I Was Called A Demon

Arc 7: Chapter 18

“By the ancients, you never cease to surprise me, Bianca,” Xue Yaling muttered, “Though I should’ve seen the change in energy coming, the fact that you saw this possibility so quickly is quite impressive.”

“It’s hard to appreciate compliments when they’re all done relatively to how lowly you think of me,” Bianca responded, sighing, ‘Though it is true, something is very wrong with me, and it’s either how dumb I’ve been all along, or how well I understand this stuff for the moment… and it can’t be anything to do with Yu Juan’s energy, since she hadn’t shared it with me until I had already come up with the idea…’

“Yu Juan, if you could come over… Mhm, just one moment,” while Bianca was thinking, Huang Su put her hands on the Dancer’s shoulders and scanned her with spiritual perception, presumably investigating the effects that Bianca’s energy had upon her.

Whatever she found – or didn’t find – she withdrew after a moment, saying nothing but frowning.

Seeing as she wasn’t interested in sharing her findings openly, Bianca decided to focus on what she could comment on.

“We’ve gotten the creature’s core… that’s what they’re called, right?” she looked to Yu Juan, who proudly presented the core to everyone, “I know I asked about this before we ever went into there, but does anyone need it?’

“Hm… I don’t think so, but I could hold on to it for you. Perhaps I can find a use for it later on,” Xue Yaling offered, and Bianca saw no reason to refuse.

“Alright then, you keep it… Right, I wanted us to track down a beast to eat later on, though we’ve already interrupted our journey quite a bit with this, so we shouldn’t get far away from the original route again,” Bianca said, and Huang Su nodded.

“That would be best. If we remain relatively close, I should be able to alert everyone to an edible beast, if I detect one,” the Sect Master confirmed.

The others offered no objections, yet again, though it was clear that everyone had gotten rather sweaty all over during their journey, and didn’t have the chance to clean up in the short while Bianca and Yu Juan spent fighting with the hungry nest.

Not everyone was quite as content to remain a total mess, unlike Bianca, who was still enjoying the scents around her, even if she could admit that there was a limit to how long someone could refrain from cleaning themselves before it would eventually turn her off as well. It wasn’t yet such a moment, but Bianca was mindful of such a thing.

“Any chance that you could do that movement skill again?” Bianca asked, before they had the chance to set off.

“I’m afraid not, unless you’d like to boil by the time we arrive, not to mention the sheer amount of energy that it wastes. Do not worry, Mistress, we’ll be able to arrive in time still, provided we have few distractions like this one,” Huang Su said, “You need not fear about that.”


The sun had nearly set, dyeing the landscape with a warm mixture of orange and crimson, but luckily Bianca got to see the sun setting over the incredible lake that was the core of the central Eastern Continent, the Heart Lake.

It was enormous, so much so that she couldn’t even begin to guess at where it ended. For all she knew, the Heart Lake was larger than any of the oceans on Orbis, but even if it wasn’t, her eyes lacked the ability to see to the other side. Apparently, the world here was flat and one with a high enough cultivation could see as far as they wished, barring any obstacles or terrain, but that was unrelated to the sight itself.

The entire lake was incredible flat, devoid of waves, reflecting the sky above as though it was a perfect mirror. The sight was enchanting, beguiling, tempting Bianca to keep staring for the rest of all eternity, the two parts of the sun that shone from the lake and the sky above slowly drawing closer, both fading and disappearing behind the distant terrain.

“It’s amazing…”

“The Heart Lake, the centre of the Eastern Continent, and a place from which countless towns and villages derive their food and water. It’s considered by some to be the origin of all life, though… I doubt that,” Huang Su introduced the lake, “It is certainly one of the most potent sources of water-type energy in the entire world, aside from some spots in the Western Continent, though that place is… anomalous, to say the least.”

“What do you mean?”

