I Was Called A Demon

Arc 2: Chapter 14

Song Ming was conflicted. On one hand, she really, really wanted to believe everything Bianca said, if only because it would make things so much simpler. All of her anger and grief could be directed at the heavens for permitting the tragedy to happen, or towards Lin Shuming for instigating it, and she could just feel safe and comfortable with her.

On the other hand, since she had last met Bianca, her energy had grown even more oppressive and intimidating.

From what she was able to glean, Bianca had gone up several stages since they last met, which would explain why her presence was more oppressive, though there was something else to her that she couldn’t quite place. Perhaps it was something about her appearance, or her aura, or something else entirely, but whatever it was, it made it rather challenging for her to get close without feeling nervous, as if some beast was about to pounce on her.

She knew that Bianca couldn’t be that beast, not even if some of the things Lin Shuming assumed about her was true, but that made it no easier to calm her heart. Still, she didn’t need to do so in order to support Bianca in her cultivation, or, at least, she didn’t think so.

“Um, what am I supposed to do?”

“Just absorb energy and let me handle it. So long as you don’t resist, I should be able to guide it correctly,” the kitsune replied, gripping her hand a little more tightly, “Now, be quiet.”

That seemed a little rude, but given the apparent threat, it seemed like a good idea to hurry things up. She didn’t want to give Bianca up, but even if she did, she would not want to be suspected, captured and potentially killed by one of the sect disciples that would come after Bianca. It would be best if both of them could be safe, and without any threat or rush for them at all…

“Begin, both of you.”

Song Ming began absorbing energy using her cultivation technique, though she failed to match Bianca’s speed. Somehow, she was able to begin nearly instantly, as if Bianca had no need for concentration or effort when employing her technique. It was a little fascinating, really.

For someone in the first realm, Bianca’s rate of energy absorption was impressive, though Song Ming outpaced her easily thanks to her second realm. In a similar manner, Xue Yaling was able to dwarf the both of them, though it mattered less than it might in a different situation as they were all drawing upon the same quantity of energy around them, not separate clusters of it. If they were apart, then Xue Yaling would outpace them even more completely, allowing her to progress at a vastly greater pace than either of them.

That aside, as energy flowed towards them, she could feel the kitsune’s influence latching onto the planar energy she had sought out. It was manipulated and split apart, directed according to some plan Xue Yaling had, and much of it flowed towards Bianca after passing through the kitsune’s primary sphere of influence.

‘Is she going to be able to handle it? She did rise through several stages since we last met, but-’

Her eyes widened for two reasons. The first was that the amount of energy given over to Bianca was rather impressive, to the point that Song Ming feared for the state of her body and meridians, since it should have been beyond what a reasonable cultivator in her stage should be able to handle.

More importantly, however, she was suddenly stuck by a subtle yet prominent feeling that spread around her body. It was a tingling sensation, beginning rather innocently at first, but the longer it continued, the more it made her feel oddly warm. While she attempted to concentrate, she couldn’t quite place the feeling, but as soon as she allowed herself a single thought to ponder it, Song Ming recalled the most suitable comparison.

Lust, and arousal. It was most akin to those feelings and sensations, and yet it originated from nothing more than a cultivation technique.

‘Wait, this is dual – maybe triple – cultivation, so the technique involved is…’ she felt her cheeks heat up as she desperately tried to suppress those thoughts and return her focus to cultivation, ‘Could they… could Bianca have… Why does thinking about this make me feel so strange?’

There was something else, caused by her thoughts, a curious tightness in her chest. If not for Xue Yaling and Bianca’s tight grip on her hands, she might have raised one of them and felt the beating of her heart, in some vain hope of comprehending it, but those two permitted her to maintain the absorption and circulation of her own energy at a barely passable level. It was good enough for Bianca’s aura to rise quickly, and soon step towards the peak of her current stage.

One second, then a second, and then, upon the third, a wave of intimidating energy rushed out, seemingly splashing into Song Ming’s skin like a wave. It felt sticky, in a way, adhering to her form and causing her to feel the oppressive, demonic aura that surrounded Bianca even more than before, and yet the speed with which the breakthrough was reached indicated it might be the first of two or even three waves of a similar nature. As each stage would also amplify Bianca’s intimidating aura, the combination of these factors might well force her to break away from the cultivation session early, even though she would much rather not do so.

