I Was Called A Demon

Arc 2: Chapter 17

The kitsune proved to be true to her word, in that she didn’t make them do anything especially difficult, though that seemed to be so that she could spend her time instructing them on the differences between the three sects and their combat tactics.

Song Ming was already familiar with some of the basics, since she had heard plenty within Xi Village and even got to meet two of the sect’s disciples and train under one of them. Bianca only got to meet one, and she didn’t know much about their combat skills even after that, so this was very much more for her than for Song Ming.

How much she learned was hard to say, since the true test could only come once she was forced to confront the sect disciples.

The only thing that could be said with complete certainty was the fact that both Song Ming and Bianca managed to work up a slight sweat. It was nowhere near bad enough to require a second bath, even if Song Ming might have wished to get one anyway. However, the kitsune made a rather good case for them avoiding the bath and rushing off to sleep, since the sun was already moments from setting and it was a good time for them to shut their eyes for a while with minimal risk of attack.

More precisely, Xue Yaling said, “The outer disciples are unlikely to be as familiar with the outside world and natural conditions as their senior disciples would be. Hence, even if they get here in the night, they would be unlikely to attack before the day returns.”

“Would the night be a particular disadvantage when there are ghostflames everywhere?” Bianca inquired at the time.

“They’re under my control, silly. I can dim them at any time, and if they have any sense at all, they will know that they are not a natural occurrence. Thus, they would almost certainly realise that if there is even the slightest chance of conflict, it would be extremely unwise to attack without an advantage on their side. This will be even more true if they comprehend that I am in the third realm, which would not require much more than inspecting the ghostflames with their spiritual perception. Now, off to sleep, you two.”

“But we’re still-”

“A little sweat never hurt anyone, and besides, not like the sheets will mind. Go on now.”

Song Ming hoped that Bianca might agree with her and insist that they get themselves cleaned up even a little bit, but she did no such thing. Instead, she just paused, glanced in Song Ming’s direction, then nodded.

“Yeah, it shouldn’t be so bad. Come on, I’m tired and could do with the rest.”

‘Um… Well, if she is fine with it, then I suppose I ought to accept as well,’ Song Ming sighed and said to the kitsune, “Alright, we’ll sleep like this, then. Please wake us if there is an attack.”

“I believe I’d already mentioned how I wouldn’t benefit from simply leaving you to die, so, of course, you will be notified,” Xue Yaling shrugged, “Now, go on. I wouldn’t want to interrupt even a moment of your… sleep.  Mhm, sleep.”

That definitely sounded strange, but again, Bianca didn’t seem to mind in the slightest.


It wasn’t until they returned to the living quarters and began undressing that Song Ming realised what this situation resembled, and why Bianca might not have had any issues with it. Since they were going to sleep in the same bed, away from Xue Yaling’s ghostflames – the only one shone somewhere outside the window, but it wasn’t near enough to be particularly disturbing – and under the same sheets, what reason would Bianca have to ever refuse to rush here first?

A bit of sweat would be nothing in comparison to finally getting to relax in someone else’s arms, or so Song Ming saw it. She felt that the explanation made sense, and there was no particular reason to question it further.

“So, how do you want to do this? Is it fine if we’re touching, or would you prefer to be on the opposite sides of the bed?” Bianca asked after they were down to their underwear.

“It… well, I am not against it, but… are you sure you’re okay with it?”


“Both the sweat-”

“Yeah, it’s no issue at all.”

“- a-and… you sounded very enthusiastic there, you know,” Song Ming just had to bring up, “Is there something about this situation that you like?”

“Being with you is… really pleasant, you know that, right? So, I’m glad to be able to do it again.”

“Hm… Well, I wanted to say that we should still be within the range of the kitsune’s attention. Won’t it be a little awkward to lie there like this?”

“Like what? I’ve slept here naked, you know.”