“While I have not visited it myself, all the reports I’ve heard from sects that did have said that while it generally has far less planar energy, seeming to decline more quickly than our continent, there are places there where the concentration of energy is higher than it has ever been in the east. The planar stone mines in the south are but one of many examples where, for whatever reason, a vast amount of energy has concentrated and created a landmark.”

“I… guess that’s strange, though wouldn’t it make sense for energy to concentrate around planar stones?”

“If one was to plant them in the ground, then sure. That’s partially how sects are able to enhance the energy density around their territory, albeit in a far more complex manner than simply planting a few planar stones and leaving them be,” the Sect Master explained.

“Right, I guess… But we’re not planning on heading over to that continent, right?”

“The natural laws differ there. No tribulation, but also no guarantee of breakthrough, bottlenecks, the need to create one’s own fourth realm movement method and sense energy on one’s own… It’s a very different place, and those that move there often struggle to cultivate as they used to.”

“Then let’s not focus on that, since I think I’ll be overwhelmed if I try to think about both continents at once,” Bianca sighed, “What is our plan here?”

“We need a boat, obviously,” Xue Yaling spoke up, “And a bath. The lake seems perfect for that, so I’m first!”

True to her word, the kitsune managed to strip herself in record time, doing it in a flash, and used her strength to leap the few metres between them and the water, plunging in with the expertise of a professional. She made an enormous splash, some of the water even splattering onto the others, but to Bianca’s shock, the ripples barely travelled out, as though she dove into something far more viscous than water.

Of course, looking at the way in which the kitsune emerged, her white hair and ears soaked through, her skin coated in numerous droplets, it was hard to say that the liquid was anything but the water Bianca was used to.

“What the… is that a normal lake?”

“No, it is not,” Huang Su shook her head, “Are you aware of the state of the ocean that connects the Western and Eastern Continents? The water within can heat to an immense degree, but it will never boil. It can become colder than absolute frost, but it will never freeze. Take the water out of the ocean, however, and it will become entirely ordinary.”

“… How?”

“There are fundamental properties in this world, you might call them laws or the Dao if you prefer. Of course, the typical Dao that is referred to is very different, referring to certain paths and elements, but this kind of Dao is more the fundamental one – the Great Dao, the will of Heaven, that sort of thing,” the Sect Master explained, “The world is flat, the stars above us shine, the sun rises and falls, planar energy exists in our world, and we can refine it and cultivate it to attempt to pursue the peak. Those are but a few of the countless laws of reality.”

“… so the lake just… works this way?”

“Mhm, that is correct. It may well be an unsatisfying answer, it has also been the only one for a million years, if not more.”

“… Huh. Bizarre. What if the lake was expanded, or filled in? What if-”

“Trust me, although the landscape can change greatly and transform in all kinds of ways, like with the Dragon’s Fangs, but the oceans between continents remain constant, and the Heart Lake will remain constant. Nothing will ever change them, unless the very laws of the world transform.”

“Will they?”

“The biggest change in recent times, if you could even call them recent, is the decline in planar energy. I’m unsure as to the cause, but I do not believe that this deviates from the natural rules of reality. Instead, it is a mere change in quantity, and it may be akin to the rise and ebb of the tide. Perhaps there will be a return soon enough, or perhaps…” Huang Su frowned, “I’d prefer not to contemplate that possibility.”

That much was understandable, at least. Bianca instantly likened it to losing the internet, or all electricity, back on Orbis. It would be utterly disastrous, even in places where there was less reliance on electrical appliances, and for her generation, it would probably be debilitating, and that’s for something that has only been around for a few hundred years at best.

Planar energy seemed as ancient as the world itself, and every generation that lived needed it. Without it… lifespans would drop, planar beasts and flora would almost certainly disappear, and everyone would be left with stone age-level technology, for the most part.