“Bianca, attempt to activate that technique,” Xue Yaling said all of a sudden.


“If it works like most techniques of the same type, it should assist in the effective circulation and absorption of energy, and perhaps even make things better for us as well,” the kitsune explained quickly, “If not, well… I’m sure it won’t cause you many problems.”

Bianca seemed to whimper a little – a very odd reaction, even if the topic matched Song Ming’s assumptions – but whatever she did, it seemed to take effect right away. The discomfort became tolerable, and reduced the longer this continued, leaving her to feel only the pleasurable sensations, which grew as more and more energy was pulled in and circulated between the three of them by Xue Yaling’s expert control.

Song Ming’s dantian was also filling with energy, though it was far too slow to achieve any significant progress within a reasonable span of time. Even if more planar energy was directed towards her rather than Bianca or Xue Yaling, it would still take a day or two to break through, though that was only if one excluded the strange glimmering light within her body.

As more and more of the kitsune’s control circulated planar energy throughout Song Ming’s form, the faint power that had awoken when she fought the Treading Earth began to brighten for a second time. It somehow added to her planar energy pool, the white light joining the blue of her cultivation, and although it felt thin and insignificant, it also made her dantian feel full, as if a single strand of light was superior to half of her current pool of energy. Since her attention successfully shifted from more distracting matters, she recalled what Xue Yaling had mentioned.

‘A physique… Perhaps I do have one, but should it be awakening like this? Is this how it normally works?’ Song Ming couldn’t help but question, as she had very limited expose to physiques prior to this point, ‘Where could it have come from? My dad doesn’t… didn’t have one, and my mom…’

Her mother had died due to some kind of illness, a weakness that overtook her body and ended her life at a relatively young age. It was an unfortunate tragedy, and unfortunately, nobody in the village had understood the reason behind it. However, the common sense Song Ming had was that a physique was a strictly positive thing, enhancing one’s powers with minor drawbacks most of the time.

If her mother had a physique, even if it hadn’t been awakened, it shouldn’t have doomed her.

Whatever had happened, she was currently experiencing the benefits of whatever it was that she had. Her cultivation speed had effectively risen by several folds thanks to the glimmering energy, and she managed to match Bianca’s progress to her next stage, to the point that their breakthrough occurred almost in the same instant. Bianca reached her next stage first, and as her energy erupted once more, the sensation was very, very different.

For a moment, Song Ming glimpsed a flash of something within her own dantian, but the following breakthrough completely overwhelmed it.

Along with the usual sensations of her energy growing far stronger, she also felt the familiar glimmering sensation spreading throughout her body, shining through her body and almost illuminating the space around them.

The moment she reached the fifth stage, the discomfort that had already faded prior to this became even less prominent, almost to the point of reaching the inverse. It didn’t quite become comfortable to be near Bianca’s aura, but there was something familiar about it that made it far, far less egregious than before. If everyone had felt that instead of the original, demonic sensation, then even Lin Shuming wouldn’t have been able to turn people against her.

Of course, if that had been the case, then everything would have gone down completely different, so there was little benefit to pondering this matter.

“Tch. As I thought, Bianca is the only one with a strange body,” the kitsune muttered, “I’ll reduce the amount of energy going towards you, Song Ming. However, I can say with near complete certainty that there is a physique glimmering within you, ready to awaken the moment it is given the opportunity.”

“Oh? What is it?” Song Ming exclaimed, as that sounded much better than expected.

“I am not entirely sure. The energy I’ve directed towards you has only been enough to unleash it further, but as I recall witnessing when you pounced on Bianca,” Xue Yaling’s comments made Song Ming blush, especially when her mind went in a slightly different direction, “It seems to awaken on its own every now and then.”


“Wha- Oh, don’t tell me, you too are… Just continue to absorb energy,” Xue Yaling’s voice was filled with the tiredness of many more years than were visible on her face, “Bianca, you… you probably aren’t even listening, but keep going anyway.”

Song Ming took the moment before regaining her focus to glance over at Bianca, and found her sitting with her eyes closed, focusing, presumably upon her cultivation technique. She kept gripping Song Ming’s hand tightly, and her serene expression only made her more appealing to look at. It was a nice break from all of the confusion, shock and dismay that had unfortunately appeared upon her face in the last few times they’d seen one another.

