I Will Conquer The World!

Chapter 82: Loot!

Harry watched the soldiers stab each other and battle each other while feeling slightly drowsy. He yawned and felt that the fight was dragging out too long. He got up, drew his sword that was plated with gold and was about to rush out to fight when he suddenly remembered something and stopped mid step. He was in the clone's body, right? 

Wouldn't that mean that he would not have his extreme physical prowess? He decided to wait it out a bit more, but decided to kill the advisor before that. He was really annoying him with all the muttering and mumbling. 

["He's killing the advisor because he was annoying? He's starting to become really twisted now, isn't he?", said the advisor while laughing awkwardly.

"Well, this is called character development!", said the author while smiling brightly.]

Harry pierced the sword through the advisor's heart. The advisor shouted out due to the sudden pain and turned his head slowly to look at the king who stabbed him. He felt like he was hallucinating, but the pain that pierced through his body told him that what was happening right now was perfectly real. 

He let out a low growl before asking in a voice that was a decibel lower than a whisper, "Why? Just why?"

Harry grinned and said while making sure to pronounce every single syllable, "I have no reason to explain anything to you."

["Ok, this is just creeping me out at this point. Do you need to include this bit, author-san?", said the editor while having a concerned expression on his face.

"Well, we need to cater something to all the people who want anti-hero right? There are a lot of people reading this book who want more violence and evilness.", said the author while having a face that was exactly like the sweat smile emoji(?).]

Most knights were too busy fighting to notice this scene, but the ones who did felt horrified. Just what was up with their king? Had an ungodly demon possessed him?! 

Harry didn't bother with the advisor anymore and drew his sword from the advisor's body. He saw that there were only a dozen knights left still fighting. He ran towards them and killed a knight by stabbing him through his neck which was not covered by armor while he was battling another knight. He killed another three knights in a similar fashion, and the remaining knights alive were all his supporters.

There were five of them and they all cheered, feeling like they had slain a dragon, when in all reality, all they had done was slay their fellow comrades due to the manipulation of a bas - ahem - Harry.

They all looked at Harry attentively, waiting for his orders. Harry smiled and said while attempting to make his voice sound as heroic and valiant as possible, "You have done well, my knights. You have protected this kingdom from the clutches of these evil men, who wanted to overthrow me and lead this kingdom to doom. Lead the way to the treasury, for I suspect that some unjust forces may have invaded it."

Intoxicated by the happiness of victory, these knights had lost the last sliver of rationality that they had. If they had really bothered to stop for a second and think properly, they would have realized that every single action of their king's today was suspicious and out of the ordinary.

First of all, the king had murdered his own wife over a small scuffle. He then ordered the murder of his own son. Even after not taking all this into consideration, why would the king not know the way to his own treasury? And why the hell would he want to go to the treasury of all places after all this mayhem? He should be going to the other barracks to notify the remaining knights of what had happened! 

The knights started moving in an orderly formation, surrounding the king and leading him towards the treasury. If only they did not have their backs to him, and actually bothered to see what the king of theirs was doing, they would have seen him lifting some small daggers lying on the ground here and there.

They reached the treasury after a short walk and one of the knights said in a solemn tone, "Your Majesty, we have reached the treasu-"

Just when he turned and was about to complete his sentence, he saw a blood chilling scene. The four knights that accompanied them were all dead. Their bodies were scattered on the narrow corridor, all having their neck slit smoothly. 

Harry smiled at the knight's expression and said calmly, "It's time for you to die too. I appreciate your service by the way."

He then threw the dagger that he was holding and it pierced through the knight's neck. Before the knight could react, Harry ran towards the knight, removed the dagger and pierced it through his neck again.

Harry then walked towards the doors of the treasury, after taking the keys to the treasury from the knight, leaving the knight to spasm and twitch before dying a slow and gruesome death.

Harry opened the doors to the treasury and grinned stupidly looking at all the gold coins and items. He suddenly felt very lucky that his system was attached to his soul and not his body. How would he carry all this gold, otherwise?

He stored all of the gold coins and some valuable looking items into his system's storage as swiftly as he could before clicking on the 'Leave Clone' button. He felt his body lurch and nausea overcome him before a wave of dizziness overtook his senses.

He cursed and swore a bit before mumbling, "I can never get used to that sensation!" 

Pluto laughed and said, "I tried speaking to you, but it doesn't seem to work when you're in a clone's body, I guess."

Harry smiled and said, "Look Pluto! Look at all the loot I got!"

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