I Was Called A Demon

Arc 2: Chapter 6

It certainly sounded ominous, but the moment that the warmth of the bath room hit her, she could hardly refuse and turn back.

Behind a second sliding door that stood in parallel to the entrance, she was met with a large room with a large square indentation in the floor to her left – on the far side of the room, as the door was near to the right side – that was full of hot water, steam rising from it and surging out of the room at a rapid pace now that the door was open. It was framed with an elevated floor, the entire left half of the room being raised by a single step.

The bath itself was big enough to fit several people at once without any issue, getting awfully close to a small swimming pool in size. Of course, it was still a long way from qualifying as one, but she certainly appreciated the free space. It would more than make up for the days she’d spent in this world.

As if to make her day even better, there were a few items that she presumed to be this world’s version of shampoos and what not, meaning that so long as Xue Yaling bothered to tell her what was what, she would have a chance to properly wash up and feel clean for the first time in the Planar Continents. She felt so enthused by the concept that she nearly rushed straight in, but, as Xue Yaling shut the sliding door behind her, she couldn’t help but turn around with another few questions to direct at the kitsune. It proved challenging to keep them all in her head, however.

At some point, Xue Yaling had managed to undress, and thus she was met with her nude form and all the features that she had been imagining before this.

She had a thin, fit body, mostly devoid of fat save for her breasts and ass, both of which were more than plentiful with her relatively small stature. Her groin was neatly shaven, presumably using whatever trick Song Ming had employed, and thus she resembled a gorgeous model from Orbis, just with fox ears that weren’t obviously fake.

This resemblance continued to her hands and nails, the latter of which were long and carefully manicured, painted a matte white, and when she glanced down at the kitsune’s feet, she saw the same white shade atop her toes. It felt like a miraculous item straight from her world, and now she was curious whether Xue Yaling happened to have a proper bra and some nice panties to go along with it, and perhaps lipstick and a proper hairbrush and all that other lovely stuff. Perhaps there was even a smartphone or two lying about, if the rest of that stuff was available.

“I wouldn’t have imagined it possible to undress someone with one’s eyes when the target is already nude, but I am happy to widen my horizons,” the kitsune smiled, “Now, have you something to say, or can we proceed to the fun part?”

“Actually, how is this bath kept so… warm? Is there a fire underground or something?”

Xue Yaling raised an eyebrow, “If you keep this up, I might actually believe your words. Have you no knowledge of inscriptions and arrays?”

“I’ve… heard the words before… I think.”

“Well then, I shall explain. Beneath the ground, there is a series of inscriptions that absorbs planar energy and transform it into heat, which then emanates up into the water and warms it up. There is also an array that passively condenses the moisture in the air into more water for the bath, as quite a lot of it tends to evaporate and escape out into the cold night. Need I explain further?”

“No, I think I get it…” Bianca didn’t really get it, but at least the concept made sense within her head, ‘Presumably, it’s like a heater and a sort of… condenser? I’ve never had to deal with this stuff before… Anyway, it all works, so I guess that’s good enough for me.’

“Now, mind taking a seat on the bath’s edge? There’s something we need to do before you can enter.”

That sounded a little ominous, but the warmth had entranced her enough for her to ignore it and do as she was asked, at which point the towel was immediately plucked away from her and stolen from her body. She took a moment to decide whether she wanted to cover up or not – it wouldn’t do her much good now, as she’d been looked at almost as much as she had looked at Xue Yaling – but before she could do much, the kitsune sat down behind her, trapping her in between her thin yet strong legs.

“X-Xue Yaling, what-”

“You’ve clearly been traveling a while, and if you’ve forgotten most things, you must have also forgotten to take care of yourself. Just look at yourself down there,” she interrupted, brushing her hand down Bianca’s belly and stopping by her pubes, “Is there any good reason for a fine-looking woman such as yourself to be so… unkempt, otherwise?”