“Song Ming? Focus!”

“Ah, s-sorry…” she forced herself to turn away and bring her thoughts back to the matter of her cultivation, though the more she tried, the more her thoughts returned to Bianca’s face, and her warm touch, and-

‘Stop it! Stop it! Ah, it’s even worse than back in Xi Village! Why…’

She knew she wouldn’t find the answers, so she just tried to focus anyway, trying to remember more and more random facts about cultivation to fill the space that thoughts about Bianca tried to occupy.


As frustrated as Xue Yaling was that Song Ming got distracted over nothing, she couldn’t quite deny that there were several things to be curious over. Song Ming’s physique was one thing, potentially a very significant one, but there was also the influence of Bianca’s dual cultivation technique that she hadn’t quite been expecting.

After witnessing it for the first time – and seeing just how briefly she was able to last – the kitsune had rather low expectations, a fact that she might refuse to admit if she wanted to be nice for once. On the surface, it seemed like her Demon’s Commanding Rod did little more than replicate the capabilities of the dragons, an impressive fact for someone in the first realm especially, but otherwise little more than a convenience for a woman that wanted to penetrate her partner, whether just for fun or for reproductive purposes.

However, there had been something else that she had nearly dismissed at first. Something that she had spotted within the technique, yet almost thought she had imagined.

It was significantly more prominent now, as she broke through alongside another person, something typical of dual cultivation performed by two or more people in similar realms. Although dual cultivation was certainly effective when it came to helping a partner to catch up in realm, it was argued by many that it was intended for two to begin using it from an early point, and work their way up together.

Some sects were very fond of this practise, and referred to people that bonded together and employed dual cultivation as Dao partners, even if the usage of dual cultivation had almost nothing to do with the typical pursuit of Dao comprehension.

Hence, some techniques would show their worth when they were used on similarly matched partners, allowing them to bond and unite in ways that would make those in the Western Continent’s Bai District blush. It appeared that there might have been something similar within Bianca’s technique, as Xue Yaling was distinctly able to feel a wave of energy that washed over her, though its influence was so slight that she was barely able to discern whether it had any effect at all.

That might make it seem like her technique was an ineffective one, but one had to bear in mind that Xue Yaling was two realms over Bianca. Thus, the fact that any effect was present to begin with was impressive. Furthermore, this was clearly not the intended way to use the technique – it granted Bianca a certain rod, yet now it was undoubtedly pent up within her panties, desperately hoping to free itself.

She was extremely curious what might occur if she broke through at the same time as granting Bianca’s little… well, slightly below average dick, relief. It might give the young woman an opportunity to accomplish something beyond getting off, though she wasn’t sure what that would be.

‘To ignore the general theme of her techniques would be foolish, though. Demonic, tyrannical and commanding… there is clearly an archetype of sorts present, though I do not recall a single one that matches it perfectly,’ Xue Yaling thought, ‘Some type of Demonic archetype… Whatever it is, users of the archetype haven’t appeared for a very, very long time, if she isn’t the first. Whether this is a good sign remains to be seen, but there is certainly potential within each and every technique she’d displayed so far.’

The kitsune could feel the energy around them running out, so she drew upon the little that remained and forced it towards Bianca, pushing all of it into her body to make use of her strange attributes.


Bianca would have liked to focus on a whole bunch of things, like figuring out cultivation so that she could try it without relying upon the Demonic Tyrant, but ever since she was told to activate the Demon’s Commanding Rod, her attention was drawn to the summoned ‘rod’ above all else.

It strained the fabric of her panties and throbbed aggressively with her every breath. Song Ming and Xue Yaling’s hands would have typically drawn away some of her interest, but instead it made her even harder down there, undoubtedly causing her to flush. Once she broke through the second time, that sensation became even more unbearable, nearing the intensity of a weak orgasm.

She was amazed that she didn’t moan out loud, but she certainly felt some moisture in her panties at the tip of her magical – in a literal sense – dick.

