I Will Live My Life As A Slime With A Dark Elf Body As A Base!

Chapter 32: Even If You Search For The Truth

Chapter 32: Even If You Search For The Truth

The city could be described within a single term: A corpse. This was its existence now, Larson and the Night of the Lake arrived right after the sun went down. This city was supposed to be well armed with counter siege technology, the food supplies would be enough to go on for several years, there was even an underground network created just for trade even when there was a siege. It was perfect and ready to face anything, yet the harsh reality was laid out bare in front of their eyes. Nothing remained in the city, the moonlight gave it a foreboding atmosphere as if they were not supposed to be here. The doors were locked shut and windows boarded up, as massive as it was Heavensburrow had become like a small ghost town. Larson could feel the gazes coming from the closed spaces of the windows, watching them. He felt like some of these stares were not even human but that could be the paranoia he felt from entering a city that was supposed to be bustling with life now void of it. Black buildings with lights, the scent of blood drifting in the air, an inhuman howls being heard in the distance. It was very much clear that the invasion was not outward it happened within and the city’s protectors decided it was best to not allow the world to face this kind of horror hence trapping themselves with these monsters. They held their torches high in the air as they walked in a single group, this was far much more safer than splitting up.

Larson stole a look at Euphia who was observing her surroundings, an arrow was already notched in the bow, her aura was akin to a hunter ready to kill her prey. She was enchanting and seemed to fit this kind of atmosphere, rather Euphia belonged to the ever looming presence of death. Larson could feel a sense of mystique around her, he wanted to know where she came from, who she was, why was she so used to this kind of ambience. So many questions and not enough time and courage to ask them. Nothing but the sounds of boots, fires burning from their torches, and the puddle splashes their boots made aloud. A sinister stench quickly flew at them, covering their noses with their clothes in order to not smell such an order. It wafted around them as they entered the plaza of this district, after taking three steps the scout got his head torn off instantly. If his rolling head wasn’t any indiction then there was something in this city that lurked within that stench, they moved forward and came face to face with it.

Melded together it was a collection of arms, feet, heads and eyes. A creature made entirely out of the flesh of its victims, some of that flesh was already rotten and some of it was relatively fresh. All of the eyes focused on all of them with the mouths opening soon after.


The scream pierced their ears with a rumble coming from all directions, this was getting bad very quickly not only was this thing able to kill their scout in no time but it was calling out to other monsters roaming in the area which prompted them. There was only one thing they could do, escape from where they came from. They turned heel on the thing and began to run away from the horrors that awaited them from beyond the stench filled mist, the unified roars and shrieks they could hear from behind them was enough to convince them whatever was behind them had more than just death waiting for them. They would be integrated into that thing and live on as a monster, the windows broke with tentacles sprawling out from within to grab some of the members of the Lake of the Night. They were picked off easily and screamed as the windows repaired themselves, their muffled screams could be heard from within. Larson could do nothing about it as he heard their shouts for help, it was impossible to do anything. They had to go back and report that the city was already overrun by monsters by all means.

“What the hell is behind us anyway?!”

One of them barked out as he got angry that he couldn’t fight the thing that they were running from, the one from the back glanced for a brief moment.

“Murder Ver-“

His eyes torn out from his head dangling forth as he stumbled forwards in an attempt to hold onto something before being run over by a spiked wheel that stabbed his body and grind it to minced meat. With this as their answer they could only continue forward but it was then they realized true despair, the magic circle was already shattered by a large zombie with a hammer. This was a coordinated attack that monsters shouldn’t do and yet here they were trapped like rats in a barrel by those monsters.

“What do we do now?!”

Larson’s mind was in full chaos, he usually was the one who thought up of backup plans and solutions but this was the one instance where he failed to do such a thing. Euphia simply sighed before tapping his shoulder and showing him the three points they could escape through. The gates were open and signs were left behind by whatever survivor endured this.

“We head through the gates!Split up!”

This was a bad idea on paper and yet they had to do it in order to survive, they separated and moved towards the gate. Larson’s group right before reaching the gate got stabbed by tentacles leaving behind only him, Euphia and his right hand man Pita. Without wasting more time by grieving their comrades they close the gate and run down the tunnel heading into one of the underground passages of the city.


It could be said that the darkness encompassed them for a while before they could see the light, after running for what seemed to be forever they took another turn and exited into the city once again. Taking a deep breath they sat down what seemed to be a large bonfire which gave them warmth and a sense of security, located behind a gate Larson sighed at the outcome of the situation.

“This is not what we had expected.”

“Of course not”

Euphia answered out quickly whilst pulling out dried meat jerky that she began to eat on the spot downing it with water.

“How can you calmly eat whilst our comrades are out there dying as we speak?!”

“Pita calm down”

“But Lar-“

“She has her reasons”

“It’s best to regain strength lost from running, that way we can be more efficient when killing our enemy. Only fools choose to not rest and continue to fight monsters.”

