I Will Live My Life As A Slime With A Dark Elf Body As A Base!

Chapter 24: Hell’s Nocturne of Doom/ The Fall

Chapter 24: Hell’s Nocturne of Doom/ The Fall

The kingdom of the elves, Gainevia was in peace. It was a rather isolationist nation and rarely interacted with any other nation excluding its neighbors who were the dark elves whom the elven folk ignored and didn’t want to hear a single breath of their words. Following right after the dark elves were the humans next door whom they unfortunately also had a long history with. The only things they had in common with the dark elven kingdom was they were both ruled by a matriarchal ruler, they also had elderly councils which they listened to with reverence, and the fact they both didn’t contact anyone from outside their nation. But other than just those things they had a very different culture and it could be very well thought they wouldn’t interact well with each other, if one had to accurately describe the two nations it would be two sisters who haven’t talked in a very long time and neither were willing to start up a conversation with the other. 

Queen Amaryl Gainevia knew this as well, there has been many opportunities to talk with the dark elves for a very long time but both of their elderly councils forbade them from making contact with other nations no less than their direct sister nation. Queen Amaryl personally knew the previous dark elven queen, Queen Halka because fate had allowed them to meet each other on their journeys of strength. The conversations they had when they adventured together were still in her heart, even now as she stared at the mirror and was getting ready to sit on the throne that was rightfully hers she wanted to see both the elves and the dark elves talk and cooperate into a better future but alas there was never an opportunity. The beauty of Amaryl Gainevia was one to behold, she had mint green hair which was previously short but now had grown out to reach her waist, her electric blue eyes complimented her beauty and that was passed down to her children as well, she wore a nature themed gown with flowers inside of it. This was the queen of the elves, Amaryl Gainevia. 

Today was going to be a very unpleasant meeting with one of the representatives of the Xagreas Kingdom, normally they wouldn’t visit the royal palace unless it was something very important. Last summer the prince visited and hadn’t talked about it ever since which gave her a bad feeling about all of this, she walked with her daughter Crinae who was also her fifth born child. The little girl had inherited her mother’s outstanding looks as well, she was the premature version of herself and she loved her with all of her heart. Smiling at her Amaryl entered the throne room where the representative was, he was a rather short man with a balding head and an appearance that could be akin to a pig’s. Beady untrustworthy eyes, a long nose with a disgusting mustache that didn’t fit his face and overall clothes that seemed like they would burst at any moment in time. Why did they choose a swine like him of all people?Amaryl questioned herself in her heart and kept quiet about it.

“It is a pleasure to meet with you Your Majesty”

“Likewise I would like to ask you to not beat about the bush and immediately say what you came here for”

“As you wish. Ahem. I am the representative of his royal highness Prince Heinrich Xagreas and the following are his words”

The prince of the Xagreas Kingdom was within a word to Amaryl: Disgusting. She knew that he conducted the trade of kidnapping and auctioning the elves to enjoy either as slave prostitutes or nobility toys whom allowed him to rise to power above his older brother whom committed suicide after his faction abandoned him. An overweight man who prided himself in his connections, short muddy brown hair, repulsive green eyes and a face that was worse than the man she was staring at, whatever words he had to say wasn’t going to be good news whatsoever.  

“The first and fifth princesses are expected to marry Prince Heinrich Xagreas in the following 5 days, you do not have a choice in the matter that is his wish and his wish is the Xagreas Kingdom’s will.”

“But surely the prince knows my daughter is next in line to the throne, he cannot have-“

“It doesn’t matter to him. Do the right thing and just give them up, you do not want the World Tree to be burned down, you can make plenty of more daughters and we will be sure to send their grandkids over. They’ll be both great birthing tools and pleasure devices for his needs, I shall make my leave.”

A sense of vileness was born from these words alone, the elven queen Amaryl Gainevia wanted to strangle the man who was leaving this room, she wanted to make him feel all the horrible pain of this world. But she could not. If she did so something bad would happen to the elves who had been captured for generations and used for the pleasures of the humans in the Xagreas Kingdom which was a close ally to the Cornelia Empire. Any form of aggression would be a declaration of war and this would result in their nation being razed to the ground, she wanted to cry, rage in anger and be calm all at the same time but she couldn’t. Her face was frozen in place as her daughter’s cries could be heard inside of the room. Heinrich was a disgusting pig who loved treating elves in the most horrible of ways, this was very public and well known. But she was only 8 years old, having barely lived her life to the fullest and it was going to be taken from her. 