She could hardly resist the kitsune’s momentum and thus answered, “I couldn’t really find a razor out in the woods, so…”

“’Tis a shame indeed you’re only in the first realm. All of your energy, curious as it is, contained within that cute body, unable to externalise it like so,” Xue Yaling moved her hand away and manifested some ghostflame upon the tip of her index finger, as if it was simply burning on an invisible candle wick, “With it, you could easily take care of your own body however you wished, as your own energy would never bring harm to you unless it deliberately wished it to. However, since you can’t keep yourself neat, I could assist instead.”

From a simple mote of flame, the kitsune produced a fine, thin edge, taking hold of it as if it was simple matter and not… whatever it actually was. Whether it was simply her planar energy or something different was far beyond Bianca’s range of knowledge, though her explanation suggested the former.

Normally, she would be a little reluctant to agree, but once again, Xue Yaling was offering the exact thing she had wanted for some time now. The bath, a shave by someone that seemed to know what they were doing, based on her own body, and a pleasant place to stay, and even the apparent advances by someone that she found attractive.

It was almost a dream come true, except that her time in Xi Village taught her that things could always go to shit so long as there was one person that wanted to make life difficult for her.

“Um… wouldn’t you just dirty the water?”

“Oh please, I can conjure flames with a flick of the wrist and wave of the hand, so why should I care for some stray hairs?” she said before whispering, “I’d know, considering my tail.”

“What was that?”

“Nothing, dear. Now, since that wasn’t a disagreement, kindly sit still. I won’t cut you either way, but you will annoy me,” Xue Yaling replied, beginning her work right away.

Bianca flinched when the ghostflame razor neared her, but apart from a strange tingle as it glided across her skin, she felt almost nothing. It proved very effective despite that, each movement of the blade cleaning up even more of her pubic hair, but inevitably she felt her attention shift to the kitsune’s breathing, which landed right on her ear and made her whole body tingle.

Needless to say, she wasn’t expecting to be getting this kind of experience during a quick trim, but even if she was mostly sitting so still thanks to her exhaustion, she wasn’t completely against it.

‘If we’d met on Orbis and she approached me with that confidence of hers… especially after Lia and I broke up… Goodness, the way she takes control is… hot. I mean, I like taking charge every now and then, but…’ Bianca could feel her cheeks flush, and not from the heat of the water she’d dipped her feet into, ‘I’d have loved to have her as my roommate instead. Coming back to the dorm and right into her arms…’

“Oh? Someone seems be having some stray thoughts,” Xue Yaling’s sly smile was outright audible, “What’s going through your mind, darling?”

As Bianca awoke from her daydreaming, she realised that the kitsune had already finished shaving her groin and, with the ghostflame dispersed, moved her hand lower, feeling up Bianca’s slick nether lips. She closed her legs the moment she realised, but all it did was trap Xue Yaling’s hand at her sensitive spot.

She held back a moan, but that didn’t evade the kitsune’s attention.

“I knew I didn’t mistake the look in your eyes. You’re already getting wet, so those thoughts of yours ought to be quite interesting. Were you imagining me kneeling down before you, tasting you and bringing you to a mind-shattering climax? Or… did you perhaps want to do the same for me, you naughty girl?”

She wanted to retort, seeing as she actually hadn’t gotten to that part, but her subby side stopped her. Instead, she kept quiet and bit her lip as Xue Yaling ignored her and gently rubbed Bianca’s clit, clearly enjoying the situation quite a bit.

“Do you want me to trap you between my thighs? Maybe force you to worship my feet?” her smile must have grown to an outright grin by this point, “I bet that running into my domain was an outright blessing for you, wasn’t it?”

All of a sudden, the kitsune leaned in, her breasts pressing against Bianca’s back, and licked her ear. It sent a tingle down her spine, and when Xue Yaling continued, she lost even more of her desire for resistance. It wasn’t inherently sexual, not like the rubbing of her nether lips, but she felt her arousal flaring up nonetheless, causing her pussy to drool her nectar all over Xue Yaling’s masterful fingers, making her interest all the more obvious.

