I Will Live My Life As A Slime With A Dark Elf Body As A Base!

Chapter 35: A Rare Chance In Fate

Chapter 35: A Rare Chance In Fate

The twins had drafted up the plan to get rice for their mother but initially this was because they wanted test their abilities and nothing else. Their brothers, Geri and Freki were there to supervise them and Wynter was here to display how far she had come. The twins arrived at the run down Adventurer’s Guild branch which looked more like an inn than anything else, they strolled right in and were met with a cluster of noises. Newbie adventurers running from request boards, veterans drinking after a quest, waiters serving food to those adventurers. 

A sudden silence rode over the guild as the pair entered it and headed towards the counter where they find the young receptionist who picks up on the atmosphere and attends to them immediately.

“Welcome to the Adventurer’s Guild, how may I help you?”

“We would like to register as adventurers”

“Is it possible to do that here?”

“I am sorry but you cannot register here since we do not have the authority to do that yet. However we can give you a letter of recommendation so you can register in the capital”

“Alright then”

“Thank you for the information, we would like to do that. Right now if you can.”

“Okay please head over here.”

The twins replied after each other with Kuroe beginning the conversation and Shiro following up after her. The receptionist slowly tucked them to a silent corner of the guild where they wouldn’t be seen. Taking note that they were abnormal in the sense of the word as they had an aura of power to them, Kuroe orders a glass of grape ale with Shiro ordering some food. The documents were set in front of them as they began to work on signing stuff.

“That was a bad impression onee-chan”

“Totally! I didn’t think we would both forget to turn off the Demon Lord aura thing, anyways where were these guys when the attack was happening?”

“Most likely evacuating the villagers and boarding up the guild.”

Kuroe replied with the brutal truth, the guards would have lost their lives. For a village they had the capability of becoming a city that was how large this place was, a lot of space, a lot of people and a lot of resources. The guards were already stretched out thin by just how huge of a place they had to protect. It was inevitable for a scenario like today would happen again. Kuroe writes through her registration form quick as she finally drinks the grape ale they have, Shiro had also finished her’s just in time too.

“Please we would like you to send these to the receptionist if you can”

“I will”

“Thank you”

Shiro was happily eating at this moment and didn’t have the time to talk, Kuroe smiled as she also ordered the same thing that her sister chose. They ate peacefully before finishing their food and cleaning their plates with magic leaving them on the table they sat on. The twins headed towards the reception where the same receptionist stood waiting for them, she handed them their registration papers.

“Why is it not possible for us to register right here?”

“The law within the country is weird, we just comply with it.”

“Ah understood. Thank you once again. We will make our way to the capital then. Mind telling us the way?”

Kuroe asked giving a charming smile with a sudden blush from the receptionist a fluster of words came out of her for a while before she providing them with a map and laying them a path to the capital.

“Might I suggest to go as a party with another group of rookies who registered just like you a few moments ago”

Shiro tilted her head, same as Kuroe who proceeded to turn her as the receptionist pointed at the people who registered right after them. It was a pair of twins, which made it even more absurd. Kuroe signals Shiro to stay behind at the reception. She walked up to the table and slapped their registration papers on the table.

“The receptionist said you also registered after us. We’re both going to the same place how about we make a temporary party for the mean time so we could have better odds at surviving”

“Is that so?”


“Then I will take up your offer, thank you sis!”

To describe the two it would be accurate to say they were popular opposites to the sisters. First and foremost they both had long white hair which they styled differently, wore almost similar clothing: which was currently leather armor which looked like it had been through a lot, it was in a damp green color. The one who had replied Kuroe had a high ponytail, her mint green eyes were what sparked her interest. Kuroe could look into them for hours and not get bored of them. The silent one allowed her hair to flow covering her left eye which made her even more mysterious. In fact they were very mystical which made them rather interesting people in general.

“My name is Liz and this is my sister Beth pleased to meet ya! Beth doesn’t talk much sorry!”

“It’s okay I do not talk much either”

“Alrighty, preparation time”

“Do not worry we have enough supplies”


Kuroe mentions without any problems, Liz stares at Beth with her giving a look of unsureness.

“We’ll trust you on this one! Don’t worry we can hunt animals too if we ever run out of food!”

“Alright, we are moving out right now. Is that alright with you?”

“O-Of course! We only have the clothes off of our backs anyway.”

They seemed to accept that quite easily which made things even better Shiro shakes Beth’s hand with a lot of energy and getting a small smile out of her. Judging from the discussions that their sensitive ears were picking up a group was going to plan to do something nefarious with all of them thus the pair decided to act first and head out of town before that group had a chance to do anything.


Liz and Beth didn’t question the absurdity of the situation and had gotten out of the village before the noon sun rose to the sky. It was something that made the situation much easier for the twins who were prepared to do something about it, Wynter would be lurking in the background watching over them. If things went over beyond the limit of what was common then she would step in to memory wipe everyone.

