I Was Called A Demon

Arc 3: Chapter 10

Although the act of chopping wood didn’t seem like an especially exciting one, Bianca did want to see it happen at least once. There weren’t many valuables at the tent anyway, so it wouldn’t be an issue if someone did decide to sneak in while all three of them were away.

More importantly, she wanted to check up on Song Ming and make sure that the kitsune wasn’t putting her through anything excessive, since it totally seemed like something that she’d do. Song Ming had assured her that it wasn’t the case, but it was difficult to believe since there are many reasons that could be found for her not to say anything. They had begun the day with discussing the kitsune’s intentions and had both recognised that they may be dubious, so it couldn’t hurt to verify the situation beforehand.

Together, they arrived at the outer portion of the camp, in a place where there weren’t any other loggers already doing their day’s work.

They could, if they decided to do so, go wherever they wished, but it would simply invite trouble for them to bother anyone else for the moment. Furthermore, they had no particular interest in finding the most lucrative and high-quality trees to chop, as the funds they’d earn from it, if any, will be lesser than the stash of planar shards and coins that Xue Yaling has. The kitsune never displayed the full amount of wealth in her possession, but it certainly seemed sufficient for regular day to day life.

Song Ming and the kitsune brought along axes that looked much like ordinary axes from Orbis, aside from looking decidedly less modern and pristine. There were no glowing runes or anything like that, and the trees that they were going to cut didn’t seem especially unusual either.

Sure, the metallic sheen and silver shade did stand out, but from the perspective of what a tree should be, it fulfilled nearly every requirement. It had branches and leaves, a bark-like texture on the surface and even swayed in the wind a little, causing the silvery leaves to rustle. The sound wasn’t quite what Bianca remembered from staying in Xue Yaling’s Ghostflame Temple, so it wasn’t a perfect match, but that hardly mattered. Different trees likely sounded different anyway – Bianca could not be entirely sure, since she didn’t focus on such things back on her original world.

“I have a feeling I know what you’ll ask after seeing this, but I’ll still wait until then,” Xue Yaling suddenly said.

“I… um, sure? I haven’t got a clue what you actually mean, but…” Bianca glanced at Song Ming, who shrugged in response, “I’m here to look, so I’ll look. Go ahead and show me… and please don’t be disappointed when I don’t have a single clue what you want me to actually ask… I have a feeling that might be the case.”

Although her last words were muttered, Xue Yaling heard them and responded nonetheless, “Actually, for once, I’m slightly optimistic about your chances. Not only is this something that relatively easy to observe, but you’ve successfully managed to realise something not too long ago without me needing to explain myself in excessive detail. As such, you might be able to understand the difference with just a glance.”

Bianca struggled to believe such a thing, but she shrugged and watched the two approach the trees. Xue Yaling exuded far more confidence from the get-go, whereas Song Ming was stiff – not in the way Bianca could be – and methodical, almost as if she was repeating some instructions given to her earlier in her head and doing her best to follow them.

Hence, the kitsune began first, raising her axe to roughly chest height, then clearly imbued some quantity of her energy into the tool.

‘Although I haven’t really made a habit of watching people chop wood with an axe before, I do think I’ve seen it online. Seems about the same as I remember it,’ Bianca thought, observing the following moments even more closely in an attempt to figure out what it is that the difference between logging and combat skills was. She was ready to believe that there were plenty of them, given that the two matters did seem rather disparate, but at the same time, she struggled to see planar energy as anything beyond magic, and who was to say that magic had to see a difference between the two?

The swing was sudden and powerful, forcing a grunt past Xue Yaling’s lips as she clearly pushed herself to her physical limits. The axe head struck the wood, though just a moment prior, a flash of flames erupted from the edge, crashing into the bark exactly where the axe hit afterwards.

With some additional effort, the kitsune pulled the axe out and quickly examined the spot that she hit, verifying something that was entirely beyond Bianca’s understanding – or, frankly, interest. It seemed to be past the step of chopping the wood, so there wasn’t much for her to note regardless of the intent behind it. Instead, she tried to recall the specific actions Xue Yaling had taken, and figure out what and why was different.

“…  Is it… uh… the way in which you only released your energy at the very last moment?” Bianca asked, her eyes shutting reflexively as she anticipated a great scolding from the kitsune.

And yet, that didn’t come. Instead, Xue Yaling gasped, nearly dropping the axe in her hands as she stared at Bianca with her eyes wide open. When she did gather her thoughts, she gained a smile that revealed her gleaming, pearly white teeth.

“You actually figured it out this time!” the kitsune exclaimed, “By the ancients… Well, you understood the issue, at least. I’m so proud of you!”

“W-Wait, really?”