“………….I guess you’re right”

“I will take note of that advice”

Pita and Larson took bread and some mixed wine water eating as if this was a little quest they needed to do in the forest. The tense atmosphere had but disappeared it was more soft and gentle now. Larson stared at Euphia who kept on staring at the fire, there were bodies burning inside of it and yet she didn’t seem to care. Even the battlefield hardened Pita couldn’t stand seeing it thus ended up eating his food facing away from the bonfire. An idea sprung up and he began to follow through with it.

“Why did you become an adventurer anyway?You could have lived a nice life as a hunter or something”

“I had thought so at the beginning of my journey, that I was not meant for the job. I was surrounded by very capable people at the time and they took care of me, it was then I dedicated my life to being strong.”

“And that’s changed now?”


Pita looked at Euphia for a brief moment before turning back, Larson seemed to want to know more about this woman. The mystique of her character was unveiling itself to him and he had to see through it to the end.

“Why’s that then?”

“Is it because you were betrayed?”

Pita barked back with a snarky remark for the earlier insult but Euphia chose to ignore it as she answered his question.

“On the contrary it was death, all of my capable companions died. My sisters saved me in that time, healed me and now my goal’s changed”

“What is your new goal if I may ask”

“I just want to be happy.”

She smiled faintly before becoming stoic once again, that to Larson struck his heart. Happiness was something everyone wanted and yet Euphia acted like this was a far fetched dream she couldn’t attain. He wanted to ask her more questions about that, what sort of life had she lived for her to simply wish for happiness as a goal?Normally an adventurer’s goal was to get rich and become famous, that way they could have everything they wanted in one fell swoop. If they decided to retire it would be a comfortable life but this was not the case for Euphia, she was famous and rich and even then she wanted something that was immaterial as happiness. Larson began to ask himself this question of where his life would be without his brothers?Was he different from the time they were rookies and now?


“No more questions, I think it is time for us to regroup”

Pita spat out which made Larson peeved, Euphia shrugged and stood up walking towards the gate. He glanced at Pita who did this intentionally with the said right hand man grabbing his arm as they walked to the tunnel they got out of just a few moments ago.

“What gives Pita?”

“Don’t you feel something off about all of this?”

“What do you mean?We’re just stuck in this fucked up city for a while and our main goal is to escape right now”

“Not fucking that!”

It was impressive that he was shouting at the same time whispering to him so Euphia couldn’t hear him.

“I have been having chills ever since we started to associating ourselves with those Wings of Freedom. It’s not even on the level that I can help myself but I do not trust her, you shouldn’t too. That little story of hers maybe a lie too!”

“You know very well I am an orphan as well, I get where she’s coming from and I see absolutely no reason for her to betray us. I usually trust you in your instincts but in this case you are just being paranoid.”

Larson touches his shoulder and leans in close to Pita.


“Huuuuuuuuuush. We’ve never been in this type of situation before and she’s a very capable woman, I get you are trying your best to make her seem like she is untrustworthy or what not but you are only harming yourself if you think that undermining an S Rank adventurer’s strength is something worth doing. You will get both you and I killed. And I would not want to think about not having a future thank you. Your opinions are very valuable to me Pita but if you so much as inconvenience me I will put you down and choose another man. It’s that easy to replace you ,so do not act so cocky when I can strike you down right here and now.”

Larson was very cold hearted at moments like these, he understood if he wasn’t brutal then he wouldn’t get his points across thugs, bandits and ruffians even if it meant that he had to cut off a couple of limbs to do so. He displayed this behavior even to the other guild members if they acted like reason was not an option, one or two fingers would be the cost of it.

“Now then let us go, it’s not as bad as we think out there. And remember speak like you are unreasonable then I will leave the monsters to grow fat from your corpse.”

Pita shivered uncontrollably as he only watched this happen from a distance. Larson walked off with Euphia opening the gate by smashing its lock, she was silent still chewing the dried meat which was in her mouth. Now was the time for them to find the others, the magic item that Larson had roughly gave directions as to where his guild mates were. It was fairly useful given the fact that it came from a ruin, this section of the city was the same like the rest of it. It gave off a foreboding aura that made him uncomfortable, this city of death wrapped in the madness of night was clawing at his sanity. Even Pita’s patience was worn down thin to the point he was having paranoia, blood was the only sight they saw. They could see that there was a struggle before everything came to hell, heads with terrified expressions, body parts of soldiers and adventurers, half eaten corpses in the alleyways.

Death ruled in this city and it had an iron fist, they walked forward to their destination where one of the groups were. The gods had truly abandoned this place but all hope was not lost, they were Rank A adventurers and they could overturn this situation with a little help and planning. Larson could feel the life force of the group ahead was preparing to hear what had become of this city from the other group that left for the tunnels during their escape. The area was one for the commoners, a moderately large area but it wasn’t too difficult to traverse.


“Yes Lady Euphia?”