“You’re……….oddly prepared for all of this”

“Well that’s because we didn’t want to worry our mother”

“Oh you’re not orphans?”


“Not at all! We are very much loved by our mother and father!”

“Father is starting to be honest with her feelings as well”


Liz was confused and then understood by what she meant, she whispers to Beth who then nods as well.

“We set up camp here.”

“Alright I will get the firewood”

“I, um, uh will go hunt food”

“No need”

“We’ve got it handled”


Shiro took out firewood from her shadow and placed it beside her, Kuroe simply vanished for a mere second and appeared with a Verdant Deer in her arms and began to skin it for its fur and venison. Shiro quickly sets up the tents that she got from Sieg who didn’t want them to have issues, it was why she prepared all of this for them. Initially they wanted the authentic camping experience but Sieg refused for them to do any of the things that were required of them. Liz and Beth stood there and watched as they set up their base in less than 10 minutes.

“Um, uh, what do we do?”

“Sit pretty”

“Relax, here have some coffee”

“Ah okay”

Just this alone was breaking what they knew as common sense. They wondered how they were doing all of this and why was it easy? The night was fast approaching and so were their targets, Shiro knew that they all led a pretty bad life up until now and now made it her duty to protect them and help them grow stronger. This was also Kuroe’s duty as well, they resonated with them in a way they didn’t notice.

“I gotta say that’s a pretty nice camp you got there”

They were here as one of them came out of the deeper woods, Liz and Beth were fast asleep due to Shiro mixing sleeping herbs inside of their portion of food. A ruffian called out with a nasty smile on his face but Kuroe crossed her arms sighing as she turned her head to the side.

“You’re surrounded, so don’t try anything funny, you’re like a horned rabbit caught in a trap. We will have a little fun with you, take that Verdant Deer and sell you off to a slave merchant sounds good?”

“No. You’re wrong in that notion”


“You’re the one who is caught in the trap. There’s like 15 of you right now surrounding the camp, we predicted that you would be lured to this location.”

Kuroe’s voice sounded cold and threatening that the leader was feeling shivers all over his body. He knew something was wrong, normally killing rookies would be something rather easy but not this pair especially with the full moon high up in the sky like this. Their eyes lit up as their fangs showed themselves with their smiles, that’s when they all knew that these two were monsters.

“What was it he said Shiro?”

“He said he will have a little fun with us”

“Then let us treat to a Vampire Demon Lord exclusive. I am sure he will enjoy it”


“Demon Lord…….?”

“Oh you didn’t know?We are both Vampire Demon Lords, happy to meet all of you”

Kuroe smiled even more as one of the more rash bandit like adventurers ran towards her with a sword and cut her down. He indeed swing his sword on her but it didn’t go through her body like it was supposed to it sat there on her neck without a single drop of blood leaking from it. She lightly touched it and broke the blade before throwing it to the side Kuroe grabs his neck and twists to the extent that he could look at his leader. He falls down with a thud as all of them scream loudly.

“Oh by the way misters you are trapped in a barrier with us~ ! LET’S PLAY ~ ❤️!”

Shiro softly sets Beth on the ground and dove forward punching the stomach of one with his back arching immediately. She tears out his spine and uses it like a whip by applying a sharpening blood spell on it smashing the head of the next bandit, the guy beside him screams and tries to run out but gets stabbed by tentacles made of blood. He is still alive but dying slowly with immense pain running throughout his body. The deaths of the first three shows them the harsh reality of messing with the worst kind of enemy. Either fight and die painlessly or run away and get tortured. There was no other alternative.

Kuroe was breaking bones, tearing off arms with ease watching them screech in a way that gave them even more fear. She took the slow and ruthless approach of slowly killing them, breaking their legs and stabbing their non-vital organs. Archers were pinned on the trees with their own arrows. She used swords in a way that they could be described lacerating knives that opened up bodies which made their situation all the more worse. The fact that they couldn’t do anything to her was mainly fear striking their hearts and the strength that this Vampire Demon Lord showed by making disturbing art pieces with them. Some had extra arms and legs sticking out of their bodies. But some were not willing to take this fate laying down. 


“Do not rush me”

One of the rogues leapt up with dagger overhead but he is stopped by Kuroe’s wires which cleanly separate his upper and lower bodies. Kuroe steps on his head as he reels in the pain of being kept alive by magic.

“Here’s a treat for your headfirst jump into death”

Maggots appear from the ground and enter his body devouring everything, he bellows in sheer agony. The rest of the adventurers facing Kuroe all wet and spoil their pants in pure fear.

“Now then let’s continue, tonight I feel calm since I did go wild in the morning.”

Shiro using the spine whip she gained from that dead bandit rips the flesh off of the bandits who are coming towards her way, the closest to get to her finds the blood from his comrade turning into a blade as the spine becomes a handle for something is right behind him.

