I was summoned by a super villainess to another universe

Ch 40 – God Damn

Grease was in her private bathroom having a complete panic attack.



"Oh god oh god oh god oh god, not again, not again, not again! NO!" Grease started to scream at her reflection, "HOW? How could you fuck up again like this? ARG!" She started to pull at her hair as she started to aimlessly turn around and around, "Why Does this keep happening to me! They're gonna throw me out this time! I'm gonna get thrown out! I got no more second chances! OH GOD! THIS ISN'T MY FAULT!"


"You're right about that."


She spun around to see Adam standing in her bathtub.


In a flash of lightning she backed up to the far side of the bathroom, up onto the marble countertop, and was standing on the sink while wedged into the corner as far from Adam as she could get. Her face was a mask of stark terror.


Adam lifted his hands flat towards her and stepped in front of the door, "WAIT!"


She froze.


Adam just stood there.


Time passed.


Adam eventually cleared his throat, "I... uh... teleported into your bathtub."


Grease made a very audible swallowing sound, "I figured that out." Sweat was rolling down her cheeks.


Adam dropped his hands, "Oh god. I'm so sorry. Please don't report me to HR."


Grease blinked.


Adam looked at the floor, "I'm sorry. I am. I was just... completely overwhelmed and I knew you were hitting on me and then you opened your heart to me and I realized what an amazing person you were and I was like this woman is so awesome and I jumped you without getting permission and I am so so so so SOOOOOOO sorry!"


Grease's jaw dropped open.


Adam put his hand over his heart, "I don't know why. I was just so... moved. And I was feeling like crud and you made me feel... like I wasn't a piece of poo." He paused, "Excuse my French" Then gestured to the door as he stepped aside, "If... you want to call the cops or HR and get me fired, I understand. I just... wanted to say I'm sorry." He opened the door to walk out.


Grease blinked even HARDER while hitting the side of her head with the heel of her hand, "Hold on." Adam paused. Grease slowly got down and cautiously approached Adam, "You..." She pointed at Adam, "Are worried about ME..." She pointed at herself, "Calling the cops?"


Adam nodded and looked at the floor, "Yes. You are well within your rights."


She let out a bark of laughter, "HA!" She rubbed her eyes, "Well, in that case, maybe I should just blackmail you into having sex with me."


Adam's eyes went wide as he blushed, "Well... if you insist..." He started to undo the straps on his breast plate.


Grease's eyes flared open in panic as she leaped forwards to stop him, "NO! I'm Fuckin' Joking!"


Adam looked at her hands covering his as he held the clasp, then gave her a rather disappointed reaction, "oh?"


Grease stood there, frozen, then abruptly took her hands off him and backed up, "Okay. Hold it. Wait. I..." She let her hands drop along with one shoulder as she looked at him sideways, "What the fuck is going on?" She rubbed her face, "Look. I have strict orders from Sass to NOT take advantage of you." She sliced her hand flat across her own throat, "So nothing is going to happen."


It was Adam's turn to look surprised, "Excuse me?" He put a hand on his hip, "Since when does Sass get to decide my love life?"


Taking a step back, Grease was taken off guard by the sudden indignation emitting from Adam, "What? No! Uh... Just... not NOW. Like... You are emotional-"


Adam stepped closer, "Oh. So I don't know my own emotions and Sass knows better?"


This was one of the reasons she hated dealing with men. She could not understand them at all. She took a deep breath and let it out slowly. She closed her eyes to center herself while holding up both hands towards him in a conciliatory gesture, "Look. I think I'm not explaining myself properly-"


She was cut off by the clang of a breast plate being dropped on the floor.


She slowly looked up to see him standing there, topless. He had his arms and wings spread wide. The tight shorts he was wearing left nothing to the imagination as to how aroused he was, which was, in a word, 'QUITE'. She couldn't look up any further past his perfect pectorals. Her mind was so fogged with lust, she barely heard him when he spoke.


"Do you want me?"


She just nodded slowly, even as there was a part of mind screaming at her, 'Danger! Danger! Abort! Abort!'


Adam stalked up to her and spoke very calmly, "Then why don't you take me?" He touched her thigh and slowly dragged his finger up her side.


Grease's eyes rolled back into her head and she staggered back to collapse on the toilet. Adam looked panicked as he moved to grab her. He held her steady as she shuddered all over again in a repeat from what happened upstairs. He could observe her in more detail this time. It was obvious she was having an orgasm, even if it was only lasting a few seconds. She recovered faster than before as well. This time her eyes were fluttering for maybe ten seconds. She locked up as she realized what happened, unable to speak.




Adam, on the other hand, was grinning, "Wait... do I turn you on THAT much?"


