I Will Live My Life As A Slime With A Dark Elf Body As A Base!

Chapter 30: Scheming A Nation’s Downfall

Chapter 30: Scheming A Nation's Downfall


The hours of night had covered the land, the fields took on a beautiful form. Tall grass swaying in the wind, crickets singing deep into the night, the full moon's light showed it in all of its serene glory. This beauty was accompanied by an immense danger, the army of undead had already been gathered up and now the preparations of a complete invasion were underway. Nothing could be said about this afternoon, it all went accordingly to plan. This undead swordsman created by his superior Odin wanted to complete his role so he could be the ideal warrior. He felt the experience rush of killing many soldiers and growing stronger than when he first started out. Only when the arrow of the goddess hit him did he remember that the plan was still in place.


"You did well, and nice acting too"


Speak of the devil she was here, her aura was unique to say the least he turned his head to his left to see the person who was akin to a god to him. Normally the undead were harsh creatures that thought nothing but destruction and spawning of more undead however that was not the case for this undead, he had thoughts and emotions. To a certain extent he even had a fair degree of theatrics in how he acted. He bows before this goddess with reverence. She was the one who created his superior Odin and gave him his power.


"Oh please don't act like that, you're kinda like a little brother to Odin. So don't be so formal, though I could say that you do need a name cause I can't just call you it all the time....."


A name? He didn't need it and yet there she was giving him one, something he didn't deserve to get until he accomplished something, just how much kindness would she bestow upon him a lowly undead knight. Yukiyo remembered one of Odin's aliases from myth and smiled, she took out a gold spear with a mythril tip. 


"Open your hands, I got the perfect name for you. I like your sword skills but we can't have two Odins running around so your name will be Bolverk. This will be your weapon Gungnir. Early happy birthday present for you."


Bolverk grabs Gungnir immediately transforming at a rapid pace, now his armor was golden with black lining, his right eye socket now had an red eyeball inside, the left had the usual blue flame inside of it. Yukiyo clapped her hands in pure joy. Bolverk could feel the change in his body, he had grown even stronger in this short period of time. Was it because he gained the right amount of experience or was it because Yukiyo had fulfilled the conditions of his evolution? He didn't know but what did know was that he was extremely grateful to her. She cared for him like a real mother should and Bolverk knew this, he could feel her compassion and wanted to pay it back in words and actions.


"This is good. You evolved because of my meddling Bolverk."

"Thank you for your great kindness"


Those words were from the bottom of his soul, he meant them. Yukiyo was taken by surprise at first but quickly recovered and began to speak her mind out.


"You can talk now. I am glad that you grew even more. Now then what I actually came here for. Odin and you are gonna lead the undead army from the border killing any resistance you find, make sure you don't kill the villagers except the ones who are being haunted by the spirits of elves and beastkin, also torture any criminals you meet along the way."



Bolverk bows once more as Yukiyo pats his skull with a curious gaze in her eyes. Evolution is a very interesting process that happens, it makes her happy to see it.


"Also I am going to be setting up an army in the middle of the nation I want all of you to converge there, the signal is a Dark Matter Eye in the sky. With that done I'll see you on the battlefield, polish your skills Bolverk. We will be sparring again when we meet"

"I am looking forward to it"


And like that Yukiyo had set up the massive threat that would continually be there to cripple the magic kingdom of Zenovia. Going back to the border city after supplying the undead with magic weapons and armour, Bolverk looked at his undead army, emotion was burning in his soul. Was this what being alive was like? He enjoyed every moment of it and wanted to accomplish everything that was given to him. Bolverk. That name made him happy, he transformed from being one of the nameless undead into something of importance. He might have been born yesterday but it wasn't an exaggeration to say that he became alive today. With a strong grip in his right hand he slammed Gungnir and began to shout.




The undead were usually listless and disorganized but something snapped, it was as if their human souls had returned to them. Their morale had caused them to unify in a bloodcurdling roar of fury as they began to march, their numerous crimson flare like eyes lit up and made a sea of red in the night. If one was to see this they would scream and run away in the other direction. All of the undead that were under Bolverk were like this, they had an unbridled enthusiasm for murder and marched to satiate their growing hunger to see blood on the ground, their weapons, and on themselves. The night was long and finally they found it a fort they could immediately take over, smashing their shields with their weapons they alerted the guards who saw them.


