I Will Live My Life As A Slime With A Dark Elf Body As A Base!

Chapter 28: Preparations. Relations. And Destruction.

Chapter 28: Preparations. Relations. And Destruction.

“So I am going to be holding a meeting because I believe it is very important for the future”

Yukiyo says with a smile on her face right after she arrived with her students and the extras. Sieg was within the room casually cleaning the glassware, she stops what she is doing and immediately bowed.

“Welcome back Mother and I will inform the others to go into the conference room”

“Thank you Sieg”

Sieg left the room with a smile on her face as the others were visibly confused.

“Um…..Yukiyo-sensei since when did you give birth”

“Ah…..Sieg is a golem actually, she only calls me mother because I created her.”

Toshiro asked this question with a confused expression on his face. But Chloe touched his shoulder and shook her head, was he not understanding something here?

“Please don’t ask, Sensei is something of a great abnormality”

“Hey!I at least try to be normal!”

“See, being normal is so foreign to her it might as well belong to an alien at this point”


It wasn’t far from the truth either because Yukiyo certainly was very abnormal in the very sense of the word. And she couldn’t reject it either because of how she was.

“Oh yeah, quick question for all of you anyway”

“Yes you can fire away any questions you had about our activities since we left that time.”

“Why are you all wearing the same color code?Are you at that age of being a chuunibyo now that you have magic?”

Everyone present blushed, truth be told they all thought it would look cool to be villainous and act accordingly. Yes there was truth in their words and they intended to fulfilled those goals other than Masayuki who took it a step further by literally acting like a comic book villain and naming himself as such. There was an awkward silence for a while but Ryou ended up speaking up as their leader.

“We…..thought it would look…..menacing as….well as cool”


Ryou blushed even more because they did have ordinary different color based equipment that they could have used but this was the option they all chose.

“Youngsters choose the coolest and most visibly appealing getup so they could have a one up against their enemies.You know what I respect that I will not ask any further.”

Yukiyo had reached that stage of her life at some point hell even she did it from time to time because it felt so awesome to play as something “evil”. But in this case she really was being evil to the humans who she viewed as enemies and obstacles. She decides to move along with the conversation so they could act like nothing happened.

“Now then have a seat because its a long one”

“I hope its not some wacky bullshit that would make us drop our mouths”

“Uhh……this body of mine actually belongs to a princess of the Dark Elven Kingdom. That same princess had a similar personality to mine back in my world, the queen was dead and I became queen. Part 1 done, did you guys follow that up?”

“Yes, nothing strange s-so far”

Minami says with signs of not being able to digest the information she was hearing, everyone else was exactly the same including the goddess Tsubaki as well as Toshiro and Ren.

“After that I made peace with the elves and we both created the empire known as the Elven Federation. We attacked the Xagreas Kingdom as revenge, killed the royal family and made a deal with the dwarves to settle in that land so they could let their grudge against our races slide and that is where we are today shifting the dwarves from their home in the mountains to the former kingdom of Xagreas.”

“You’ve absolutely lost me”

Toshiro was brave enough to say that and everyone nodded to his statement as well, Tsubaki stared at Yukiyo as if she were mad for speaking these words. She knew just how impossible it was to make the elves and dark elves come together. They had a racial divide in their culture that made it difficult to cooperate and yet here was the reality of them actually working together as a fully functioning Federation of its own right.

“Where do you want me to start”

“On the part you united the elves and dark elves”

“Simple I helped them in their time of need and they accepted my help. Easy right?”

“Sensei what is easy for you is something not even a goddess could manage to do with a hundred years of time”

“I would have loved to object but I am not in the position to do that, it is very true.”

“Thank you Tsubaki-chan”

Tsubaki mentioned it as the truth, it would take time for the elves and dark elves to come together yet alone the dwarves who hated both.

“Maybe my cards were set up right from the beginning”


“So what is the topic you want to talk about with everyone else. I wanna know”

Ryou spoke up seeing he didn’t participate in the conversation, Yukiyo smiled as she folded her hands.

“I want everyone I am allied with to be ahead of the curve in terms of war. But first will be the Federation and the Dwarven Kingdom next door.”

“We’re listening”


The door burst open with Sieg followed by Shen, Sev, Amaryl, Mist, Wynter as well as the representative of the dwarves walking through. They came just in time to hear her plan.