“Prepare yourself. I do not think that our comrades are the same people anymore.”

“Why do you think so?”

“The moon is blotted out and the wind is carrying an evil air”

“I-I have to agree there is something wrong about this Boss”

Euphia was also a scout who held a lot of jobs, she knew when things were sour and didn’t hold much safety for them. If even Pita who was having issues with her just a moment ago is agreeing with Euphia then she was right there was something arguably wrong with this situation.

“Noted, we proceed carefully then. Pita will secure the rear for us in order to escape, I am sure that you have the means to do so right Pita?”

“Yes sir”

He was speaking politely because he didn’t want to be the guy left behind to deal with the bullshit that was these monsters after seeing how overwhelmingly terrifying they were. Soon they came face to face with it the emotion running through Larson and Pita’s chests was not fear but pure awe. How could one use corpses in such a fashion that they could become art?How could one understand the human body to the point they could create other shapes and forms that are not associated when one thinks of when they hear the word “human”. Some were in the shapes of diamonds and stars and others completely turned into animals using other human parts, grotesque could barely describe what they were looking at right now. Standing in line for their transformation was the group they were waiting for, all of them silently holding their heads in their arms, they were already killed and now they were going to become  twisted corpse art.

“Ah welcome, welcome!More living humans have arrived this time around!”

A maid stood at the center of all of this feeling very out of place with the background that was set up here. She was a tall demihuman with light blue skin, long purple hair tied up in a high ponytail, her violet eyes gazed upon them with excitement. She wore a maid uniform that a shortened skirt length, this made her even more out of place when one saw she was effectively making more art with her bloodied hands instead of cleaning. She was the one who killed their comrades and it was right to say that she used the fact they had their life force remaining in their bodies that she lured Larson and the others here.


“My name is Sieg, pleased to meet you adventurers who have wandered into this very dangerous city.”

Her voice was cheerful and bright it was in stark contrast to the dark and gloomy nature of the city. This encounter was well planned and thought out it made Larson think if she was the one who led the invasion.

“Are you the one who captured this city and turned into a city of the dead?”

“That is certainly me”

“Are you the one leading the invasion against the Magic Kingdom?”

“No. That belongs to Lord Bolverk.”


Finally a name to pin on their monstrous foe, Larson had to get as much information from this as possible from this demon maid. The demons were up to something as suspected.

“I was not involved in the invasion until I threw a fit to Mother but I will blot that out from your memories after I kill you all”

“I do not believe you will have such an easy time”

“Will I now?”

“Why are the demons attacking our kingdom, what will you even gain from doing this?You are very far away from home!”

Pita shouted out in a rage filled shout but Sieg simply laughed as she heard him say this words without much thought unlike Larson who was constantly thinking of ways to hear more from her.

“We gain a lot really. More territory, more land to create dungeons that will spawn monsters like this city and miasma forts that will turn the land into suitable land we can inhabit like the Dark Continent.”


And then she dropped it, the sack that he was looking for. Everything else didn’t matter compared to this information that she nonchalantly revealed, this was like striking gold. The king would be pleased to hear of their plans if they managed to escape.

“So yes we have plenty to gain from this invasion not that you would understand anyway.”


Even Pita’s brash mouth was silenced by her resolve, today is not a particularly good day for the man isn’t it? Larson thought as sadistic thoughts roamed about in his mind.  He stared at Euphia who seemed to have the same thought process as him, they make a run for it and look for the next group that was right behind them. Using the streets and roofs to disperse the monsters they could make a good escape.

“Well then since I gave you good memories to carry on into the afterlife, how about you relax and lay your lives for me so I can make some art out of it?”

Sieg said as she aimed her arms to them, the twisted monsters made out of human parts roared in unison with a disgusting mangled up voice. Pointing her arrow at the demon who caused all of this to happen Euphia shot at Sieg who merely caught the arrow jumping upwards with a great axe forming in her hands. She was too fast for Euphia to react in time but then the impossible happened with her as she held her bow up with one hand using itself as a form of material the bow became a shield that Euphia used to protect herself. Like this she was able to protect herself from the assault that would have taken her arm away, Larson was astonished such technology existed in this world. Whatever blacksmith that was out there was incredible, she pushes her back and takes out dagger that she throws at her which sends her flying into a building.

“Let’s move”

Euphia immediately said as the monsters began to increase in number, taking something from her pouch which she throws at them. Spheres are sent flying to the monsters which explode into a black cloud of smoke, using the confusion of the moment the trio make their escape whilst cutting down the monsters that they encounter along the way. Euphia’s bow turns into a crossbow next for efficiency’s sake shooting the creatures in vital parts like the eyes, the chest, and the limbs to make the evasion of their capture a whole lot easier. Larson is astonished that a weapon that could transform into a shield and a crossbow even existed, the technology to produce this had to be from an ancient civilization brought back to life via a dwarven blacksmith who had the skill and the vision to see it through.

