I was summoned by a super villainess to another universe

Ch 69 – Let’s Get This Out Of The Way

"Time Travel one oh one."






"Time is not a separate dimension," Lord Od declared, lifting a finger to emphasize his point. "Although there is only the all-encompassing and Omnipresent NOW, certain universes contain what is called the fabric of time." He gestured around, and then tapped his walking cane, which immediately projected a holographic image. As the presentation began, Lord Od continued to speak.


"Time can be thought of as a series of beads rather than a straight line. Each bead represents a point in time where we arrive at a particular destination before moving on to the next one. Inside each bead, we have the freedom to choose our own path, but there is only one way into a bead, and one way out. Eventually, we reach a certain point where one bead touches another. This point, once passed, can rarely be changed. As we move into the next bead, we are presented with numerous possibilities and choices, which gradually expand to a point, then the number of options available to us begins to decrease. The path we must take to reach the next bead becomes narrower until the transition point is reached. At that point, you might have more than bead to choose from, or only one, but either way, the pattern repeats."


"There are many layers to these beads." The projection changed to display multiple strands of beads hanging in the air. It revealed beads interwoven with one another into odd clumps. When you pulled out, each tangled cluster of beads formed a larger bead, which in turn was part of an even larger bead, and so on. The strands expanded, demonstrating how this interweaving worked, "The largest of these beads that naturally occurs is an object known as a universe. While there were artificially created universes, they lacked the intricate tapestry of time found in natural universes. In places like that, only the omnipresent now exists, and it is impossible to travel through time. This included the space between universes, which is devoid of the necessary conditions for time to occur."


The projection transformed into a long grid with multiple lines of beads running down its length. Across it all traveled a line. As it slowly traveled down, the color of the beads changed from blue to red, "During the first journey through the present, the beads possessed some flexibility and variability. However..." The projection focused in on two lines, "When two strings of beads interact-" The beads crossed over one another and formed an X, "They can only come into contact at the transition points. When that happens, that point in time becomes more tightly locked in place."


The projection continued to add more strings of beads, with all of them interacting at the same point., "Some points of contact become so entangled they become almost certain to happen. This is why sometimes it is possible to predict the future. If it is a tangle in the past, it becomes next to impossible to undo." The image pulled away to show a massive sheet of interwoven string of beads, "However, as long as we are still inside a bead that has yet to move onto the next set point, nothing is truly set in stone."


A large glowing green cube appeared, "Chronotons. Time energy. The conservation of matter and energy requires that a price be paid, if you wish to alter time. You need time energy for that. The amount you need is dependent on the size of the bead you wish to alter and how many beads will be altered by your change. The larger the bead, the more time energy is required to modify it. Chronotons are what balances the scales and smooths out the paradoxes by spawning 'meanwhiles' and 'neverweres'. The purpose of these artifacts is to ensure that the continuity of time remains intact, despite the changes made to the original reality."


Quaalude produced a gnarled tree branch, "Meet what we lovingly call, Hell on a stick." He gestured to it, "An artifact created by demonic forces to contain chronoenergy. It was used on our corner of the cosmos a total of three times. Each one an attempt to undo their previous failures." He gestured aimlessly about, "That whole Anti-christ invasion thing you guys went through? Your world was the fourth attempt and the first partial success." He took a deep breath, "The amount of energy they needed to reset the universe was massive, but they had it to spend. It'll be hundreds of years before the timelines finally collapse back into each other."


His's words were ominous, hinting at the sheer scale of power required to reset the universe and the dire consequences that followed. The stick that he held seemed like a normal stick, but the more you looked at it, the more it seemed to be unreal. Or rather, the more it seemed to be too real to exist.


Twirling the stick around, Quaalude continued with an air of contempt for the artifact, "But the last time they activated it, we captured it. It's mostly used up now. Not that much energy left in it." He held his fingers close together to indicate the limited amount of energy remaining., "But maybe just enough energy left to pull off one last trick." He nodded towards Grease, "We could use this energy to travel back in time and save your parents."


Grease frowned, "And we come back to, Explain what the fuck you are talking about because my parents are FINE. I talked to Dad just last week!"


Conscious looked pensive, like this was a very difficult conversation for him, "In foreworld, my parents were saved by The Lord of Courage." He jogged his head towards his counterpart, "In backworld, his parents were killed by the Lord of Fear." They both looked at Grease and just stared.


Grease started to look a little pale, "Wait. You are talking about the Lady of Fear. She was a meninist. She was killed the same day..." Her voice trailed off as she thought about the implications


Lord Od shook his head, "Yes, she was killed, but no, she just happened to be there when the attack took place. We assume she was trying to track you down. She happened to find you at the wrong place at the wrong time and was caught up in the attack on the clinic. A clinic you were going to go visit for a check up when the honey badgers attacked. She was actually trying to kidnap you."


Quaalude nodded and pointed at his cybernetic legs, "The Lord of Fear failed in my world, but managed to kill my parents and cost me my legs. He got caught up in a fight with the Zagatar, saw my burning car, assumed I was dead, and moved on."


Grease squinted and raised a finger, "Okay... why?"


Conscious looked sad, "I was going to be his replacement."


Quaalude's face was an emotionless mask, "He was going to drain my soul to extend his life." He pointed at Grease, "I'm afraid your timeline is a divergence of my world and my fate was supposed to be yours." He then shrugged one shoulder, "And technically speaking, that point in time is intersected with several time chains that haven't happened yet. You still could lose your parents and your legs." His voice became softer and lost its edge, "I've been through that. I'll do everything I can to stop it from happening to you."


