I was summoned by a super villainess to another universe

Ch 54 – Alien Outlook

~Oh this isn't good.~



Jack returned to Adam sitting in Wanderer's bathroom. It was clearly hers, judging by the color scheme. Adam was sitting on the toilet in his tightie-whities, head in his hands, elbows on his knees, and it was clear something was wrong.


"I fucked up." Adam muttered softly.


~You've cursed twice in one day. Someone call the media. We'll need to get your publicist on this to try and fix your reputation.~


Adam jumped up to glare at his reflection in the mirror. He hissed quietly as he spoke, "This is serious! Stop with the jokes!"


Jack went quiet for a few moments, then seemed to relent, ~Alright. Lay it on me. What happened?~


Adam went back over to the toilet to sit down, "We had sex."




Adam shook his head as he mutter to himself, "No. You don't get it. I started off just trying to be nice. I kissed her... probe I guess she calls it. Horn? Antenna? Whatever. You know, like you kiss a boo-boo."




"She shuddered all over. So I did it again. Then she asked me to lick it. A little weird, but okay..." He ran his fingers through his hair, "And... I sucked on it. Gently."




Adam nodded as he continued looking at the floor, "She loved it. Then... next thing you know, we're fucking."


~Not making 'Luv'?~


Adam ignored the sarcasm, "No. It was fucking. Like... I don't know what came over me. I fucked her. Straight up beast fuck. I was obsessed. She later told me our psionics... mingled? Turns out she's a masochist. Maybe she's right in that I try to make my partner happy." He looked up and stared at his reflection, "So she asked me to strangle her."


~Ummm... okay. Erotic asphyxiation. It is known to-~


"No." Adam shook his head and let it fall forward to stare at the floor, "She wanted me to straight up end her life. She didn't want to live anymore."


~Oh Shit.~


Adam nodded slowly, "Yeah. Apparently, finally giving in to her perverted desires was the last straw and she couldn't live with herself anymore."


~What'd you do?~


Adam let out a soft laugh as he shook his head, "What do you think? I told her whatever she wanted to hear if she would just keep living."




Adam looked up at his reflection again, "I'm her 'master' now. She's my slave and she 'lives for me', because she's got nothing else to live for."




Adam stared at the floor in silence.


~What did you expect? She sounded like she was hanging on by a thread for years now. You come along, knock over the last excuse she had for claiming she WASN'T the disgusting monster everyone she knew said she was, and then... what? You were just gonna have some fun and say, See Ya In The Office Tomorrow?~


Adam looked up at his reflection and gritted his teeth as he tried not to shout, "YES!" He hissed, then flinched and looked at the door. He waited a few seconds. When nothing happened, he relaxed. He continued in quieter tones, "Yes. I thought a little healthy love making would make her feel better. I didn't think she'd snap and decide it was time to end it all!"


~Adam the healslut. I... Never mind. I'm an asshole as well. I guess the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. I'm not going to judge. The question is, how you going to handle this?~


Adam looked like he was on the verge of tears, "I don't know! I don't want to hurt her, but it's too late! Oh god. What was I thinking?"


~You were thinking, 'Now there is one hot piece of ass. I think I will stick my dick in it'.~


Adam looked at his reflection and said nothing. Instead, he just looked increasingly miserable.


~Ugh. FINE. Look. You ignored rule number one. You stuck your dick in crazy. So your choices are, abandon her and most likely she ends it all, the team is down a psionic and the Rascals fall apart. Sass spirals into a tailspin of depression from which she never recovers. Grease finally loses hope and gives up on life. Ivy loses her job and has to go home...~


Every word Jack said only served to make Adam look more and more devastated to the point tears started to well up in his eyes.




Adam blinked away the proto-tears and wiped his eyes as he pitifully asked, "Or?"


~You man the fuck up and dominate that bitch.~




~You heard me. Err... detected my thoughts? Nevermind. LOOK. She has no self-esteem left. She's depending on you. Be a man, be her master. Take care of her as a master would a beloved slave and slowly, ever so slowly, help her come to terms with the fact she's a freak and that's okay. Telling her won't fix it. You'll need to show her. Over time, she'll come to terms with herself. Eventually you can find someone else for her to cling on.~ He paused before adding, ~Or just keep her for rest of your life. Whatever floats your boat.~


Adam looked down at his hands, "I dunno if I can be a 'master'. I don't like hurting-"


Jack mentally sighed, ~I here I thought we came from the same mind. Seriously? Being a master isn't about pain. It's about dominating. It's about releaving her of the burden of choice. You do all the thinking. You do all the planning. You are in control and she has to do NOTHING. She's worn out. She's spent. She has no strength left. You have to be the strong one. You don't ask her what to do. You tell her.~ He let out another mental sigh, ~Oddly enough, being a master is a lot of work, but that's the deal. You get a play thing, she only has to worry about doing what she's told.~


"I don't know. I-" Adam paused as he heard a noise from the other room.


