I Was Kidnapped By a Yandere Writer

Chapter 32

It was a thoughtless remark, but the response was very positive.

Seeing how much she enjoyed a simple, cheerful comment made Dokyun feel like he had become a scoundrel who was seducing an innocent maiden.

Her haggard face looked very sloppy.

‘I think it’s a bit cute…’

A thought suddenly came to Dokyun’s mind as he looked at her face.

Immediately after, Dokyun realized what he had been thinking and panicked, trying to control himself.

‘No, that’s not it…!’

Dokyun’s head was pounding. He felt like something had happened to him for a moment.

‘That woman is the woman who kidnapped and imprisoned me.’

‘I couldn’t let down my guard.’

He could tell that she was trying to disarm him by pretending to be innocent.

‘Her face, her face is the problem…’

Probability was playing a big part again. Dokyun was about to let his guard down because he thought her facial features, which had seemed elegant from the moment he first saw her, had become soft because of him.

Dokyun’s heart was beating loudly. It was like his body was sending a warning to him.

He couldn’t be mesmerized. This woman was a sly fox wagging her tail to keep him tied up here.

At that time, Eun-ah, who had been bobbing her head and smiling happily, came back into his arms.

“Ah, okay…!”

Her shoulders, which moved little by little as she breathed, tapped his arm. A small sound of laughter echoed in Dokyun’s ears.

The way she leaned against him and patted his chest with her cheek was like she had the whole world in her hands.

– Thump. Thump.

Dokyun’s heart was beating even faster. It sounded like his heartbeat was ringing loudly.

His thoughts became hazy again. His hand reached out without his knowledge and touched her jawline, which was shaking at his touch.

As he gently stroked her head and brushed her hair back from her forehead, her face displayed the focused expression of someone engrossed in the pleasurable sensation of being petted.

Even as the accident continued to sound its warning, Dokyun’s eyes were focused on the small figure nestled in his arms.

The corner of his mouth continued to twitch. Dokyun had no idea what face he was making.

Embarrassment came to his mind. He felt like he had to say something.

Without delay, Dokyun hurriedly spoke up, hoping that diverting his thoughts would help alleviate the pounding in his heart.

“Is it that good?”

“Hehe… Yes…!”

“Because I like Eun-ah, I like it too.”


Once again, her face turned so red that it looked like it was going to explode, and this time she expressed her joy by exhaling strongly through her nose.

The overwhelming emotion surged straight to his heart, embedding itself deeply within.

His mind went blank once again as he began to examine the girl in front of him in detail.

The face looking up at him was full of life and seemed to be blooming red.

Dokyun caught his reflection in her moist, sparkling eyes. They contained him so intensely, shining with such brilliance that he had an illusion of being trapped within them.

In an instant, his body moved involuntarily, and he found himself bowing his head and drawing nearer to her.

Before he knew it, his lips, which had approached her eye, reached their intended destination.

With the touch of his lips, he felt the delicate sensation of her thin eyelashes tickling his lower lips. He felt a trembling vibration spreading throughout his body.

When Dokyun pulled his head back and made eye contact with hers again, he saw her intensely burning gaze fixed upon him

This time, she made a move. Closing the distance between them, she raised herself upright, using her hand as support against his chest.

Their eyes, which had held each other captive, drew closer and closer until their lips finally met, exchanging a gentle touch.

It was a brief kiss.

As their lips parted, there was a hint of regret. Dokyun glanced at her, only to find her soft lips slightly puckered.

“I, I like you…”


The confession came unexpectedly, causing Dokyun’s stomach to fill up. Emotions he had never experienced before, unknown sensations pulsating through his body, as if something new and unfamiliar had taken hold of him.

A strange sensation that did not seem like his own, tickled Dokyun’s throat, forcing him to open his mouth and pour out words, stretching his vocal cords.

“Me too, I like you too.”

The words emerged effortlessly, without a hitch.

A brief silence passed, and soon their eyes met one again. The crescent moon that had been hiding within Dokyun all along shyly emerged and stared back at him.


An echo filled with happiness reached his ears.


His chest tightened and his stomach groaned. His heartbeat was too loud.

It was a strange feeling, like something painful was burning inside.

It was dangerous.

His instincts sounded the alarm. The incident that had left him dazed suddenly woke him up, warning him repeatedly.

It was only then that Dokyun realized what he had said.

He spat out the words ‘I like you’ to the woman who locked him up, and even put a leash around his neck, shook him to his core.

Amidst the haze of confusion, emotions had surreptitiously crept in like a thief, rattling him and attempting to bind him in this place.


He clenched his teeth and tried to regain his composure.

No, he had merely been carried away by the moment. He needed to calm his heart and mind, to devise a plan to escape.

His tightly shut mouth opened again.

“Now… now it’s my turn.”


“We were asking each other questions, weren’t we?”

Her bright red lips parted and she let out an ‘ah’ sound.

“That’s right…”

“It’s my turn, so now I’ll ask you a question?”


Dokyun’s brain was buzzing. What could he ask to calm his nerves? What question could be a clue? His thoughts continued, and eventually, his mouth opened.

“Come to think of it… Do you have any brothers or sisters, Eun-ah?”


The face facing him tilted slightly. Dokyun smiled at her and added his words.

“I’m just curious. Being an only child, I’ve always had this fantasy about having siblings.”


Her face seemed convinced. Dokyun let out a sigh of relief as he examined her expression.

Frantically searching his mind, the first thing that came to Dokyun was the password for the front door.