“Nice work Euphia!”

“I only did my job”

“Never knew such a thing existed!”

“Me and my sisters found blueprints from a ruin and we brought to a blacksmith who we got acquainted with and made it possible”

“I see!”

Her actions bought them more time than if they tried fighting all of those things using their swords, it became apparent that they had to jump off of the walls in order to throw the monsters off for a while. For Euphia with the momentum of the speed she was going she kicks the wall and grabs onto a window which she uses to boost herself up to the roof and continue running, she was very agile for a scout that even Larson who prided himself in speed was astonished to see her pull this off effortlessly. Following suit they all began to leap across the rooftops together whilst keeping a uniform speed so they couldn’t fall, there was a beauty to running in the city of the dead with the moonlight on your body and night’s wind hitting your skin.

Taking Euphia’s lead they jumped down from the roofs after reaching a certain point of their journey. This was their first time resting downing stamina potions and regular water to cool down their bodies. The pair took in large breaths in order to have the heat from the chests to escape, this was a long run but staring at Euphia she barely broke a sweat and was even stretching as if this was a long warmup. Just how much stamina did this woman have?

“We’ll rest for now, we shouldn’t be far from your friends right?”

“Yes, how are you still alight after all of that?”

“My sisters are like demons in their training so they gave me such a time I almost thought I would die”

“Hahaha sounds like it was a tough time”

“Being chased by a hundred goblins who are all lusting after your body to increase your stamina was truly hell”


What kind of nonsensical training had she been put through?Larson couldn’t wrap his head around it and wanted to ask more but Euphia took a look around the corner to see whether there was anything passing by, she was such a mysterious woman. Whoever the Wings of Freedom were in their daily lives Euphia knew them as her sisters who loved her and it was possible that if someone like him were ever to be approved by them then he would have gained the trust of some very reliable people in his life. They regained their energy quickly and started making their way towards the other group, they were awfully close to the tunnel entrances into the underground system. They would collectively make their escape once they gathered together. The streets were silent as usual and the air was just as evil as before. It could be said that they were used to this kind of atmosphere that the land had been dyed in.

As much as they would want to save this city they couldn’t, it had already gone to the enemy and now they had the opportunity to take it back by retreating and telling the king the plans of the demons. Once they learned of what kind of enemy they were dealing with, the countermeasure for their foes was going to be prepared and it would be far easier to prepare one’s self for that event. The space was tight with homes now became open and they all got introduced to an area that made them feel uncomfortable. There was a singular gate here, it could be proposed that this was an entry way for carriages given its space. It would be a place that would extend outwards to all areas of the city. A vital part of the city, this was obvious from the onset and it made sense given the purpose of this city.

“Seems like we’ve finally met up with them”

“Yeah the nightmare finally ends”

“Let’s save those words after we get out of this dead city”


Pita didn’t even bother to interject the pair’s conversation, he knew that if he said some offhanded remark he would be killed in front of everyone for the mere insult of it.

“Boss!You’re okay!”

One of the members shouted out upon seeing them all, they were all happy to see that they lived through the experience that was this city.

“What about the others?”

“We barely escaped, the enemy set up a trap using the remaining life force of some of the guys. I am so sorry”

“Ah…..right. Its okay”

“There’s something we need to tell you boss its about that woman!She’s evil and in cohorts with the demons!”

“What do you mean?”

“The demon Sieg told us that after letting us go”

“She’s a demon how could tru-?!”

Pita’s vision blurred as he coughed out blood from out of nowhere. His chest plate was pierced through with a long sword that only grew in size completely shattering the head of the member who was talking about Euphia a couple moments ago. It returned back to normal size as stuck out in chest like sore thumb, its blade became jagged and ground his chest into a mess. He staggered back and forth as he coughs out in agony, he tries screaming but is unable to until he is completely separated from his lower body. His gaze stares at who was the person who did this to him and right there was Euphia lightly tapping that jagged sword on her shoulder.

“Humans are so gullible, perceptive yes but overall moronic. Benefit comes before trust I guess.”

“Euphia I understand that he annoyed you and that man wildly accused you but that is no reason to kill the both of them”

“At this very moment you are still thinking about the profit?Larson please open your eyes for once and stop thinking like a money goblin with gold coins over his eyes”

He didn’t want to admit that Euphia was his enemy right at this moment, there must’ve been some kind of misunderstanding going on. Even as the blood now flowed from the corpses of the pair and the ever growing shouts coming from his party members he did not want to see the truth. No he couldn’t have been right, the corpse before him could have been correct.

“If that doesn’t clear your doubts then this should”

Euphia snaps her fingers and reveals the horrible truth that had been waiting for all of them, the flesh monsters instantly appeared with the demon floating in the air clapping her hands.

“Good show Lady Euphobia”

“I used to be in theater you know Lady Sieg?”

