I was summoned by a super villainess to another universe

Ch 52 – Red Handed

"I think I'm going to pass."




Jack was on the phone to Olga and trying to set up a date. He got the run around for a while. Eventually Olga got on the line, and now she was turning him down.


"I'm sorry. I'm a little confused." Jack was eyeing his phone while calling from the bathroom of Adam's room. Grease and Sass had spent a few hours together relaxing before Grease made an excuse to leave. Oddly enough, Sass didn't immediately jump Adam, but instead fell asleep. Adam was pinned under Sass for over an hour before she finally woke up, expressed concern for the time, and left.


Jack didn't need to call from the bathroom, it was just a habit. He always shifted in the bathroom if possible. Just incase someone was about to walk in or something.


Olga let out a soft sigh, "Hey, you are exactly my type. I'd love to have a chance to show you how a man needs to be treated, but me and Big Marie talked and we hammered things out. And..." There was a long pause, "Your girlfriend is terrifying."


Jack scowled, "Excuse me?"


Olga sounded apologetic, "Look, I knew she could grow big, but not to the size of an entire apartment complex! Ivy always struct me as kind of a loser, but it's obvious she just never really applied herself. As long as you are dating her, I have no intention of doing anything that might piss her off. I got enough problems without the Jolly Green Giant stepping on my Restaurant. Hope you understand."


Jack licked his lips then sighed, "Well, okay. I get it. However, I am flattered. If I do break up with Ivy, you'll be the first person I tell."


Olga chuckled, "Wow. This is a first. I'm the backup chick." She let out a long sigh, "But it's okay. I need to focus on this Zodiac thing. Me an Marie are-"


Jack cut her off, "Going to do nothing but call the police should there be a problem because you won't do anything illegal and wouldn't be planning anything illegal either, RIGHT?"


Olga was taken off guard by Jack's response, but laughed into her phone, "Exactly. You know... you're a lot smarter than you look."


Jack clicked his tongue, "Thanks."


Olga laughed, "I mean the better looking a guy, the dumber they usually are. You? You're the whole package. Pity I didn't meet you sooner. Anyways, take care, Jack."


Jack sounded mollycoddled, "Yeah, you as well." He stabbed the disconnect icon with a finger then sat there for a while.


~What you thinking?~


Jack sighed, "Not sure. Something doesn't feel... right." He looked up and around then scratched the back of his neck, "Something just doesn't feel right here. Like... I dunno. I get this odd feeling every time I'm in the building."


~Like what?~


"Like... something is off with the wifi." He scratched his chin for a bit, "I can't-" He stopped dead and felt his chin for a bit, "Huh?"


~What's wrong.~


"My scar. It doesn't-" He stood up to look in the mirror, "My scar's gone?"


~What are you talking about?~


Jack lifted his chin up and leaned in close to the mirror to look. Now that he got closer, the scar was visible, "Huh?" He rubbed his chin while scrunching up his lips to make the scar more visible, "Funny. It feels different. Like... it is... I dunno. Dead-"


~Jack. Focus. You were talking about the Wifi?~


Jack looked annoyed, then shook his head to clear it, "Sorry. Yeah. It happened a few times. Like, first was in Sass's room, then Grease's, now here, but..." He thought for a bit, "Okay, this is going to sound strange..."


~Go on...~


"You take over, strip naked, then go lie on your bed and play with yourself."


~Excuse me?~


"Not long. Just a minute or two, then snap your fingers and rush back to the bathroom like you forgot something." Jack creeped over to the door and opened it a crack. He peered out into the room while whispering to himself, "I got a theory, but I need to confirm it."


~Well... alright. This is weird. I usually wait until you are sleeping before doing this.~


Jack closed the door and muttered, "Just do it."


