I Was Called A Demon

Arc 2: Chapter 12

Bianca had never been particularly enthusiastic about going to the gym, a fact that was helped by how she never tended to gain weight. Whether it actually went to her boobs was hard to say, seeing as she had a mostly consistent diet prior to appearing in Xi Village, but she had never really been overweight, not even slightly.

As such, the most exercise she had previously received consisted of the occasional PE lesson, a brief workout done at home or in her dorm room, or sex – the last one was most common, and she didn’t even sleep with Lia that often. She had never really pushed herself to the limits, nor had she imagined that she ever would. There had simply never been much reason to do it, and even now, when the kitsune offered to direct her, she imagined it would only be to the point of getting sweaty.

‘Like Roz had offered, actually…’

Turns out, the kitsune had been very, very literal about draining her dry before they started, just not in a way that Bianca might have preferred.

Simply recalling the things she had to do made her even more exhausted, so she was all too happy to forget the specifics. Instead, she lay on her back in one of the smaller structures in front of the Ghostflame Temple, at once feeling nothing beneath the neck and experiencing all of the tiredness and aching from pushing herself to the limits, and seemingly even beyond.

Now, she was at Xue Yaling’s mercy, as the kitsune was certainly more tired than usual, but still mobile and energetic. The only obvious sign of the workout was the sweat covering her body, a thick, sticky layer complete with numerous large droplets that travelled down her skin.

In whatever small room they had ended up in – the first few minutes after Bianca almost dropped dead from exhaustion remained blurry, even when they no longer concerned exercise – Xue Yaling sat by her side, her soft hands massaging Bianca’s thighs, relieving the ache within her muscles just a little bit. However, each time her hands slid up her legs, they reached ever closer to Bianca’s groin, teasing her more and more with every moment.

“S-Surely this isn’t a good time to do this, right?” she asked, struggling to do anything beyond simply complaining.

“It’s a perfect time. You’re tired and all worn out, so now you need something to soothe all those aches in your body,” Xue Yaling replied with a smile, “Now, I’ve never actually done something like this before, but I see no particular reason why a good climax or two won’t make you feel much, much better.”

‘I… I don’t recall enough about biology at the best of times, so I don’t have a clue if she’s right…’

It didn’t sound right, but at the same time, she could hardly resist such an offer – both due to her current weakness, and her inability to resist the allure of a good time.

Thus, with nothing to stop her, the massage was slowly done, and Xue Yaling moved on, though not to her nether lips. Instead, she straddled Bianca’s waist and leaned down to her chest, softly grabbing both breasts and groping them gently. She squeezed and kneaded Bianca’s soft flesh, her sweaty and sticky hands feeling cool against Bianca’s hot skin. Just as before, Xue Yaling teased her at first, staying away from her nipples, even as they grew hard from arousal and the kitsune’s attention.

“I figure I should have asked before I had marked your bed and all that, but… you have a sensitive nose, don’t you?”

“Huh?” Bianca’s attention had been entirely focused on the hands touching her boobs, so it took a moment for her to catch up to the conversation, “I, uh… yeah, it’s quite sensitive… I had some trouble sleeping after that…”

“So, how are you feeling now? Two sweaty girls, shut in a small room without much ventilation… Is this kind of situation to your liking?”

She didn’t want to admit it, but…

‘Yes, yes it is.. it is so to my liking… I only wish Xue Yaling had gotten sweatier than I have, since I’m kinda overwhelming everything…’ Bianca’s cheeks almost certainly went red, since the kitsune grinned as she stared into her eyes, almost seeming to gaze into her mind and peer at her most intimate – and lewd – thoughts.

“Hm… I have a few ideas. Since you don’t seem to be especially vocal at the moment, just make sure to show your disinterest in other ways if some don’t appeal to you. I wouldn’t want to displease you…”

It seemed impossible for her to do such a thing, and Bianca might have said as much if she had the energy or, more importantly, the time to present her opinion. As soon as Xue Yaling finished talking, she placed her hand on the back of Bianca’s head and lifted her up, bringing her close to her armpit. For a moment, she wasn’t sure what the kitsune intended, but the realisation hit her alongside the pungent scent of sweat, seemingly intensified a thousand times from what she had been perceiving before.