“Yeah. Come on, let’s get undressed and sleep. It might be a little difficult to fall asleep at first, so the sooner we begin to rest, the better,” Bianca insisted, removing her bra with eagerness that Song Ming was simply unable to match or handle in full, “The both of us must have travelled to this place with little rest and no proper places to reside in, so having a nice and comfortable bed to share with one another should be appreciated for as long as possible.”

Something about that reasoning didn’t feel quite right, but for whatever reason, Song Ming couldn’t find it in herself to refute her. It was hard for her to deny that she was rather keen on it, either, so it gave her even less of a reason to try.

It was even harder when Bianca got to removing her own panties, forcing her to either follow or remain partially clothed in a shared bed with Bianca’s warmth on her back, or in her arms.


“Oh, fine… I’m undressing.”

She couldn’t bear to look in her direction as she removed her bra and panties, putting them aside carefully and taking a breath to calm herself before she finally found the confidence and bravery to look upon Bianca’s nude body. It had been a long time since she got to experience it in quite these circumstances, and so she allowed herself to discard some of the reluctance and fears she held.

Song Ming looked upon Bianca’s gorgeous form, and couldn’t help but wonder whether it had gotten even prettier since the last time she had seen it.

Her breasts were soft yet firm, large enough to completely fill Song Ming’s hands if she were so bold as to grab them right now and there. Bianca’s flat belly seemed to gain just the slightest hint of muscle definition since they last met, and even if it hadn’t, the faint sheen of sweat that covered her body would’ve drawn her attention regardless. Even if she had no particular interest in it, she couldn’t help but admire the way in which it changed Bianca’s appearance.

‘Down there… is she aroused, or is that just the sweat?’ she couldn’t help but ask herself, as she wondered whether she might be displaying such a reaction as well, ‘Why does she look so beautiful even after everything that’s happened?’

It seemed reasonable that she would have lost some of her attraction to Bianca after… everything, and yet each time she looked upon her, that attraction seemed to only be rekindled and made all the stronger. She found it so hard to even remember her pain and anguish when her gaze lingered on any part of Bianca’s body, as if the mere sight of her naked form was sufficient to ward all those things away.

She glanced up, at Bianca’s gorgeous eyes, and found herself even more stunned than before. Of course, she got to see the interest in her eyes, reflecting her own desire, but what truly drew her in was the unique shade of her eyes.

It still felt as if it had appeared from nowhere, but even in the moonlight, the red of her eyes was distinctly visible within the outer blue of her iris. The red almost felt as if it was glowing, pulling her in, bidding her to close the gap between them and let her inner desires dictate her actions. Song Ming resisted, but she could tell that she did not have enough strength to hold herself back forever.

“Shall we… hm, shall we lie down?” Bianca asked, even as her attention wandered up and down her body.

“Yeah, let’s…”

It was a simple exchange, and yet Song Ming found herself biting her lip and her cheeks growing hot as they headed over to the bed. Bianca was closer, and so she had all the time she needed to raise the sheets and look over invitingly.

“You can lie down first.”

‘No way, will we actually… I… I hope she embraces me,’ Song Ming thought, though she could not find the courage to say a thing. Nevertheless, she accepted the invitation and lay on the bed.

Bianca followed right after her, the two of them laying underneath the thin white sheets of the bed and getting ever nearer with each moment. It didn’t take long before Song Ming’s body was embraced by the other woman, arms going around her chest and Bianca’s breasts pressing against her back, filling Song Ming with warmth.

Their bodies were still moist and sticky from sweat, so Bianca’s fingers stuck to her skin, making it even more difficult to contemplate parting from one another, though such a thought only entered her head for a single moment before it flew right out, leaving her with only Bianca’s touch.

If that was it, if they just fell asleep there and woke up in one another’s arms in the morning, Song Ming would have been fine with that. However, it didn’t take long for it to become clear that there was no chance of it being a quiet night. After a while, Bianca’s hands began to wander, starting slowly as one drifted up to Song Ming’s breasts, groping her boob and going to pinch her nipples at a cautious and lazy pace.

