I Will Live My Life As A Slime With A Dark Elf Body As A Base!

Chapter 41: Curtain Fall

Chapter 41: Curtain Fall

The wind blew in a strange direction, to a seeing eye it was just ordinary however to those who have lived here all of their life they could tell something was wrong. The border was a fragile place where one could tell the change of the tides, the guards were on edge constantly but something was different on this very day. A storm even bigger than a monster stampede was brewing, like the calm before such a disaster was ominous and could be felt through their skin and soul. Instinct was a fickle thing, it could lead to some rash decisions as such some had decided to go home early or quit outright at this time of the night.

Nothing and absolutely nothing in the world could have prepared them for what they saw in the sky, thousands upon thousands of what appeared to be flying ships sailed through the sky. Panic through their hearts as the ships were far too high to strike with catapults, one thing ran through the minds as they witnessed this: The Invasion Had Begun. All of those who were at the border tried to contact their superiors but they soon fell into a whirlpool of despair as they realized their magic communication network was being jammed in real time. The sheer amount of chaos happening at the moment was enough to be called a circle of hell, they blew horns to alert everyone that war had begun.

To those who were unaware they were hit by a sudden gut wrenching drop in their stomachs, as they looked up to the skies and saw the ships flying over their borders.


Those who held their weapons in preparation to battle dropped them, those six words were more than what they could bear. They were taught all their lives to remember the flag of the Demon King and now today was the day they had never wished for to come had arrived. Under the veil of night the army of the damned had come to stain their land in blood and gore. What was accompanied from that shout was a collected shriek of terror as these men begged to be let out so they could escape. But that was not an option, some had to be killed to set an example. If they couldn’t stand here then they would all die. The Wall of Mankind mustn’t fall here, otherwise hope as they knew it would be lost.

“Organize yourself and prepare for battle” were words that passed through the mouths of captains and generals of these border forts. There was enough of them to stall them for when the heroes came but fate was not graceful enough to allow such heroism to happen right now.


At the borders of the Bolcross Theocracy stood the Holy Wall of Lavenzou, it was a symbol that barred unclean monsters and demihumans out of the Holy Land. Their skies were protected by the Beacon of Sovereignty, a barrier that stretched across the entire country. The only thing that could destroy that was something that lived and thrived in the high skies. Not winged demons, not harpies nor wyverns nothing but pure dragons. This they feared more than invasion from a massive army because without that their sole protection against evil would go to the wind and there was nothing they could do to stop it from entering the nation freely. But they didn’t need to do that because no dragon ever ventured into their land before.

“What fools”

Shen smiled as she leapt off from one of the flying ships that was sailing at a high point in the sky dropping in on that eyesore floating above the Bolcross Theocracy. She notices several angels spawn right beside her which makes her smile as she opens the sheath of her sword and slashes all of them into shreds as she is getting closer and closer to the Beacon. An archangel appears right before her which makes Shen laugh as she grows her wings and uses lightning magic to vanish from its sight, she appears behind it clipping all six of its wings causing it to flail in agony as it falls to the ground.

“Despair as I kill your demigod in real time”

She says this in real time as a trail of electricity is left in her way right past the archangel who turns its head to stare in horror as Shen becomes a star of energy that breaks through the crystal that contained a man sleeping in a fetal position, from just this action alone a crack followed by a loud screech is heard. The dying sobs of a god echoes in the vacant sky as the archangel hurls down to the ground having died from mere shock of the event itself.

“Well that was exciting and I gained a lot of levels from that. Time to make my entrance special.

Shen cruises towards the actual border wall which glows a repugnant golden color as waves of undead approach it.

“Othello, return the undead I will do this myself”

Othello the Dark Matter Necromancer makes the undead army disappear as they return from whence they came giving the local soldiers and knights a good scare. She crashes into the ground with a smile on her face, they are still shaken by the shattering of the Beacon of Sovereignty. She points her sword at them before returning it into its sheath.