“Crinae, come here”

Her daughter ran to her and cried even more, she knew what kind of people the humans were and didn’t want that at all. There was nothing she could do, the World Tree was very important to her and her people. It represented generations of elven history, if it were to be burned down then their legacy would be gone too. Ordinarily nothing could burn the World Tree however the humans of the Xagreas Kingdom had made a method that could potentially burn it down, it didn’t anger the uncaring goddess of nature whose ears were deaf to their pleas. Amaryl wanted to kill all the human males of the royal family of the Xagreas Kingdom castrating them before their excruciating deaths but she had to bare this down. Shortly after a while the door burst open with the first princess, her daughter Rosa entering the throne room. Her face was filled with anger, and it was reasonable to be furious. Rosa’s life was going to be snuffed out like a candle and her future stamped out by a single man’s desire. Her similarly colored mint green hair which she also gained from her mother sparkled in the brightness of the sun, as her electric blue eyes were shining in fury.

“Mother you cannot allow this to happen!You cannot allow them to take me as well!Mother me and Crinae still have a long future ahead of us. We haven’t even take our journeys of strength yet!”

What she said was true but she didn’t have the power to rebuke her because this was the only way to protect their land and the World Tree. She loved all of her daughters equally, and this as a mother was a grave blow that made her almost want to cry. There was nothing she could do, upon seeing the face her mother was making Rosa fell on her knees and began to sob bitterly at the thought of the things that vile prince was going to do to her and her little sister.


“Has he returned again?What more does he have to say to my heartbroken daughters?”

“No, but I have rather important news for you. It concerns the dark elven royalty.”

“Let me hear it. Anything to alleviate the current situation.”

“Their Queen wants to have an audience with you”


“S-She’s already here Your Majesty….” 

“Wait if I recall didn’t the information of her death become very widespread, isn’t Maris technically dead?”

“No, her daughter who just had recently enthroned came here instead!”

“Oh?That is interesting so what does she need from us?She knows very well we won’t listen to her or even communicate at that matter.”

“Your Majesty…..there is a different aura about her that’s difficult to explain”

“Bring her in”

The knight went back and soon the room felt an immense pressure coming from down the hall. Amaryl could feel power from that pressure, every footstep filled her with growing fear.  She was alone and yet she felt like she had the strength to topple the whole world, upon reaching the throne room Amaryl could feel that something was different about the newly crowned dark elven queen. If the previous dark elf queen was accused of being a monster ,then her daughter was an evil god wearing dark elf skin. She was covered in a cloak and one could make out the clothes she wore.

“State your business”

“I wish to help you.”

“What do you mean?”

“It is as I’ve said.”

“Under what cost?”

“Actually I just want to see elves and dark elves live together in peace, I do not want the humans to ruin that. I saw that smug fool walking down the hallway hearing what he said and it made me want to crush the nation”

“But you cannot do that”

“I can and I will”


“I do not want to hear the bullshit answer of they will burn the World Tree, I have the backing of entire nations and the blessing of the Dragon Queen to use her forces. If you go under my protection then you can consider yourselves the happiest elves in the universe”

“………..What’s your evidence?”

“I am the one who crushed the city states and made the beastkin kingdom into the beastkin empire, I also freed their captives within a week.”

The beastkin empire of Grimsvile rose with the help of their prophesied Fenrir gods and coupled with the power she felt in this room Amaryl believed her, the information of a dark elf having led the purge checked out but she didn’t imagine for it to be the dark elven queen herself to have conducted it. She could hear the anger within the voice of the dark elven queen, she wanted to see that kingdom suffer and so with a smile she stood up and walked towards her. She extended her hand to her and they shook in agreement.

“I know I am making a deal with an Evil God but I will accept, please bring ultimate suffering to those bastards”

“Heh I will”

The dark elven queen removed her hooded cloak to reveal an evil beauty who far surpassed her mother, she smiled a vicious smirk that made her grateful it wasn’t directed to her.