The kitsune must have been getting worked up as well, as she soon stopped and moved her other hand away, producing a clump of ghostflame above her palm.

“Alright, let’s get the annoying stuff out of the way and move on to what we both clearly want. Hold still for a moment,” Xue Yaling said just before the flame suddenly exploded out and covered Bianca’s body, briefly touching everything beneath the neck.

It even expanded into the water, and it was there that she was most easily able to see the consequence of what she felt as only a slight tingle.

Every bit of her body hair that had been shaved from her body, and all that still remained on her, was gone from that simple gust of blueish green flame, and luckily enough, her body was completely intact. There wasn’t even a bit of irritation on her skin, which was fortunate considering the rather unusual method employed.

“Apologies. I didn’t want any of this getting in the way,” the kitsune muttered, “Now, why don’t you answer for once? I can’t just decide everything for myself, can I?”

“Sorry… You’re just too… too sexy.”

“Glad to hear it, darling.”

Xue Yaling went around her and straddled her lap, looking down at her and revealing that she was also breathing heavily, her previously pale cheeks now a vivid red. Even then, she had a sly and commanding look, and seeing the fox ears on her head suddenly made Bianca think of what might happen if they had a collar and leash on hand. She had never been particularly kinky before arriving in the Planar Continents, but she had been around the internet enough to think of a couple things that could be done with items like that.

They looked into one another’s eyes for a long moment before Xue Yaling closed the gap between them and kissed her, prying Bianca’s lips apart with her tongue and tasting her without any reservation or hesitation.

Bianca did the same after a few seconds, making out with the kitsune with all the energy she had. She didn’t have much, and soon Xue Yaling took charge and explored her mouth, dominating her tongue and diving in even deeper after grabbing the back of Bianca’s head, using her with the full consent and appreciation of the Antanian woman.

By the time their lips finally parted, Bianca had no air left in her lungs, only the glistening strands of saliva that joined their lips and tongues for a brief while.

“You have an… interesting taste,” Xue Yaling clearly had more practise with this, as she only needed a few breaths to mostly regain her composure, “Did you come across some Sparkling Dew Berries, by any chance?”

“Hah… are they… glistening and glowing?”

“You did, then. Did you keep any on the berry bush?”


“A shame. I had been hoping to plant some in the area, but with the last berry gone, the plant will have rotted,” the kitsune sighed, “Anyway, time to get you in the water… and put your lips somewhere a little more useful. That’s what you want as well, no?”

She couldn’t deny it, both because she was rather tired and did want a warm bath, but also because Xue Yaling looked more and more appealing by the moment. It was like she fell straight out of a fantasy, and with her gorgeous looks and the mostly pleasant environment of her home – the ghostflame was still rather creepy, but it was a minor matter – it felt as if she had fallen asleep after her fall from the mountain and was living out one such fantasy.

Hence, as the kitsune got out of her lap, she gladly moved herself over and submerged most of her body, up to her neck, into the steaming hot water below. Having kept her feet in there for quite some time, she had mostly adjusted to it, but it still felt a little cooler than it seemed.

Then again, she was feeling rather hot herself, so perhaps the contrast between body temperature and the water was just lower than usual. It hardly mattered, and it was little more than a fleeting thought within her mind in between all the mental time spent on committing Xue Yaling’s boobs and firm belly to memory.

She was getting rather jealous of all the gorgeous women in the world, though if it was a matter of cultivation over genetics, she would become similarly pretty one day.

After she had a moment to sit in the water, Xue Yaling stepped into the hot water, standing on the elevated seat that Bianca sat on. That put her thighs and groin right in front of Bianca’s face, and exposed her moist pussy and plainly displayed her arousal.

“Do you know what to do, darling? All that memory loss hasn’t interfered with this, has it?”

“N-No,” Bianca shook her head, and to prove it, she grabbed the kitsune’s ass for support, leaned in and kissed just above the inviting nether lips.

