I Will Grind My Way To Godhood

Chapter 4: Divine Skills


Xue Jing was bewildered, initially suspecting he heard things. After surveying his surroundings and seeing no one in sight, it became clear that no one was playing tricks by pretending to be a talking cat. He also checked the cat for any sound-emitting devices but found nothing.

Xue Jing pondered for a while and then calmed himself, suppressing his jumping curiosity.

A talking cat might be a common trope in fantasy works, but encountering it in reality carries a hint of eeriness better left untouched.

He quickly pulled out a few sausages from his supermarket bag, stripped them of their casings, placed them on the ground, and was about to leave.

Just as he stood, the unconscious cat’s tail inadvertently brushed against his fingers, nudging the platinum tail ring on it against his hand.

【Detecting divine substance, absorbing divinity...】

【Contact broken, divinity absorption failed】

A semi-transparent skill panel popped up automatically, displaying two lines of never-before-seen text.

Xue Jing paused, arresting his retreating steps.

"Well, now... I have no choice. The panel is my lifeline; to investigate the anomaly, I'll have to take it back."

He sighed, inexplicably tinged with excitement.

Xue Jing bent down, unbothered by the dirt, embraced the black cat with four white mittens, the platinum tail ring making contact with his body.

【Detecting divine substance, absorbing divinity...】

On the panel, the once pale blue transparent interface emitted strands of golden light, converging at the bottom of the panel, suggesting a new skill was gradually surfacing.

"Divinity... sounds pretty high class."

Xue Jing felt a bit anticipatory. Holding the cat, he planned to head home but suddenly thought of something and turned back towards the supermarket.

Entering the supermarket, he purchased a bag of cat food from the pet section, requested a large bag from the cashier, and packed his purchases along with the cat food. Cradling the cat with one hand and carrying the bag with the other, he exited the store and walked home.

Once inside, he first placed the bag of groceries and cat food on the table, then settled on the living room sofa with the cat in his arms.

Due to the warning from the panel earlier, he had to maintain contact with the ring on the cat’s tail to avoid failing the divine extraction.

Although he didn’t know what would happen after the supposed success of this ‘divine’ extraction, it stood to reason that it wouldn’t be a bad thing.

Golden light dots on the interface continued to congregate as Xue Jing held the cat, gently stroking it with his other hand.

The fur was dirty and matted, with patches missing, but on closer inspection, the cat’s quality was surprisingly fine.

Its fur was sleek and unmarked, the white gloves on its paws were sharply defined against its body, and the whiskers were neat. Each side of its eyes had white markings resembling eyeliner, giving it a narrow yet elegant appearance, akin to a refined beauty cat.

"Quite a little marvel you've turned out to be."

Xue Jing petted the cat expectantly.

He couldn’t quite pinpoint what he was anticipating, whether it was the transformation of the panel post divine extraction or the excitement this talking cat might bring into his life.


Suddenly, Xue Jing laughed.

"In the end, I'm still ‘Xue Jing’…"

Bringing home a talking cat, his mind wasn't filled with anxiety over unknown risks but rather the thrill of forthcoming changes.

This is the mind of youth, not of a middle-aged heart seeking stability.

With this inner dilemma resolved, Xue Jing felt at ease. While waiting for the divine extraction to complete, he picked up the remote, turned on the TV, and tuned into the news channel.

“... The 37th U19 Unlimited Elite Combat Championship is about to begin preliminaries, with young star players from major clubs eager and ready... Today, let’s interview some of the seed contestants for this event...”

“...On the afternoon of October 8th, a brief 'dimensional tremor' occurred on Huai River Road in the east district of Qingcheng. With a magnitude of 4.1, it was managed smoothly under the direction of Assemblyman Chu Minyi, and luckily, there were no casualties...”

“...Kangde Security Company recently announced the dismantling of a large criminal organization called 'Dragon Cult'. Director Guan Yingzhi declared that Dragon Cult was a facade for an illegal, sinister gang masquerading as a religious group, which had plagued society for over sixty years. To ensure social stability and public safety, Kangde Security remains unwavering against any criminal activity...”

“Recently, a group of smugglers from the border, carrying illegal goods, have broken through the city’s defensive lines and are heading inland. Citizens of Qingcheng are advised to maintain security vigilance...”


No one knew how much time had passed.