“Yes, it’s the fact that I used my energy at the very end of the swing, I don’t expect you to know this, but what would you guess to be the reason for this particular action? Why not just envelop the axe head in energy and chop away until the tree falls… or rather, cut into it in such a manner that the angle is predictable and safe, then continue weakening the trunk until it collapses in said direction?”

“Uh… You’re making me more confused that way, but I can’t say I really understand it. Sorry.”

“No problem, you made me happier than I expected already. You see – well, you will if you watch Song Ming – the reason is that if the axe is swung while enveloped in energy, it will be mostly wasted, with all of the energy being dissipated by the particular texture of the wood.”

“How… how does it…” Bianca swallowed her words and made another attempt, “How exactly does releasing it at the last moment change anything?”

Xue Yaling gestured towards Song Ming and resumed her own chopping, so Bianca decided to watch and see. She doubted she’d figure any of it out, but at least she’d get to see a cutie get all hot and sweaty, breathing heavily and exhaling air turned to steam. Her chest rising and falling with every tired breath…

Bianca gulped and tried to shift her mind away from things like that. It wouldn’t do her any good to get hot and bothered herself while still so near to the logging camp, since it would be rather challenging to do anything about that state, on her own or with help.

Luckily, she got herself under control just in time to see Song Ming swing her axe for the first time, and witnessed energy appearing around it a few moments earlier than in Xue Yaling’s attempt. The difference seemed minor, but the difference in outcome was plain as day to Bianca. The water-like energy that gathered met the metal bark, but as the axe followed a moment later, it was parted and scattered. Some still struck the wood and pierced it to a certain extent, but even if one ignored the strength difference between her and the kitsune, the effect of Song Ming’s strike was far lesser.

“… Hm. Why does it… I mean, I do see the difference, at least.”

Song Ming blushed, “I still haven’t gotten the timing exactly right, nor am I able to release energy as quickly as Xue Yaling does. As a result, I’m… well…”

“You’re giving away a bit much, Song Ming. Though, I don’t expect her to get it on her own, so… Bianca, how quickly are you able to release the energy within your body? Doesn’t matter if it’s from your arm or leg or wherever else, just show me.”

Having never tested this to begin with, Bianca remained silent and raised her hand, letting the Demonic Tyrant control the energy within her body and release some of it within a sphere atop her hand. It took a few moments to happen, with the energy building up over time to eventually form the sphere that she desired. It was a fine orb by any measure – not that she attempted or had the method to measure anything – and it certainly looked like it belonged within the hands of a demon.

Even if she didn’t really feel her own malicious aura, she could still see it within the darkness of the orb, threatening everything around it, raw and undiluted fury pouring out from it.

“That took you a few moments, right?” Xue Yaling said, and then immediately look away and muttered, “I just saw it, why the fuck did I even ask that… I must be affected by all of the nonsense I have had to deal with…”

Song Ming and Bianca shared a glance while the kitsune recovered from… whatever it was that she was doing right now. The input that she could provide were rather useful, provided that the person listening comprehended the stuff that was being told to them. That wasn’t always so easy, even for Song Ming.

“Anyway, it took you a few moments, even though, when it comes to very specific uses of planar energy, you’re able to employ it much more efficiently than most. It takes time to gather the same amount of energy that you might channel into your knife, for instance,” the kitsune elaborated, “But in order to chop down a tree using planar energy, you must release similar amounts in an instant, and only when you’re striking the tree. Any earlier, and it will be scattered upon impact. Any later, and your axe will be bouncing off the metallic surface with no benefit to you.”

“And is that why Song Ming was so exhausted the other day?”

“Precisely. To exert so much energy within a single instant is rather challenging, but also quite pointless against most foes. Hence, combatants won’t attempt to learn such a technique unless they plan to harvest materials that require such an approach,” Xue Yaling explained, “However, there is little demand for such a thing among those in the sects. Most often, they will have specifically trained gatherers for such tasks, and those in smaller factions or travelling by their lonesome will rarely stumble across plentiful veins or patches of material. Such plentiful planar materials are rather rare, especially in such quality.”

“So these people are all lucky?”

“Mhm, though it’s also the logging operation of a major faction, simply just…”


“Hm, yes, that works. It was outsourced to these… people… and all spoils will be brought to Long Shiyi, to be used against the Exarch. If she had enough people on hand, then she’d be using them instead, but it seems like she doesn’t… doesn’t inspire confidence, does it?” the kitsune muttered, glancing around to make sure that nobody in the camp heard her, “Anyway, we’ll get to work.”

“Ah, right, sorry. I’ll watch for a while, if it’s no issue.”

“Why would it ever be an issue, boss? You’re totally in charge here, after all, so it should be entirely up to you what to do around us,” Xue Yaling sighed, “Do try to keep that in mind if you’re still unable to use your spiritual perception properly and at all times.”