“No wonder they fell for our trap, especially that man he’s still processing what is going on”

“Oh him?He’ll come around, I assume you’ve surrounded from the rear as well?”

“Of course, I adapt very well to my surroundings!”

Sieg brimmed a nice smile towards Euphia who gave an almost silent chuckle. The party members of the Night of the Lake could hear the inhuman screaming of the monsters in the tunnel and immediately spread out to face them. They were surrounded from all corners and there was no escape.

“…….But why?”

“He finally spoke?”

“Why would you sell yourself to the demons?Wouldn’t your sisters be disappointed in your actions?”

“No. We are all on the same side, we’re not even human to begin with. Our mission is to burn this nation to the ground”


“Exactly. But I guess we all make mistakes don’t we? I am sure your brothers thought exactly the same thing when they realized we are here to destroy the nation from the inside.”

His world was crashing down on him, he didn’t want this to be the case. They must be alive, they should be alive, they couldn’t be that weak. He knew his brothers well, they would find a way to survive this nightmare.

“Have doubts?Here they are right at this moment”


Two mirrors were made instantly and what they showed Larson broke him right away. Lionel is screaming at the top of his lungs as he was being tortured by creatures made of flesh in a cave with similar textures, Johan’s corpse was slowly getting up as an undead groaning whilst it picked up its broken sword and began to walk forward like the other undead. Tears ran through his cheeks as he saw the terrible fates of his brothers.


“You’re the remaining loose end, time to say good bye to this world”


With a gaze filled with anger he stared at her but that only made Euphobia only laugh.

“I like the gaze in your eyes, hey Sieg?”


“Let me have fun with some of the party members and the others you can teleport further away over there”


“Thank you”

Half of the men were taken to the far right where they could see the monsters and that demon, Larson was not confident that he would escape but he had to try in order to avenge his brothers.

“We have to fight through our way for freedom, its just one woman what can she do to our party?!WE ARE THE NIGHT OF THE LAKE!”

“That right there is your first mistake and to think what you were saying a few hours ago would bite you back with pure irony”


I would love to see you try

Euphobia quietly walks towards them with an intimidating aura they’ve never felt before, all of them felt like they were facing the incarnation of death right now in all of its glorious superiority. Black armor was slowly forming around her body as it cumulated into a wolf shaped helmet which was loose near her lower jaw to show off the last part of her that was remotely human, her silver long sword transformed into black zweihander as well. The moonlight shined as it told them that this was their final night together alive that is. As that woman walked towards them time seemed like it was slowed down for them all. She stabs the zweihander into the ground and points at all of them, stopping only at Larson who still has tears in his eyes.

“You will all die tonight, please fight at your best. Your corpses must remember the skills that you had when you were alive”



A bloodthirsty smirk ran across her face as it seemed like the helmet covered that up leaving a monster in its wake to run free amongst them. She seemed to disappear as she left her sword behind punching the first adventurer she laid her eyes on with his head sent flying into a distance like a ball. Euphobia grabbed his body that was about to make the same distance and smacked the next two adventurers away from her as if she was using the corpse like a club, summoning her sword towards her their bodies are cut in clean half as she immediately blocks the swords coming her way with one hand. With her free hand now holding her zweihander she brings it down to the throats of the adventurers who she collectively held their swords with her hands.

Euphobia leaps back with her sword on her shoulder staring down at the rushing adventurers, arrows were shot at her but she merely dodges those with ease catching some and throwing them back to the archers who were firing at her. She swung her sword forward leaving behind corpses struggling to live, Euphobia throws her sword at the heaviest amongst them all. Shattering his armor she teleports to his position and jams her sword even deeper before grabbing the flying armor pieces turning them into ball of needles that quickly deal with those surrounding her. With a quick dodge she slices off the arms and legs of those who drop their swords and spears at her, an immediate knock back happens when she strikes Larson who furiously shoots arrows at her. If she were normal she would have died but she tanks it with a wild laughter coming from within that evil armor being sent flying backwards with her feet on the ground that create bright sparks.

Whilst doing this her hands form something very familiar to Larson, it’s a black bow that she stretches out to shoot at them. A sinister red gleam appears from the visor of her helmet as the next event was far too fast for him to warn everyone about.


Euphobia shoots her arrows at them that multiply upon being shot and skewer those who didn’t anticipate this into dummies for target practice. Those lucky enough to escape were sliced and diced by black swords that appeared right beside them, Larson fires his own arrow with all of his mana imbued inside.


Euphobia runs towards him instead of even attempting to block it, he smiles at her foolish naivety. This would certainly pierce her armor, he thinks of his life up until now and rethinks what he wants to do, her words truly did strike a chord inside of him and now he was doing this to change his own life.

“Arrow of the Angels!”

Euphobia is fast approaching and as the white light envelops the area speeding towards her, his comrades all gave their lives right for this moment. He smiles as he imagines Euphobia dying to the arrow with nothing left behind and saving the day, that he knew the truth before disaster hit his homeland.