At that time, she was almost sure that she heard Bianca breathing in through her nose while getting closer to her neck, as if she was trying to sniff her like some kind of animal. It would have been odd in any other circumstance, but since Song Ming knew for a fact that she was covered in the distinct scent of sweat, it made it seem all the more animalistic.

‘W-Why is she…’ she asked herself, but it was pointless to guess, nor did she have the strength to focus on such a thing.

Instead, with every touch, she felt herself growing warmer, moans trying to sneak their way out of her lips. Soon, she would undoubtedly start to sweat even more than she had back during their training, but as she thought about it a little more, she found herself questioning how that would be a bad thing.

‘I-If Bianca is… well, not against it… and perhaps if she even likes it… Why not?’ Song Ming asked herself, softly biting her lip as she allowed her mind to drift, ‘Maybe it’s for the best, even. It’s just a bit of sweat, so I won’t mind too much, but if she enjoys it… If I can make her happy, then I can be happy too…’

She shivered when she felt Bianca’s breath on her ear.

“Song Ming…”


“Do you mind if tonight is a little less… peaceful?” Bianca asked, continuing to whisper into her ear in this tone that just made Song Ming rub her thighs together, an ordinary yet low, enticing tone that she just wanted to hear more and more of, “It’s fine if not, but-”

“I… I do. Please…”

Her own voice surprised her. It was breathy, dripping with a lust she still struggled to fathom no matter how much her own body told her of her own desire.

Luckily, Bianca must not have noticed that inner struggle, as the simple request was all she needed before her advances grew in intensity. She drew closer, gently biting Song Ming’s earlobe while both of her hands cupped Song Ming’s boobs, playing with them, tugging on her nipples, experimenting with the young woman’s reactions.

Since they had already laid with one another before, it didn’t take long before Bianca found the right spots to touch, the right amount of strength to use, and the right pace at which to act. It helped that almost everything that Bianca did seemed to only warm Song Ming’s body further, as if it would be impossible for Bianca to do anything that could put her off even slightly. Perhaps she would even like it if her throat was grabbed and held tightly, keeping air out of her lungs while-

‘Heavens, that… why did it make me feel like that?’ Song Ming gasped as though she had truly been deprived of air for a brief while.

Worst of all, that was the time that Bianca chose to slide one of her hand down Song Ming’s smooth belly and down to her groin, where she happened upon the sticky wetness that formed upon her nether lips.

“Song Ming… I hadn’t realised you would be enjoying it this much,” Bianca’s tone was teasing, though there was almost certainly some true surprise amidst that.

It wasn’t hard to tell why, even through the cloud of arousal that occupied much of her attention. Not only had they just begun, but there was still the issue of the way in which they parted in Xi Village. It was hard not to think back to that whenever they were close to one another, and yet Song Ming felt those thoughts slipping away faster each time they wandered into her mind. She couldn’t know if that also applied to Bianca, but she certainly hoped that it would be the case.

She wanted to spend more time with her. She wanted to night to be endless, to let her forget everything and focus on nothing other than Bianca’s touch. It was a great and small request at once, and she hoped that Bianca was feeling the same desires.

“Please… do whatever you want to me.”

“Are… are you sure?” now, the surprise was blatant, “I mean, I know I was… um…”

“Don’t worry. Whatever had happened outside of here… Let’s just ignore it for now. Please, let me feel your affection again.”

Bianca’s movement paused, and then she removed her arm from underneath Song Ming’s body and flipped her onto her back, climbing atop her all with the rustle of the sheets above them. The moonlight illuminated her gorgeous, two-toned eyes, which stared directly into Song Ming’s own. Although the moment of quiet was brief, it felt like it stretched out for hours.

“Alright. Let’s just…” she seemed to search for a word, but that only lasted for a moment.

In the next, she leaned down and their lips met. The first kiss was quick, parting after a single breath, but as soon as they spent a moment apart both of them went for the other’s lips. Song Ming lifted her head up and tasted Bianca’s lips in earnest, her eyes hutting as their tongues met and entwined.

