's what people do, they hurt each other even when they don't mean to. Even when they love one other with all they have, because then it hurts even more, when you care."

"I'm sooooooorrrwwwwwyyyyyy *hic hic*."

Hey hey hey why does the grown woman get to be cradled in his strong arms and soothed with sweet comforts? I think I need it more after what I've been forced to put up with. Mother! Share Gable!

It's not at all suspicious how he just suddenly appeared out of nowhere at the right moment that mother needs a babysitter. But here he is, funny right?

"It's not me you should be apologizing to buttersweet, go to him. Go to your husband, you're not to wait and moan till nightfall for his return. That's not my Maria. "


"Leave the girls to me, they'll be in just fine in my care. "

With that mother's tears halt, and a determined set to her eyes and chin takes place. She nods, scooping us up from the floor and hands us over gently to Gables waiting arms.


"My sweets, be good for Gable now yes. Don't cause him any trouble Rosa, don't worry or cry Lily, mama will fix things up with papa very soon!"

"We'll be fine buttercup- go now, while you still can."

Even with armfuls of two toddlers, he manages to smoothly press his head down against mother's, easily accepting her wet cheek and forehead kisses.

"Yes! Yes oh thank you Gabbey dear, Gable my star, my light and guide, thank you~ GUARDS! BRING ME DAMASK. WE SET RIDE NOW!!!"

And as seemingly quick as Gable magically appeared, mother runs off, taking the hand-carved comb and sappy letter with her.

Well that was....dramatic. I'm pretty sure father was coming home tonight after court anyways? What's the rush?

Ah that was too tiring of an encounter. At least I've escaped mother in the best way possible! With Gable! I'm so happy to sigh with relief and lean back that I don't even question it when he mutters to himself.

"Number two done, good to go."


Hi mama Maria, we haven't seen you in a while? Besides when you ground Rosa that is, wow way to overcompensate. Escape Rosa, escaaaaape!!! Ah but she's still learning how to be a mom herself. Just bc you have kids doesn't mean you're fully grown up or know it all.

I know some of ya'll out there are waiting for romance- so here you go. Have some already established sappiness to our canon parentals. To which our MC calls gross, oh so very grossssssss. Her parents are too gross, she can't handle it. Especially papa Frederick. 

Psssst Rosa- I don't know if you can tell but you're a farm nerd too. Not to sound 'gross' but I think her father's wooing methods are very effective on Rosalia.(that's why he's so 'gross' Whooo vegetable bouquet!

Also who enjoys Grampa Ron&Gable w/ their bad mission impossible? Till next time~

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