"Devour it whole"


Under that single command they rushed towards it in an unnatural way as they sprinted using the same movement as Bolverk. The gate was made of iron and shut tight however it shattered into pieces as Bolverk threw his spear at it. This was his own personal signal to move forward, he ran several steps before leaping forward to catch his returning spear and landing on the body of a poor soldier who he skewers immediately with Gungnir. He slammed the body on a nearby wall and pierced the head of another soldier before launching him into the air.


"Dance of the Ten Wind Lancers"


Numerous spear thrusts crushed the heads and arms of incoming rush of soldiers who rose their magic shields to protect themselves, using that momentum he dove into the fortress grabbing the head of one of the archers who pointed his bow at him and slammed it into the ground. Stabbing Gungnir into the ground before grabbing the same bow and quiver of arrows to quickly shoot at the other archers who were on the rooftops. He rushes forwards ripping off the arm of one of the knights who dared to fight him at close range as savagely hitting his head with it, grabbing his sword he pierces the neck of the next knight driving the sword even deeper past him making a straight line into the soldiers who were unfortunate enough to be caught in its trajectory. With an open hand he receives Gungnir once more, using fire magic to burn everything. Before him was the enemy, his belief was to kill any and all who came in Yukiyo’s way. Bolverk slowly walking towards them with an aura of pure death he started to laugh menacingly, the soldiers and knights were greatly intimidated by his actions. He was not like Odin where he would fight them without needlessly terrifying them, fear brought the greatest warriors to the surface. One of such people roared as he ran towards Bolverk who simply zooms forwards and slams his head into the ground grinding it into paste before kicking it to the cowering soldiers, this disrespect of their comrade adds a fire into the hearts of these men who forget their fear and run towards him just like their fallen comrade.


His blazing words is accompanied by a roar coming from the soldiers who now become like berserkers without any logical thought to them, he moves forward to catch the sword that is about to fall on his spear and twists the arm of the soldier who had come to crack his skull open. Ripping that arm off with ease Bolverk stabs the face of this soldier before grabbing the arrows off of his back and throwing them to the rushing mass of soldiers who have lost their mind at this very moment. They each fall down but some rise and to fight Bolverk once more. He cuts off the limbs of others, impales several, crushes several under his boot without mercy. His was a hand of wrath and he reveled in the brutality of slaughter. Gifted with an item bag Bolverk takes out the prototype crossbow that Yukiyo had been working on, its sole function was to maim those who came too close. Without hesitation he moved towards where the general would be, Bolverk didn't know his location but he based his knowledge on mere shouts and fear filled commands. The undead brethren drown the ground in blood and flesh with their ruthless wrath, the more he runs the more he sees their wonderful works: humans being burnt alive whilst impaled from the stomach, limbless soldiers screaming their lungs out, soldiers having their bones ripped out of their body piece by piece, arrow filled corpses that are still somehow alive. 




Bolverk shot out an arrow that took with it half of the shouting knight's head, this was more than enough to prompt immediate action from the knights. With blood rushing to their heads they make a group effort to bring Bolverk by shooting fire balls at him but he dodges those with ease, he shoots an arrow to the ground which explodes giving him the boost he needed to get closer to them. He fires the crossbow into the chest of the first knight he sees creating a hole in his armor, he blows away the head of the next, grabbing the sword of the dead knight he cuts off the legs of the following pair of knights before shooting their arms away from their bodies, he throws the sword into the shield of another knight who is impaled by it and is pinned to the wall. The remaining knights who see this begin to cower as they walk backwards.


"Your comrades at least died in battle than what you are about to experience and I am not going to kill you if you are not going to fight me back. My Draugr brethren are more than willing to do that"


Bolverk walks up the stairs as he hears the screams of those who were left alive. Watching over the serenity of the night he laughs to himself as he grew very used to the spear and performed magic with it. This gift of his would be honed even further, and he would show her how much he has grown.




Yukiyo returned from her little trip and saw everyone in their pyjamas chatting comfortably. 


"Welcome back Lady Yukiyo, how did it go?"

"It went well Bolverk is very happy I gave him the spear"

"Another Odin? Good Goddess"

"Sounds great"


Rosa spoke with a smile on her face, she seemed happy about this interaction. Yukiyo quickly changed into a negligee and sat on her bed. Hortus touched her head with a sigh in her breath because now more of the same type of being was created.


"So an invasion is occuring elsewhere if I am correct?"