Her attention focused onto Xue Yaling’s armpits, which were shaved, much like the rest of her body, and yet the scent had built up there nonetheless, flooding Bianca’s senses and utterly overwhelming her mind.

“That’s gotten a reaction out of you… Babe, you might have descended from a non-human with a nose like that,” the kitsune was speaking with a grin, as usual, though Bianca’s attention never shifted from the source of the overwhelming musk, “I’d offer to mark you in a certain way again, but before that… Want to give it a taste? A small lick, maybe?”

How could she ever refuse? Bianca had rarely indulged her scent fetish to such an extent before, typically content to spend a moment sniffing some part of Lia’s body before, during or after they slept together, and continued behaving in a similar manner with Song Ming after arriving in this world. She hadn’t been expecting to find another sexual partner so soon, but Xue Yaling managed to constantly surprise her in her sexuality and forwardness. Even though she might well have more familiarity with sex in a theoretical sense – all the porn she’d watched amounted to something, at least in this regard – it was clear that the kitsune was significantly more experienced and mature.

One day, perhaps, she’d be able to match her pace and take some modicum of control in times like these, but for now, she was content to go along with anything Xue Yaling suggested.

“Ah…” she stuck out her tongue, briefly glancing up into the kitsune’s eyes, spotting the delighted expression on her face.

“I love that look on you. No wonder Li Cheng likes… no, never mind that,” Xue Yaling shook her head slightly, “Come on, get in there and have a taste. I’ll make sure that you don’t need to worry about anything…”

True to her word, she pulled Bianca in closer. In a daze, the young woman reached out a little further with her tongue and managed to lick up just a slam amount of sweat.

It almost burned her tongue – not due to its warmth, though that was also outstanding – due to the strong, salty flavour. Her poor, delicate taste buds were assaulted by the overwhelming taste, but all it did was ignite the flames within her loins, a layer of arousal adding to all the sweat that was already coating her groin.

Mustering the little strength she did regain, Bianca leaned in closer and lapped up the kitsune’s sweat, relishing every drop even as it clouded her mind, focusing all of her attention on this single task. Perhaps it would be fine if this was the rest of her life from now on, just satisfying each and every one of her perverse dreams and fetishes and forgetting all about the unfortunate difficulties of life, especially those that appeared since her arrival in the Planar Continents.

Of course, there was a limit to how much thinking she would allow the horny side of her to control. She knew that she was just being swept along by it for now, but for all her oddities, Xue Yaling did not show any signs of being malicious. As such, she did little to restrain that side of her, especially while she was having her dreams come true.

Before she knew it, she had licked Xue Yaling’s armpit clean, like some kind of dog. It was a shame to be done so quickly, but when she pulled away and looked the kitsune in the eyes, seeing only those deep black eyes and only a blur around them, she could see a smile within them, promising more.

“It is truly fortunate, now that I think about it.”

“…?” Bianca was curious, but her brain refused to take the effort to figure out why, or what exactly she wanted to know.

“We just happen to meet, and we’re both into one another, we both share a few fetishes, and chances are, that technique of yours will bring me plenty of opportunities to develop my own methods…” Xue Yaling’s voice was filled with unusual warmth, and she even began to stroke Bianca’s hair as she spoke, “I’m tempted to thank the heavens for bringing you to me, though I suspect that they may not be so pleased with my approval…”

Given the serious nature of the topic, Bianca found her head clearing, despite her wishes against it.

“I… I wouldn’t know. All of this stuff… It still makes little sense to me,” she admitted, her voice quiet as she tried not to waste the flavour on her tongue, “No matter how much time I spend here, it feels so new and strange…”

“The heavens? Cultivation? Your fetishes?”

“… The first two. My interests are… kind of obvious.”