Of course, she made sure to look up and right into Xue Yaling’s eyes, trying to show the most submissive and the most loving expression she could while resisting her urge to focus on her boobs instead. It got a wonderful smile and a pleased sigh from her, and after the kitsune raised one foot out of the water and placed it on the dry floor behind her, giving her easier access to her nether lips.

“Go on, then… be a good girl.”

‘How the fuck does she keep hitting all the right beats? Is she from Orbis? Has she seen my browsing history? How would she even do that, when those kinds of searches… No, that’s neither important nor possible,’ she threw out those errant thoughts and went to work.

Seeing as both of them were already wet and ready, Bianca didn’t waste her time with foreplay, leaning in to kiss Xue Yaling’s clit, enveloping the sensitive nub with her lips and sucking on it. As the lack of practise had likely dulled what little skill she had, she made sure to make up for it with her current overflowing enthusiasm, all while caressing and playing with the kitsune’s soft ass.

The temptation to try her luck with sticking a finger inside Xue Yaling’s asshole did arise, but the concern about hygiene was more than enough to temper her lust, not to mention the fact that she had no clue whether the kitsune would even be on board with such things. Instead, she raised her free hand and caressed Xue Yaling’s nether lips gently, choosing to ignore her own lust for the moment and satisfy the kitsune instead, hoping that she would receive similarly focused treatment in return.

“Mhm… looks like you’re not new to this. Good girl,” Xue Yaling said, smirking for a moment when she saw Bianca tremble a little and work even harder in response to the compliment, “I would prefer your tongue a little lower, if you don’t mind. I want to feel your tongue in me.”

Bianca let out a quiet whine as she moved her finger away and shifted her head down, sticking out her tongue and tasting the kitsune’s arousal.

At the same time as savouring the curious flavour – once more, she had no good comparison for it, and she wouldn’t even necessarily call it particularly good, but the simple erotic factor of the situation made it pleasant – she inhaled her musky scent and committed it to memory. Soon enough, Xue Yaling would get into the bath and that fragrance would be washed away, Perhaps she’d get the kitsune worked up again soon enough, and she wouldn’t lose out on the smell for long, but it was hard to reason with her horny mind, so she did not try.

She slowly worked her tongue inside the kitsune’s tight nether lips, though she had a feeling that she was nowhere near the first to do so. Unlike Song Ming’s virgin pussy, it was quick to let her tongue inside, to explore her depths and search for what could please Xue Yaling the most.

After Bianca found a comfortable rhythm for her tongue, she moved most of her attention to observing the kitsune’s reaction, trying to figure out her most sensitive spots and focus her attention upon them. Seeing Xue Yaling’s cheeks flush from arousal and her breaths grow laboured made Bianca feel almost as good as if she was pleasuring herself, which she remembered she could be doing only moments later.

“Yes, right there… Ah, it’s been so long…” her words soon turned to moans, and before long, it became obvious that her arousal was reaching her peak. She trapped Bianca’s head in between her thighs and pushed her closer with her hand, not giving Bianca a single chance to breathe until she got what she wanted.

When she did, she made sure to let it be heard.

“Fuck, I’m cumming!” Xue Yaling proclaimed, pulling her in even closer, leaving her with naught to breathe.

A moment afterward, Bianca’s open mouth was flooded with the kitsune’s liquid arousal, forcing her to swallow it quickly to avoid being outright drowned in it. Though dying in between a gorgeous woman’s thighs after bringing her to orgasm sounded decent when letting only the horny part of her mind consider it, she would rather not end her journey in this strange world so soon, nor in such an avoidable manner.

Still, even with her best attempts to stay alive, she came close to exhausting all of the air in her lungs before Xue Yaling loosened her grip just enough to let Bianca pull her head back and breathe. The kitsune didn’t seem to mind, bringing her right foot back into the water and standing on shaky legs.

“That… that was alright, for someone without a dual cultivation technique.”

“A what?” Bianca asked – roughly a minute later, as she needed quite some while to catch her breath.