Then, she felt herself being overwhelmed with energy, her whole body flooding with it to the point that it felt as if there was more of it than her own flesh and blood. It was an odd sensation, but one she barely had the chance to comprehend before all of that energy poured into her abdomen, flooding the dantian and then erupting outwards as she attained the seventh stage, and felt that sensation of arousal yet again.

Even worse, it climbed further up, bringing her to a risky edge, feeling like she might climax there and then, ruining her panties and potentially even the skirt, but it stopped just an instant before that. Song Ming released her hand, and then so did Xue Yaling, and although she was still as hard as she imagined she could get, she wasn’t going to cum just from holding hands.

That would be even more embarrassing than the previous time, when Xue Yaling’s touch was enough. At least there, it was deliberate.


“Song Ming, let me show you around the Ghostflame Temple so that you won’t be lost in case of an attack. I’m sure you know to adjust to your grown realm, so I won’t remind you,” Xue Yaling’s words were akin to a bottle of cool water in a desert, though when she approached and suddenly placed her hand on Bianca’s shoulder, it was very much the opposite.

Her touch was sufficient to make Bianca’s cock jump, and when the kitsune drew near, bringing her lips to Bianca’s ear, her warm breath returned her to that edge.

“I don’t know if you can forcefully dispel that, but if not, I’m sure you can handle it. I’ll occupy your friend for a few minutes,” the grin was prominent in each of Xue Yaling’s words, “Don’t take too long, ‘kay~?”

‘You have to be doing this on purpose! Stop it!’ Bianca exclaimed within her mind, though she had enough sense to keep quiet while Song Ming was standing by, looking at her with confusion on her face, ‘I swear, I’m not going to be using this thing again if I can help it. It’s such a… a… strange sensation! Even more reason not to tease guys about this kind of thing, I guess, though it would almost certainly feel nice to abuse my newfound knowledge a little bit.’

It would still be mean to call out men’s genetic failures, especially when she had gained some experience with them herself, but if she ever found somebody even more aggravating than Lin Shuming, she would certainly be able to let go of a lot of stress with just a few words.

As Song Ming and Xue Yaling walked away, Bianca remained seated until she saw them head into a building. The kitsune would likely be able to keep watching her even after that, but at least there weren’t any eyes directly on her, which would make it far too embarrassing for her to do anything. Even then, the first thought she had was to force her technique to dispel what it had created, since that would remove any need for her to even attempt to touch that… thing. She did not want to come into contact with it, especially now that it had stained her panties.

‘Come on, go away… please?’ Bianca glanced at the Demonic Tyrant, but the panel was, as usual, completely unresponsive, ‘Oh, seriously? What kind of terrible technique is this?’

That question could be applied to many of her techniques, but at least those worked only when she wanted them to, and stopped once she no longer wanted them. If the Demon’s Commanding Rod was so convenient, she wouldn’t mind activating it when she dual cultivated, but alas, it just couldn’t help itself.

‘Still not going away… and still hard. I’d ask how guys deal with this, but I know far too well…’

She got up, being careful to avoid damaging anything by accident, and quickly shuffled off to a place where Song Ming wouldn’t be able to spot her even if she emerged within the next few minutes. Given last time, she didn’t expect to need much more time than that, but she did also want to avoid ruining any part of the Ghostflame Temple in her unpleasant substances, which was kind of inevitable given the nature of her magically-grown appendage.

Once she retreated a short way into the forest again, leaned back against a tree, and raised her skirt, seeing the tent within her panties. The front was wet and stained, and as she pulled the panties down, she witnessed a thick strands of milky white connecting the tip of her dick to her underwear.

It was nothing as thick as her actual cum – she still remembered that from last time – so this was likely precum, something she really, really hadn’t wanted to see anywhere near her own body.

Her length seemed to be similar to what it was last time, and she still had balls that rested against her thighs, unbelievably warm and prominent. Luckily, they were completely hairless, or else they might have bothered her even more than they already did. Instead, it was the rod that jutted out from her groin, the thing that she had so desperately tried to avoid seeing back on Orbis. She could feel it thanks to every faint gust of wind that brushed past the length, which seemed every bit as sensitive as her clit, if not more.

Worst of all, that intense sensitivity and arousal made her want to touch this thing. It was disgusting, and she didn’t that she’d ever change her mind on that, but she couldn’t help herself as she brought her fingers around the shaft.