If her birthday wasn’t the password, then her parents’ birthdates would be the next likely possibility.

Since her diary only contained fleeting mentions of her mother, it was impossible to deduce her mother’s date of birth from it.

He needed something more to be a clue.

Knowing that this was a topic she didn’t like, he brought up the story of the siblings first to create an atmosphere.

Slowly but surely, he needed to find out more about her parents, even if not everything.

As he was lost in thought, Eun-ah opened her mouth.

“Oh, I have an older sister…”


“She’s cool… and she’s an adult…”

As she spoke, she continued with excitement, her face turning red.

Dokyun, who was listening to her, felt embarrassed at the unexpected words.

‘An older sister??’

Come to think of it, he had assumed she was an only child. His question was meant to lead into the topic of her parents, assuming she would mention being an only child.

‘Oh… I should have kept in mind the possibility of her having siblings.’

It was a disaster. His intentions to steer the conversation toward her parents were painfully obvious.

He needed to navigate this delicate situation carefully.

“Does your sister live separately?”

“Eh… yes, …she comes home once in a while…”

“Is that so?”

In an instant, a feeling of bewilderment surged through Dokyun’s body.

‘She’s speaking too nonchalantly about it.’

Her attitude didn’t seem concerned about revealing her sister’s existence to him.

It was strange. This part seemed to have to be a little adventurous.

After finishing his thoughts, Dokyun’s mouth moved again.

“Then next time she comes, I’ll say hello to her too.”


She nodded her head. Her response was positive, taking his question exactly as he meant it to be.

‘It seems like she believes her sister is on her side…’

All Dokyun could do was speculate.

‘… an accomplice…’

It was an unexpected yet crucial clue. It felt like a hazy puzzle piece falling into place.

‘Yes… there’s no way she could have prepared all of this on her own.’

This household was too tightly sealed off from the outside world. Windows secured with latches, locks on the doors from the other side, and restraints on prominent pieces of furniture.

To think that that woman had prepared everything, the sloppy side she shows once in a while gave him a sense of alienation.

After thinking, Dokyun opened his mouth with a smile on his lips.

“Now it’s Eun-ah’s turn to ask questions.”

“Ah, yes…”

Eun-ah, who blurted out her words, paused for a moment and seemed to be thinking about it, then opened her mouth to ask the question.

“Food, what food do you dislike…?”


It was a question completely unrelated to the previous topic, a deliberate way to steer the conversation away from anything related to the family.

‘Well, that’s enough for now.’

Dokyun was satisfied.

Although he had deviated from his original intention, at least one clear accomplice had emerged.

“I don’t really like bitter food.”


He could see the tension in her eyes as if questioning his sincerity.

‘How serious are you about food?’

It was already the second question about food.

“Um… Oh, I also can’t eat mint. It tastes like toothpaste, so I don’t really enjoy it.”

“Ah, really…!”

She shouted out in excitement. It seemed like this woman was also anti-mint. It was the first aspect of her that he found likable.

‘But that doesn’t mean I’ll be imprisoned just for that.’

The strange dizziness that had been shaking him from within had suddenly stopped. A crucial clue that had come unexpectedly seemed to be helpful.

‘Right, I must have lost my senses for a moment.’

Those words wouldn’t have escaped his mouth if he hadn’t momentarily lost his grip. Dokyun smiled once more, content with his return to clear thinking.

Now it was his turn to ask a question.

‘I can’t mention anything more about family.’

For now, it seemed like they had to stop here for today.

“Then, may I ask a question now?”


The answer to the subsequent question became irrelevant. Likes and dislikes, strengths and weaknesses—the conversation meandered on, and time flew by.

The Q&A game eventually came to an end.

The woman, who had held onto him for a while, suddenly sat down, leaning her back against him and fidgeting with her own hands.

She rubbed the back of her hand, turned it over to tickle her palm, and then reached out to examine his hand before playfully pinching his pinky finger.

He could feel her small, slender fingers intertwining with his.

“Uh-huh, Mr. Bee… your hands are big, big…!”

“Is that so?”

“Ugh… Mr. Bee’s hands are big, big, oh… well, even there too…”

Dokyun noticed her earlobes reddening.

‘What is this girl saying?’


Eun-ah, who had been toying with his pinky, exhaled a warm breath, and he felt her hips subtly shifting against his thigh.

A cold sweat formed on Dokyun’s forehead.

‘This couldn’t happen. Not today.’

‘Well, not tomorrow or the day after either, but especially not today.’

He couldn’t explain the exact reason, but his instincts were telling him it wasn’t a good idea.

Dokyun felt uneasy and quickly searched for a way to change the topic.

His gaze roamed around the room, scanning for something to divert their attention. Then, his eyes landed on her hand, which trembled slightly, adorned with a pinky ring.

‘That’s it!’

“Miss Eun-ah.”


“Can I help you trim your nails?”

She turned her head to look at him. Dokyun chuckled and continued.

“I want to do something nice for you, but I can’t think of anything else.”

As he said this, a slight expression formed on his face, prompting an immediate reaction from her.

Her eyes sparkled, and her cheeks flushed. Happiness, anticipation, and excitement were evident on her face.


“Now, let’s do it…”

Hurrying up, Eun-ah slipped out of Dokyun’s arms and headed towards the shelf in the corner of the living room with quick steps.

Looking at her, Dokyun let out a deep breath thinking that he had passed the crisis once again.


Really, there was no time to be vigilant.

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