Grease abruptly pushed him away, "Don't Mock Me!"


Adam staggered back, "Mock? Wha...?" He shook his head, "I'm not making fun of you."


Grease wrapped her arms around herself and looked horribly embarrassed, "Really? Because it feels like it!"


Adam backed up and grabbed a nearby towel to cover himself, "Whoa whoa whoa..." He pointed at himself, "I'm from a different world. Explain what is going on because... I think we're not on the same page."


Grease, half turned away, glanced over her shoulder at him, "I... have RSDS... and PO."


Adam looked from side to side then shrugged with one hand, while holding up the towel with the other, "That means nothing to me."


Grease closed her eyes, "Regenerator sexual dysfunction syndrome and premature orgasm. It's because I'm a regenerator and a speedster."


Adam frowned, "I... can figure out the PO. Explain the RSDS?"


She rolled her eyes and looked at the wall, "It means I recover from having an orgasm quickly, which means I can't really enjoy climaxing unless I do it ALOT." She started to softly bang her head against the wall, "Which means I need to have sex for a very long time before it becomes satisfying."


Adam stood there for a few moments as he took this in, "Oh. I got the same thing."


Grease's eyes flared open. She turned to look at him, "What?"


Adam nodded, "Yeah. I regenerate too, remember? The whole, ready to cum again in thirty seconds thing? It can be annoying, huh?"


She blinked, then shook her head stiffly, "Yeah, well, when you combine that with PO, it means that whomever I have sex with needs to start and stop... a lot. It's a lot of work on..." She rolled a hand in the air for a few seconds before clearing her throat, "Anyways. I'm a lousy lay."


Adam stood there, scratched his chin, looked at his reflection in the mirror, then shrugged, "Actually... I think of it as a challenge."


Grease's jaw dropped open, "Buh-wha?"


Adam turned to face her, "Look. I get it. Here, the woman is supposed to wait on the man, right? Well, not where I come from." He started to slowly stalk up to her, "I... absolutely LOVE... watching a woman climax."


Grease's eyes grew wider as she backed up on the toilet as far as she could. She let out a little squeak, "oh?"


Adam leaned down to look at her face, "I'm about five seconds from ripping your clothes off and fucking you for the next couple of hours and I won't stop until you are completely..." He let his eyes play up and down her body, "Spent."


Grease started to tremble as all the color drained from her face.


Adam raised a finger, "I'm going to give you one chance. If you don't want this, tell me 'no', right now, and I will leave without question." He hooked a thumb at the door.


"If you say 'yes', I will have my way with you." He then let the towel he was holding up strategically slip down below nipple level on one side, "Tell me, what do you want?"


Grease trembled as she openly ogled Adam's chest, "I shouldn't."


Adam nodded, "Not an answer."


Grease reached out to gently brush her fingers across his chest, "Sass will kill me."


Adam nodded again, "Still not an answer."


Grease looked up into Adam's eyes and spoke in a hoarse whisper, "You are emotionally unstable and this is wrong. I should NOT take advantage of you."


Adam stared back, "Let me explain what saying yes means." He cleared his throat, "First I will plant you in front of this mirror here and rip off your clothes. I will fuck you, however fast or slow I must to make you cum. I want to watch your facial expression, so I don't mind taking my time."


Grease's eyes, somehow, grew wider.


Adam leaned in just a hair closer, "As you cum, eventually you'll relax enough I can just keep pounding you without pause, which I can because I regenerate as well. I will keep fucking you until your legs give out." He paused for a heart beat, "Then I will drag you to your bed."


Grease had gone beyond trembling to the point of flat out vibrating.


Adam gave her a half smile, "Then, I will throw you on your back, spread your legs, and fuck you until you are about to pass out, and then... and then..." He leaned in just a hair closer to speak in a stage whisper, "Do you know what I am going to do THEN?"


Grease shook her head so vigorously it was a blur.


"Then..." Adam slowly leaned in to whisper softly into her ear, "I'm finally going to cum inside you."


By his words alone, Grease had her third, and most intense orgasm of the day. She nearly fell off the toilet from the sheer force of it. Adam had to hold her arms to keep her upright. It took almost a full minute to recover. Her whole body was covered in sweat and one way or another, that outfit of hers was going to have to come off. As her eyes fluttered and she eventually became aware of her surroundings again, Adam was still there, right in her face.


"Now then..." He took a deep breath and straightened up, "So in this brief post-orgasm moment of clarity, I'll ask you one more time for an answer. No more delays. No more excuses. Choose."


























Grease wiped the sweat from her forehead with the back of her hand.

















She gave him her answer.

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