“I apologize I couldn’t bring my brothers Geri, Freki and Odin as well as long”

Sieg apologized as she closed the door behind them with a silver platter carrying sweets and some tea in her third arm, the room started to smell nice now.

“Ah I take it you are Yukiyo’s students?I am pleased to meet you. And you……..you have the presence of our goddess who forsook us”

Amaryl says immediately upon gazing at Tsubaki who bows her head at her which shocks her.

“I am and I apologize for being negligent on your upkeep, I was far too selfish with my own desires”

“N-No please do not bow your head Great Goddess of Nature Tanis”

“I kinda have to, sorry. I am glad that you found peace amongst yourselves through other means”

Amaryl lightly laughed to herself with this being the case, Yukiyo truly was abnormal for her to make their patron goddess bow her head for her like this. She thought she wouldn’t be surprised by how she was however Amaryl couldn’t help but silently thank Yukiyo in her heart for recruiting a goddess, their very own goddess on their side. It would mean at least some of the gods and goddesses of this world well at least the sane ones would live.


“Shen-san it is so nice to see you again”

“Definitely nice to see you kids once more”

Shen smiles kindly at them before sitting on the sofa like a father would after a long day of work. She sits right next to Toshiro who sits up straight in that moment. Sylvie, the Oni, as well as Susanoo become confused by his sudden behavior.

“I am counting like 3 new people?”

“The third one is a goddess”

“Who are the other two?”

“This bitch’s Toshiro, my childhood friend”

“I can fucking introduce myself Chloe…..”

“Then talk when you’re supposed to, you asshole”

“I can see why you are childhood friends”

“My name is Shiromae Toshiro, pleased to meet you Anego*”

“Toshiro I gotta say that all the women in here are very beautiful especially the dark elven queen over the-?!”

“………susanoo you fucking idiot”

Shen stared at him like she was going to kill him, more than that her gaze was sending the following message to him “I will rip the thing between your legs and make you chew it into minced meat, heal you and do it again.”

“My apologies, he’s a new Summon. Please forgive me Anego”

“As long as he knows there are some people he mustn’t touch its all good”

“As expected of Sensei’s wife”


Shen immediately blushed upon hearing Ryou say that with a confident smile, she smacks his head but he laughs knowing that she is holding back her strength. Ren was quietly sweating from these kind of interactions despite being a machine that is not supposed to be doing so.

“Ah I am Tachibana Ren pleased to meet you!”

“Relax, don’t be like Yukiyo’s older sister over there who has nothing to say”

“I can’t blame her, suddenly new people come from somewhere and they are all pretty high leveled more so than her”


Wynter says with a matter of fact tone of voice as she accurately hit the bullseye, Mist was too quiet because everyone here was literally stronger than her. How Queen Amaryl could handle this and be level headed was a different matter entirely.

“Learn to control your aura you dimwits”

“”””“Yes Sev-sensei””””

The original four replied immediately and began to rein back the aura they were carelessly leaking out, Mist felt relieved that Sev was there to tell them otherwise she would have wet herself from anxiety. She bows at them with a nervous smile on her face.

“Welcome my younger sister’s students, feel free to ask me anything you want. Please do not be unreasonable with your requests.”

She had to mention that because of the irregularity that was her younger sister who not only made a pact with the elves to build a federation but also mended relations with the dwarves in the matter of 11 days. It was reasonable to even ask that of them.

“So what is it that you wanted to explain to us”

Shen was straight to the point with her question, she didn’t need to wait like Queen Amaryl because she knew that Yukiyo didn’t work that way. Smiling broadly whilst looking at her students who had just arrived she folded her hands and materialized glasses from somewhere, for some reason or another they were shining not revealing her eyes whatsoever.


“I am about to do something drastically insane again”

“What is it?Spill it out already”

“I plan to make this war so unfair that the humans of the Empire will scream, so I’ve been thinking of ways to completely all our fights overwhelmingly one sided and it occurred to me. I am a Migrator and I come from a world where our military might is close to none”

“You don’t mean……”


“Hold up…..”

“No fucking way……..”

The four reacted in a way that made them instantly facepalm due to how ridiculous of an idea Yukiyo was about to propose.