【Divinity Extraction Complete】

As the words appeared on the screen, the hovering golden lights dispersed.

At the bottom of the skills panel, a new skill appeared, gleaming with golden letters in contrast to the usual black font.

【Twin Birth: Divine Skill, Divinity Required for Activation: 525/500】

【Conditions Met, Activate?】

A Divine Skill?

Xue Jing’s eyes focused intensely.

Clearly, this wasn’t on the same level as ordinary skills.

Xue Jing immediately pressed “Yes” with his finger.

【Activation Successful】

【Twin Birth Lv1】

【Effect: 】

Passive: Possesses two lives. After death, you can freely choose the resurrection time within seven days. Cooldown time: three months.

Active: Not unlocked.

Divine Embodiment: Not unlocked.】



Although Xue Jing was mentally prepared and knew that 'Divine Skills' were definitely not ordinary, he really didn't expect it to be this outrageous.

"Aban, you've revealed your cards, haven't you? Not planning to interact with me as a regular cheat any longer?"

Just a moment ago, the skill panel was still confined within the realm of ordinary people, an unremarkable cheat, albeit with slightly accelerated growth, but still within reasonable bounds.

With the appearance of 'Twin Birth', it immediately propelled him through the doors of the extraordinary world.

This is a skill that neither adheres to reason nor follows the laws of physics.

Two lives, and with the ability to choose the resurrection time upon death, this means there's no fear of being camped, avoiding the embarrassing scenario of instantly reviving after death and getting killed again.

What an unparalleled survival divine skill, not even a single-use resurrect token, but one that can be used repeatedly as soon as the cooldown ends.

Although the cooldown is a bit lengthy, rounding it up, it's basically tantamount to unlimited rebirth.

According to the panel, this is only the passive effect of 'Twin Birth'.

"Damn it, why."

Xue Jing felt as if ants were crawling all over his body.

If the passive is this overwhelming, the active must be extraordinary too.

"But it requires a divine unlock... how is he supposed to get that?"

"And what exactly does this 'Divine Incarnation' do?"

A whirlwind of thoughts swirled in Xue Jing's mind, his expression flickering between light and shadow.

At that moment, the cat nestled in his arms suddenly fluttered its eyelids and slowly opened its eyes.

Its head lifted, and its striking emerald eyes gazed up at Xue Jing, who held it close.

Seeing this, Xue Jing temporarily set his thoughts aside, reaching out to gently stroke the cat's head.

With a hint of guilt, he spoke, "You're awake?"

He hadn't asked for its consent before performing a divine extraction and had no idea what impact this might have on the cat.

Earlier, he had been too caught up in excitement to pay attention, but now reflecting on it, taking without asking felt a bit...

Though Xue Jing prided himself on having a rather flexible moral compass, even if he was aware of this, he would still continue to secretly extract divinity for the skill panel's sake. Yet, seeing the 'victim' awake before him, he couldn't help but feel a pang of guilt.

The cat, curled up in Xue Jing's embrace, initially stared at him blankly as if still trying to grasp its current predicament.

Its gaze shifted around the room, taking everything in before settling back on Xue Jing's face.

A glimmer seemed to flicker through its emerald eyes.

The cat spoke.


That sound.

It sent shivers down Xue Jing's spine.

The moon hung high in the sky, casting a silvery glow across the deserted schoolyard. Xue Jing stood at the center, eyes closed, feeling the pulsing energy within him. The talking cat, seated demurely nearby, watched him with a steady gaze. "You feel it too, don't you?" the cat purred, its voice gentle yet echoing the vastness of the cosmos.

Xue Jing nodded, swallowing hard. "It's overwhelming... as if I'm touching the essence of something greater."

Suddenly, a flicker of light caught his attention. He opened his eyes abruptly, glimpsing a figure standing at the edge of the yard. It was the mysterious bald old man, his eyes gleaming with unspoken secrets.

With an unexpected swiftness, the old man approached. "You've begun to sense the divine currents," he said, every word resonating with a weight that suggested unfathomable depths. "Your path will not be easy, bearing such power, but you must learn to control it before it consumes you."

Before Xue Jing could respond, the old man had vanished, leaving behind only whispers that faded into the night.

The cat, now by Xue Jing's side, rubbed its head against his leg. "Don't worry," it said softly. "You're not alone in this."

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