Although this was not her first time – Bianca made sure of that in Xi Village – she felt even more excited than she had then. Something about this moment made her lose herself, made their kiss deeper and more passionate, until it felt as if they had joined into one, connecting in a manner beyond any mere physical connection.

Neither of them were willing to part until the air in their lungs was all but used up, and when they did, they remained close, their noses almost touching and their hot breath hitting one another’s lips.

Hah… Bianca…” Song Ming said amidst her heavy breaths, “I… I missed this.”

“Yeah… So did I,” she replied.

Bianca stroked her cheek in a manner that made her heart pound within her chest, her love practically spilling over with every touch. It was such a simple gesture, but she would have been content to have Bianca above her like this, showering her with affection and kisses.

“I’m glad I met you after I lost my memory. You’ve made my life so much better than it could have been,” she whispered, a smile tugging at the corners of her lips, “Mind if we move along to something more exciting?”

“Anything would exciting if it was with you... but as I said, do what you want. Please.”

The reply was another kiss on her lips, although it was brief and left her wanting much, much more. Luckily, she wasn’t left waiting for long, as Bianca threw the bed sheets aside and flipped her position, placing her hips over Song Ming’s face while her warm ended up on Song Ming’s wet nether lips, leaving no doubt as to Bianca’s intentions.

She had no complaints at all, and eagerly lifted her head to draw nearer to Bianca’s petals, noting how they also glistened in the moonlight. It was far more obvious than the first time she had glimpsed them in the bedroom, confirming that Song Ming wasn’t the only one growing more and more aroused. It made her feel so good just to know that she could bring such a response about with just her body and some quick touches.

At any other time, she might have waited for Bianca to make the first move, but something about her nether lips looked so enticing that she couldn’t help but plant a series of kisses on Bianca’s inner thighs, getting a taste of sweat mixed with the arousal that had dripped down from the pink petals earlier.

It wasn’t the most inherently delicious thing she’d tasted, but knowing that it came from Bianca made it endlessly sweet and delectable, as if it came from a miracle fruit of the highest realms.

It was no wonder that she couldn’t help herself after a moment and brought her lips to Bianca’s pink, wet pussy. She stuck out her tongue and licked the drooling lips, getting a mouthful of her partner’s arousal that she kept in her mouth for a short while, committing the taste and scent to memory before she swallowed and went in for a second round.

Even when Bianca followed suit and went to work on Song Ming’s own pussy, she couldn’t be distracted from her task, even if she ended up moaning into Bianca’s nether lips on more than one occasion.


“They truly are a young couple, of sorts… Hmph. I suppose trying to kill one another for a brief while truly couldn’t dull the flames of passion – provided Bianca’s C-Commanding Rod… pft… doesn’t have something to do with it,” Xue Yaling barely restrained her chuckling, “Well, it’s interesting research material nonetheless. Go on, you two, show me what that passion can lead to.”

One might be inclined to call this behaviour voyeuristic, as she was spending quite a bit of her time staring – in a roundabout way, given the use of spiritual perception and conduits in the form of her ghostflame – at the two young women enjoying one another’s bodies.

Of course, Xue Yaling would deny any such allegations. It was purely for the purposes of study.

‘But nothing says I can’t touch myself a bit while I’m looking…’ she smirked to herself, her fingers sliding underneath her panties as she gently rubbed her clit.

There was quite a bit that she hoped to see, though she knew that it was highly unlikely. No matter how much she insisted Bianca use her dual cultivation technique, it was obvious that it would take much more time to see it utilised actively, and more still to see its effects upon others. She would happily get involved herself, though it would be more difficult to determine the exact nature of the technique’s influence if it changed the body or the mind in a manner that was not obvious to the one affected.

‘It better not plant a seed of sorts, since I might already be past the point of no return…’ Xue Yaling paused, but a moment later sighed and went right back to touching herself, ‘Eh, doesn’t matter. Even if there is no limit to the unusual properties of her skills, there’s not much I can do now.’

