I Was Called A Demon

Arc 6: Chapter 15

“And this is my place… want me to show you around, or-”

“While I’m sure your place is as cute as you are, sweetie, I think I’ll save that for the next day. I ought to leave some surprises for then, don’t you think?”

Whether or not Su Huang agreed didn’t particularly matter, as prolonged exposure to the chaotic element that was the style of behaviour the Demon Queen exhibited turned the woman into an eager pet – well, not quite. She was nowhere near Song Ming’s level, but she was far, far more submissive and eager to serve than she had been to start with.

Bianca wouldn’t have admitted it, not even to Song Ming or Xue Yaling – both of whom she’d share more details with than others for their own reasons – but she did enjoy it. It was akin to what she had seen in the dream that Yu Juan had showed her, where she effectively got a woman addicted to her cock just by making her smell it for a while… which was incredibly hot too. This feeling of affecting someone and changing them for herself…

‘It makes me so wet…’ she couldn’t ignore the wetness of her panties, but she was luckily able to not show anything on the outside in the last hour or so that she had spent with that woman.

By the time they were out, night was upon them, and she had calmed down enough that she was able to return to her room with no abnormalities, leaving only the ruined panties for her to dispose of later. They went up to their room and found the door to Bianca’s chosen room showing just a little light within through the gap under the door, so they headed in and found their three companions sitting in silence, each one reading something or other.

“Well, this isn’t what I was expecting at all… Han Rushu, didn’t know you could read,” Bianca said, “I didn’t… I didn’t think about what I was saying before I said it.”

“It’s fine, reading’s dull anyway, but, uh, I wasn’t going to intrude on the dynamic with you lot.”

“… Okay,” she frowned for a moment, but ultimately decided not to ask further questions, “How did your day go? Did you end up finding anything interesting? Some spots worth visiting in the Phoenix Sect?”

“There’s a few parts of the wall that are relatively worn-down, which could be an interesting way for you to view the weaker aspects of the sect… if you want,” Han Rushu said, glancing at them for a little while only to return her attention to the book and no longer bothering to look at any of them.

Bianca was curious what had gotten her so interested, but it was impossible for her to check from there thanks to her poor control over spiritual perception. Better yet, she was more interested in what the other two had been able to learn, so she put that off for now. Her gaze prompted Song Ming to look up and offer her findings.

“Yu Juan and I had talked to some of the people here. It’s as we thought, Mistress – the Phoenix Sect has sent away many of its combatants to resolve a situation near the edge of their territory. The people I spoke with gave some mixed responses, so I’m not entirely sure who their foe is, but…”

“Same here. It was difficult to ascertain anything specific, so I doubt that the Phoenix Sect wanted anyone to know. However, I was able to confirm that they’d be away for a while, at least a few days,” Yu Juan said, then added, “Is that enough, Mistress?”

“Yes, my pets, that is helpful… if a little lacking in detail,” Bianca said, glancing in the direction of the sect ground’s walls, almost feeling as though she could see through the walls of their room, “But I suppose that the schedule for tomorrow is simple enough. I’ll go with Xue Yaling again and visit Su Huang, spend a while with her… I’d like you, my dearest and loveliest pet, to do what we’d planned.”

“What… ah, yes, Mistress. I will be sure to do that,” Song Ming agreed after a moment of confusion.

“Yu Juan, Han Rushu… what are you looking at over there?” finally giving in to her curiosity, Bianca hastened over to the blacksmith’s spot before she had the chance to close her book.

Luckily, the dragon-blooded blacksmith didn’t seem especially interested in shutting it, so she had not only the time to glance at it, but also read through the whole thing if she really wanted to. The contents were surprising, though only because she hadn’t expected to either find such a thing in this world, or for Han Rushu to be reading it.

“Is that porn? Were they selling it here?”

“Mhm, sure. It was surprising to find it here rather than in the Dancer’s Abode, but I took a look, and… well, this stuff is well written, even though I didn’t think I’d be bothered to read all this.”

Bianca looked over the text, and had to nod, “Yeah, this is… good. Are you two reading this as well?”

The others shook their heads, so her attention returned to the book. It described a dragon and a human woman going at it, and made sure to emphasise just how large, thick, hot, throbbing – and what not – the dragon’s cock was as it entered the woman’s pussy. It was… very explicit. So explicit that it seemed to be more vivid than the experiences Bianca had with fucking people using a cock of her own – or of being fucked by Han Rushu, which still lingered in her head no matter what other matters she had ended up engaging in.