"Yes, Odin and Bolverk will be invading from different points at the border"

"Presents a good threat"


Hortus went silent for a while and thought about it. Yukiyo got up and sat right next to Euphobia who got surprised and fell off the bed.


"How are you all and are you enjoying yourselves?"

"Y-Y-Your Majesty you shouldn't be so close to me!"

"Why not?"


Yukiyo asks with Euphobia looking about for her sisters' help however they did nothing but laugh. She gets patted instead which causes her to blush whilst still being on the floor.


"You can act spoiled you know?"


"Technically you are the younger sister, so you can act a little childish"

"I-I-I wouldn't dare!"

"That actually sounds great!"

"S-Seratta what are you doing?!"


Seratta joined in and picked her up hugging her as she sits down with Yukiyo still patting her. Clyne claps her hands and starts to poke her cheek with Hortus holding her hands, Rosa being last pokes her other cheek.


"Euphobia is so cute, certainly worthy of being my little sister!"


Seratta declares with a large smile on her face, Euphobia tries to shut her up but then someone else says something.


"Agreed. She tries her best and wants to fit in with the rest of us. She even plays with Crinae on her days off."


Hortus replies with a nod approving of her cuteness, she had been watching and observing from afar and that was enough to make her happy.


"Don't forget she tries to study magic to understand what I am talking about when I go into my long talks about magic"

"She also holds lessons on learning how to be proper royalty"


Clyne and Rosa chime in making Euphobia's face even redder than before. Yukiyo folds her arms and smiles, this was the kind of bonding she wanted all of them to have.


"That's enough spoiling for today , it is time to rest so we can do what we need to do tomorrow"


Euphobia felt relieved to hear that as she slumped over on her bed and threw the blankets on herself. The sisters look at Yukiyo and silently thank her with her waving it off as casual interaction. The following day they all did the very same thing and dressed up to meet the city lord, they were supposed to go to the royal capital of Alvaz today. A letter with his seal was given to Yukiyo to allow them entry into the royal palace.


"I pray for your continued assistance to us"

"I will do my job well"


They weren't going to the royal capital via carriage that was far too slow and uncharacteristic of this nation, no they were being transported there via magic circle teleportation. Clyne whipped out her notebook and began to rapidly sketch it, her eyes glowed as she detailed the enchantments used, the material and magic writing engraved on it. This was her role in the whole operation to quickly record new magic she's seen for the first time. There was a reason she was always researching and this was it, she wanted magic to be so common that it would be used by the regular person on a daily basis. Taking a bow at the city lord they entered the magic circle which activated and teleported them to their destination. 


The destination was one of the royal palace guard stations, the guards stationed here immediately checked if they had anything other than their weapons, potions and the letter.


"Clear. Please hand me the letter of recommendation"


Yukiyo gave them easily with one of them taking out a crystal that would scan if the letter was authentic or not, Clyne was learning a lot about their magic culture and it was interesting to say the least. Hortus, Seratta and Rosa on the hand were as much invested in it except that it was a chore, Euphobia was helping her keep track of the number of things she had observed. Yukiyo was tapping her right foot in impatience. After the crystal glows in blue from its usual green colour the guards nod and bow down to them.


"You are now allowed access to the royal palace we are terribly sorry for taking time in this."

"Don't worry about it"

"It's fine, please lead the way"


Yukiyo answered first with Rosa following up right after. The guards made no waste in moving towards the door and opening it as one guard led them accompanied by two guards behind and at the sides of the group. From a side glance the city beyond the royal capital looked beautiful, it was almost like a heaven of its own. Coupled by the nice weather they all wanted to explore this city, that said it was all going to burn for it's sins. A commotion was made up ahead that seemed very important if one counted the amount of noise being made in this rather serene palace. The entrance to the royal palace was up ahead but then the door opened up as someone was similarly leaving the palace. Guarded by many royal knights one would assume this was the royal prince Philip Tablus Zenovia. That answer would be correct, as to how they knew who he was the royal prince of this nation was notorious for one thing.


"Oh! A party of beautiful adventurers personally called here by Father! Please make some room for me"


To a make brief summary of what he looked like for someone like Yukiyo, he was not like the fat pig prince of the Xagreas Kingdom. Rather he was blessed with looks: light green long hair, autumn leaf colored eyes, a face to die for, tall in stature and the like. The guards moved away from Yukiyo and the others with the prince walking towards them and sizing each and every one of them up.


