I was summoned by a super villainess to another universe

Ch 43 – Pillow Talk

"So how was she?"



Adam was spread eagle on Sass's bed. Both of his wrists were lashed together and connected to the center of her headboard by a short length of rope. Each wing was also tied down but with long, black leather straps which ended at her bedposts. Adam's chest had been oiled up and had faint red lines here and there where Sass had used her riding crop on his nipples. He had a black velvet blindfold covering his eyes, but his mouth wasn't restrained at all.


Adam thrashed his head from side to side. Sass seemed to enjoy it when he acted like he was overstimulated. He whimpered softly, "Who?"


Sass was straddling his thighs and enjoying every inch he was inside her. She dug her fingernails lightly into his chest and dragged them down his neck to end with pinching and twisting his nipples quite harshly, "Who? Are you such a fuck toy slut that you can't remember who you gave it up to?" She squeezed her thighs, "Grease, you pussy whore."


Adam moaned and shuddered all over. Partially because he was enjoying it, partially because Sass enjoyed the show. He gave her a pout, "I'm not a whore." He sounded a little hurt as he continued, "Whores do it for money. I'm just a slut."


"Oh?" Sass snorted with amusement. She leaned to the side, rummaged round the table by her bed for a few moments, then sat back up to rip off the blindfold. She held up a quarter, "I'm going to give you this." She reached up to put it in his hand, "Now that I paid you..." She leaned down to kiss him and bite his lower lip lightly as she pulled away. She let his lip snap back as she leaned over to whisper in his ear, "You are my two-bit whore."


Adam turned his head away and managed to look both hurt and embarrassed, while at the same time he lifted his hips to grind into her just a little deeper.


Sass grabbed his face to make him look at her, "You like that, don't you, you two-bit whore." Adam nodded. She started to bounce up and down on him faster and with purpose, "Say it."


"I'm your two-bit whore." He managed to have just a touch of a sniffle on the end.


Sass's face turned red as she apparently grew angry. She grabbed his throat and lightly squeezed, "You're just a fuck toy. You understand? So cum inside me like the worthless two-bit whore you are!" Adam started to grunt and gasp for air as Sass started to lose it. He whimpered with self-loathing, "Fuck Toy is gonna cum! Fuck Toy can't hold back!"


Sass let out a long hissing breath as she felt Adam erupt inside her, "You are so pathetic. You'll do anything to fuck, won't you? A slut who'll whore himself for a quarter! You'll... You'll-" She tensed up as she allowed herself to climax as well, "Fuck toy. Worthless, dirty, whore of a fuck toy!" She shuddered as she bared down on him, grinding her crotch against his as she leaned forward to hunch over him. Her eyes were tightly closed as she let herself get lost in the sensation.


Adam, seeing that she finally allowed herself to cum, relaxed. His facial expression returned to normal and had a faint smirk to it. He kept talking to her in his trembling voice, even if his expression didn't match it, "Oh thank you for using fuck toy to cum. Fuck toy is helpless against any woman with a wet pussy. Both you and Grease are fun, but Grease is so much... work." He lifted his head to close the gap and whisper in her ear, "You are effortless. You don't care about fuck toy. Fuck toy is just a cum pump to you. Fuck toy wants you to rape him senseless. Fuck toy wants you to pass him around to anyone you-"


Sass' eyes flared open as she abruptly jerked her head up. She looked quite shocked, "What???"


She suddenly reached up to grab Adam's bindings and tear them apart, "NO!" In seconds he was free. She held him by the shoulders, "No no no no no no no no no! I would never! NEVER!" She suddenly pulled him into a crushing and overtly protective hug.


Adam was completely taken off guard by the sudden change in attitude, "UH... Sasquatch?" He struggled to take a breath after saying the safe word, "I was just pretending! Relax I-"


Sass was trembling with fear as she held him tight, "I would never do that! Ever. Don't even joke about that!" She started to run her hand over Adam's hair like she was trying to comfort him, when clearly she was the one who was rattled.


Adam struggled to pull away enough to see her face. He snaked his hands up to cup both her cheeks with his hands and looked her dead in the eye, "STOP."


Sass froze and stopped moving, but she did quickly mouth the words, 'I Am So Sorry'.


Adam took a deep breath and spoke matter of factly, "Okay. Was it talking about me getting raped or asking you to pimp me to strangers that freaked you out?"


Sass dropped her gaze to the side to break eye contact, "The... the... the r-word."


Adam nodded slowly and spoke slowly in a calming voice, "Right. Okay. That was too far. I will not cross that line again. I am sorry."


Sass blinked as she looked back at Adam. She stared for a good five seconds before she let out a rueful laugh. She leaned to the side and moved to lie down next to him, pulling him into her armpit and putting his head on her shoulder, "Here I am, tying you up, talking dirty to you, degrading you, and you are the one saying you're sorry."


Adam snuggled into her side. He needed to adjust a bit to get his wings to settle down right, "Well, I am sorry for a bunch of things, but yeah, I should have asked first. I guess I thought you might get into the idea of rrrr- er... forcing me against my will."


Sass tensed up at the mere implication of the word, then relaxed and shook her head, "No. Never. Can't do it. I know it might sound odd, considering the way I treat you in bed, but..." She sighed, "I don't know how to explain it." She idly ran her fingers through his feathers. Adam knew she did this whenever she was really stressed. It was clear she found it relaxing.