“Well, that’s good to know. I recall that you wanted to do some things with my ass, but for now, I’d like to continue the tongue bath.”

That was a much, much simpler matter, so she saw no reason to refuse.

With Xue Yaling’s aid, she was moved to her other armpit, and the cycle of lust, absentmindedness and tongue action. Some of her energy returned by this point, so she went all in, kissing, licking and sucking on the kitsune’s skin, consuming every single drop of sweat she could find.

After a while, she even got cheeky and decided to leave a few marks, a few hickeys on parts of Xue Yaling’s body. The first one got an irritated mutter out of the kitsune, but the rest were placed without incident, though she needed to put in far more effort into it than she might have done had she still been together with Lia, or with Song Ming.

“You’re one cheeky brat, you know that? I’m going to have to punish you for that,” Xue Yaling said.

“Sure,” Bianca replied, planting a quick kiss on the side of the kitsune’s breast, “Just be careful with your fangs.”

“I would never injure you, Bianca… but I am very familiar with leaving my mark… Ancients, my mind keeps coming back to that. Okay, let’s halt this for a moment. I need to be sure of this so that I don’t end up blushing as much as you do, sometimes,” the kitsune said.

“I don’t… well, okay, maybe with you…” as Bianca had to admit defeat on this, she quickly made up for it by gently biting one of Xue Yaling’s nipples, before wrapping her lips around it and sucking on it.

“Oi, stop that!” she protested, but she did nothing to actively stop her, and even continued to stroke her hair and look down on her with a smile, “Really, while I am enjoying this, I want to make certain whether you would be interested in a certain something.”

“Aw… Alright, what is it?”

“It’s about marking…”

“Like, hickeys and the like? I’m alright with it.”

“N-No, that’s not quite it…” Xue Yaling began to blush ever so slightly.

Bianca had to resist cooing and nuzzling up against her cute face, as this was probably the first time she had seen Xue Yaling look like… well, this. She seemed vulnerable and fragile, in a manner that made her youthful appearance very prominent. It gave her a certain unique charm, and made Bianca all the more confident that she wasn’t mistaken in trusting her so far.

“Go on, you can tell me… I’m not sure why, but I feel like I’m not going to be surprised by something more unusual,” she tried to obscure the fact that the internet was filled to the brim with just about anything one could imagine, far beyond anything that was even remotely reasonable, ‘A shame I can’t just admit that, but maybe one day I’ll have cause to ask about her and the world’s attitudes towards those that have come from elsewhere – if they even have one. Maybe it’ll be safe for me to just admit the truth…’

For now, though, she had to keep that fact to herself, and just provide hints towards things that were safer to unveil. Considering she had just spent an unknown amount of time licking up Xue Yaling’s sweat, letting her know that she was a massive pervert wasn’t exactly going to be troublesome.

The kitsune’s ears perked up, she took a deep breath, exhaled, and then looked down, straight into Bianca’s eyes. Both of them being naked, with a red mark near Xue Yaling’s right nipple and a layer of saliva upon it, complicated the mood somewhat, but given that the topic of discussion was most likely an unusual fetish that the kitsune had, it was already challenging to take this all seriously.

“So… marking. Like a… well, like a lesser beast might mark it’s territory.”

“Do you mean… oh. Oh…” Bianca felt rather stunned for a moment, ‘So, a person doesn’t need access to porn in order to come up with this stuff… Kinky.’

“It’s a little odd, isn’t it? Depraved, even…”

“I mean, yes, but… Honestly, my main concern is hygiene. If it was completely clean and safe and all that, then…” she had to turn away as she was starting to blush more than the kitsune again, “I might be up for trying it.”


“Oh, just… it’s not exactly a good idea to, say, drink that type of thing.”

“No, not usually… It’s different for cultivators, however. We’ve already interrupted our fun for long enough, and I can think of plenty of things we can do before braving the unknown beyond,” Xue Yaling’s expression returned to a more familiar calm, “Come here.”

She helped Bianca sit up, though she made sure to keep her position over her.