‘I have no idea how they would survive and progress from there, but it would be akin to an apocalypse if it ever happened,’ Bianca was sure of that much, ‘I’ll try not to think about that too much, it feels… a bit existential and not at all satisfying. Instead… boobs? Boobs are nice, though I’d rather think about ass. Huang Su’s butt is quite a nice one, though-’

“Mistress?” Song Ming’s voice interrupted her pondering, “Would it be alright if we bathed?”

“Ah, yes, go for it… I’ll probably join you, even if I’m nowhere near as sweaty…” Bianca nodded, though she was still rather distracted, at least until she finally pushed her thought process onto something more reasonable, ‘Wait, isn’t this a perfect opportunity to get myself a nice view? I can get to see plenty of boobs and plenty of butt and relax…’

The lake was mirror-flat and reflective all throughout, but near to Xue Yaling, the faint ripples in the water were enough to disrupt it and let her see through the clear water. It let her view the base of the kitsune’s tail at her tailbone, just above two round, firm ass cheeks, and when the kitsune turned, she even got a glimpse of her pussy, which was framed with a very faint layer of white pubic hair. Usually, the kitsune shaved, but it appeared that she hadn’t had enough time recently.

Song Ming stripped herself soon after, though unlike the kitsune, she seemed to know what Bianca would want to see and so showed herself off in full, deliberately presenting her front and back, even spreading her legs a little and playing with her tits and ass. She even spread her ass for a moment, letting Bianca look at her plugged little hole.

‘She’s so hot…’ Bianca spotted Song Ming winking at her, so she winked in return, making her pet blush like the adorable cutie she is.

“Do I look good, Mistress?” her pet spoke through the blush, turning to face her normally.

“Yes, sweetie, you’re gorgeous… and you’ve been keeping yourself plugged, too. How does it feel?”

“… Honestly, I’ve started to forget anything is… in there,” Song Ming managed to supress a stutter, though her cheeks still grew redder and her gaze inevitably drifted down onto the ground, “It’s like it’s always been there…”

“Good, maybe we can upgrade some time… I’d love to see you all stretched out and gaping for me next time we’re doing that sort of thing,” Bianca grinned, coming up and smacking her pet on the ass, taking a deep breath in at the same time, “You smell nice, by the way. I can’t wait to get you all sweaty again.”

“Y-Yes, Mistress…” the poor woman had her blush cover her whole face, “M-May I go bathe?”

“Sure, sweetheart, enjoy yourself,” Bianca nodded, enjoying the sway of Song Ming’s butt as she went down into the lake.

Turning back, Bianca remembered that most of their little party were still at the shore, unsubtly paying attention, and she nearly started blushing herself. However, was able to keep herself together and instead stood nonchalantly, as though what she was doing was perfectly normal… which, in fairness, it was. It may have been beyond the typical public displays of affection of Orbis, and likely this world, but she and Song Ming had been doing this sort of thing openly for a while, so the time for shyness was long past.

“Are the rest of you planning to join in?”

“If I get to see Huang Su’s tits, yes,” Han Rushu said instantly, staring at the Sect Master without any fear.

Huang Su sighed, but she ended up saying, “It would be best if all of us cleaned up. While we won’t suffer much from not washing, due to our cultivation, it would be best not to attract beasts with our scent, nor to dissuade humans from speaking with us.”

“Mind leading by example?” the blacksmith said again, happily continuing her ogling.

“You should consider who you’re speaking with. Unless Mistress objects, I’d gladly remind you,” Huang Su said, conjuring flaming feathers around her as she looked to Bianca.

It was hard for her to decide whether she wanted the blacksmith put in her place or not, but then she had a bit of an idea. Bianca hadn’t slept with the blacksmith in a while, and she appeared to have gotten rather pent up and frustrated, which seemed like a good idea to resolve as soon as possible. If she could make sure that the blacksmith learnt a lesson and appreciated her at the same time, then… why not?

‘This isn’t some demonic thing to do, either, lots of people around the world act in their own self-interest… even if this is a little bit more dodgy than usual. Still, Han Rushu doesn’t care all that much about our group, so anything to incentivise that will be good,’ Bianca reason to herself, eventually shrugging.