Adam opened the door, wearing nothing but his birthday suit. He  proceeded to walk around the room, casually for a bit, cleaning up here and there before abruptly flopping back onto the bed. He spent a minute getting himself aroused before he snapped his fingers, "I'll need tissues." He muttered to nobody in particular, before getting up and walking back to the bathroom. As he stepped through the door and closed it behind him, Jack reasserted himself.


Jack stood there, eyes closed, concentrating, "There. Right... there. Something connected to that odd signal. It's... not..." His eyes flared open, "Earth tech." He walked over to the sink and pulled out a shaving mirror. He opened the door, stuck the mirror out into the bedroom, and started to turn it slowly around while shifting his eyesight into different spectrums.


~What are you doing?~


Jack didn't respond, but eventually stopped. He yanked the mirror back into the bathroom, "Knew it."


~Wait. Was that-~


Jack nodded slowly, "That was an invisible camera. Specifically, a camera using MENTAL invisibility to make you ignore it." Jack put the mirror away, "I'll give you get three guesses who uses alien technology and has psionic abilities."



Adam abruptly took over and he looked PISSED. He spoke a single phrase that was completely infused with all the outrage he could muster.




"That B-word!"







Adam wasn't angry for himself.





Oddly enough, Adam really didn't object to the idea of someone watching him whack off. If Jack hadn't been so against it, Adam might have started an Only Followers account. However, the idea that someone was filming him while he was with someone else is what enraged him, "How DARE someone violate the privacy of one of MY lovers!" He quietly hissed in the bathroom.


~Now, hold on. We don't KNOW for sure it's Wanderer. We just have suspicions.~


"Well... Let's find out!" Adam focused on a long distance teleport. Well, long distance for him. Any normal teleporter wouldn't find it straining to teleport sixty feet down and to the left, but Adam knew where Wanderer's room was and he was going to port down there and give her a piece of his mind. Now this might knock Adam out, but he had a full head of steam and nothing was going to stop him at this point.


Jack was quiet for a few seconds, then realized what was going on, ~Uh. Wait. Are you just going to port straight into her room?~


Adam nodded as he stood there with his eyes tightly closed, "Bathroom, actually. Now shush. Concentrating."


Jack let out a mental sigh and then abruptly realized something, ~WAIT! ADAM! YOU'RE-~


Adam teleported into Wanderer's bathtub, leaped out, threw open her bathroom door, then abruptly burst out into her apartment area, "AHAH!" Adam yelled as he tried to catch the alien by surprise.


Boy was she surprised.


Wanderer's room was done up in shades of maroon and violet. She seemed to favor those colors for her personal area. She said it was because her race had a wider range of vision and saw into the ultraviolet and infrared. She just preferred the two extremes of the color spectrum, because green hurt to look at.


Green was a color rarely seen on her planet.


Her apartment was dominated by a sleeping pod of alien design. It looked like a giant purple lima bean that had a window and an access hatch. It looked like the sort of thing you that could put someone into cryogenic storage. She had a number of sculptures that were of simple geometric patterns. On one wall was a large mural that appeared to have been painted by hand. It was beautifully done and showed a wide alien vista of a strange, far off world. A wide open plane dominated by red grass and tall black trunk trees with brilliant blue leaves that were not unlike those found on an oak.


The other feature that dominated the room was the large media center made up of multiple monitors and alien technology. It looked like a professional gamer's set up for a streamer, considering how much video processing was going on. And certainly there was a great deal of processing going on because, front and center of the main screen was a live feed of Adam's room. Specifically, his bed.


At the moment, Wanderer was naked, perched on the edge of her chair, and doing video editing while she reviewed the video she had made of Grease getting banged senseless by Adam. Well, Wanderer was manipulating the video with one hand while she was using her other hand to manipulate... something else.


Wanderer spun around to look at Adam as he jumped out of her bathroom, thus catching her in the act of debaucherous voyeurism. She promptly went from surprised to down right boggled as her eyes dropped down to stare at Adam's crotch.



Whereupon Jack finished his thought.













~...Still Naked.~

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