"Each is holding to a standard of beauty, truly works of art"


Yes he was saying this to their faces. And no he was not ashamed of his remarks everyone could tell that he was raised wrong somewhere.


"But you are the most beautiful out of them all. Could it be your nice dark skin or your hair and eyes or your body? I don't know all I do know is this would you like to quit adventuring and join my harem"


That's right he was a womaniser, at any turn he would invite many to become a part of his harem. If Shen was here then it would be a bloodbath but Yukiyo was so disgusted by his actions she decided to take the necessary action and apologize later.


"That extends to all of you really. I would want to know all of you and what you are like. You'll all receive the education you never got as children and will wear jewelry and wonderful clothes daily. You will choose your dreams and fulfill them if you become my wi-"



Yukiyo held back when she punched him, all the guards pointed their swords and spears at her and everyone else but she was not fazed by their twigs. They were all ready to kill these people who disrespected the royal prince like this. 




A manly laughter boomed into the courtyard, walking in full plate silver armor was a tall knight unlike the others. The guards and knights immediately stopped what they were doing. It could be said that he was very important.


"Royal Knight Captain Gilleman w-what are you doing here?"

"We are also holding a military meeting after meeting the heroes of this nation Phil my boy. And to you I should thank you, no one has ever punched that lad in his life it's a good lesson. And as you said now is not time for that. Come along I am sure you won't believe it if only I say it."


He grabs Philip by the collar and starts dragging him along. The rest of the group followed until they reached the throne room. Gilleman opened the door and threw the prince inside without any hesitation. Yukiyo wanted to ask how the hell did this man become royal knight captain but there wasn't enough time to do that right now. The king was fairly aged, right into his early fifties he had a balding and was dressed in comfortable clothes, there was still much youth in his blood as shown by his muscled body. The royal prince ran up to his side after being launched into the air like that.


"I apologize for punching the Royal Prince. Your Majesty he said something inappropriate to the current times we are living in"

"It is okay. I never did once discipline my child before, forget anything he said. He is a fool who has lived in the luxuries of peace."

"Thank you. I will introduce myself and the others. I am Okio, leader of Wings Of Freedom. Under a named price I will help the nation in repelling the attacks of the undead stampede"

"We will discuss the price after you kill it's core"

"I was about to suggest the same thing."


Philip was shocked that his father was not only not listening to him but he was encouraging this behaviour. Being the man he is, he holds himself together and starts to conduct himself well.


"I do apologize for saying such please forgive me"

"You're forgiven"

"Now then Gilleman how is the situation?"

"My Lord it is dire. That is all I can say. The undead are chose to avoid attacking where Lady Okio protected and instead have broken in through the other border towns and cities several forts have been lost in the process. We are yet to receive messages from the survivors."

"Are our holy magic barriers not working then?"

"They are working. It is just that these undead, from the reports I received yesterday from the Mage's Association, are wearing armor that repels it."

"......who in the world supplied such armor to the undead"

"Hard guess is our neighbors"

"The dwarves is it? So is this a plot by the elves?"

"I do not think so, they are content with their revenge and are living in their so called federation. This time it could actually be the demons and their evil god pulling the strings"


Gilleman spoke with confidence, at this moment in time the prime minister was away in the Cornelia Empire. Nobility was essentially trapped in their own territories so they couldn't make a physical appearance. Several orbs lit up as soon as the throne room's door was closed revealing each and every one of them.


"Your Majesty"


They all bowed before their king and finally stared at him once more.


"Lady Okio I take it that you know what it is means should you leak the information that will be passed in this room?"

"Of course. My lips are sealed"


Their plans, their strategies all of it was already leaked from the moment that they invited her party to this place. Hortus even suggested a couple strategies that made them see her expertise.


"I suggest you avoid fighting that particular undead. It is stronger than most of them. We must send only the strongest to defeat it in each region. Then we will protect the region's surrounding the royal capital"

"I like your thinking, I wish someone like you wasn't an adventurer we could use you for the glory of the Magic Kingdom"

"My grandfather was a subordinate to a tactician"

"I see, he taught you well"

"Since we are new to this nation is it fine by you, Your Majesty that we learn what we can about it?"

"Go ahead anything to save the nation from certain doom"


Yukiyo suggested this to gain access to high places with ease and smiled as it went along fairly well. Of course she was slightly charming them using one of the skills of the Dark Matter thus they were helpless to do much to her if they didn't know how to counteract this subconscious level suggestion.