She quickly pulled down her panties, freeing one leg from them and letting them remain on her other thigh, then plunged her middle finger straight into her wet entrance, gasping as she clenched around the digit. Pleasuring herself could never compare to feeling another’s fingers or tongue within her, nor with the feeling of someone kneeling at her feet, but with the beautiful sight she was looking upon, it would be more than enough to bring her some pleasure.


Time lost all meaning while Bianca indulged in the 69 she hadn’t expected to get into until only moments before it happened.

Although Song Ming clearly had a lot of practise to go, although she couldn’t indulge in her scent fetish quite as openly as she might have liked, and although there were numerous other factors that might have dampened her experience, it was still the best time of her life. She loved Song Ming’s efforts, she loved her taste, the scent of her arousal and sweat, and being able to lie with someone that shared her affection like that.

She was nearing her edge when Song Ming beat her to the figurative punch, the young woman’s arousal flooding into Bianca’s mouth while her head dropped onto the pillow, exhausted breaths hitting Bianca’s nether lips.

“Hah… B-Bianca…” Song Ming could barely speak any words, but she forced each one out nonetheless, “Can I… ask you… something?”

“It’s… not the best of times, but… alright,” Bianca planted one final kiss on Song Ming’s nether lips and flipped back around, meeting her eyes again what felt like a millennium. It was endlessly tempting to kiss her at this moment and give her a taste of her own pussy, but she didn’t want to disturb her thought process too much.

Whether Song Ming guessed her intentions or not, gratitude remained in her eyes as she gathered her breath and managed to speak in slightly more coherent sentences.

“Were you… had you sniffed me earlier?”

“U-Um…” Bianca swallowed nervously, her eyes darting about as she couldn’t maintain eye contact, “Well, it was…”

“I’m not… it feels strange, but… I’m not against it if it’s for you. So, if you enjoy it…”

‘I hadn’t realised that I was being that blatant, but I suppose Xue Yaling spoiled me a little bit,’ she shut her eyes, took a breath, then returned her gaze to Song Ming’s eyes, “I have a bit of a fetish… for scent and smells and things like that. In particular, I have a bit of a fondness for… sweat… and things like that… um… please say something, it’s really awkward to just lay things out like that…”

She was glad that the moonlight had dimmed a little by then, as it likely made the blush on her face significantly less noticeable – or so she hoped. It reminded her a bit of the kitsune’s admission to her marking fetish, or how she had to admit this same fetish to the kitsune.

Song Ming’s reply took a worryingly long time, to the point that it felt like she had to be coming up with a gentle way to call Bianca a terrible pervert, so when she finally began, Bianca lingered on every single word to figure out the true meaning of what would lie beneath gentle words intended to soothe her.

“Well… it is a little strange, but… then again, I’ve only ever been with you. I don’t know what it’s like for others,” Song Ming said, “Do you… how much do you enjoy it?”

“Uh, on a scale of one to ten? Ten being the greatest thing ever, and one being absolutely disgusting?”

“I suppose…”

“No lower than an eight… maybe even a nine… Putting it at a ten might be a little much, but the sheer delight I get from smelling your arousal and exertion, the sweat you’d built up from exercise and other things… I love the way women smell, and you…” she gulped again, though for very different reasons, “I have a rather sensitive nose, so this stuff tends to stand out quite a bit, and fortunately, I love it…”

“Is… is that why you avoided Kong Xi?”

“Even the area around his residence smelled like… let’s not talk about it. Absolute mood killer, regardless of whether the guy himself is nice.”

“So, your, uh, fetish… just for women?”

“Yeah, they tend to smell much better than guys. Obviously, not all of them, and not every smell, but… most of the time,” Bianca shrugged, “I can stop if you’re not alright with it. I know that it is a strange thing to do, and I- mhm!”

Her words were cut off with the very kiss she had contemplated before this conversation, their lips meeting again as Song Ming pulled her head down and kept her in place for a long while.

When they finally parted, saliva still joined their lips as Song Ming shook her head slightly.

“If it’s something you enjoy, please keep going. I like you the way you are, not how others force you to behave. Please, let me make you happy.”

That was a hard request to deny.

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