“Stick out your tongue again.”

Her response was nearly instinctive, as she stuck out her tongue way before her mind caught up to what the likely follow-up would be. Fortunately, she did not need to wait long.

After a moment of looking into her eyes, Xue Yaling’s lips parted and she also stuck out her tongue. It glistened in the light due to the thick layer of saliva covering it, which soon began to drip from the tip, straight into Bianca’s open mouth.

Slowly, a thin strand landed on her tongue, and then more and more followed, forming a sweet pool. It was a very different taste to the kitsune’s sweat, a gentle and sweet one, tempting Bianca to swallow and relish it right away, but she endured until there was enough to fill her tongue and nearly begin dripping over the edge.

Bianca brought her tongue back into her mouth, closed her lips, and let her mouth fill with the fox’s flavour. On its own, it was pleasant enough, but when she looked up into Xue Yaling’s eyes, something about that act made her feel even better, prompting her to rub her thighs together.

“I love it when you look into my eyes like that… Thank you for being such a perfect little flower,” the kitsune kissed the tip of her nose, then moved lower, their lips touching and parting as they joined into a kiss. Tongues tangled and flavours mixed, and all sense of time faded away as they indulged in one another’s company.


When Bianca awoke the next day, she felt great. She was relaxed, her muscles weren’t aching like she had just fallen from a mountain… which happened only three days ago, a fact that she realised all of a sudden, and gasped at.

It felt like she had spent a good month with the kitsune, and yet it was only a few days. In other words, those few days proved extremely eventful, and it was likely that Xue Yaling would continue to make things exciting, something that Bianca certainly appreciated, even if she struggled to keep up with her energy at times.

However, as she sat up in bed and stretched her arms, she couldn’t help but consider what happened prior to arriving here. The events of Xi Village, the harm she’d undoubtedly inflicted upon Song Ming… It was tragic, and she couldn’t help but consider what would have happened had she been able to do something about it. Had she been able to prevent Lin Shuming from convincing everyone else that she was some kind of villain, perhaps she wouldn’t have needed to flee…

‘I wouldn’t have met Xue Yaling this way, at least not right away, but perhaps I would have been able come out here later, with Song Ming or others from the village, and greeted her under better circumstances…’ Bianca sighed, ‘Fuck Lin Shuming. That asshole just had to keep stirring things up… Everyone else was dealing with it just fine before that.’

She glanced at her own hand, and noticed that it was glowing with Dominion’s Light. It was an eerie glow, and the moment she realised it, she forced to fade away.

‘Now that… I think I ought to keep an eye out for this in the future. If I flare up like this again, maybe even Xue Yaling will…’ Bianca shook her head, eagerly discarding the thoughts from her head, ‘No, that shouldn’t happen. It will be fine.’

Although she wasn’t sure if she even believed her own reassurance, it was the best she could do for herself. With this world being what it is, she had nobody else to turn to, and she couldn’t admit anything to the kitsune, so…

Bianca tried to shake the anxiety out of her head again, but it was clear that if she tried too hard, she’d give herself a headache long before accomplishing anything else. Hence, she stood up and got dressed quickly, squeezing into her bra like the day before, and headed outside, intending to get some fresh air and hopefully get something more productive into her head. It tended to work back on Orbis, so there was no reason it wouldn’t work now.

To begin with, as she left the residence, she turned her mind back to the previous day’s happenings. After their kiss, they ended up returning to the bath and having a pleasant time there, though it was somewhat uneventful in comparison to their first bath together.

She had been tired, and Xue Yaling had managed to get exhausted as well. Thus, neither of them wished to continue exerting themselves longer than they needed to. The kitsune certainly wasn’t in a hurry, given the long lifespan she apparently had, and Bianca had no reason to hurry anywhere, so they agreed to return to their activities some other time, ideally when both of them were sufficiently energetic to do whatever they wished for as long as they wished.

Her first stop was in the middle of the five buildings that made up the Ghostflame Grove, all of which were still and quiet.