“You truly do not know? It’s a form of cultivation technique dedicated for use by two or more partners, typically a male and female pair, though alternate arrangements also exist,” Xue Yaling explained, stepping away from her and sitting down by her side, the water nearly reaching her chin even when she had her head tilted upwards, “For cultivators, it’s only natural to make efficient use of their time.”

“Even when they have sex? W-Why… what does it do?”

“What does cultivation do?”

“Absorb energy from the air?”

The kitsune sighed, “Close enough, darling… With dual cultivation, we both absorb energy and exchange it, theoretically allowing us to progress more quickly. With a gap in realms, one can help the other make much more progress than they otherwise might, so if a powerful cultivator ever finds a regular partner that they fall in love with, they can fuck them to their own realm – so to speak, of course.”

“R-Right?” Bianca couldn’t be sure how to reply, nor whether she even understood, but she couldn’t just choose not to respond.

“Heavens, you seem to know so little… Aside from that, the channelling of energy can greatly assist in sexual satisfaction. Want to experience it?” though her question was very much posed as such, Bianca hardly had a moment to think before Xue Yaling climbed out of the water.

She shook her head to get some of the dripping water out of her hair, getting quite a bit of it on Bianca’s face, but the sight of the kitsune’s fine ass was more than enough to make up for that inconvenience. More than anything, it tempted her to just get in there and disregard any of her previous reservations, but before she could take action, Xue Yaling turned around and looked at her with expectation.

“Do you not want to get a feel for it? Just get out of the water for a moment and lie on your back. Trust me, it would be better than trying to be on top.”

Given that she had never wanted to top this sly fox to begin with, she accepted the warning and reluctantly got out of the water. Bianca just lay down on the ground, her feet still dipped in the warmth of the bath, and soon Xue Yaling was on top of her, her groin over Bianca’s head while she breathed on Bianca’s nether lips.

In this classic 69 position, the kitsune’s wet hair might have gotten into placed it shouldn’t have done, but it was just short enough to avert any unfortunate circumstances. More importantly, when she brought her soft lips to Bianca’s pussy, the wave of absolute pleasure that suddenly washed over her completely disintegrated any errant thoughts within her mind. It was like nothing she’d experienced before, spreading across her entire body and making her skin tingle in an odd, yet endlessly delightful manner.

There was also this sense of strength and energy that had been absent only moments prior, one that Bianca recognised from her own cultivation. She took a moment to check her dantian, and was amazed to find that it had become filled with quite a bit more energy than before.

With what little reason she had access to at the moment, she tried to guess at what realm Xue Yaling might have been in… and failed miserably, since she barely knew how to distinguish them.

Instead, she raised her head up just a little and returning to eating out the kitsune’s pussy in return, trying not to feel inadequate in comparison to the sensation she was experiencing. Committing to learning the same dual cultivation technique came to mind, but so did the fact that it would inevitably turn to something else. The Demonic Tyrant had yet to refuse a single technique – though she hardly had a large sample size – and she had no clue how it might transform something like this.

Just imagining it was rather scary, so she threw the thought out of her mind for the moment and instead dove deep into the kitsune’s nether lips, striving to reach and explore her depths with her tongue.

Her efforts were swiftly rewarded with another wave of pleasure thanks to Xue Yaling’s technique, though even without planar energy, the kitsune’s tongue was as skilful down there as it was when they kissed. In stark contrast with Song Ming’s reckless enthusiasm, Xue Yaling seemed to know exactly what she was doing, and thus she was able to calmly please Bianca’s most sensitive parts with ease, caressing her clit while her tongue worked on her wet depths.

With all the lust that Bianca had accumulated, it wasn’t lost until she was at the edge of climax, and then she got to experience a second aspect of the dual cultivation technique. Just as she was about to cum, another wave of pleasure shook her mind and body, one that was far greater than anything she expected, or ever even imagined. It came at the same time as Xue Yaling did, judging by her gushing lust, meaning that it also seemed like it was able to synchronise their orgasms through whatever it was that it did.

Her vision and mind went white, and all thoughts faded from her head, if only for a little while. The moment of peace was relaxing, and the bath that followed was even more so.

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