“I plan to recreate the same level of technology in this world and using it against the Empire. The idea is to give everyone the technology we were supposed to have if we were unified long ago and having a leap of 10 years into the future. I am going to make them look like the savage idiots they are. We are going full piss on the moon here”

“I don’t get that reference but if you can do it please don’t Yukiyo”

“Ah but its a-“

“Carrying on”



“Dammit. And here I wanted to be funny. So this world won’t lose its fantasy element far from it, we will use the things that already belong in this world and enhance them with the technology that the dwarves and elves as well as the demons will make, we can do it in like 3 to 4 months tops”

“That’s impossible”

“I forgot to mention that the Dark Matter are going to be helping us out”

“Oh, Then it’s possible those guys have helped a ton with the Exodus of the Dwarves.”

The race of the Dark Matter were by all means just as abnormal as Yukiyo herself, very resourceful and they brought a lot of things from their world to aid in tough spots. This was a large scale project that would take years to do and right here she was generally proposing an idea that would normally be a natural progression for society as a whole.

“It seems you have thought ahead of time and decided to advance our technology. Teaching us to handle it because we are more than capable to do so”

“And if you fail my Dark Matter will be there to fix the issues along the way”

“For an amorphous blob shaped like a dark elf you are smart”

“Stop combining an insult and a compliment in the same sentence”

Yukiyo replied to Shen staring at her without the glowing glasses resting on her nose, she rested backwards into her seat after making that comment.

“Um Sensei you said something about training?”

“Yes we are going to go Giant Killing until they concede their strength to us”


“Don’t worry about it Shen will walk you through it and I will be stripping you of your equipment leaving you only with inferior armor and weapons”

“Um excuse Sensei”

“Yes Toshiro-kun what is it?”

“Has anyone told you that you are batshit insane?”

“More times than you would think sweetie, onwards to training!10 Giants in 10 minutes is what I expect”

“Ah this is why you consider her abnormal”

“Of course Ren and this isn’t even half of it”

The room burst out in laughter as Yukiyo seemed very proud of the fact that her training methods were outright suicide to the normal individual. To those used to her they would simply say it is a matter rolling with it.

“That said how long are the materials and the blueprints for this plan of yours gonna take at most?”

Shen said with a hint of curiosity in her voice and like the intelligent person she is Yukiyo gives out an answer.

“In about three weeks, I am going to be leaving the training for these guys to one of the Dark Matter”

“Are you not coming with us Sensei?”

“No, I have other plans at the mean time.”

“I do not like the smile on your face. Spill it”

“Oh I’ll let you in on it Shen but around week three so don’t worry”

Something was amiss and everyone could feel it, Yukiyo was going to do something crazy again.

A large scale move was going on in the Dwarven Kingdom, the Royal Capital was being shifted from the high mountains they knew to the landscape which had both mountains and some hills but filled to the brim with minerals they could only dream of. This was the building of a new dwarven kingdom, one would have called this impossible because of the herculean task of the exodus but that was all covered by their allies the Elven Federation in particular the Dark Elven Queen’s servants who were simply known as the Dark Matter. These Dark Matter servants had incredible magical abilities that allowed them to easily open doors within the fabric of reality itself to traverse the land from one point to another in a matter of seconds, hence it was fairly simple for the dwarves to migrate from their homeland to this new place. It wasn’t to say they could completely abandon the mountains they’ve known for years these would remain as extended territory in their Dwarven Empire, a golden age never seen before was on the horizon and the dwarves were here to welcome it. That said Artosas was a very busy Emperor, all of this was rather stressing to say the least.

Deep within the royal palace which had been refurbished to suit the dwarves’ aesthetic tastes were the sounds of loud and continual clanging, past the royal guards who stood as still as golems and into the throne room behind the throne of the emperor inside of a door was a workshop belonging to a blacksmith. The dwarven emperor was not just a man of great power he was also a man who enjoyed the craft of building weapons and armor, this was a hobby passed down from father to son. Artosas stops for a brief moment glancing backwards at the Dark Elven Queen who had entered his workshop without a single sound being heard.

“I must be gettin’ better at this, welcome to my humble workshop Queen Yukiyo”

Artosas dipped the sword he was working on in water and placed it on the metal table before staring at a Yukiyo with folded arms, obviously intrigued by what he was doing. He saw the child like innocence in her eyes and smiled upon seeing such because he wanted to hear what she had to say about this.

“Is a hobby of yours?Creating weapons and armor?”

“Yes, it was passed down to me by my father which was passed down from his father and so forth. I was but a wee lad when I first rushed into my father’s workshop”

“How was the feeling?”

