I Will Grind My Way To Godhood

Chapter 121: One Slap at a Time, The Door to a New World, The Quirky Sister


The collision of lips was so intense that it sounded like clapping hands.

Du Mingluan and Kou Chengjian widened their eyes in disbelief, staring at each other, unable to accept the reality they found themselves in.

The kiss lingered for more than a second.


A camera's shutter clicked, and the bright flash returned them to their senses.

With all their might, they pushed each other away, breaking free from Xue Jing's hand pressing on their heads and distancing themselves.


They immediately exaggeratedly started retching, wiping their lips as if trying to peel off a layer of skin.


Xue Wan held her phone, laughing uncontrollably, one hand covering her mouth as she doubled over.

“Sis, couldn't you dodge a bit? You stood there like a log.”

Xue Jing glanced at her helplessly and said.

Xue Wan waved it off, her smile wide, “I was so scared I couldn't move.”


Xue Jing looked at her, amused by her nonchalant picture gazing, unable to spot any sign of fear.

“My silly little brother, not seeing you for months, how have you grown taller again.”

Xue Wan stood, reaching out to ruffle Xue Jing's hair.

She was tall and well-built, easily reaching his head.

Her words were teasing, but her eyes were soft, showing genuine happiness at reuniting with her brother.

“What's up with your face, surgery?”

She gently patted Xue Jing’s cheek, puzzled.

“Seems the same... but somehow looking better.”

“Hey, these muscles…”

Xue Jing twitched his mouth, grabbing her wandering hand.

Nearby, an irritated voice interrupted.

“Hey, woman.”

“Did you just take a picture? Hand over your phone.”

Shorter in stature, Du Mingluan stretched his hand toward Xue Wan, his face dark.

Xue Wan tilted her head, smiling, “Don't worry, exchange contacts later, I’ll send you the photos.”

Du Mingluan paused, “That’s not what I meant.”

On the other hand, Kou Chengjian snapped, “Why bother talking? Just grab it and smash the phone. These photos can’t get out!”

He spat again, “Pah! Disgusting!”

Hearing this, Xue Wan hid behind Xue Jing, peeking over his shoulder, unhappy:

“This is the testimony of you opening the door to a new world, so meaningful and memorable, it can't be deleted.”

Du Mingluan and Kou Chengjian twitched their mouths, looking at Xue Jing blocking in front of Xue Wan.

Despite that woman's good looks, she clearly had a few screws loose, but it was this man who was truly the culprit.

However, this man was not simple.

Du Mingluan and Kou Chengjian exchanged a glance.

Although their attention had been on each other a moment ago, for someone to approach them at a speed beyond their reaction and accurately grab their heads...

It was evidence of extraordinary martial prowess.

Judging by his appearance, his age should be similar to theirs, likely also here for the competition.

A competitor on their level!

“What do you say?”

Du Mingluan spoke first.

Kou Chengjian said with a gloomy face, “What’s most important now is to destroy the photos.”

As they spoke, Xue Jing turned his head slightly, casting a sidelong glance at Xue Wan, who leaned her chin on his shoulder.

“Delete it. Although it doesn't sound good coming from me, the instigator... as a man, I can empathize with their resistance.”

Xue Jing sighed.

Xue Wan waved her index finger, a look of delight on her face, and said, “People are different. You might really resist it, but look at these two. It seems like they have a life-and-death rivalry, but at crucial moments, they start cooperating. This kind of tacit understanding...”

“Classic nemesis literature!”

“This photo might be their first step towards something! It's such a pity to delete it!”

Xue Jing let out an awkward sound.

Beside them, Du Mingluan and Kou Chengjian, hearing this, clenched their fists, itching to fight and prove there's definitely nothing like that between them.

Kou Chengjian forced himself to stay calm, gritting his teeth, “The photo first!”

Du Mingluan's hands squeezed, making cracking sounds, “You left, me right!”

Xue Wan's eyes shone, “See, that tacit understanding!”

Without another word, the two lifted their feet and vanished from where they stood.

Du Mingluan appeared on the left, reaching for the phone in Xue Wan's hand.