After all, Huang Su specifically asked for objections, so showing that it didn’t matter that much to her would be best. It wouldn’t make the blacksmith think that she hated her, which was key.

‘I definitely don’t, she’s quite hot and her cock is… tasty…’ Bianca found herself licking her lips, though attention had luckily shifted onto the pair that were currently in conflict.

“In that case, I will quickly show you the danger of needlessly agitating those in higher realms,” Huang Su said, and before the blacksmith could say or do much of anything, flaming feathers manifested all around her, wrapping around her limbs, “Do you have a spare outfit?”

“Yes, but-”

“Good,” the Sect Master spoke calmly, and with a flick of her hand, she’d controlled the feathers to tear at the blacksmith’s clothes, instantly scorching and tearing away all of her clothes, revealing her body in full, “Is this comfortable, Han Rushu?”

With all of her clothing gone, her skin and scales were exposed in full, both having a slight sheen from her sweat, but Bianca inevitably looked down at her cock, which was currently mostly soft, her balls looking significantly larger. It was as though they had filled up with cum and now waited for their release, although it was a little difficult to look past the matted pubic hairs that grew all over her sack like a forest.

It wasn’t the cleanest she’d ever seen Han Rushu, since she clearly didn’t bother to tame the wild tangle down there during their travels, but it was still strangely… alluring. Obviously, it didn’t help that Bianca had sex on the mind, or the fact that she’d been getting into more and more dirty things as of late. Something like this soon was almost becoming commonplace within her fantasies.

Furthermore, Han Rushu was the first woman she’d slept with that had a cock, so it left a bit of an impression on her. She was also the only one so far – though considering that dragon-blooded women were rather rare, by the looks of it, it wasn’t a big shock – and that probably helped Bianca’s impression.

Regardless, the blacksmith’s current state wasn’t exactly elegant. She was effectively tied up with the flaming feathers, her arms and legs spread as though she was on a cross-shaped restraint, and despite her best attempts to wiggle out – and there were plenty of those – she failed to move even a little bit, although her torso was free enough to move around, letting her cock flop around helplessly.

“Let me out, you! I was just joking around!”

“Perhaps you were, but there are those that are far less merciful… Besides, you clearly needed a while to cool down, so I’ll oblige you,” the Sect Master waved her hand again and the flaming feathers condensed into firmer, thicker restraints, only for the blacksmith to be lifted up higher and flung towards the lake.

Despite the rapid movement, just before she touched it, her motion stalled and she was lowered into it slowly and gently, face up so that she could breathe, but with much of her body being brought beneath the water. The flaming bindings on her were boiling the water around her, but the flames refused to fade, and neither did the water heat up all that much… though Han Rushu could’ve probably ignored it even if it. Perks of the draconic blood, even if it was a far less obvious one than the one Bianca kept glancing at.

‘… I’m going to end up sucking her off, if not letting her fuck my ass again, won’t I? At least we won’t need to worry about making everything clean first, which is nice…’ Bianca sighed, forcing herself onto something more immediately relevant, “She’s not going to drown like that, right?”

“Of course not. The lake is rather still, and her bonds will fade… eventually. Should be long enough for her to learn a valuable lesson.”

“Are… are you actually annoyed?”

“Not too significantly, Mistress. I’ve had my fair share of admirers, as they’d undoubtedly prefer to be called, the biggest shock is just how open she was… I suppose I have given off a very amicable aura as of late,” Huang Su shrugged, “It’s nothing to worry about, and I will still bathe as I might’ve done in the Phoenix Sect. I’m assuming you’ll be joining us, Mistress?”

“Yes, of course, just feels like something comes up before I get the chance,” Bianca chuckled shyly, and looked onto the others.

Most had luckily stopped standing around and ended up wandering towards the coast, so she was able to stop ogling everyone and follow them down to the Heart Lake.

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