“Well I have to say that I fell in love with the art, you see that sword over there. That is my father’s signature weapon, a rune sword”

Artosas pointed at the sword with 5 runes on its blade, it was held by a statue of a proud dwarf knight displaying its greatness. Yukiyo walked up to it and stared at it for a while with a analyzing eye on its details, it was enough to say that this sword was wonderfully created.

“The runes for that sword are “Strength”, “Speed”, “Endurance”,”Dexterity”, and “Inner Peace”. These all benefit the warrior wielding the sword, it doesn’t require much magic to use.”

“Can you craft something like this?”

“Hahahahahahahaha hardly!My father was a genius amongst the dwarven blacksmiths!At most my generation can put one or two that includes me, the son of the man who made such a wonder”

“King Artosas what do you think of technology?What do you think of its current state at the moment?”


Artosas sat down rubbing his beard repeatedly as he stared at the sword his father made, he closes his eyes for a brief moment.

“Young Queen, there is wisdom within your words. You ask a question that thinks of the future of this world, a question that shows me the insight you have. My father was a strange man and yet he wished strongly for innovation, he had strange ideas: golems that could fly, an airship that could be piloted by the mind of its owner, a flying fortress that would rain fire from above to the invaders of the nation. He had madness in his eyes lass. He wished for great things to happen in his life time”

Artosas opens his eyes and walks over to the knight holding his father’s rune sword, he pressed the chest causing it to go into a posture that would bow to him and hand over the sword. He touches each and every one of the runes.

“My father died to a dragon protecting my life, his last moments being his proud stare at me as if passing on the torch of madness. I weep every night knowing I can never reach his genius. Do I blame the elves for this sin?No you lot are already fighting amongst yourselves. Do I blame the humans who made us retreat into the mountains?No I cannot because that was long ago in a past I do not belong in. Do I blame the gods whose arrogance have made the world stay frozen in time?No, their ignorance to our struggle is not responsible for this. I have no one to blame but myself. I did not follow in my father’s footsteps, I did not innovate to the grandest degree. I do not have his eyes of madness.”

He became emotional despite not wanting to, this topic had been on his heart for a long time and he thought about it from time to time. Yukiyo was silent staring at him sadly.

“I am sorry I went off track there. The world is at a standstill because of the arrogance of the gods and humans. We the dwarves cared only about ourselves and did nothing to help the world at large. Technology is our forte and it has been dead for a very long time.”

“Dwarven King Artosas, a new age is upon us. Help me build it. Show me the madness that your father had.”

“Hahahaha lass you certainly know how to make me laugh………”

“I am serious here”

‘“………..as I thought you have the same eyes as him…..”

He saw the determination in her eyes and for a brief moment his father, Hofnir stood right next to her smiling at him. Artosas stared back at the rune sword his father created he could not face those eyes she had. Tears came out of his eyes and he spoke in a weak sounding voice.

“I am sorry I cannot do it. I am not strong enough”

“Then I will make you strong”

“My wisdom is lacking”

“I will provide you all of the knowledge you need, show your father in the heavens you can surpass him. Bring the prosperous future to the world.”

His breath stopped as he slowly stared back at the Dark Elven Queen, his heart was set ablaze by her words. He could do it. These hands could bring such a reality into fruition, with her help he could build such a world with his nation. It would be immortalized in history.


“You should look at your face right now”

He thought nothing of it at first but then he stared at the clear blade of his father’s rune blade and there he saw it, his father’s eyes of madness blazing from within. He was truly his father’s son and it was there right from the very beginning.

Seratta and Sturm were sparring in the knights’ barracks with their swords, they were getting faster and faster the more they exchanged blows. Euphobia watched from the sidelines after sparring both before deciding she had to rest for a short while.

“You sure know how to kick up a sweat don’t you?You’re just like Seratta in that regard. Here.”

“Thank you”

Hortus gives Euphobia a glass of water so she could cool down faster as well as wet towel to wipe the sweat she gained from all of this. She was also watching them but didn’t care to participate inside of this savage battling, it was rather too much for her.

“Far from it, Seratta-neesama is still sparring with Sturm-sama.”

“True, at least you know when to stop. Seratta on the other hand she won’t stop until the other person gives up”

“Lord Odin is worse in that regard”

“Don’t get me started on that bonehead”

Hortus sighed upon hearing his name, Odin had what one would call a bad run-in with her. Not only had he spooked her but he shouted how battle is determined by pure and unbridled strength to which she began to grill him on the spot for being a moron. The idiocy was so great they argued for several hours before Yukiyo stopped their bantering and sent them off elsewhere. It became clear that they didn’t pair well together.