"We will make our leave now."

"Anything is in your care please use this power to learn more about our facilities so you may fight against our enemies well"

"I will"


Yukiyo and the others left, not before leaving behind a Dark Matter to see and hear what was going on.


"I trust her, I know I could have ordered the other high ranked adventurers based in this nation to do it but I feel like they would fall short somewhere"


The king said with a confident tone as he stared at the door. He nodded with Gilleman as he was in the same opinion, Phil laughed at the thought of something.


"Father you sly dog. You gave them access so that when they do succeed you will grant them noble ranks in the areas that they have promise in so we would continue using them"

"Talent is taken through subtlety Philip. Not by force. That is how you get the strong to work for you isn't that right Gilleman?"

"I do enjoy working for you though Boris"

"I know, I am sure they will too. And maybe that Okio woman will become my daughter-in-law "



Philip was tearing up to his father's consideration whilst Yukiyo was making a face that looked like she saw dog shit. Of course she made this face whilst people weren't looking cause of the stupid scheme that they had for her and the others. It was good they were going to ruin this nation that way nothing they would do would matter in the slightest. 

It could be said that the meeting went excellently, Yukiyo decided that now was the time that they meet up with the undead brothers so they could smooth over what they were going to do next. Euphobia and Seratta were awfully excited to see Odin, who was like a mentor to them in terms of combat. Yukiyo was still spying on the royal family using the numerous Dark Matter eyes that were floating in the air. As soon as they arrived in their designated high class inn, they all left near invisible magic stones that activated a clone to do what the spies would think they are doing when relaxing inside of a place like this. Yukiyo met up with everyone back at home in the Royal Palace of the World Tree which was undergoing maintenance by the goddess of nature herself Tanis who had neglected it for far too long.

“Ah you’ve arrived, I was waiting thinking that things went south and we had to plan another invasion on our end.”

“Not necessary to be honest. But thanks for being worried”

Queen Amaryl mentions as soon as everyone is gathered around the table, the past few days had been great on her. The relations with the dwarves were going well, the reconstruction of the elven capital city of Avritanis was running smoothly and it made her happy to see the new architecture rather than the usual wood work of the elf.

“Now then I take it you have succeeded in infiltrating their operations?”

“Yes, it was really easy and the Royal Prince on that side is the same kind of man like the Henrik”

Yukiyo replied with a sigh in her voice, she really understood what Rosa felt when it was declared that she would be the wife of some unpleasant man. If Shen knew about it then the whole nation would be set ablaze and that would go against their plans a little bit. It wouldn’t change the goal that is to destroy the nation completely but it would change their other objectives such as obtaining their vast technology and using it for themselves as well as their allies who wanted in on it.

“Ah so that makes him a fool who thinks with his crotch then?”

“Get this, he immediately proposed to me as soon as he saw me and wanted everyone to enter his harem despite the nation facing a threat”

“……..Is he actually alright?What about his father”

“Same blood runs in him. Except he thought of a reasonable way of getting all of us through using our accomplishments to ensnare us into nobility”

Hortus replies with a faint tone of annoyance that intelligence at times was wasted on people who really didn’t need it.

“I will submit a report of the current technology they have to Lady Severn later. They have several interesting things she will love to hear about to I will make my leave right now.”

“Bye bye Clyne!”

Teleportation made things better and they could easily do the things they wanted to do within moments without much being missed in the other place. 

“Also what’s the situation on the invasion side?”

“The invasion is running smoothly, so far we have successfully entered the nation. And we are making our steps towards the main areas of interest”

“These are commerce and agriculture areas correct?”

“Yes. I have discussed with Bolverk what we will do when the armies finally arrive to those areas”

“I seriously want to fight you Bolverk, I hope we meet at the battlefield!”

“I heard you evolved cause Her Majesty Yukiyo gave you a weapon so I am interested in how strong you’ve become

“Likewise I am interested in your strength as well Lady Seratta, Lady Euphobia”

Bolverk answered honestly with a tone that reflected his excitement, unlike Odin who was an honorable lord at his core Bolverk was a berserker through and through. He enjoyed the sport of murder, he reveled in it so did the other pair who were taught by Odin on how to slaughter armies. Quickly the three were comrades with Hortus sighing that there were more knuckle-headed idiots than before. Euphobia didn’t count because she was endearing but Odin did because he still supported an overwhelming display of strength over tactics and mentally cornering your opponent.