“Draconic God Overdrive”

She transforms as she closes her eyes, her surroundings and the season changes from summer to a cold winter. She opens her eyes as she is covered by a massive aura of cold wind and lightning, her expression is serious as she stares at them with conviction that she is going to murder them all. From her eyes alone they could tell that she was out for annihilation which made their blood freeze over in pure fear, the moment that happens Shen swings Divine Storm which unleashes waves of energy at the Holy Wall of Lavenzou is devoured in several places covered in the cold embrace of ice that leaves an electric discharge. That vile golden color stops glowing and returns to the normal color of a wall.


She hears the blowing of a horn and claps her hands, several portals open beside and above her as dragons of all shapes, sizes, as well as races enter from them. The true terror of facing such a threat eclipses on them all.

“C’mon put on a good show”

Shen beckons them to come closer with her right hand in a mocking way, the dragons beside her take off to the skies and she smirks before taking a pretentious bow that oozes out confidence. She taunts them into action as they rush towards her in anger for her foolishness, she returns to humanoid form. Shen breaks open the head of a knight with just her scabbard alone, stabbing the next with her sword before throwing his body to the next batch of soldiers slashing his body which freezes all of them. She deflects the swords of the knights who enter right after she committed the last action and uses the momentum to stand on their swords, they stare blankly at her before their heads are sent rolling to the ground.


A large knight in special armor shouts as he swings his hammer at her which she parries out of her way using her scabbard stabbing his chest before swinging upwards leaving a broken corpse. One of them shouts out his name before rushing towards her in anger. It’s a young lad but Shen doesn’t care too much about him and decides to cut and burn his limbs off.

“That’s a mercy, aren’t I so kind?”
“I take it back, I’ll choose another person. Kuroyuki doesn’t need a little piece of shit like you to exist.”

She stabs his mouth and beheads him kicking his head away to unsuspecting soldier who is smacked into a wall. Shen stares at the group of survivor knights and soldiers who surround her which makes her grin even more.

“This is going to be a thing I am going to enjoy”

Her body is covered in electricity as she points Divine Storm at them. A blink of an eye would be inaccurate to how fast she was, Shen popped in and out of existence as the sounds of heads rolling and bodies falling is left after she is seen behind the backs of those who wanted to kill. Shen throws her katana which spins as it cuts off the arms and legs of those unfortunate enough to get caught in its path.


The dumbfounded soldier near her gets a kick that severs his head from his neck, she grabs his body and chucks it at the ground that is before her. Carried by the swift lightning trail she leaves in her wake Shen punches through the body of yet another soldier with her hand coming out the other end. She uses her tail to stab into the eye of a knight who runs at her with an axe, twisting her hand inside of his body before splitting him into two halves Shen grabs the necks of the knights in holy armor who were about to cover themselves in holy aura. She snaps their necks like twigs grabbing the swords they had in their hands before they fall down to the ground and throwing them at those who had managed to get on horses.

A clap of thunder is heard as their headless bodies slump over to the ground, she kicks up a spear and proceeds to throw it at the horses that they would use to try to escape with it repeatedly coming back into her hand through the use of magic. With no way to escape nor tell their fellow humans about the situation they gather around her in a more structured way, in response to this Shen covers her arms and feet in ice as she leaps up into the air to crash right into an entire platoon of soldiers who had gathered themselves in a sort of formation. Whatever plans they had made against her all were put to rest as Shen brought back Divine Storm quickly slashing at mages who shoot a barrage of fireballs at her. Dodging them with ease and knocking some back rapidly murdering her way across the barracks for the survivors who were scrambling out of the wreckage. The more she killed the more of their blood she was covered in, until her entire body was drenched in blood.


The words of holy knights were cut short just like his head as it split into small pieces that fell to the ground. That was the moment true fear struck their hearts as they watched this beast killed someone who was what they called a living legend. And what did this thing do? She smiled at their quiet despair, their sobs were music to her ears as Shen had a mad glare to her eyes. They all knew this was the end as the rain accompanied with a storm that could be described to be a nightmare.