Xue Yaling was the only one that lived in this place prior to Bianca’s arrival, though it didn’t show. With all the room that was present, and the seeming cleanliness of this place, it felt as if this place was meant for a far, far larger group, and from what the kitsune had mentioned, it seemed like there was originally some other group that lived here. Who they were, or what they did, Xue Yaling never mentioned.

It didn’t really matter to her, though. Unless they returned and took issue with what happened, Bianca would likely never meet with them, so whether or not the departure was pleasant or not wouldn’t change a thing.

Still, although it was quiet and peaceful, it wasn’t quite what she had intended.

‘I recall there being some open spaces amidst the trees. One of those should be a nice place to sit for a while, especially if Xue Yaling is occupied,’ Bianca thought, quickly looking about to check whether the kitsune would make a sudden appearance now that she was awake and walking about, ‘Don’t see anything… Maybe she’s asleep.’

She looked about, considering travelling down the same path she used to get here, but a mere thought of it caused her to freeze up and shiver.

Instead, she figured it would be best to head in a similar yet different direction – instead of the north-west, she opted to go west, through a thicker portion of trees towards a clearing that she could vaguely make out.

The trees were arranged rather densely, but there was just enough space for her to navigate without too much trouble. Very few trees were so close that she couldn’t walk in between them, and even then, she could squeeze past if she didn’t want to take a few steps to the side and proceed just like that. It was simple enough for her to be focusing on other matters, though it took her a brief while for her to catch even a single decent idea.

Bianca contemplated whether it might be wise for her to pick up a hobby or two that hadn’t been of much use back on Orbis. For instance, the various clothes that she had been able to find so far must have been made by hand, so it was feasible that she might be able to produce something that looked decent if she took the time and energy to give it a proper go.

Even if she struggled to make anything she liked, there was always the possibility that she might be able to sell it off to people.

It would allow her to transport some Antanian culture over, and it might allow her to get away from any chance of people distrusting her purely due to her cultivation technique. Of course, she couldn’t discount the fact that she might not be that good at it, and that her ideas for outfits would not match whatever the cultivators of the world were able to come up with. Hence, she might be completely irrelevant in this regard.

Thus did her mind drift to something else that she might be able to bring to the table.

‘Do the people here have sex toys? They are bound to have something, right? I wonder if they have equivalents of the materials used on Orbis…’ Bianca stopped on the spot for a moment, ‘Do they happen to have the weirder stuff? What about lube and stuff like that?’

On one hand, this world had a history of millions of years, apparently. On the other, the modern world likely only had half the stuff it had because of the years of access and spread of internet and porn, leading everyone into pits of degeneracy that people hundreds of years ago wouldn’t have dared to imagine (or would have, but refused to ever bring up).

Even if she had the right ideas, she had no clue how to contribute them, however. There wasn’t an internet to market them, no factories or modern materials to produce them, and she had no knowledge on how it should be done with either Orbis or Planar Continental materials. Furthermore, if she did go into something like this, there would inevitably be those that would find a problem with it as well – like the men that would no longer be able to satisfy their wives – and she would run into plenty of issues on the way, inevitably staining her reputation in some other way.

It was not a perfect solution, even if she had the ability to get started somehow.

‘Not to mention the fact that, after gaining the Demon’s Commanding Rod, getting anywhere near something phallic is just weird…’ Bianca glanced down and immediately had to raise her gaze back up, feeling a shiver go down her spine.

She forced herself to continue walking, and soon arrived at the clearing, finding a large stone placed roughly in the middle. The top was flat, and it looked like a comfortable enough seat for a traveller going past. It was tempting to take a seat and relax, especially as the leaves overhead rustled and trees swayed ever so slightly in the wind. If it was recorded and uploaded, it would undoubtedly find its way into some kind of zen playlist by the end of the day.

However, as she went to sit down, there was a sound in the distance. Bianca turned towards it, and saw the vague hint of a figure hidden behind several layers of bushes and trees, although the green of their eyes stood out from the rest of the scenery.

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