"Master?" It sounded like a sleepy Wanderer was just waking up.


Adam got up and hurried out the door. Jack got to see what happened. The other room looked like a tornado tore through the place. The sleeping pod was on its side. The couch was pulled away from the wall. It looked like at least one lamp got destroyed and the cord used for some unknown purpose, but most likely a form of restraint. Wanderer was lying on the couch, wrapped up in a blanket. She was sitting up while rubbing one eye in a sleepy fashion with the back of her hand. The blanket had fallen down JUST enough revel one nipple. Her tail was sticking out and shuddering as she yawned. Over all, she looked one hundred percent like a sweet, little sexy devil girl.


"Master?" She yawned again, "Your thoughts are a bit loud. Are you okay?"


As Adam stared at her, trying to figure out what to say, Jack couldn't help but comment, ~Goddamn. She is sooo fuckable. If only...~


Wanderer's face turned crimson as she blushed intensely, "Th-thank you, master. Do you want me... right now?"


Adam stammered a bit, "Uh. Umm... No. I.. You see-"


~Adam? BE. A. MASTER.~


Wanderer looked puzzled.


Adam smacked his forehead, took a deep breath, then walked over to stand next to Wanderer, "Can we talk?"


Jack mentally made the image of smacking his own forehead, ~Dude!~


Wanderer seemed to fall in on herself, "Well... if you wish."


~Adam. You are really going to screw this up and never forgive yourself. Watch and learn.~


Adam scrunched up his nose and squinted a bit, "Watch and learn? What do-" He never got a chance to finish as Jack surprised him by taking over.


Wanderer's eyes bugged out of her head as she stared up at Jack. She wasn't too familiar with earth culture, but she knew enough to know what Jack's ensemble implied. Here was a dominator bisexual male with piercing eyes, black hair, pale skin, wearing an aggressively grey business suit. In other words he was a submissive masochist's wet dream of a master, at least as far as local culture was concerned.


~What the fudge, Jack?~


Jack leaned in and grabbed Wanderer's hair at the back of her head, "Hi. I'm Jack. Rule Number One, You NEVER tell ANYONE about ME." He squeezed just a little tighter and shook her head slightly, "Got It, Pet?"


Wanderer blinked with the widest eyes and nodded ever so slightly, "yes?"


Jack hissed, "It's Yes, MASTER. Well. We're both your master, but you don't get me. You get Adam. Why? BECAUSE I SAID SO. Got It?"


Wanderer nodded more energetically this time, "Yes, Master!" She sounded far more enthusiastic then when she was talking with Adam.


Jack slowly let go, "You're gonna have to prove yourself to us. So you do what you are told, when you are told. Rule number two, nobody else knows you and Adam are in a relationship. Keep it as quiet as much as possible. In public, it's business as usual. In private, you worship the ground we walk upon." He reached out to gently touch her chin with one finger, "Got it, Pet?"


Wanderer swallowed and looked hopeful, "Y-yes, master!"


Jack smiled softly, "Ivy is mine. You fuck with Ivy, I will make you rue the day you were born." He paused, "Or the day I was born. Maybe both." He shrugged, "You get to share Adam with Grease and Sass. That's the order of things. Maybe he'll add more. Deal with it." He slowly lifted his finger to touch her forehead then abruptly shoved her back, "YOU. NEVER. TOUCH. ME."


Wanderer fell backwards against the arm of the couch and looked up at Jack with a look of confusion, "Don't touch... you?"


Jack leaned forward to grab her face and squeeze her cheeks together, "ME. I'm Jack. YOU are UNWORTHY of me. Got IT? For now, you're Adam's play thing. Make him happy. Don't even think about me. We might have one body, but we have separate lives. I try not to interfere with what he does, he returns that favor. That's the deal." He leaned in close enough that his breath washed over her face, "You ruin what we got going, I WILL END YOU."


Wanderer cringed and nodded energetically, "Yes, Master Jack! I wouldn't think of it, Master Jack!"