“Could you keep this for me after you’re done with it? I mean, provided you don’t end up ruining it with any fluids.”

“I don’t know what you mean, this is purely for academic purposes… But I am having a hard time keeping myself from getting hard,” the blacksmith admitted.

“I’m amazed you’re stopping yourself… but anyway, you and Yu Juan should head over to that part of the wall that caught your interest… Write me something about it since you’re so interested in this book,” Bianca suggested, though she knew that neither of them were taking it seriously.

However, if she had time after all this, she’d definitely find some way to force the blacksmith to work on a book of her own. It didn’t matter whether the book was ever finished, but she just had to see that woman spend an hour sitting down and desperately trying to write anything of value. It would probably not be anything good, and she expected plenty of dick-shaped squiggles, but it would be very funny.

Right now, they were most focused on their plan, and it was a rather poor plan given that they couldn’t explicitly scheme anything out in the open. As Bianca understood it, and hoped that the others did too, she and Xue Yaling would enter and attempt to find the Weave of the Senses while Song Ming distracted the guards with her star metal armour act. Then, if success came their way, then they’d escape in the direction of that part of wall that Han Rushu had found.

Then, if they were successful, they’d use that spot to run out and… do whatever it took to remain free from whatever dungeon the Phoenix Sect used as their prison. She wasn’t sure about that part of the plan yet, and it was hard to come up with anything on the spot. Xue Yaling didn’t bring anything up either, so it was either not convenient to discuss, or she had nothing to offer at the moment.

It was a worrying thought, considering just how much that kitsune did know, but she was also not suggesting that their plans be put on hold, which meant that she had enough confidence in getting out of the sect grounds tomorrow.

“Be honest, what are our chances?” Bianca asked, looking to the kitsune.

“If all was normal, then they should be non-existent. Our ultimate goal out there,” she spoke vaguely, almost certainly to mislead anyone trying to listen in, “Is a rather incredible one, so people as weak as us shouldn’t be able to succeed. However, there is something strange afoot.”


“The lucky woman that Su Huang brought up… Luck isn’t usually a force in the world, but a special technique or archetype might be able to affect things in a manner that would be attributed to luck.”

“Again, what does that mean for us?”

“It means that there is someone capable of affecting a very wide space in an imperceptible way to ensure that things go the way they want. And right now… just think about the current circumstances. Whoever this person is, their purposes appear to be helpful for us as well,” the kitsune explained, “And if their luck helps us, then… we might just be able to get away with it. Maybe. Possibly. I can’t be sure if I’ve understood the situation properly, or at all.”

“You just had to make your words less encouraging, didn’t you?” Bianca responded with a sigh, but it was oddly reassuring, more so than blind optimism would’ve been, “Well, I suppose that there’s not much we can do here.”

“We can, actually.”

Bianca’s eyebrow raised, “Huh?”

“We can have a lovely sleepover together, with everyone cuddling in a single bed and getting better acquainted with one another. It should do wonders for our mood in the following morning, even if we don’t end up doing anything… fun.”

“I think that will end horribly, but… what do you three think?”

“I’m fine with it, though if you do want to avoid things ending with sex, you better not tease me,” Han Rushu replied promptly.

Yu Juan simply shrugged, and Song Ming said eagerly, “I will do whatever you desire, Mistress. I would love to be close to you regardless, however it happens.”

“Guess that counts as a vote in favour, so… fine, Xue Yaling, we’ll go along with whatever plan you’ve got.”

“Honestly, I don’t have any ill intentions here. I can just tell that you will get needlessly worried over nothing on the day, and so anything that can be done to alleviate that stress in advance is ideal. Why, is that such an unpleasant idea to you?”

“No, but… ah, never mind. I’m sure it’ll be fine.”


Surprisingly enough, it was fine. Although all of them had done rather little in the day besides eating and walking around, Bianca found herself falling asleep rather quickly once they got into bed – with their underwear on, as per her recommendation – and even then, she was the last to doze off. Han Rushu must’ve concluded that there would be little fun to be had and fell asleep near instantly, with the kitsune following her a minute after.

Yu Juan and Song Ming took a little longer, but the Dancer must’ve been used to sleeping in unusual conditions as part of her original job, whereas her darling pet simply snuggled up against her and fell into the embrace of sleep with little difficulty. That left Bianca on her own as she grappled with lewd thoughts and ideas for a while before she, too, drifted off.

When she awoke, she, surprisingly enough, wasn’t being fingered by Song Ming, nor being touched up by Han Rushu. Everyone was still asleep, although they were starting to stir around the same time that Bianca awoke.