“Oh shi-“

He is brought forwards to Shiro as a bisected corpse who then crushes his head with the spine handle. The Bone Scythe in Shiro’s hand glows an ominous red color as she smiles wildly. She spins it at a rapid speed that leaves a crimson afterglow as she leaps up into the air, lightly standing on the head of one of her victims before decapitating him. The much bigger brutes runs towards her with a roar and swings his shielded fist at her but she cuts it off with ease before using it to bash his head in. All of this happening within mere moments of each other. This display of strength and speed shows them the kind of enemy they are dealing with is able to manhandle them in a terrifying way. Shiro throws the scythe at them, it swiftly spins in the way of five members who are all sliced and diced into pieces. Those who try to move out of its path are then targeted by several more spinning bone scythes which give them the same fate as the ones who were first target.

Shiro brings back to her right hand with speedy haste as she appears in front of the more armored bandit amongst them, she transforms the bone scythe into a bone battle axe twice the size of his body. What happened next was too painful to bear witness to, Shiro kicked him into the air where she slashes his body in a brisk and fast fashion before slamming his body with her Bone Battle Axe. His armor is completely covered in blood, to add insult to injury she uses his body as a ride to head towards them. The Bone Battle Axe transforms again into Bone Hatchets which she throws at them as quickly as possible as those land their mark on their bodies exploding into a sea of pain as their bones turn them into human puffer fish. As if not done with the armored bandit she grabs him by the leg and throws him into the air, catching him with a blood hand that appears for that moment slams his body on the ground numerous times before he becomes a fine paste.

“That’s done”


“I think we should clean up at least”

Shiro says whilst wiping the blood from her face with a clean cloth. Kuroe nods her head as she collects their blood and flesh into her shadow. All that is left is their clothes, armor and weapons which they quickly store in their shadows.

“I guess that shows our prowess with humans then?”

“Yes. Say do you think we are being too concerned with Liz-chan and Beth-chan?”

“I do not get what you mean”

Kuroe chews on the meat kebab she grabs from the camp fire, Shiro is all fidgety and blushing. She wonders to herself what could this be and simply smiles.

“No. I get it. But I won’t tell you until you realize it yourself. I am very much the same”

“Ehhhhhhhhhhh?! Kuroeeee tell meeeeeeee!!”


Kuroe chuckles as Shiro frowns at them, Wynter who was watching all of this go down silently laughs with them. Tomorrow she will be joining them and they will all have a great time together.

From the shadows one observer excluding Wynter who was merely just making sure no greater threat such a group of other adventurers would hear all the commotion watched. Their artificial left eye glistened as it zoomed in on the battle that was taking place and just as it concluded they made their way to their master. The journey was not an easy one but it didn’t take much time for them to arrive at a cave that was not so far from the twins. Pressing a well placed relief they entered a corridor of interconnected hallways, running in the western direction they finally reached their destination. They stood at the door and made sure that the twins did not trace them back to this place.

What is the code?”

A hushed whisper called out to them, with that out of the way they answered.

“Blood is the essence of life and death”

The door opens up automatically with the observer entering it immediately. It was a single room that had a well designed teleportation magic circle drawn in dried up fairy blood. The moment the observer steps on it they are teleported to location where their leader is. This was the throne room of the Queen of the Vampires, she sat on her throne drinking wine as she overlooked the moonlight within her castle. The location the observer had arrived in was the City of Night, a massive city that was always shrouded in the blessing of the night. The Vampire Queen stared at the observer with serious eyes, she could look down their entire soul without them noticing. One thing to note was her appearance. Her face was exactly the same as Shiro and Kuroe’s at their current age, her hair was a fair half of black and silver from each side, her crimson eyes held a wisdom of a leader, she wore a black dress made entirely out of shadows.

“My Queen I have returned”

“Thoust have. What have thou have perceived that thou come to mine domain?”

“I’ve observing a pair of twins who have the likeliness of your Majesty”

“So thou have, I know them and have had mine eyes on their movements. Does thou hold information about their strength?”

“Yes. It is as follows. They are Vampire Demon Lords, Level 697. They display the unique ability to manipulate blood and flesh just as well as you do”

“Is that the reason why thine levels have been increasing as of late? But my race is still Vampire Queen”

“I have evidence”

The observer takes out his artificial eye and places it on the ground, it displays the battle that took place in the forest a few moments ago. The Vampire Queen drops her glass as she falls down from her throne.


The observer runs towards her to pick her up but she stops him as she erects a blood wall. Watching this had caused something to stir within the Vampire Queen, something that she knew was lost to her. From the moment she became alive as a unique dungeon monster fifty years ago she knew that she was incomplete and finally she had met the other halves of herself. She regains her composure and sits down on her throne with a warm smile on her face instead of the usual detached cold half smile she wore.

“We shall celebrate today”

“Your Majesty…….might I ask why?”

“I’ve finally found mine lost sisters. I, Arisa have completed mine journey as your single Queen. I shall depart to meet mine sisters.”

These words would send shockwaves across the vampires who had lived in darkness for all this time and cause strife.

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