“Continuing on. Please before I forget.”

As for Yukiyo herself she was enjoying this chill atmosphere where everyone talked leisurely and with a little bit of fun relaying information to each other without needing to worry about how they came off. Perhaps she would be killed in human society if it wasn’t for the fact that she was literally the savior of the people. Regarding her history with royalty one would say that it was tough to maintain the same attitude unless they were high ranked adventurers and royalty from other nations.

“The next phase of the plan is to murder the top adventurers, the ones capable of stopping the invasion”

“Wait there’s actually people like that in Zenovia?”

“Yes. A total of three parties that I will briefly mention”

Hortus had answered seeing that everyone was done with their small talk and wanted to be civil despite the atmosphere saying otherwise.

“Dragon’s Claw, Sword of Fate, and finally Night of the Lake. They are very talented groups of people.”

“So what’s our plan concerning them?”

“I was proposing we collaborate with them in joint operations and just kill them during those missions.”

“Sounds simple enough I was thinking just teleporting them elsewhere and shadow killing them but I guess you counted the mental instability of being betrayed by the supposed heroes of the nation”

“But of course”

“Hortus you are one wicked elf”

“Queen Yukiyo don’t act like you didn’t plan to destroy the Xagreas Kingdom when you heard that they mistreated the elves”

Hortus barked back and it was so true that Yukiyo was left stunned. She wanted to retort back but that statement was so true she had to look to the side with a tiny smile on her face. Being right on the mark Hortus puffed her chest with pride with her mother laughing upon seeing this.

“True statement but you didn’t have to call me out like that”


“Hey can we make the situation even more hopeless?”

“Sure, I do not see a reason why the sword knucklehead faction wouldn’t be involved in our little side task”

“Rude!But I want to fight the strongest to see the stuff they are made out of!”

Seratta shouted with a booming voice, it was obvious what she, Euphobia and Bolverk wanted to do. Odin’s eyes were blazing too thus Yukiyo had to give him the permission to do so.

“Odin you don’t need to be so reserved just act like usual.”


“Trying to act noble whilst hiding your true nature isn’t good you’ll break if you keep it up”

“As you wish Mother, Princess Hortus I too want to partake in this plan as well. I wish to see the strength of their skills”

“I had planned you into the fold Lord Odin, worry not you will get a chance to taste the gifted nature of the parties”

“So that’s that right?”

“Is that all of it?”

Yukiyo and Amaryl said at the same time as they came under the same conclusion they should head back and begin immediately.

“Yes. We will meet again in a couple of days. Odin and Bolverk would have started their assault on the commercial and agricultural regions by then.”

“I would love to hear the stories you will tell me when you get back, I am sure they are going to be interesting”

“Don’t worry knowing Hortus she will talk about it for a full 2 days in pure excitement!”


Seratta says whilst recalling one of the days she shamed an elderly general during a military simulation as an exam. She spoke about it for about a full day in full detail leaving nothing behind. If the internet existed in this world, to which it will one day then that story would be very much be a roast to that general and go down in history as something people shouldn’t forget. Of course it was hushed about after a while but she still remembered it to this day. She blushes red from the truth being told about her, of course she couldn’t just refuse it either because it was in her nature to be proud of her deeds.

“A-Anyway lets go back”

“Oh look she’s running away from the matter”

“No I am not!”

“I am back, does anyone else want fruit from the divine forest that Our Goddess, Tanis has been making for us as of late?”

“No Clyne this isn’t the time for eating!”

“How did you even walk that far in the first place?”

Clyne shrugged as she was eating another apple like fruit with a ton in her arms almost overspilling, some were even lodged in her cleavage which made Hortus subconsciously touch her once seemingly flat chest. Yukiyo walked to her side and patted her shoulder.

“Them big melons are a beauty to behold I won’t lie”


“But hey at least you have a great lower body so you aren’t gonna miss out on much, I know a bunch of guys who believe flat is justice and the booty is the way”

Yukiyo spoke like an old man but she didn’t mind at all, she was pretty honest about her opinions of the female anatomy. With a red face from previously Hortus shouted angrily as she buried herself into the table, Amaryl watched this and laughed without stopping. This was the kind of atmosphere she wanted to created before Yukiyo came, a place where her daughters could casually talk together and even make fun of each other without thinking about rank.