"You enjoy the idea that I'm addicted to you? That I'm willing to degrade and debase myself because fucking you is so pleasurable that I'd do anything to get my dick wet? You want to use me for your own satisfaction, but part of that is knowing that no matter how badly you treat me, I'm still going to empty my balls inside you because your cunt is just THAT GOOD?" Adam looked up at Sass through his eyelashes, "Stop me when I get close."


Sass stared down at Adam, enjoying how sweet he looked in the moment. She took a deep breath and slowly let it out, "Spot on, actually." He paused before adding, "Kinda too accurate. You are a little too good at reading me. Are you a mind reader or something? Because if you are..." She kept stroking his feathers, but looked at the ceiling to avoid his gaze, "You must think I'm pathetic."


Adam reached up to flick her nose. Sass jumped a little in surprise and looked down at him. He was glaring up at her.


He narrowed his eyes and pulled away to climb on top of her. She put up no resistance as he worked to thrust himself inside her. She just looked at him confused, but obviously didn't object. Adam focused all his monads into climaxing again as quickly as possible. It only took another minute before he was gritting his teeth, digging his fingers into her shoulders, and, finally letting out a strangled, shuttering yowl.


As he did, he collapsed against her, lying on her chest and panting from the exertion. Sass, with a look of disbelief, reached down to put her arms around him, "My... god. I've never seen a man cum that fast before." She pulled him up a little bit so his head would rest between her breasts, "That was..." She reached down to finger herself, "Jesus. It... it isn't an act, is it? I mean..."


Adam lifted his head to lick one of her nipples. He looked up at her through his eyelashes that were clumping together because of all the sweat, "Maybe I embellish here and there, but no, not an act..." He then sucked on her tit so hard it made Sass gasp. He pulled off and gave her the most innocent look he could, "Mommy."


That got Sass going again. For the next few minutes Adam worked on her tits, licking and sucking one, then the other, and back again. Eventually she put a hand on the side of his face and pushed him off, "Okay. Fun is fun, but I need a breather."


Adam smiled and slid off to return to being cradled at her side. He laid his head on her shoulder, "If you are pathetic, what am I?"


Sass reached down with a slightly trembling hand to cup his face. As Adam looked up at her, she spoke with much gratitude and a glowing smile, "You are my much beloved and cherished two-bit whore."


Adam smiled back with flushed cheeks, "Look. I get it. This is... some... deep down pent up frustration thing. I get that you feel that this part of you is wrong. Well, thinking it is wrong is what makes it so appealing. This... 'wrongness' makes it that much more intense. You are breaking the 'rules', whatever that means." He lowered his gaze to look at her breasts and lightly run his fingers over them, "You want to be accepted for who you are, warts and all. You want to relax. You want to let go. Well, I'm okay with that. I am good with you being who you are and if you can only take off the mask with me, then... I'm honored."


He then took a deep breath before speaking in a much more serious tone, "I'm grateful for you giving me a second chance at the meeting, but I'm pissed you thought you could dictate what I do and who I do it with."  He turned to look at the ceiling, "You'd better not think of keeping me from Grease, especially for 'my own good'." He frowned and glanced back at her out of the corner of his eye, "You... aren't jealous, are you? I don't want to come between you two."


Sass slowly stroked Adam's feathers, "I... want to say I wasn't, but maybe I am. Maybe I do want to keep you to myself. Damn it, I shouldn't be sleeping with my subordinate."


Adam grinned, "Well, there are some perks to sleeping with the boss." His smile faded, "But seriously, I kinda like it." He shrugged a little, "I trust you. I do. I can tell I'm safe with you. So, I guess it's sexy knowing that you can pretend to be the overbearing boss who forces me to have sex with you to get out of trouble." He looks up, "Just as long as you promise you won't actually show me favoritism."


Sass blinked, "Uhh... truth is, I don't know if I can't. You... damnit we need you. Not just for what you can do, but politically. You have no idea how bad this would be if you turned on us." She gestured at the both of them with the back of her hand, "This is NOT politically correct."


Adam abruptly sat up to look her straight in the eye, "Well, I wouldn't. Ever. If I do, I'm being mind controlled. Please come and save me." He pushed a hair out of her face and behind her ear, "I'm doing stupid things here, as well. I'm not so innocent. If things do change between us, let's talk it out, or just part ways like adults. I'm having fun and I'd like to keep having fun." He laid back down, putting his head on her shoulder, "So if I promise not to get a lawyer and try and sue you or something stupid like that, will you let it go if I'm sleeping with Grease?"


Sass nodded, "Deal. Sorry. I... guess I didn't really understand how I was really feeling." She stared at the top of Adam's head for a long time, "Thank you for putting up with me." She let a long breath out of her nose, "That all said, as for the... r-word. That's too much. It isn't appealing on any level. Please don't talk that way. The very idea of that happening to you... of what Toady was going to do to you..." She closed her eyes tightly and leaned her head against his, "I don't think I could handle that again."


Adam blinked and thought about how what she just said was phrased, but as he looked up at her to ask, he noticed her face had already relaxed as she was quickly falling asleep. Adam just smirked and slowly shook his head.






"Some things are universal, aren't they?"

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