I Was Called A Demon

Arc 3: Chapter 12

It was a lot more difficult than most other times, especially since her cock seemed reluctant to depart from her body as it usually did. That left it within Song Ming’s tight hole, although as her length softened, the pressure became a lot less overwhelming than before.

The same could not be said of the stench of sex that had built up around them, especially the strong musk produced by the veritable pool of cum that Bianca’s balls were somehow able to produce. From what she recalled of her biology classes, regular men should only be able to shoot out a few millilitres, as disgusting as the thought of it alone ended up being, and when she had first climaxed, it certainly seemed closer to such a volume. However, since she began getting some help from Xue Yaling and Song Ming, it could hardly be said to be reasonable.

Luckily, her head wasn’t in the right state to contemplate that type of thing – nor was her other head, for that matter.

‘… oh fuck! I came inside her!’ Bianca realised after far, far too long, instinctively leaping away and desperately trying to consider any means of correcting the situation, though none came to her, ‘Even if getting rid of all… that, worked, there’s no way I’m ever handling such a vast amount of it. Fuck me, this really is an absurd amount.’

“B-Bianca… I feel so… so full…”

“Y-Yeah, I… did that… somehow… uhm… hey, you wouldn’t know if today’s a risky day for, well… certain things?”


“Don’t worry, Bianca, you shouldn’t have had any chance of doing it this time,” Xue Yaling’s voice appeared, like it so often did, seemingly out of nowhere.

“Stop doing that! And… what do you mean?”

“I’ve examined the sticky loads that you’ve produced before, and they appear to be devoid of any… virility, for lack of a better term. Since it is the product of a dual cultivation technique, it likely requires the desire to produce children or some specific steps upon activation that none other than you would know,” the kitsune explained, “In other words, no need to worry about safe days and what not.”

However, that wasn’t quite enough to soothe Bianca’s concerns, especially not when her dick finally vanished and gave her a clearer head than before, “Were you watching this entire time? Again?”

“This time, I was not.”

“Really? You expect me to believe that after all the times you’ve turned out to have done exactly that? And with how you just happened to show up here at the right time?” she shook her head, “Sounds really unlikely. Right, Song Ming?”

“… uh… y-yeah…” Song Ming managed to make some noise of affirmation before her head dropped back down to the grass, a hand rising to rest on her forehead as she took deep breaths.

“First of all, perhaps you should do this more often – it seems to have granted you quite the confidence boost. If it also raised your general comprehension ability, that would be lovely, but things are rarely so convenient,” she shrugged, “Regardless, I did not waste my time staring at you two and instead chopped down a few more trees so that we make some contribution to the logging effort. We wouldn’t want to frustrate the loggers while we’re taking advantage of their camp, after all.”

“Did you, now?”

“Mhm. Seven whole trees, darling, in the time that I, normally, would have gone through four at most. I hope you appreciate that.”

“… Well, since that would be silly to lie about, yeah, I guess… I feel weird.”

“You broke through, so your body must have been affected by it,” the kitsune said, prompting a raised eyebrow from Bianca and a faint gasp from Song Ming.

“Wait, when?”

“… You were using a dual cultivation technique, remember? It may take an unusual form for two women, but it is one nonetheless,” she replied, “Did you miss it completely?”

“Yeah… Song Ming?”

She shrugged, or at least tried to, though her breaths were slowly slowing down and she was showing some slight hint of recovering, slow as that process was proving to be. Cum was still slowly pouring out from her pussy, her nether lips still forced apart by the aftermath of handling Bianca’s girth, though by the obvious bulge that remained on her belly, it was clear that there was still a lot to go.

“Wait, did you intend for this happen?”

“Again, believe it or not, no. I was experimenting with whether or not the historical records describing the soothing of rampant energies with ‘affection’ and ‘close contact’, vague as such descriptions are, had any validity to them,” Xue Yaling glanced at Song Ming’s left arm, “Supposedly, the rampant draconic energy within the Lady of Ashes – a Western cultivator of some renown – were briefly soothes by the embrace of a friend or loved one, and plenty of similar examples.”

“So we don’t know if it worked…”

“You could always repeat what you’ve done today. Shouldn’t cause too many issues,” the kitsune grinned, the lewd intent obvious in her gaze, “Imagine that for a moment: owning her body, marking her with your scent each and every day, making sure that the people around you won’t ever dare to lay their hands on her because she belongs to you.”

If Bianca still had her cock out, she doubted that it wouldn’t have produced a rather obvious reaction. For some reason, the idea was incredibly exciting, even if she didn’t think that it was in any way sane or reasonable.