The smells of alcohol and distant chatter over food was all over, the shuffling of boots, ripping off of requests on the board and such was very common in this place. This was the adventurer’s guild of the Royal Capital of Zenovia, its very pride and joy. But at the current moment everything was gloomy despite the rather carefree nature that it had.

“So now’s our turn huh?To get invaded that is. Time to have our last meals and drinks before it all finishes and we make our escape.”

The man who said this took another cup of the good ale and drank it down, he seemed to like its taste now more than ever since he knew that the supply for it was diminishing because of the invasion. It seemed that even he was anxious about what was going to happen.

“You worry too much Lionel, do you honestly think that we are going to fail?”

“Its not the concept of failing Johan, its the very invasion itself that’s concerning”

“Oh?And you think that we will lose to some undead?Ha!Bullshit if I ever heard of it Larson”

These three were more than just well acquainted, they were effectively brothers at this point. Lionel the Dragon Slayer, Johan the Sword Prodigy and finally Larson the Archer of the Stars grew up together and effectively were originally just a party of three. They came from the same orphanage and eventually with time each had a large following causing them to split up in order to avoid having to manage very large groups of adventurers. Lionel takes another sip of the good ale and burps right after with a dirty smile on his face.

“These undead are different equipped with armor that repels the undead repellent and killer for a long periods of time, there’s even a special undead with an incredible amount of skill with the spear. That’s what I hear from my sources”

“So what the hell stopped them from going straight for the capital?”

Lionel took a bite out of the meat on his plate drinking more ale as he does so. He smiles as he loves the next words that he says to them.

“A group of beauties stopped them and now they are working for the crown for now”

“By group of beauties do you mean beauty in strength or beauty as in actual beauty”

“I wish you weren’t so thick headed Johan, seriously. Strong beautiful women, the kind who you have to fight to even gain their attention”

“OH!I haven’t seen those in a while”

“And get this, we’re supposed to meet them today”

Lionel’s lecherous smile grew even bigger after saying that, he was all giddy at the prospect of working with a party filled with women. It was one thing that a man was surrounded by women, but it was an entirely different thing that a man was surrounded by strong and very capable women who could all take down a group of monsters all on their own. This is what made Lionel particularly happy, maybe he would get to know one of them just enough to have a night with her. The other two sighed as they saw this and slapped the back of his head right after each other to display their frustration with this horn dog.

“Please fucking behave you idiot”

“I may not know who these women are but I certainly do not want to have no dick just because of you bro”

“Relax I am not going to immediately shout I wanna have sex with you or anything”

“Uh huh sure thing Lio”

They would often revert back to talking informally and calling each other by their nicknames. Just as they were laughing the doors of the Adventurer’s Guild opened and an immediate silence began to sing its quiet atmospheric song. The women who were coming in were not just beautiful, they had a divine heavenliness about them. After looking around and seeing the pair sitting at the bar they all moved along with an elegance that could be said to have come from nobility itself. But their common sense was about to be broken right now as the person carrying a queenly aura began speaking.

“Yo!Are you fellows the Three Swords of the royal capital?The king told me that I should ask for your help when needed so I came!Hello I am Okio of the Wings of Freedom party, pleased to meet you”

Lionel could feel his heart beating very fast, this woman who looked like royalty itself yet spoke like a commoner was special. He could feel it in his soul, the emotion was akin to the crush he had on a girl he knew from the orphanage. He was about to utter something along the same lines that he had refused saying earlier but was stopped by Larson who shook his head. Yeah it wouldn’t go well for them if he misspoke and there ended up being an issue that would cost them this glorious cooperation.

“Yes, we are those Three Swords you seek. We have been informed of our cooperation together”

“Great then!I am sure you already know this the invasion is getting closer and closer to the capital so we would love your help on stopping it before it reaches the commerce and agricultural regions”

“We would love to oblige”

“Oh fantastic”

All of them smiled at the same time striking the hearts of both The Three Swords and the adventurers who stole glances of them from the side. The aged guild master who was a veteran in this line of work merely shook his head with his dead fish eyes reflecting that he had been changed to a certain extent. Drafting up a request that would isolate the trio from each other and serve as their downfall. No guild master in his right mind would do this to one of the strongest parties they had even if it was by the order of the nation, but their fate had already been decided for them long before they even knew of Yukiyo and the others. So whilst their hearts were beating rapidly the guild master worked silently watching them with a screaming soul as his body watched in horror the plans they had for this nation.

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