It was blazing hot, almost burning her fingers, and it throbbed the moment her fingers came into contact with it. She was careful with it, sliding her fingers upwards, and nearly gasped as her foreskin slid over the head, sending waves of pleasure throughout her body. Her balls tensed up, but it wasn’t enough for her to spill her seed, so she brought her hand back down the length, smearing the slick white stuff all over the head of her dick.

‘So unpleasant… and disgusting… and ugly… but fuck does it feel good just to stroke this thing,’ Bianca couldn’t deny it, not in her own mind, especially not as she continued to slide her hand back and forth, stroking her cock with increasing speed, gripping it more tightly after a while.

Somehow, she was able to last for quite a while, leaving her sweaty and breathing heavily by the time she actually neared the edge again.

Her hips bucked and thrust into her own hand, as wishing to fuck the hole that it was offered, and soon her muffled gasps turned to outright moans. Her thrusts, each one made with little more than animalistic instinct, soon grew into her fucking her poor, tight hand, quickly turning it slick with her sweat and precum.

Each and every wet sound her rutting produced reminded her of numerous unpleasant things associated with men, and yet she just couldn’t stop herself, especially not when sweet release was mere moment away. At that point, little more than ending up in front of an actual guy would have been enough for her to stop, and luckily, for all the cruelties of the Planar Continents, such absolute mood – and now, boner – killers were not part of that list.

‘I… I’m…’ she bit her lip as she reached her peak, unwilling to permit her cries of pleasure reach beyond her mind, but that did nothing to stem the tide.

As her balls tensed up, she could feel her seed travel through her length before it shot out in a thick, white rope, splattering onto the grass before her. She gasped as a second round of cum spurted out, landing closer and less full than the first, but then a third and fourth followed, each one weakening in intensity and volume.

By the time she shot out the fifth rope, it could hardly be called that. It was a weak dribble of cum that stuck to her fingers and dripped down to the ground, and signalled the end for both her orgasm and the conjured appendage.

As soon as the last drop spilled from the slit at her tip, the hardness grasped in her fingers vanished, and she was left with only the seed on her hand, and all of the disgusting white stuff on the grass.

‘Hah… hah… F-Fuck. That was way… way too good. Oh, this will be so fucking tempting…’ Bianca brought her hand away and looked upon the unpleasant liquid covering her fingers, ‘And this smells absolutely awful… Such a strong stench. It’s even worse than before… I am so glad I had not accidentally spilled anything on my clothing. Washing this off… Ew. The very thought is making me shudder. Where do I wash this-’

“Had fun?”

“Ah, fuck!” Bianca jumped away as she realised that Xue Yaling had managed to creep up on her while she was distracted, “Don’t… don’t do that, please.”

“Why ever not? Now, be honest – did you enjoy yourself?”

“… no.”

“Really? Somehow, I doubt that. You were practically drooling just a moment ago. And the way you’ve marked your territory… no wild beast would dare come near.”

“… please stop,” Bianca couldn’t even look in the fox’s direction as her cheeks were practically ablaze.

“After that nice show? After you were so insistent that you didn’t like that thing? Even if it is small- sorry, below average, surely you can see the merits in applying it a bit more often?” Xue Yaling’s choice of words did not sound accidental whatsoever, though that was not able to do much to Bianca’s already overwhelming embarrassment, “I can offer you a nice way to relax, though.”


“I’ve convinced that friend of your to take a bath. I’m sure she wouldn’t mind if you chose to join her.”

“Oh, right! Alright, I…” Bianca was about to accept readily, but then she glanced down at her hand again, “Um… could you help me get rid of this?”

“Really? Can’t even manage that much?” the kitsune shook her head in – hopefully mock – disappointed, “Fine, come here.”

She took her hand, and just as Bianca thought she’d bring out her ghostly flames, Xue Yaling lunged forward and took her fingers into her mouth, her hot tongue wrapping around them and cleaning up every trace of the fluids that stained them. Of course, in the process, she covered them in her saliva, seeming to take deliberate effort to make them as wet as possible, but when she pulled away with a lewd grin, the results of her work were obvious.

Not a trace of cum remained on Bianca’s hand, so it was, technically, clean.

“… Thanks.”

“You’re welcome, darling. Now, off you go.”

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