But reality is not some fairy tale or hero’s journey Euphobia right before the arrow of light hits her punches it immediately with her fist. In pure shock the arrow hits the concrete and crashing into the ground with her stomping it once causing it to surface immediately this time floating in the air. Euphobia punches it once again causing it to hurl at even faster speeds than when he first sent it, it multiplies into four different arrows that destroy his body and leave it torn into pieces. The despair and shock was written on his face when he died, Euphobia walked towards him with a smile on her face.

“We’re not done yet, the miasma of this city will turn you into an undead. Lady Sieg will reconstruct your body into that of a monster you will be remembered as a monstrosity in the end and the people will hate you and your brothers. Isn’t that so fun?”

Even in death Larson couldn’t escape the harsh reality of it all, it made him want to scream but he was damned to be a tool for these demons. His men’s dying shrieks could be heard giving out one by one, the plan had succeeded and now Euphobia stood looking at the moon.

“Did you have fun?”

“I did, I should do that more often”

“Punching magic back at people?”

“Yes. No one expects it most of the time and its an interesting reaction”

“Indeed, shall we report back to Mother?”


“I will order the Flesh Soldiers to construct his body whilst I am gone”

“Good idea”

All of the Three Swords were eliminated and were going to be used against the magic kingdom just as planned.

The night sky held a certain beauty as the world tree stood where it always had for centuries, the elves would sometimes go out to the balconies of their homes and stare at the greatness of the tree that the goddess Tanis made for them. Now more than ever those who had wished to see the world tree could now see it on a daily basis, their wishes were granted and they prayed to the goddess of fate who dwelled in another world. Amaryl watched the wind blow across the branches of the world tree and smiled, she nodded her head before wearing the light coat made for her by her daughters. She walked towards the magic circle that existed in the far right of her bedroom, it was close to the mirror. Upon stepping on it she imagined the place she wanted to go and instantly appeared there, this teleportation magic was the first amongst a series of prototypes. One day the magic circle would be so small it could fit inside of the jewel of an earring, the advancements in technology that were taking place shook her core and yet she accepted it at face value.

The meeting room was clean the hands that did this were elven hands but the handiwork of the golems that were manned by elves. She felt proud that her people’s lives were being improved by Yukiyo’s intervention and soon enough she would make their lives even better. A small light shines for a brief moment which tells Amaryl Yukiyo was arriving soon.

“I was expecting you”

“Of course we had finished up with our task too”

Yukiyo appeared first before her daughters walking with a big smile on her face, no matter how many times she tried to understand this dark elf she ended up failing. But it wasn’t uncommon either this was the same for everyone including her lover who just accepted that this was the way of life now.

“And where are my wonderful daughters?”

“I sent them back as soon as they were finished with their activities they should arrive at the royal capital late into the morning.”

“I assume you killed the Three Swords of the Magic Kingdom then?”

“Yes. It was easy manipulating their trust and possessing the higher ups to make a suicide mission for them.”

“As ridiculous as always”

She sighed at the quickness of it all but she couldn’t bring herself to not admit that Yukiyo was an anomaly and she could very well lift the world tree and place it in the sea. Her curious nature beckons her to hear more.

“What is the fates of the leaders?”

“Well let me show you, Lionel is currently becoming a hate flesh machine so when we release him all he will think about is killing everything and everyone in sight, Johan is a zombie with some quick movement and Larson is an amalgamation of dead flesh.”

“So one lives?”

“But he’s a monster who can’t control his body so that’s a fate worse than death.”


“The other is really dead but his soul is trapped in a body that has been grafted limbs and souls. He truly is suffering”

“Did they deserve such a fate?”

“Of course, they specifically did requests that hunted elves who lived on the border or wandering ones. Monster quests were done in between, they were not good people and ties to slave merchants saving some of the ones in the Xagreas Kingdom.”

“They had it coming then?”


“I would agree then. One must accept their fate.”

This was their punishment and it was also their atonement. Whilst searching for information about the Zenovian way of life information about the Three Swords of the Royal Capital popped up, she made the Dark Matter look into this and procured all of the things she needed to know about them and chose to execute them using the guild master as a tool. Yukiyo understood her words and smiled as she put her legs on the clean table folding her arms whilst closing her eyes. She wove this plan using the information she had on hand and ensnared the Three Swords in one fell swoop, even if one party member was to escape the Dark Matter would immediately murder them the moment they tried. With her daughters reaching the royal capital news would come that it would be only a few hours before the Magic Kingdom of Zenovia would be facing its greatest trial yet.

“The final stages of this kingdom falling is pretty soon, I am going to get Shen’s help with it.”

“To put in further despair that a dragon is attacking them as well?”


“You’re a wicked woman Yukiyo”

“No, no. We’re in the same boat and are very much responsible for all of this.”

“I suppose so but I am not exactly the same as you Yukiyo.”

