I will be The Monkey God!

Chapter 158: Momo gets her token

"Has the harem law affected your life?" Ruo asked after Yumi had fought against her guild members.

These two beautiful ladies were looking over other battles in a spot reserved for the guild master and her party members.

Those party members were away as per the Sword Mistress' request.

Yumi knew that Ruo would ask for it, so she replied composed, "It hasn't." Her green eyes shifted toward the blue-haired lady.

"Me?" Ruo replied to those curious eyes, "A lot of my friends ended up in harem or with harems already. Those top dogs, to be exact."

As a celebrity and high-level player, she had many acquaintances in streaming, top guilds, and other areas!

Therefore, Ruo's circle was affected by the harem law the most.

'Nice comeback,' Yumi whispered inwardly.

For her, it was clear that Ruo asked with clear intent behind. It was not just a curiosity, but the will to know whether Michu ended up with a harem already or what was Yumi's view on it!

Yumi didn't expose her thoughts and kept playing with the enigma.

"It must be a weird feeling," Yumi said, "Having all your friends... change like that?"

"It's their decision. Though if I have to point out a flaw, then it would be that same old love rekindled. Old friends that were the friends and nothing more, look at me with love again." Ruo replied.

Yumi shrugged, "It's a pain to be so popular. They have indulged in other women's embrace, but with harem law live, their love rekindled, and they want you to join them... Men are impatient. Prepare to dump them all if they aren't to your liking."

"Isn't there a simpler solution?" Ruo teased.

"Please, enlighten your junior," Yumi jested.


"This is our room!" Michu opened the doors and entered one of many rooms in the Magical Academy!

Michu would get much more INT Bonuses in this room, and his mana's regeneration was higher! It was the perfect room to indulge in banana sorcery!

The room wasn't spacious, but it was enough for two!

On the side, a bed was stuck to the wall. Surprisingly, it was the bed enough for two! In the middle, one window made way for the sun to peek in and halfway lightened the desk where players could describe and play around with their magic.

There were some magic resources prepared for Michu.

But he didn't need those except for mana potions!

All Michu needed was a banana!

"It's enough room for both of us, Master!" Momo concluded and vigorously reserved some space for herself.

Momo would do her utmost best to help him in his Banana Sorcerer pursuit, and her cooking skills would increase the mana regeneration even more than this room!

Momo swore it to herself as she was doing her best to win Michu's heart without her succubus powers!

She would do it through cooking and their daily life!

A daily life where Venomous was somewhere else, and no other woman could step in between them!

Or so she thought...

"Our palace has registered the unknown humanoid presence in this room." A woman's voice rang out from behind the door.

She was probably one of the magical disciples with the security guard's quest!

Momo flinched and looked around, "No way... I made a mistake... Should I turn into a cat?"

"It's useless, isn't it? They already recorded your presence," KongFu shrugged and waited for things to progress.

At worst, Michu would die..., and Momo would get punished or captured.

Michu didn't like either of those, so he opened the doors with a serious look, "Yes, I've come here with someone important... She has been sleeping all this time, so I forgot about the token for her!"

"Someone important?" The disciple looked behind Michu's shoulder.

Momo stood with her original looks. The horns and tails were nervously down while her sex appeal surged due to Michu's words.

In a daze, even as a woman, the magic disciple looked at Momo and immediately wanted to write off this sudden intrusion, "W-Who is she to you?"

Momo could be anyone, really.

She could be a guard, master, or someone who just looked over Michu due to his potential! But Michu didn't think of those. He and Momo didn't look alike at all due to the race differences, so he just said, "Momo is my wife!"

"Understandable. Have a nice night. The walls here are soundproof so that you can go all out! I will write about her presence as your family!" The magic disciple of the security guard wrote off this unknown presence and registered Momo.

Momo even got a token for herself, and she could participate in quests as well!

The results were both relieving and helpful!

However, Momo received more than this.

She heard the best words in her life, and even though she often dreamt about those, it sounded better in real life!

Her body gained red colors, her tail went uncontrollable, and her red eyes gleamed with happiness. Her overall sex appeal surged, and Momo just charmed her master with both her heart and body.

Momo didn't want to use that succubus' charm, but she couldn't stop her heart from beating fast!

Michu sucked cold air and replied while awkwardly smiling, "Let's check quests."

"Yes, Master." Momo bowed and followed him in her cat form.



Rainbow May opened the doors leading to the office.

Behind that desk, a man in a suit supported his head with both hands while waiting for her. He didn't move after the doors opened, but his eyes rose to look at her.

"I have spent a lot of time with them... And I found out about Michu's territory. He actually has a banana farm in Mountain Cliff City." She said to the man and bowed.

"Are you sure it is his banana farm?" The man asked.

"Yes... I also have information about the unexplored dungeon. Michu found it out, and he didn't want to clear it... I think it would be best to check it after my job is done." Rainbow May added another excellent piece of news and waited for the man's reply.

He parted his vile lips, "Good. You will get a bonus this month."

"Thank you, guild master!"

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