“And Seratta looks up to that bonehead as some form of teacher of murder or whatever, I will never understand you battle addicts at all.”

“You’ll get used to it. I am sure of it”

“How have you been keeping up these past couple of days?”

Euphobia stared at Hortus who asked her this question, how was she now that she killed her father?How was she now that she had become accustomed to the life of an elf?How far she came as her own person and not as someone else?Euphobia could see the care that her sister had for her, she and pretty much the others meant what they said when they told her that she would become a part of their family. She lightly smiled and patted the head of her rather short elder sister.

“I am doing well, thanks for asking. I love all of you and I wish I had met you guys earlier”

“Great to hear that coming from you. I was worried you might think our family is filled with weirdos”

“No you are all unique and make me feel loved in your own way”

Euphobia spoke out of the truth, they did love her just as much as Crinae who also loved playing with her. Euphobia was the hero of the elves, she loved the race her mother came from. It wasn’t to say that she hated humans with every fibre of her being, no, that would be inaccurate. Euphobia hated the kind that were filled inside of the Xagreas Kingdom, the open minded ones like Lady Severn and King Matthias were good in nature. Maybe it was the natural inclination to murdering the ones who were evil that she enjoyed treating that type like trash.

“Ah they are done”

“That’s because Queen Yukiyo is here”

“How the fuck are you guys noticing me”

“Your Highness the aura you have is very recognizable especially when you realize that we’ve been together just enough to tell who it is”


The Queen whose actions saved her had arrived shaking her head as she smiled at all of them.

“Sup Amaryl’s daughters, how have you been doing?You too Sturm”

“We are doing great. Just sparring getting stronger is the best after all”

“I am merely watching them”

Hortus gave with a sigh as she offered her a glass of water as well.

“Thank you”

“So what honor do we have with the Queen of the Dark Elves?”

“I want all of us to bond together”


They all responded with the same word, confusion ran through their minds and stared blankly at her.

“You see a massive project is about to take place and I found a nation north from the Xagreas Kingdom. It is called The Magic Kingdom of Zenovia, they are similar to their neighbors and coming from my sources even experimented with the elves they got from the Xagreas Kingdom. So I’ve been thinking how about we head over there and do a little bit of tomfoolery with some human lives”

“What will benefit you if you do this?”

Hortus did not want to think the Queen always thought of violence and murder, she must have a goal in mind just like the conquest of the Xagreas Kingdom was to make amends with the dwarves given their history with the humans of that region. Yukiyo smiled mischievously and her eyes sparkled like a child in a candy store.

“Well, some of the materials that I want to use in our project. Plus the freedom of those transformed elves as well as the procurement of the knowledge they have that Severn is interested in.”

“I see.”

“It will be a great trip for us girls to bond over. So want in?”

“I do not see a reason to refuse, I will increase my Strategist job’s level”

“Well time to become even stronger”

“I will prove my worth to you My Queen”

“Everyone is going to benefit from this”

Yukiyo folds her arms as she nods to their affirmation, the following weeks would be filled with chaos and disaster in yet another human supremacist filled nation.

💀Character Summary Feature: Yukiyo💀

Yukiyo Shinohara, Age: 4 (Appearance: 19), genderless (identifies as female)

The story’s protagonist. From the moment she came to this world Yukiyo has been massively power leveling herself, growing stronger as time passed all whilst taking care of Geri and Freki who are the children of Elder Gods who exist beyond this dimension. The chance meeting with Shen might have been fate from their instant compatibility to their reliance to each other they’ve been together these past 3 years. With the sudden entry of Nyarlathotep and Hastur in her life she’s had more problems to deal with as well as the awakening of Sophia who gives her the details of what she should do inside of this world. As if it were not obvious from the start Yukiyo does not want to stay inside of this world for long and intends to travel other dimensions and worlds, however apparently somewhere within the multiverse is a version of herself who wants to meet her named solely as Lucky Discord. Her goal of making Shen acknowledge her feelings towards her has been completed and she is waiting for the right moment to have their official wedding together, despite becoming a queen and Shen being officially recognized as her bride she wants to have her own catered in its own way, recently she’s been very clingy to her. The plans for screwing over humanity are underway and she can’t wait to wreck them, her connection to the dark elven royal family has helped make her job way way easier than it should. Her recent job of Level Devourer has made it easy to acquire instant levels from other people and she is trying her best to limit its control in fear of becoming too strong. Its effects unlike Level Drain which is similar are rather instant and takes the both attribute and skill levels of people she kills or immobilizes, all of her active skills have been imbued by this effect as well.