The wind was odd today, it was almost foreboding to something more. The soldiers stationed at the border to the Xagreas Kingdom could all feel this as well, something was visibly wrong. The food didn’t taste right, the water a little bit off or was it the fact they all woke up at nearly the same time no one had a clue about why this day of all days was any different. Two soldiers who patrolled the walls stopped for a moment to rest and talk a little. They each carried sacks that held their food and unwrapped them and began to eat on the spot. It was mostly hard black bread, a couple of fruits and warm wine mixed with water, this was the poor soldier’s meal something which was rather common and knew was going to be their lunch. This was the one time where they could be themselves before going back to being the protectors of the border.

“Say Lark how’s the kid doing?”

“Growing up well Javl’s becoming stronger by the day, I am really proud of the boy. Soon he’ll be an adventurer unlike his old nation dog father”

“Hahahahahahaha great to hear the news……”

Their short lived conversation trailed off into the silence of the wind blowing and turning into a moment of appreciation. The sun was slowly setting and its weak rays falling to the breeze, this was a scene that the two had to fall into quietness for. At this moment as if compelled by some unknown force they had to say what was in their hearts in the time of serene ephemeral beauty.

“This is like the calm before the storm Ian”

“Any information from the government insider?Anything that could be the cause of this?”

“No, nothing”

“Makes it all the more ominous”

“Agreed, something is coming we have to be prepared for it”


The gong for dusk was their signal that they should be going back to work. The red sky and the clouds that surrounded the sun was both beautiful and terrifying, those who gazed upon it felt shivers run down their spines. The night swiftly came as if in accordance to this and just like that their fears started to manifest in a way that drove that uneasiness home, all of them frozen as they saw an ocean of crimson eyes staring back at them. 


Had the elves gone mad?!Where did this large number of monsters come from?They were stationary and acted like they were under the command of something, was this the Demon King’s army?The border was going to become the frontlines to a bloody invasion that didn’t guarantee their survival. A cloaked figure walked towards the giant wall that was made to protect them, but even in face of this they felt an abnormal sense of fear rising from within like a river swiftly becoming a flood. It stopped right in front of the walls and removed its hoodie to reveal it was a dark elf, her beauty made her all the more dangerous as she stared into their very souls with little to no pity.

“The Elven Federation is now going to war with the Xagreas Kingdom. This destruction of borders will mean we will invade you as of this moment nothing will be left behind. Please prepare yourself for hell on earth. Send a couple of humans fleeing, not that it would matter anyways but you have been forewarned.”


“Odin, begin the assault”

“As you wish”

The dark elf disappeared upon saying these words in her place was a single black colored moth that seemed to float around a single sword that was stabbed into the ground. Around it were black flames that followed right behind the moth, as if it were a natural thing in this world an eclipse of moths formed around the sword creating a being. When they were done a figure stood holding the pommel of the stabbed sword, time seemed to slow down around it as the arrow was getting closer and closer to the figure, the moonlight shined on this figure revealing a jet black armor with golden lines and a blood red cape that made everyone on top of those walls shrivel in fear. It rather the knight stood with his head bowed in a gesture of supplication, then the monsters began to march in unison as if in accordance to his will. What kind of man would be able to command such a large horde of monsters, what state of mind was he in?What kind of manner of man was he? The answer?

He wasn’t a man to begin with. He slowly lifted his head up revealing his bare skull which had a glowing blue flamed eye staring back at the knights and soldiers at the border wall with the frozen arrow standing in place resuming to speed towards him. The undead knight leaps up into the same direction as the swift arrow, in mere moments the undead warrior grabs it and throws back to its archer who is shocked to see it come back. His head bursts open like a tomato being squashed under foot, for a brief moment the world pauses as they see this Lord of Death float in midair with his hands open. Within mere seconds is the heads of the soldiers who were beside the archer are grabbed and smashed into the ground leaving a bloody splat on the ground, his blue flamed eye turns into one of the same color as the sea of beasts that are in the ocean of forests. The sword immediately teleports into his hand and he brings it down on the first soldier who comes running his way, the bisected body parts are sent flying as sounds of the walls being broken wakes everyone up of the graveness of the situation. The undead knight throws his sword at those who are rushing towards him which transforms into an axe as he leaps off from the platform and goes down below. 