Grease looked rather distrusting, "And you all know all of this... HOW???"


Captain Conscious spoke up, "I called in a favor. They verified that parts of your past haven't happened yet. Plus, there is compelling evidence The Caffiend dug up.


Lord Od tapped his cane and a hologram of a woman dressed in blue appeared. She was wearing a grey domino mask. Her hair was blond with an old time look to it, like her hair style was from the nineteen twenties or something, even if it didn't match the style of  her skin tight body suit, "Look familiar?"


Grease nodded, "Uh. Yeah! She..." Her voice trailed off as Lord Od lifted up a grey domino mask, "When I was looking into you, I found an old police sketch of the woman who saved you. I found it odd she was wearing one of my old masks." He held the mask out to her, "Try it on."


Grease looked at the mask, and then tentatively brought it closer. Abruptly it leaped out of her hands to stick to her face. As it did, her cheekbones morphed slightly, she was wearing make up, and her hair became blonde, glossy and curly, like a woman from the nineteen twenties might have styled her hair. Her fingers tingled. As she looked at them, she noticed her fingerprints were disappearing before her eyes.


Lord Od offered her a pocket mirror, "You might want to see for yourself."


She looked into the mirror and immediately dropped it and backed away. At super speed, Lord Od caught it before it hit the ground. Grease was rubbing her temples, "Whoa. Hold it. Wait. That... that..." She frowned, "Time travel is illegal!"


Quaalude nodded, "Yeah. Our WASP has the same rules. It is illegal to CHANGE the past. We're going back to MAINTAIN the past. From your perspective it has already happened..." He gestured around, "To us, it hasn't."


Grease frowned, "You can't tell me it's that simple. There's something you aren't telling me."


Speaking in a low tone, Captain Conscious confirmed, "You're correct. In my world, the Lord of Courage perished while protecting me. In backworld, Quaalude took revenge for his murdered parents by killing the Lord of Fear. Meanwhile, in Nazi world, the Lord of Courage was executed for leading a revolt." He pointed at the ground, "As for your world, the Lady of Fear was slain during that conflict and wrongly identified as one of the attackers on the fertility clinic. In each of these worlds, the amulet that granted them their powers was destroyed when they perished."


Adding to the conversation, Lord Od explained, "The amulet drew its power from Chrono energy, making it the most concentrated battery known in our world. Unfortunately, there's very little Chrono energy left in any of the four timelines. All of it is being consumed just to maintain the existing convoluted mess, and as a result..." He let out a sigh and appeared to age suddenly as if the weight of decades caught up all at once. "My dear friend, the Sorceress Supreme, her ward that has kept the demons at bay is losing its strength. In some places, it's already vanished. The demons lack enough energy to attempt another alteration of the past, so they're relentlessly attacking this timeline instead. It's only a matter of time before they discover that her ward is falling apart. When they do, they will gather all their strength and launch one final assault."


Conscious raised a finger, "But, if we had the amulet, we could reinforce the wards." He gestured around, "Not just here, but all four timelines! We can put an end to the threat, for centuries to come."


Grease tilted her head to the side, "Why not go back in your own timelines? Seems like a lot of work."


Shaking his head, Quaalude explained, "It's the law of diminishing returns. Foreworld, Backworld, and Nazi world have all experienced so much time travel interference that it's almost impossible to go back even a month, let alone the three years that we'd need to get the version I killed. Every time someone alters a timeline, it requires increasingly more energy to travel back and make further changes. Our timelines have become effectively fixed and unchangeable, at least with what we have available."


Conscious nodded, "Foolkiller told me that we might have just enough to pull off a time heist in this time line since it appears we actually already did it, as long as we bring along someone who hasn't done it yet." He paused then added, "At least, I think that's what he said. He can be rather cryptic and long winded."


"And Foolkiller would be...?" Grease rolled her hand in the air and looked at everyone expectantly.


Interrupting the conversation, Lord Od added, "A pain in the ass and none other than the self-appointed guardian of time, at least in this corner of our cosmic neighborhood. If you want to accomplish any time shenanigans, it's best to consult with him beforehand. He won't provide assistance, but he won't obstruct our efforts either. He doesn't interfere with the omnipresent now and apparently some parts of this haven't yet come to pass."


Grease nodded slowly, "I guess that's where I come in, eh?"


Lord Od nodded, "Indeed. However, in order to pull this off, we need someone who can attune with the amulet from all four timelines." He made a sweeping gesture with his cane to indicate Captain Conscious, Captain Quaalude, and Grease, "You three and someone to represent Nazi World."


Letting out long breath, Grifter sheepishly looked at Grease, "Unfortunately I killed the fascist version of you a couple of years back when me and Quaalude got stuck in Nazi World."


Quaalude glared at Grifter out of the corner of his eye, "Did I ever mention you looked a little too happy to kill an alternate version of me?"


Grifter returned a smirk, "Several times."


Grease looked around, then turned back to Lord Od, "Okay... well... if he's dead and you say we only got enough energy for one trip, that would leave out going back in time to pick him up. So... where do you plan on finding a substitute?"







"Oh. I already found him."







Lord Od tapped his cane and the projection changed to show a hologram of Jack sitting in a subway car.








"This guy."

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