“A-Alright, enough of that. We’ll figure it out later, probably,” she tried to shift her mind away from it before she managed to show her interest anyway, “Do you have any way of, uh, fixing this issue?”

“Pulling out would be one… heh. No, I understand. The filling is simple enough to clean away to a sufficient degree, whereas her muddled state…” the kitsune headed over to the young woman, kneeling down beside her while blocking her nose, “Damn, that scent is even stronger than before. I’d ask what you were eating to produce something like this, but that would be pointless when I’ve overseen all of our meals…”

“Do you have a way to help her?”

“I’m… I’m fine. I just feel like… like I’m floating on clouds…” Song Ming said, followed by a nod from then kitsune.

“Unless you’ve done something beyond just giving her a powerful orgasm, she’ll be alright soon enough. And, if you have, I doubt I have the abilities to do that much about it, whether I’d like to or not.”

Bianca nodded – those were good news, since she didn’t expect to do anything strange to Song Ming at any point. Then again, she hadn’t intended to do anything that she ended up doing today either, so it was slightly worrying that the kitsune wouldn’t be able to just solve all of their problems with a wave of her hand, or something like that.

Even her solution to Song Ming’s fullness was simply to gently press down on the bulge in her belly and let Bianca’s sticky, white load pour out onto the ruined pants below until there was a lot less of it within her depths. After that, it would be near impossible to tidy things up without some extreme effort and skills that Bianca certainly wasn’t familiar with, and could be contained well enough with a fresh pair of panties and thick pants, which Xue Yaling had plenty of. Obviously, they’d need to be changed again afterwards, but at least it would be at the level of a regular pairing between two lovers – one equipped with a cock – instead of the apocalyptic mess that Bianca originally created.

Song Ming’s whine of disappointment as her belly returned to normal size didn’t escape their attention, “Aw, I had wanted to feel full like that for longer…”

“That’s no big surprise,” Xue Yaling muttered, “Anyway, it would be best if we finally returned to the logging. While you’re not expected to work to begin with, we two are, and more importantly, we should be contributing a proper share so that we aren’t given an unnecessary degree of scrutiny by the others. Any disagreements, oh mighty leader?”

“Well… phrasing of your question aside, would you mind staying for a moment? I wanted to ask about some stuff.”

“Oh? Hm, I don’t mind. Song Ming, sweetie, are you alright to get dressed on your own?” the kitsune asked, “No, clearly not, not sure why I even asked… Let me help you out, then I’ll see what your lovely girlfriend wants from me.”



“You said you had studied this stuff a bit, so I was a little curious about something. First of all, how exactly does my technique work that you were able to conclude with such certainty that it wouldn’t be risky to use?”

“That’s a broad question, you know. More importantly, since I haven’t yet managed to decipher the intricacies of it, I cannot confirm most of its inner workings.”

“Well, what about where all the cum comes from? I know it produces balls – and maybe a prostate, since I think I’d need one of those – but surely they can’t produce that much in a minute. Also, what’s with the incredible variance between different loads? The first time, I’m pretty sure it was just a weak spurt in comparison to all of that.”

She gestured towards the mess on the ground, where semen formed a large puddle amidst grass and dirt and what were once trousers and panties, now little more than cum-stained rags.

“Where it comes from is simple enough. Planar energy.”

“So… like a planar construct?”

“No, though the fact that you seem to have remembered the concept is somewhat encouraging. Rather than a planar construct, this is more akin to the way that planar energy can nourish your body, thus allowing cultivators to sleep and eat less as they progress through the realms. The quantity and quality of the energy within them rises, and is able to substitute more of the nutrients, fluids and what not that the body needs,” Xue Yaling explained, “When the Demon’s Commanding Rod is activated, it likely uses a bit of your energy to jump start the process.”

“Do I have to be careful with it, then? Like, if for whatever reason I was to use it a dozen times in a row, would I be all out of energy?”

“Planning to use it a lot more now, are you? Glad to see some progress for once,” the smug and lewd grin on her face was frustrating, but Bianca couldn’t deny that every time that she used the technique, it became more and more enticing to use it once more, “But in terms of planar energy alone, you should be fine. It doesn’t need that much, or else even you would have noticed its consumption.”

“And what about the risk of pregnancy?”

“The substance you produce at the moment lacks the typical vitality that virile seed would possess. I’m assuming that there is a method to bestow it once you choose to do so, but, once again, you’ll be more familiar with it than I, even if it is only instinctually. Oh, I should warn you not to do it any time soon. Putting aside whether it would affect the stability of Song Ming’s physique energy, taking care of a pregnant woman on a perilous journey is the last thing I wish to do, or that we should do.”