• Name: Yukiyo Shinohara

• Age: 4 (19 base appearance)

• Race: Welt’Shoggoth (Dark Elf base)

• Title: Kin Eater, Goblin Killer, Berserker, Battle Addict, Friend of Water Elder Dragon Shen, True Monster, Foster Mother Of The Beast Kings, Hero Killer, Dark Matter Progenitor, Beloved of the Evil Gods, Mother of the Weak, Nyarlathotep’s Bishop of Chaos, Hastur’s Bishop of Forbidden Knowledge, Yggdrasil, World Destroying Calamity, Demon King’s Curse, Elder God Fledgling, Destruction God Fledgling, Great Demon King, Secret Demon King, Demon King Core, Dark Matter Empress, Dark Elven Queen, Chaos (NEW!), Self Proclaimed Human (NEW!)

• Job: Level Devourer

• Level: 880 (+35 Levels Devoured)

• Job History: Sword Cleric, Demon King, Dark Matter Mage

○ Attributes

• HP: 4,834,000

• MP: 4,134,000

• Strength: 4,834,000

• Agility: 4,134,000

• Stamina: 3,134,000

• Intelligence: 3,974,000

○ Skills:

• World’s Eye Area Scan Level 6 (+5 Acquired From Level Devourer) (LEVEL UP!)

• Divine Absorption Level 15 (+5 Acquired From Level Devourer) (LEVEL UP!)

• Nullify Level 15 (+5 Acquired From Level Devourer) (LEVEL UP!)

• Object Detection Level 65 (+5 Acquired From Level Devourer) (LEVEL UP!)

• Appraisal Level 55 (+5 Acquired From Level Devourer) (LEVEL UP!)

• Mana Control Level 54 (+5 Acquired From Level Devourer) (LEVEL UP!)

• Chant Revocation Level 55 (+5 Acquired From Level Devourer) (LEVEL UP!)

• Monster Detect Level 75 (+5 Acquired From Level Devourer) (LEVEL UP!)

• Autonomous Sword Technique Level 41 (+5 Acquired From Level Devourer) (LEVEL UP!)

• Axe Technique Level 30 (+5 Acquired From Level Devourer) (LEVEL UP!)

• Tame: Wolf Level 32 (+5 Acquired From Level Devourer) (LEVEL UP!)

• Riding: Wolf Level 32 (+5 Acquired From Level Devourer) (LEVEL UP!)

• Alchemy Level 23 (+5 Acquired From Level Devourer) (LEVEL UP!)

• Command Level 34 (+5 Acquired From Level Devourer) (LEVEL UP!)

• Necromancy Level 25 (+5 Acquired From Level Devourer) (LEVEL UP!)

• Instant Death Magic Level 24 (+5 Acquired From Level Devourer) (LEVEL UP!)

• Instant Mana Recovery Level 25 (+5 Acquired From Level Devourer) (LEVEL UP!)

• Advanced Mapping Level 17 (+5 Acquired From Level Devourer) (LEVEL UP!)

• Increased Attack Power When Equipped With A Bow Level 28 (+5 Acquired From Level Devourer) (LEVEL UP!)

• Increased Attack Power When Equipped With A Sword Level 33 (+5 Acquired From Level Devourer) (LEVEL UP!)

• Increased Attack Power When Equipped With Dark Matter Level 47 (+5 Acquired From Level Devourer) (LEVEL UP!)

• Shape Alternation Level 19 (+5 Acquired From Level Devourer) (LEVEL UP!)

• Demon King Skill Inherit Level 6 (+5 Acquired From Level Devourer) (LEVEL UP!)

• Dungeon Creation Level 6 (+5 Acquired From Level Devourer) (LEVEL UP!)

• Rapid Gunfire Level 7 (+5 Acquired From Level Devourer) (LEVEL UP!)

• Rapid Reload Level 7 (+5 Acquired From Level Devourer) (LEVEL UP!)

• Remote Viewing Level 8 (+5 Acquired From Level Devourer) (LEVEL UP!)

• Possession Level 12 (+5 Acquired From Level Devourer) (LEVEL UP!)

• Fear Inducing Grade IV: Instant Death Level 17 (+5 Acquired From Level Devourer) (LEVEL UP!)