His gaze falls upon the soldiers who are littered in the yard scurrying around to kill his monster brethren and protect their homeland. Taking the knives sheathed around his waist he throws them at the soldiers who are rushing his way, their bodies fell down to the ground motionless but his momentum didn’t stop as he grabbed their swords and threw them at the archers who were aiming for his exposed back. He who is called Odin runs towards the knights who are heading towards him, he jumps stepping on them as if it were nothing and takes out the crossbow which was strapped on his back and begins to fire arrows at them which explode immediately upon contact sending them into a sea of black flames. 

Their agony filled voices were only just the beginning. The world falls silent for those staring at him as he slowly stands back up with an unfamiliar weapon in his hands, his jet black breath makes them sense their immediate deaths. He zooms towards the first knight close to him and stabs him with the fallen spear from close by lifting him up in the process before aiming the weapon at the dashing soldiers and knights. The result is the heads of the knights explodes into a bloody paste as Odin throws the knight away along with the spear into a nearby wall which creates yet another hole in the border fort’s walls. He enters the weapon range of the knight whose face is dyed in pure despair, his face is punched before his sword is pierced through his chest as a kick sends him flying. Within that single moment Odin fires the weapon once more which rips body parts away from the now newly made corpses of the knights and soldiers, he leaps onto the walls running on them despite being in what appeared to be heavy armor. Upon reaching one of the towers that would send out a signal for reinforcements, jumping out of it whilst transforming his weapon back to a crossbow that shoots at the archers who aiming for him. He lands on the body and uses it to cushion his fall creating a pool of blood. He stands as the flames spreads with his arms folded, chaos was prevalent here, it was increasing as the deaths of the humans were granting him a sense of satisfaction. The gates were broken through and the armies of his creator, his mother were marching to the great demise of the Xagreas Kingdom.

“And so the march of doom begins now, the fall of the ones who have come against the Elven Federation and my mother. Come now former soldiers and knights of the kingdom of my enemies, we have work to do”

Odin brings back the soldiers and knights as undead to create his own army to show them true despair that even in their deaths they wouldn’t be able to escape the vicious grip of their torment.


There were many slave markets in the Xagreas Kingdom, some of the biggest were located near the border, near the capitals of the provinces and the royal capital itself. This city was one of such, Endon thrived on the market. There were many kinds of slaves here catering to the different tastes of the customer who would buy them. There were enslaved female monsters who were kept at bay via a slave collar for the more eccentric customer who were mostly nobles who had that kind of fetish, as well as normal human girls who got tricked by sly scumbags that this would help them. Granted here were people who were made into slaves because of debt, a crime and so much more but a majority came from similar backgrounds. These were treated rather normally unlike the elven slaves, they had public demonstrations of how good they were as products and people would see them faint so they could buy them off immediately. The smell of dried up semen, wood being burnt and rust was something common around here, the schedule wouldn’t change but not tonight. There was something amiss and when they realized it, everything began to fall into the hands of chaos. 

The screaming hordes of madness were what their eyes were staring at. They were glued to the scene, their self preservation instincts were turned off just to gaze at the beauty of the incoming storm. The incoming monster parade was rushing towards them in a manner that could be said to be abnormal, once they came to conscious thought the gong was beaten to the extent that it felt like it would fall off but it was to no avail as hell had already come at their doorstep. The head of the first victim was brutally torn off from its body thus igniting the razing of Endon. An ogre broke through the gates easily allowing the frenzied multitudes to wreck havoc, the soldiers and knights were not prepared for this neither were the slave merchants as the city was slowly descending into a hellscape. Even amongst the most talented knights and soldiers none could escape the violence that had come for them, the flames gave off a red hue as a fine selection of buildings were burnt down. The Merchant’s Guild as well as the associated Commerce Guild, the Mercenary Guild, and finally but not least Adventurer’s Guild, these were burnt down to send a message that money and strength could save no one from the hell horde. The streets were filled with blood and guts, the upper half mangled body of an adventurer moving his body with only his arms, the crucified bodies of the saints of the church who were forced to watch their church get set ablaze as devils and demons danced around it throwing some of them inside. The impaled bodies of the holy knights associated with the church, the screaming voices of soldiers who were being dismembered by the monsters, all of it was becoming far too natural. One of the things that the devil swarm and monster hordes do was enter the homes of the people to slaughter them, this they abstained from participating from doing. A lone beastkin was walking amongst the streets whilst all of this was happening, it seemed normal to her. She was dressed in a special sort of armor, it covered her arms and legs with a leotard like fabric extending from her neck to her thighs where the armor began, her tail was rather playful with her face being serious. She reached the market place where the merchants were all kept alive, they as well as the people who were in their homes had become the survivors of the brutal massacre.