Jack's scowl disappeared to be replaced with a soft half-smile, "Good. I knew you were a smart one." He gently reached out to pull up her blanket and tuck it under her chin, then caressed her face in a loving manner, "I see a lot of potential in you. You are going to be such a wonderful pet for Adam. We have our little games we play and I think you'll fit right in." He sighed, "If I wasn't dating Ivy, I would want to keep you for myself, Pet." He sighed and shook his head slowly, "Alas. Not meant to be. But I know Adam. He's going to love you."


Wanderer blinked and seemed to be suffering from mental whiplash at the abrupt change in tone as the conversation progressed. She smiled softly as she found herself praised, "I... thank you. I will try, Master." She looked at Jack with eyes that were both admiring and longing.


Jack gently fluffed the hair between her horns and smiled a little more, "Good Pet. Adam is going to come back. Make sure to keep up appearances and make him happy."


Wanderer shuddered as Jack rubbed the top of her head. She blushed, turning a deep shade of crimson as she bunched up her shoulders, lowered her head, and let out a happy squee.


Adam seemed reluctant as he resumed control, but did all the same. Jack seemed pleased with himself, ~See? That's how you handle a slave. Think you can take it from here?~


Adam stared at Wanderer with more than a little bit of apprehension as he ignored Jack and addressed Wanderer, "Uhh... I'm back."


Wanderer looked up and seemed a bit less enthusiastic, but smiling all the same, "Welcome back, Master Adam."


Adam paced around the room for a bit, apparently deep in thought. Eventually he returned to Wanderer and looked down at her, "I... just need to be clear. You don't have to do this."


Wanderer's eyes grew wide with worry, "You... don't want me?" She started to tremble slightly.


Adam grabbed her by the shoulders, "No!" He took a deep breath and let it out slowly, "No. I just..." He gently cupped her cheek, "Like my pets to be happy, that's all. I don't want you feeling like you don't have a choice."


Wanderer lowered her eyes, "This is all I deserve."


Adam abruptly slapped her across the face so hard her whole head spun to the side. Wanderer looked rather shocked. She slowly turned back to look at Adam. He glared at her rather coldly, "You mean, this is all I deserve... MASTER."


Wanderer blinked and lower her gaze, "I am sorry, Master." He grabbed her by the chin and forced her to look up at him, "And I'll decide what you do and do not deserve. Got it, my pet?" She returned his gaze and nodded oh-so slightly.


Adam smiled and gave her a head pat, "Good pet. You are a fast learner."


She smiled as he touched the top of her head, "Th-thank you, master. I... I don't know..." She sniffled and dropped her head and seemed like she was on the verge of crying, "What... what should-"


Adam lifted her head and gave her a kiss to silence her. He pulled away slightly, but remained close enough that all she could see was him, "Shh. Stop talking. It'll all be okay. I'll take care of everything, alright? There's nothing wrong with you. There was never anything wrong with you. Even if everyone else in the universe turns their back on you, you'll always be my pet. I'll always take care of you."


Wanderer's eyes couldn't be any wider as she abruptly snuggled into Adam's armpit, "Really, Master?" She dug her fingers into him as she clung tightly.


Adam put an arm around her and gave her a reassuring hug, "Really-Really, Pet." He kissed the top of her head causing her to shudder and giggle again. Adam briefly and gently licked the tip of her horns, causing her to shudder and cling to him tighter. Eventually they both settled down and relaxed.


Eventually Wanderer spoke, "Master, may I ask something?”


Adam nodded, "You may, Pet."


She moved her head to look up at him, "Jack... the other you... What is he? Your dominate side?"


Adam looked off into the distance for a while, "I don't know. We're not... opposites, strictly. We have a different views, but see some things the same way as well. I like to think I'm more his happy side, than he's my dominate side"


~I don't know what we are either, but it's working, and that's what counts.~


Wanderer nodded and looked down at the floor, "Well... just so you know... I like him.~


Adam raised an eyebrow, "More than me?"


Wanderer froze up.


~Heh. Sorry, I'm already taken.~


Adam snorted, then looked down at Wanderer, "Seriously? He's an ass."




Wanderer squirmed next to Adam, "Well. I mean... he's... errr... well..." She looked anywhere and everywhere, but at Adam.


Adam pulled away and grasped Wanderer by the chin, making her look at him, "Well now. If that's the case, I think you might need to learn your place... MY Pet!"








Wanderer bit her lower lip and looked very...







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