Kou Chengjian appeared on the right, swinging his fist with large knuckles, sending a circular gust of wind towards Xue Jing, as a distraction, trying to keep Xue Jing from having room to protect Xue Wan.

Meanwhile, hardly anyone noticed the oddly appearing numerous cracks underfoot on the marble floor, slightly bulging, as if something was about to break through.

Xue Jing watched the oncoming duo, his expression unchanged, estimating their level from the force of their strikes.

“They should be about the same as Li Chengxuan... or maybe a bit stronger.”

“Is this the common level of geniuses around seventeen or eighteen in this area?”

He thought, while his hands moved swiftly.

Twin Defense and Twin Speed activated simultaneously.

Force surged, the true dragon roamed within his body.

His entire skeleton vibrated, emitting a rumbling thunderous sound.

With a swift motion of his left hand, Xue Jing accurately caught Kou Chengjian’s wrist, absorbing the force of his punch directly into his own bones.

His right hand did the same, seizing Du Mingluan’s wrist aimed at Xue Wan.

Xue Jing's movements were incredibly fast, outpacing the others as if they were in different time streams.

The force carried by the two was completely deflected and absorbed, and when they realized it and tried to muster their strength again, it was already too late.

An overwhelming power surged from their wrists, and they watched helplessly as they were drawn closer to each other...

Seizing their wrists, Xue Jing used the absorbed energy from his own body to fling them forward like tossing spaghetti.


Their bodies collided, releasing a blast of air.

This time, they avoided mouth-to-mouth contact, though their cheeks pressed inevitably together, their bodies clinging tightly, like in an embrace.


Xue Jing was taken aback.

He hadn’t intended it; it was an instinctive act, thinking it would harm both simultaneously...

“You bastard!”


Seeing the disbelief and anger on their faces, Xue Jing realized they misunderstood.

“Never mind, let it be.”

Xue Jing casually opened his hands and slapped their heads as if swatting mosquitoes.


Energy surged, activating the technique, his palm softly penetrated their skulls, shaking their heads violently as they slumped to the ground unconscious.

The two lay on the ground, still closely pressed against one another.

The sound of camera shutters kept snapping around them, flashlights flickering incessantly. Xue Jing glanced around, noticing many people resembling journalists, with cameras aimed at him.

Xue Wan looked at Xue Jing with a peculiar expression:

“You're even more intense than me... I never knew you were like this, Ah Jing.”

Silently, the floor cracks seemed to restore themselves, as if nothing had occurred except for the added web of fissures.

Xue Jing sighed, “It wasn’t intentional... Anyway, let's get out of here.”


At a seaside platform, Xue Jing and Xue Wan gazed at the approaching giant cruise ship.

The sea breeze blew through Xue Wan’s smooth black hair, which she tucked behind her ear, exclaiming:

“I never thought you’d take up martial arts... your talent is surprisingly good, why didn’t we notice before?”

“I always thought you’d end up being kept by some rich lady...”

She looked at Xue Jing, her expression a mix of softness and complexity.

“But this path seems to always involve some fighting, it’s worrisome.”

Xue Jing leaned his elbows against the railing, gazing at the sea, and casually replied:

"The person who makes others worry should be you, sis."

Xue Jing tilted his head slightly. "Me?"

Xue Wan questioned, looking puzzled.

Xue Jing glanced at her with a meaningful look. "Just now, under the floor... it seemed like there was something there. It wouldn't have something to do with you, would it?"

His keen observation skills never failed him. Even amidst the crucial moment of being attacked, he couldn't ignore the fleeting shadow caught from the corner of his eye.

Xue Wan's pretty face registered an expression of innocent confusion. "Huh? Are you talking about gods and demons?"

Xue Jing stared at her for a moment. Although he was suspicious, he had no intention of delving too deeply, choosing instead to change the topic. "By the way, I've got a cat. I brought it along this time."

He had many secrets himself that he preferred not to share with his family, so he didn't feel entitled to press Xue Wan for answers.

After meeting her this time and seeing for himself that she was in good spirits and showing no signs of having dealt with anything particularly bad, he felt much relieved.

The rest will just unfold naturally as time goes by.

"A cat? What kind of cat?"

Xue Wan's eyes sparkled with interest. "I found it on the road. No idea what breed it is, but it's pretty cute. You'll know when you see it."