“Is that it then?Great, time to start importing these elves back home. Free the other slaves and ask them where they came from as well as their crimes, depending on their answers they will live.”


One brave soul shouted out to her as she was giving out orders, it was simple for a man filled with fear to give out such brashness without reasoning at all and yet she wanted to entertain them.


He was tied up surrounded by demons and was shouting this, one could say he was right in a sense however……..

“So?This nation is nothing but a pile of trash waiting to be burnt anyway”


“This nation shall fall and there’s nothing the Cornelia Empire can do about it, just like there was nothing they could do about the Beastkin Empire. You asked who I am right? I am Wynter Grimsvile, the princess of that Empire and you my poor little scared pig are amongst the first to die”

His face became pale from fear, he couldn’t stop shaking as her eyes were filled with pure evil and there was nothing he could do or say that would stop the suffering that was coming for him.

“Skin him alive and make him into a pin cushion, after that send his body as a message to one of the other border city we haven’t attacked yet.”

She sighed after saying this and started walking to the slaves who were confused about what was happening.

“The fall of the Xagreas Kingdom is soon, be happy for the freedom that you have wished for ages is finally here. Worry not for your loved ones, if they have parted this world you shall be with them again.”

What began it was a single cry of joy, then a loud collection of shouting, roaring, screaming and cheering followed soon after. The day they had been waiting for had finally arrived.

“Now then I am sure some of you already know the people you want to hunt so I am glad to finally announce that Hunt of the Night has begun. All who want to participate please come with me”

The faces of the slave merchants, their bodyguards and all of those associated with them turned pale just like the man who was screaming his lungs out. This would begin a flood of agonized shrieks that would begin a united goal known solely as a Raid of Revenge, or the Avenger Raid.


Invasion. Such a word was greatly feared even by a nation as big as the Xagreas Kingdom going so far to say even the Cornelia Empire, and yet that was on the mouths of the survivors who came from the broken border wall. Under the words of a dark elf who embodied evil, the Elven Federation had decided to unleash their unrivaled hatred towards this kingdom. How could they not?After all that the Xagreas Kingdom had done to their people and the arrogance they had showed right from the conception of their nation. Every single village, town and city located near the border had become the frontlines to the invasion. The information had to be rallied out to the King otherwise a genocide would happen and all of them would be wiped off from the face of the earth. An emergency meeting had occurred between the mayors of said frontline invasion cities and towns, it was quickly put up because there was certainly no time for formalities and brief meaningless exchanges.

“Now then what shall we do?What’s the next plan?”

“We send out messengers of our own to the capitals of each province that way they would be able to relay the message to the King!”

“Are you stupid!That is time consuming we need something that is instant and produces results!They allowed us to send survivors out for a reason!”

“W-What if we hold some of the elves as hostages that way will-“



They were shouting at each other like the idiots they were, she stared at them screaming at each other without coming to a conclusion. It was clear that this was the most unexpected thing that had happened in their lives, and she had recently become mayor too. Erina Hortwell wasn’t panicking neither was she planning to be slaughtered by the monster hordes that the elves seemingly got from somewhere. Her decision was a simple one.

“I am going to surrender”

The room fell silent upon hearing what she had to say, she was a mercenary in her time living in this world. She was the irregular one out here, these men were born and raised to be mayors, it was a birth given destiny of theirs, so they couldn’t escape their jobs even if they wanted to. The elderly mayor cleared his hoarse voice to see what she was thinking.

“W-What do you mean by that?”

“Think about it, the elves are invading because we have mistreated them for a very long time. Quite possibly because they have been provoked into action by none other than the King and his son. I’ve still haven’t lived a fair amount of my life so I am not going to waste it away trying to protect the integrity of humanity, I am not sure about all of you but I am very certain I will come out the other end.”


It was a question coming from the bottom of the elderly mayor’s soul. None of them communicated that much aside from important events and trading of resources, one could say they all wanted to know what she was thinking if at all.