“Ah you’re right”

Amaryl laughed along with Yukiyo, death was not rare enough for her to have sympathy for people who knew what they were doing. One should reap what they sow, if anything it would be divine retribution for what was done. Not that all humans would be killed, just like in the Xagreas Kingdom they were elf sympathizers and the normal folk who did not have an extremist view pushed down on them from birth. Nobles, villages that were located near the border, the royal family and finally the church that spread anti-demihuman propaganda were all very extremist and out of touch hence why Yukiyo chose to start from the border up to the royal capital instead of sieging it from the get go.

“Say Yukiyo, were you honestly serious about fighting the gods?”

“Yes, why do you ask?”

“What would you think if I said we should allow them to live”

“The reasonable ones sure, some may be like Tanis and have different personalities than some exaggerated legends but the others like the one who summoned the kids are the ones I can’t overlook. Besides they don’t care about this world. They just switched sides of supporting the demihumans and mankind to just mankind. I am pretty sure the plan is to spread the majority until there is no demihuman left. So I have to prevent that.”

“That’s a heavy task you’ve put on your shoulders”

“Don’t worry I should be strong enough to face a god. And everyone is training for that moment. They are so focused with the war with the Elder Gods that they cannot notice that they outmatched and this world will be destroyed because of the gods’ hubris and lack of insight.”

Amaryl stared at Yukiyo who wore a serious face, the situation was far much grave than what she had initially thought. The conflict between the heroes and the demons would transfer to the demihumans and so forth. The discontent and cursing of the gods would be enough energy to put their power on a high pedestal but even then they would come short of the gods that Yukiyo briefly mentioned. They would have the brief power of a single world and yet their foes had the strength of more than a billion in countless dimensions, Amaryl could see why Yukiyo wanted to hasten things up with the war and their preparations.

“That is my goal, don’t worry about me everything should be fine. No one in the world can harm me”

Yukiyo got up and opened up a portal into the bedroom where Shen was sleeping in, Amaryl couldn’t help but feel that something was amiss with all of this. Information may have been exchanged but she still felt like something was horribly wrong somewhere. Yukiyo waved good bye and closed the tear with Amaryl resting into the chair even more wondering what would happen when dawn came.


It had been one day since they sent the Three Swords to protect the agricultural and commerce territories that were located near the royal capital, silence. Not even the famed Wings of Freedom had responded for a while, but instead of being worried the other members of that group namely Clione and Horlas were confident that their sisters would make it back even if the Three Swords were to perish.

“What makes you so sure that they will survive anyway?We haven’t heard from them in hours”

“Precisely, in order to prevent an information leak they would decide to go silent before arriving at the capital.”


“No Philip, what they say is reasonable. Our people must feel like their heroes are fighting for them. It mustn’t be known that they’ve already perished.”

“Father I know that however-“

The sound of the horn blasting out was the indication that blew away all of his fears they came back safely. It would be a couple of moments before the information would be relayed to all of them what transpired in the invasion zone.


“Bring them in, make haste!”

Clione and Horlas were right, those women would seriously return from the frontline back with the power that would help from total annihilation. Boris waited anxiously as he tapped the armchair of his throne with Philip doing something similar. Gilleman was in the room as well however his eyes was directed to the door and did not avert his gaze one bit. The door flung open as the group returned safely, looking haggard and covered in blood and flesh yes but still very much intact.

“We’ve returned Your Majesty”

“Good! I take it that the Three Swords did not make it”

“No, they were wiped out but the information we gained from the undead stampede has proven useful.”

“Oh? Spill it out then”

“The demons are at work here.”

These words made Boris’ heart drop upon being uttered, if it had been the elves or the dwarves they could have negotiated but the demons?No their goal was far too different from a normal humanoid monster like the other two. Their goal was total destruction, Okio sighed deeply as she continued to speak.

“They’ve been using the invasion as a means to corrupt the land and convert it into theirs. Forts have been constructed to erode the land into a twisted shell of its former glory.”

“…………Is there anything that can be done?”

“At this point we would need the power of a saint or a hero”


Boris heard that the heroes were not reliable enough to aid them in these trying times, and there was no saint in the Grand Theocracy either. They had to fend for themselves, the only solution was to beg for the Cornelia Empire to aid them in their time of need. But how long would the Empire take to mobilize their forces to help them out?Days?Months?All he knew was that he didn’t have time.

“The areas we went to were already invaded using very underhanded tactics, infiltration is amongst them and traps set in the area to lure us into different dungeon like areas.”

“How long will it be before they reach the royal capital?”

“At the rate of their march, 6 hours. They’ll be knocking on our door after that. I am pretty sure that I have failed my mission and my goal but I will aid you in escaping you and the Royal Prince”

“Thank you for the kind thought Lady Okio. But I will try to protect my nation before then”

“Your Majesty you are an honorable man, not many kings would think like you”

“I must do it for my people after all”

All of these words were lies, he was panicking inside. Everything was falling apart and he didn’t have the time to even make the necessary actions to take everything he wanted with him, at most he would be having the clothing on his back and some of the valued items of the royal treasury would be in his name. He was enduring so much stress that his stomach was having issues with him, he wanted to show the unsightly display of a king begging for his kingdom to be saved.