Xue Jing replied nonchalantly.

Onboard the ship, Ning Fengwan had already discussed things with him. Given the circumstances, it was decided that she shouldn't reveal her true form to his family for the time being. Being seen as a cat was perfectly fine.

"Huh? Are cats allowed on cruise ships?"

Xue Wan asked with a hint of curiosity.

Xue Jing smiled slightly, speaking casually. "Technically no... but your brother here has a lot of pull."

Xue Wan raised an eyebrow, wrapping her arm around his neck to lock him in a playful headlock. "Not sure about your pull, but I can definitely see how big your head's gotten!"

Trapped in the hold, Xue Jing found his face pressed against Xue Wan's slender waist. "Let go, don't you know males and females shouldn't touch so casually?"

Given the position, his voice was slightly muffled. "I changed your diaper, and now you're hung up on what's proper?"

The cruise ship was gradually docking. The cat was perched on a rail, yawning. "Where is Jing? Where did he go—"

Ning Fengwan suddenly noticed a scene that left her speechless. On a platform not far from the pier, Xue Jing lay sprawled on the ground, looking utterly miserable, while a woman who resembled him a great deal was... wrestling with him?

She had him down, wrapping around his arm in a standard, almost surreal arm lock. "That's Jing's sister, right? She seems... very lively."

The cat's face formed an oddly human-like, bewildered expression.

"Don't think that just because you've trained in martial arts that you can disregard the bond of blood."

Proclaimed Xue Wan, looking at Xue Jing laid out on the ground. She seemed rather triumphant. "Alright, alright, I know you've practiced during university. Now let him go."

Xue Jing coaxed her in a tone one might use with a child.

"A perfect arm lock is unbreakable! By the way, I have another move I want to try—ah!"

Xue Wan let out a surprised cry before she could finish speaking.

Xue Jing, as if nothing were in his hands, stood up straight.

Xue Wan was lifted into the air, dangling like a basket full of groceries just purchased.

“Have you had enough fun yet?” Xue Jing shifted her, who was coiled around his arm, in front of him, and gave her a quick slap on the head, which sounded with a crisp “smack.”

“Hiss—That hurts! I can't believe you hit so hard!”

Amidst their playful banter, time flew by, and the cruise ship officially docked.

The crew on the ship threw the mooring ropes to the dock workers onshore, who caught the ropes and secured them to the bollards.

After a series of maneuvers, the ship successfully moored and connected to the aerial walkway.

Xue Jing led Xue Wan onto the ship via the aerial walkway, encountering many disembarking passengers along the way. They all respectfully greeted Xue Jing:

“Mr. Xue.”

“Mr. Xue...”

Xue Jing, like a visiting dignitary, nodded and smiled in response.

“Looks like you're quite somebody,” Xue Wan chuckled, patting Xue Jing on the shoulder.


As they reached the deck, a cat's meow was heard. A black cat with four white paws elegantly strolled up to Xue Jing.

“Wow~ It's so cute!” Xue Wan clutched her chest as if she were smitten, her eyes sparkling.

“How can there be such an adorable cat!”

“Have I been single for too long? How can a cat look so appealing to me?”

Xue Wan quickly stepped forward and gently picked up the cat.

“It's so well-behaved... and smells so nice.”

Rubbing her cheek against the cat, Xue Wan said blissfully.

“Why didn't it ever occur to me to keep a cat before? I should have done it ages ago!”

“By the way, have you given it a name yet? What's it called?”

Xue Wan turned her head to Xue Jing.

“A name?”

Xue Jing pondered for a moment and casually replied, “Let's call it Feng Wan.”

“Huh? Which 'Feng Wan'? 'Feng' from Black-boned Chicken Feng Pills?” Xue Wan tilted her head.

The cat, hearing this, seemed to recall something unpleasant and pouted disapprovingly.

“No, 'Feng' as in Wang Xifeng, and 'Wan' as in Li Wan,” Xue Jing explained with a smile.

“...How could you name a cat like that? Have you read too much of 'Dream of the Red Chamber'?” Xue Wan found it somewhat amusing.

“And they're all married... Brother, is this your taste?”

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