• Eyes of Darkness Level 13 (+5 Acquired From Level Devourer) (LEVEL UP!)

• Teleportation Level 13 (+5 Acquired From Level Devourer) (LEVEL UP!)

• Dark Matter Manipulation Level 39 (+5 Acquired From Level Devourer) (LEVEL UP!)

• Increased Mana Pool Level 15 (+5 Acquired From Level Devourer) (LEVEL UP!)

• Skill Flies Level 14 (+5 Acquired From Level Devourer) (LEVEL UP!)

• Skill Transfer Level 9 (+5 Acquired From Level Devourer) (LEVEL UP!)

• Dark Matter Healing Level 10 (+5 Acquired From Level Devourer) (LEVEL UP!)

• Weapon Form Shifting Level 11 (+5 Acquired From Level Devourer) (LEVEL UP!)

• Dimensional Storage Level 9 (+5 Acquired From Level Devourer) (LEVEL UP!)

• Demon King Skill Inherit Level 10 (+5 Acquired From Level Devourer) (LEVEL UP!)

○Passive Skills:

• Titan Strength Level 55 (+5 Acquired From Level Devourer) (LEVEL UP!)

• Titan Agility Level 55 (+5 Acquired From Level Devourer) (LEVEL UP!)

• Magical Attack Resistance Level 65 (+5 Acquired From Level Devourer) (LEVEL UP!)

• Physical Attack Resistance Level 65 (+5 Acquired From Level Devourer) (LEVEL UP!)

• Fatigue Resistance Level 65 (+5 Acquired From Level Devourer) (LEVEL UP!)

• Status Effect Resistance Level 65 (+5 Acquired From Level Devourer) (LEVEL UP!)

• Regeneration Level 27 (+5 Acquired From Level Devourer) (LEVEL UP!)

• Dark Vision Level 30 (+5 Acquired From Level Devourer) (LEVEL UP!)

• Constant Mana Regeneration Level 44 (+5 Acquired From Level Devourer) (LEVEL UP!)

• Absolute Demon King Aura Level 6 (+5 Acquired From Level Devourer) (LEVEL UP!)

• Seven Deadly Sin Skill Induced Damage Level 6 (+5 Acquired From Level Devourer) (LEVEL UP!)

• Constant Damage Level 6 (+5 Acquired From Level Devourer) (LEVEL UP!)

○ Unique Skills:

• Skill Eater Level 15 (+5 Acquired From Level Devourer) (LEVEL UP!)

• Level Drain Level 15 (+5 Acquired From Level Devourer) (LEVEL UP!)

• Belphegor Level 17 (+5 Acquired From Level Devourer) (LEVEL UP!)

• Dark Matter Universe Level 45 (+5 Acquired From Level Devourer) (LEVEL UP!)

• Shape Shifting Level 31 (+5 Acquired From Level Devourer) (LEVEL UP!)

• Evil God Mental Structure Level 15 (+5 Acquired From Level Devourer) (LEVEL UP!)

• Summon Level 28 (+5 Acquired From Level Devourer) (LEVEL UP!)

• Roar of God Level 6 (+5 Acquired From Level Devourer) (LEVEL UP!)

• Benkei Level 47 (+5 Acquired From Level Devourer) (LEVEL UP!)

• Creation Level 6

• Rift Portal Level 8 (+5 Acquired From Level Devourer) (LEVEL UP!)

• Absolute Status Effect Control Level 6 (+5 Acquired From Level Devourer) (LEVEL UP!)

• Monster God Level 6 (+5 Acquired From Level Devourer) (LEVEL UP!)

• Lucky Discord’s Gun Theatre Level 7 (+5 Acquired From Level Devourer) (LEVEL UP!)

• Marchosias Level 21 (+5 Acquired From Level Devourer) (LEVEL UP!)

• Beelzebub Level 15 (Shared Skill) (+5 Acquired From Level Devourer) (LEVEL UP!)

• Alpha-Omega’s Library Level 10 (100% Released)

• Perfect Stealth Level 15 (+5 Acquired From Level Devourer) (LEVEL UP!)

• Limit Break: Attribute Boost Level 28 (+5 Acquired From Level Devourer) (LEVEL UP!)

• Advanced Martial Beast: Insta-death Level 48 (+5 Acquired From Level Devourer) (LEVEL UP!)

• Alpha-Omega’s Library Card Access Level 10

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.