‘That is the most calm night I’ve had… in quite some time.’

She slowly rose up, untangling herself from the pile of bodies, and headed to the bathroom. There, with a bit of fumbling, she managed to find the local variation of a shower, and after throwing her underwear off, she stepped behind the glass-like screen and turned the water on. It started off warm, a steady drizzle of water splashing onto her skin, and heated up to a comfortable extent, though even if it warmed up further, she had the feeling that she’d be fine.

Her body, since her last breakthrough, she was able to go without washing if she so desired, but since she was having a surprisingly calm day, she figured it would be best to allow herself a little more time to relax.

Bianca allowed herself to get lost in the sensation of water washing over her, letting it cleanse her body, and once she was sufficiently clean, she reached for the local equivalent of the shampoo, only to hear the door opening slowly. Since she was too relaxed to bother opening her eyes, she allowed the Demonic Tyrant to guide her spiritual perception outside of her body to check who it was… and then let out a breath of relief when she confirmed it wasn’t the kitsune or blacksmith.

“Good morning, my pet. Did you want to join me?”

“Y-Yes, if you don’t mind…” her voice sounded gorgeously blushy, so Bianca could hardly refuse her, not that she ever intended to.

“By all means, go ahead,” she stepped a little further into the shower cabin to allow her darling pet to enter as well, and although she kept her eyes shut to wash her hair without needing to worry about anything getting into them, she made sure to watch as Song Ming undressed through spiritual perception.

Her pet was as beautiful as ever, and even the scar on her arm, which still glowed ever so faintly with the light of her dark physique energy, added to her appearance in a certain exotic manner.

“What are the others doing?”

“I didn’t look at them much, but they seem calm enough,” Song Ming replied, stepping up to the shower, “I’ll step inside, Mistress.”

“Mhm, go for it. Help me with my hair while you’re at it, since you probably have a better view of it than I do,” Bianca said, presenting herself for her pet, “And feel free to stare at my ass, I know it’s pretty nice.”

“M-Mistress…” she blushed, but did as she was told – in both counts, “I do love the way you look. You have such… gorgeous proportions, and your ass… I do love it.”

“Good girl,” the phrase got her pet to blush even more, “I’ll let you eat out my ass whenever you want, cutie, and I’ll play even more with your ass in return. How is the plug feeling?”

“It… It’s still a little distracting, but I… I like it. I would prefer your cock, though…”

Bianca couldn’t help but sigh. It was difficult to say no every single time that Song Ming brought it up, especially since she had been the one to corrupt the young woman into liking her dick this much. Thus, she struggled quite a bit to decide on how to solve her problems, a conflict between the horny and the sane within her mind clashing with an outcome that was obvious from the moment this conflict began.

It was that she should let Song Ming have another taste of her, although taste might not be quite the right word here.

“Sweetheart, if I let you have it this time, would you be able to resist the influence?”

“The… Ah, you’d be willing to… Um…” she looked around, stopping her efforts in washing Bianca’s hair, “Fuck me?”

“Yes, cutie. I’d fuck your ass, fill you up, and make you perform in front of the entire sect with your stomach filled from the back end… maybe there’ll even be a bulge in your belly that will be obvious to the onlookers. Don’t you think that would be fun?”

Song Ming made a squealing noise like some kind of small animal, but she was already reaching back to feel the plug in her ass, betraying her excitement.

“Bianca, Song Ming, I think we need to move,” the kitsune’s voice destroyed their excitement, for it was filled with obvious fear and concern that they couldn’t just ignore it, “I have the feeling that a large number of cultivators are approaching this place. The planar energy around here has been going up, and it may be due to the approach of a large number of higher-realm cultivators carrying artefacts. It’s not the most… reliable method of detecting such things, but it’s proven to be true every previous time I’ve relied on it.”

“For fuck’s sake… If you’re so sure, give us another ten minutes!” Bianca shouted back, her shoulders and any excitement that may have built in her body dropping right away, “My pet, since I already promised it, I will definitely fuck you in the ass after we’re done. Alright, sweetheart?”

“Of course, Mistress… Even if you changed your mind, I would love you just as much… though my butt would feel a lot better with you inside…”

“It didn’t take you long to become one kinky slut, did it? Heh,” Bianca felt a smile return to her face, “But I will stick to my promise, so look forward to it, okay? You’re my favourite darling sweetheart, and you’ll get a day for just the two of us as soon as… you know, we have the luxury to do that stuff without being interrupted.”

“Mhm. I’ll be looking forward to it, Mistress.”

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