“I’ve never used any elves be it in slavery or be it as a resource. I’ve never been the type to condone slavery anyway, I kicked out or hung those who did such and freed the elves who were living in slavery up until that point ,this is what is going to be the thing that will save my people. Granted there are some people like me out there in positions of power, we’ll be the only ones to survive this invasion.”

Her plan was simple, surrender to the monster hordes because she had heard there were intelligent types out there. Even if it meant betraying mankind it would be worth the price, her life and those of her city were very important to her. Her next step was to make all of her soldiers and knights lay down their weapons, allowing the monsters to pass through the city with ease. 

“Are you willing to betray the kingdom after it was so gracious to give you land and a title?!”

“Yes, the sin is with the kingdom and some of its more extreme people who are in power not us. You all followed in those people’s footsteps without thinking whether it would have any repercussions, some of us thought ahead of the curve and decided to act neutral to it so we don’t lose our lives.”

She heard about how the nobles of the now Beastkin Empire survived because of how they were apologists to what was happening to the beastkin in their city states. Bits and pieces of the news would be enough to make her conclusion that if she were apologetic towards the elves then she would be spared. It was a gamble she was willing to take. Erina was completely serious in this notion because she knew very well that those monsters would completely slaughter everyone who were reasonable for the suffering of the elven slaves and many others in similar situations. But there was something more to Johan’s fear and she could tell.

“Besides that, you received something that is making all the others irrationally scared didn’t you?”


“Well spill it, I am sure everyone wants to know”

“……..b-bring it in”

Despite having mentally prepared herself for it there was no way she could have expected something like that to be pushed into their view. It was skinned alive, bones broken and covered entirely in numerous spikes and needles, its innards were exposed for all to see with the arms and legs stitched together, the face was split open to reveal its bare skull. They were relentless and cruel to their enemies. He didn’t want to show them this, he didn’t want to show them the harsh reality that was ahead of them, it was far too cruel to witness. 


“A……..message to……..those……living……….”

His speech was labored, it had been made very clear it pained whatever this thing was to even speak. Whoever did this was very angry and had no hesitation in doing what they wanted to do.


“So Endon has fallen”

“It can’t be….”

“Oh no…..”

“Are you satisfied now?Those beasts will do the same to you Erina, lets band together and-“



“This strengthens my resolve even more, you are all dead men walking. The elves and their allies are showing no mercy to those they deem their enemies and I firmly believe that you are all going to enter a suffering that is worse than all of hell”

“Erina you are more experienced than us in-“

“I am cutting my ties with you people, this will be the last time we speak”


The connection cuts off from Erina’s side and they all remain silent for minutes as the labored wheezing of what was Bernard continued on for some more minutes. It was obvious from her reaction alone she wasn’t going to take any chances of listening to them or vouching for their lives either. 

“This country is done for”

The elderly mayor, Johan says in a solemn voice as one by one the connections are interrupted by sounds of explosions and screaming.

Just as Erina predicted they would come here to judge her, she stood in front of the gates where the monster horde would be walking into the city. There were all different kinds of monsters here, hell she could spot a couple of demons amongst them. Leading them sitting on an undead horse was a beastkin girl with white hair and a serious gaze.

“You’re not putting up a resistance?”

“No, I don’t see why the innocent should fight if at all when judgement is coming”

“So you got the message, alright then I presume that you have been amongst the elven apologists?”

“Yes, I have even captured the slave merchants who were hiding in my city. I do apologize.”

“Hmm hmm. My master is pleased, those who offer up no resistance or fight shall not be harmed. We will spare those we need to spare.”

“A question if I may ask?”


“Why have the Elves of the Gainevia Kingdom decide to attack now?”

“Because the elves and the dark elves have united to form the Elven Federation, my master who has many connections is leading the war as a gift to their union.”

“What shall become of this kingdom?”

“It shall be razed to the ground, and like that an even bigger message will be sent to the Cornelia Empire”

She walked past her and Erina could feel like ten years get shaved off from her long lifespan. This was the right decision, however she could feel that whoever that beastkin’s master was they were an abnormal person who didn’t seem to understand the common sense of this world. Rather they seemed like an Evil God, she could understand at least that much from the way she talked. The beginning of the fall of the Xagreas Kingdom is something that is as clear as day, only death and despair could be felt on those who chose to oppose the master of this beastkin girl.

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