“We shall now make our exit in preparation to the invasion of the demons. We will try to stall them as much as we can”

Hearing those words reassured Boris and Philip too, thus the Wings of Freedom collectively exited the room. The king was silent and said nothing, he simply stared at the ceiling and sighed deeply. The prince walked off somewhere and decided to help the Wings of Freedom out by making sure the knights and adventurers listened to what they had to say, although he pretty much knew that the adventurers would abandon this country as soon as word hits the fan that their top 3 parties got wiped out.

As one would know time flew by very quickly, even with all of the resources they had at hand nothing could stop the immense shock of seeing the royal capital surrounded by undead, wraiths and creepy flesh monsters. But an even bigger disturbance finally hit them when the monsters started getting closer, the leaders of the Three Swords were leading the monsters as monster commanders themselves. This was enough to make the most lion hearted of them all to become cowardly and scared for their lives. Their wicked bellowing being a signal they took charge, with the soldiers cursing the gods who lacked the strength to aid them. Each of the Wings of Freedom were situated near an entrance of a gate to fend off against the assault of the monsters. The people of the magic kingdom believed they would be saved by these unknown heroes fate had a different twist for all of them.


Deep within the castle Yukiyo and Philip were heading downwards in a secret passage, there was something strange going on and she didn’t like it.

“So what did you call me for, I hope its not something silly”

“You’ll see”

“The nation is about to die and you just want me to see?”

Philip remained silent as he walked down the stairs holding his torch, his demeanor was usually that of a playboy but right now that had changed and it sort of disturbed Yukiyo who usually would be scared of anything. Call it a first in this world other than her encounter with the twins’ mother, the darkness encompassed them but Yukiyo was not afraid of it however what lay ahead of her was the thing she didn’t want to know. Deeper they go with Philip touching the wall, the walls went from being stereotypical to being more advanced Yukiyo knew they experimented on elves but what kind of technology did these bastards have for her to be so concerned. Soon they both reached the bottom of the staircase and reached a gate which Philip presses his hand against, the answer was before her eyes as the lights she was used to on earth brought a scene that shook her core.

Hundreds if not thousands of elves inside of glass containers filled with a transparent liquid, Philip walked off in the distance and started clapping his hands.

“I have to say you are a great actor, you fooled me and my father up to the end. Well done. And for that I grant you audience to our wonderful experiments down here”

“What are you…..”

“No need to hide your true form I already know who you are, Dark Elven Queen”

“Well that’s that”

“For years my ancestors have wished for immortality, we experimented on the elves and nearly attained that goal but then you came along and everything started going downhill”

The fool removed his mask and showed off a vile smile, he laughed deeply inside of this facility. Yukiyo’s eyes were darting around to see what kind of shit was going on here.

“They are not elves if you want to know. They used to be now they are Neo-Elves!WE CREATED A NEW RACE BUT WITH YOU WILL CREATE EVEN MORE AND HAVE THE MOST POWERFUL ELF IN THE HISTORY OF THE WORLD!”

“I would like to see you try to be honest”

“Oh I will”

Philip walked up to a large device, pressing a button that scans Yukiyo’s entire body sending shivers up her spine.


Yukiyo stood on guard with his words being erratic and chaotic, but she didn’t expect the situation that unfolded in front of her. A black sludge dripped from the machine and formed her body, it was then she knew that one of the elder gods were playing one of their little nasty jokes. Shen popped out of her shadow and touched her shoulder.

“We need to fight this thing before it gets to the outside”


She had put Shen in her shadow for the moment she would unleash her onto the capital but the situation had drastically changed and now she had to fight.


Shen stood in front of Yukiyo as the clone of her rushed towards them, at first she didn’t think much about it until Yukiyo saw it form a sword in its hand with an unusual glow on its blade. She pushed Shen out of the way opening a tear right before she falls to the ground, getting stabbed by the sword Yukiyo knew what was wrong.

⌈Unique Skill: Skill Eater Stolen By Neo-Yukiyo!⌋

⌈Unique Skill: Level Drain Stolen By Neo-Yukiyo!⌋

⌈Job: Level Devourer Stolen By Neo-Yukiyo!⌋

⌈870 Levels Devoured By Neo-Yukiyo!⌋

⌈Attributes Reset to 110,000!⌋

⌈Skill Levels Reset to Level 1!⌋

Neo Yukiyo had the inherent ability to steal, whatever Elder God who thought of this she wanted to punch their face and twist her finger in their face. Philip laughed like a mad fool as he could see the immense power that Neo Yukiyo had. This was going to be a tough fight for sure.

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