“… Yeah,” Bianca nodded again, looked around too, then found a wooden stump to plant her backside on.

It felt a lot like sitting on a sheet of metal and not at all like resting on wood, but it worked well enough. If there was one thing she’d dealt with plenty of times, it would be hard and rigid seats. School had plenty of them, both primary and secondary, and college managed to bother her with a few of those as well.

At the time, bad seats certainly felt rather awful, but nowadays, she was glad to have even this much. In comparison to all of the bullshit happening around her, it was almost a blessing to have something that was ordinary and straightforward.

‘Not that I wouldn’t prefer a cushion, at least. Or to sit in someone’s lap, maybe…’ she glanced at Song Ming, and her gaze remained there for quite a while.

She didn’t keep track of time around here, since she had nowhere to be and nothing to do, and instead devoted her attention to admiring whatever parts of Song Ming were easy to observe – mainly her ass. Bianca had always been more of an ass girl than a boob one, ever since either of those became attractive to her. Of course, she liked breasts quite a bit too, probably more than a number of men or women, but her true passion remained no matter what the internet led her to.

Lia had a pretty nice butt, and in the time that they had been together, it had been a hobby of hers to find any opportunity she could to grope and feel it up. The one receiving this treatment didn’t enjoy it as much every time, though out of all of the issues that led to them parting, this may not even have been brought up.

It was hard to recall, and, now that she thought about it some more, it wasn’t the only thing. She hadn’t been in this world for too long, and yet her memories felt rather hazy already, as if she’d been away for a year or two already.

‘I guess that’s what happens when you’re constantly surrounded by all kinds of new and shocking stuff… I just hope that I don’t end up staying here for too long. Even with Song Ming and Xue Yaling and… the occasional advantage of the Commanding Rod- who the fuck named it that, anyway? It sounds stupid, and yet Xue Yaling and I have decided to just accept it, as if this sort of thing is normal… Ugh,’ Bianca rolled her eyes, though she made sure to look away from some of the loggers that had decided to occupy a spot not too far from her and the two ladies chopping away.

They weren’t close enough for her to be able to see much on their faces – or many details at all – but it was better to be safe than sorry for the moment.

‘How nice would it be if I could just assume that everyone would have vision as good or worse than mine – since mine was pretty good back on Orbis, at least – and not need to guess whether one of them has some kind of magic eye that lets them see way further and way better than I can…’ she turned back to Song Ming, noting that in the time she’d been letting her head sit empty, Song Ming managed to finish on one tree and Xue Yaling was already working on her fourth, ‘Damn, they’re fast-’

And then, pure and vivid bluish-white flashed before her eyes. It only took her a moment to recognise it, prompting her to immediately leap off the stump she was sitting on and rush towards Song Ming even as the light of the Crusader’s Runes began to shine through her skin.

“B-Bianca! Xue Yaling!” Song Ming noticed it too, her axe falling out of her hands as Bianca and the kitsune rushed to her side, “It’s flaring up again…”

“Then the talisman I made is running out of effectiveness… Great. Just great,” Xue Yaling turned to Bianca, “You seem decent enough at handling rampant energy, if your cultivation technique is to be used as an example, so you might be able to help. Head out further into the woods and then spend some close time with her, understand?”

“Close? W-wait, you don’t mean-”

“No, I don’t. Anything will work this time, since you don’t need to use the technique. Now, go and help her out, or else we might have an outright explosion at our hands.”

“Alright, got it!” Bianca nodded, even as she pondered why, if such a method was available all along, they had needed to employ the ghostflame talisman or any other means to support Song Ming. However, that mattered less than keeping her safe and sound, so she kept the questions to herself and took Song Ming’s hand, pulling her along while she still had the ability to move on her own, rushing at the fastest speed that her body would allow.

Even though neither of them used movement skills or were particularly faster than the average person, they were still able to get decently far into the metallic forest before Song Ming began to stumble and struggle.

There was enough space for them to lay down amidst silvery leaves – rather soft ones, luckily for them and their unprotected skin – so they did so, with Bianca ending up on top, looking down at Song Ming’s face. Streaks of bluish-white sparked beneath her skin, illuminating her in the most surreal of fashions, though Bianca saw the occasional glimpse of faint shades of some other colours within the glow.

However, that was another thing to leave for later.

“So, uh… I didn’t get any instructions beyond this. Do we just…” Bianca bit her lip as she thought about it for a moment, though the fact that Song Ming didn’t – or couldn’t – respond forced her to put her hesitation aside.

Taking in a deep breath, she closed the gap between them and let their lips touch, taking a moment to delight in their warmth before deepening the kiss.

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