“I… I wasn’t thinking about doing it,” Bianca blushed, even though she was mostly being honest, “Just… curious how it worked, is all…”

“Mhm, if you insist.”

“A-Anyway, um, I had noticed that I have a bit of a problem with, uh-”



“I can’t even begin to smile as I usually might, since this has taken far, far too long for you to understand. It’s even more important because it arises not just during harmless fun – which this more or less was – but also during very important events where a single misstep will lead to a whole sect, if not several, wishing to see us dead.”

“Those times… it wasn’t on purpose-”

“And that’s the issue, as you should understand by now. It’s one thing if you kill deliberately, planning how you’d stab a knife into someone’s chest and watch their life ebb away with every breath and drop of blood that leaks from the wound,” the kitsune stepped closer, jabbing a finger at Bianca’s chest, “But the two times you’ve taken a life, you’ve done so ‘on accident’, ‘not on purpose’, and so on. And don’t get me started on how much you like to steal things.”

“H-Hey, I haven’t done it that much!”

“Half the time I’ve taken something out of my shrinking bag, it ends up somewhere on your person whether I give it to you or not. Now, most of the time, that’s harmless, since all I need to do is ask for it back, but unless you are planning to commit to my suggestion, it’s not a good look.”

“Your suggestion?”

“To be a demon. The Demon of Destruction, or whatever other title you prefer. If you’re powerful and feared, the least of your problems will be taking something that someone else owns. Everyone will either be too afraid to say a thing against you, or already be planning to kill you for all the other things you’ve done that don’t involve petty theft.”

“… You seem very calm about the idea of killing people.”

“What reason do I have to be anything but calm? Remember, this world is not a forgiving one. All that needs to happen for you to perish is for a cultivator of far greater strength to feel bored one day – a single casual skill could obliterate you before you even recognise that anything happened.”

She looked into Bianca’s eyes for an uncomfortably long time, and even when she pulled her gaze away, it felt as if she was still staring.

“You should know that even better than I. You never intended to take a life, if you’re being honest with me, and yet two went before you truly understood your actions… and somehow, the thing to make you finally understand your impulsive nature was the risk of getting a woman pregnant. Honestly, you… you are quite something.”

“W-Well… the other stuff… um… it didn’t really feel… real?”

“Why would it not be real? I didn’t realise you often dream of blood spilling onto your hands and the last dying breaths of friends and allies both. Perhaps you should be the Demon of Slaughter instead.”

“No! I… well… I never… at least, I don’t think I’ve ever been in any situations even remotely like those. It feels like it was all… uh…” Bianca lowered her head, unable to even begin guessing how to convey all of the things that she felt without exposing just about everything about herself, including her true identity, ‘I can’t just admit that no matter how long this goes on, it all feels like a dream or a movie – not that I’ve watched many fantasy ones, so maybe this isn’t like them at all – without making it completely obvious that I’ve been lying to her and Song Ming the entire time…’

She wasn’t exactly happy about needing to mislead all of them this whole time, but the fact that her energy alone proved an off-putting factor to many made it all the clearer that there was a significant amount of risk to revealing the truth about her origin.

That aside, she didn’t imagine that the kitsune would take too kindly to being told that everything she did was seen as some dream or a piece of fiction, whether intentionally or not. Most likely, she’d give Bianca quite the spanking, both verbally and literally, which wasn’t exactly an ideal scenario no matter how she looked at it.

“Well, admitting to your copious faults is a start, if nothing else – hopefully, also the start of more admissions of your mistakes, but I can wait on those. For now… I think it would be best if we met at night, here or wherever that isn’t being observed by the loggers, and make sure that you’re properly trained up,” Xue Yaling said, “It may take a while, but I ought to be able to assist you with at least one of the issues you’ve managed to run into so far.”

“W-which one? And why at night? I’d like to get some more rest today… and what are we going to do with that?” Bianca gestured towards the mess that had been left behind after her and Song Ming’s time together.

“I’ll handle that part. You don’t need much more rest, though some exercise ought to help your sleep regardless, and it’s best done at night since it will minimize the chances of us needing to bother with anyone or anything else,” she replied without even a moment’s break, “At worst, some logger will head out into the woods to have a piss or something, which is unlikely to take them too far from the camp. No reason to waste time and energy when they, too, wish for a rest after their day of – significantly harder - work. In the day, however, there are all kinds of things to take up their time, like actual work.”

“… Why do you emphasise the word ‘work’ so much?”

“If you don’t know that, I will need to personally verify whether there’s even a brain in that head of yours. Now, go, make sure your girlfriend isn’t having any issues.”

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