A knight screamed as she tried to run away from her but she slashed off his limbs and stabbed his throat with a murderous glimmer in her eyes. She looked back at corpses she had created, Shen left none alive in this one sided slaughter. Not even a single hero came to save them, just as Yukiyo had planned. This would hit them at their weakest point and when they realized what happened here they would truly despair that their world was ending.

“I hope you are enjoying yourself Yukiyo”


At first they thought it was an hallucination as nature twisted and bent all around this singular dark elf, it withered away in the wake of her very presence. The knights at the wall protecting the nation from danger, a dangerous premonition occurred within a flash. They felt the cold hand of fear and dread touch their souls at that very moment. She was only walking towards them and yet they felt the whole world fall on their shoulders, maybe it was fear, maybe it was the mind of someone snapping or maybe she manipulated that person into doing it. An arrow was sent her way but she smacked it away with a tendril coming from somewhere.

“I hope you enjoyed these days of peace, did you spend time with your families? Did you say your last goodbyes with them? Did you fool around with your friends? Make love to your lovers?”

There was a sense of certain doom in her words, it was as if she a single dark elf could take down an entire wall made from mythril and obsidian all by herself. Yukiyo smirked as she stared at all of them with a proud look on her face, they winced with her every single bodily movement and eye blink. They were terrified because they knew who she was, she heard a mighty roar from above as giant of a man leapt from the wall to attack her. He seemed to be one of the augmented soldiers that the Cornea Empire had created for events like these, his sword roared a flame that could kill an normal dark high elf but she was neither of those. She dodged that with ease, grabbing his leg and slapping him on the ground multiple times. She throws him a short distance from herself before Yukiyo enters his range, he casts protection spells in rapid response but this was nothing to the current Yukiyo.

The old her, the one who came to this world and fought orcs would have a tough time against such a foe but she could see every single move before he did it. He swung with precision yet she kept on dodging and playing around with him. She kicked him playfully with him roaring insults at her but she didn’t care about what he had to say, he summoned an angel over himself which boosted his stats just a bit. It still wasn’t enough her eyes flooded in darkness as she snapped her fingers several times with lightning bolts coming from the Dark Matter striking him in quick succession. She enters right as he is staggered by her actions and stabs him with a shadow cane that materializes in her right hand, taking it out just at the right moment. The angel inside of him lets out a blood curdling scream as she does this with Yukiyo grinning at the sight of this man wetting himself.

“Prepare yourself”

She concentrates a heavy amount of Dark Matter into her arm and punches him into the wall, he hits the wall with such an impact that creates a spider web of cracks which shakes the entire ground they stand on.

“Dark Matter Beam: Death Canon”

Yukiyo with concentrated mana surrounding her hand snaps it into a finger gun at this unnamed knight who she didn’t care to ask his name. What occurs right after is a highly condensed source of raw power that devours the entire wall, to say that they didn’t see this coming would be understatement. What followed right after was a burst of light that could be seen from miles away as the survivors who barely managed to escape that dark ray of death came out to see what could be described to be a living god. Yukiyo stared down on them in her demigoddess form and they all felt a god stricken fear that they couldn’t otherwise experience.

“Now Despair. Chaos has arrived on your doorstep”

The evil goddess of chaos spoke with a voice overflowing in pure evil, and then their reality came falling apart at the seams. Tears upon tears of the fabric of space and time were torn through, true horrors beyond their imaginations began to pour out. Whereas they were taught demons looked like humans with red skin and horns these monstrosities crawled out from the bowls of hell, an entirely different world from theirs. The sky was now dyed in blood red from the amount of portals that had been opened, one dared look into one of the portals and saw what could be described to be hell. A single term was coined amongst the knights that saw the descent of the evil goddess.


A unified roar of destruction was heard as the battle for not just their land but their very souls began, Yukiyo had entered the depths of Dark Matter universe and found eldritch monstrosities and gods that worshipped her. These Hell Worlds that were distorted by her power would serve her for this very purpose of displaying their loyalty to her. They rushed at them with a fury that could be described to be like that of a wrathful storm’s, the first line of defense was easily broken up as arachnid like monsters tore apart the knights with their mandibles and scythe like claws. No known tactic could have worked against these things, those mages who flew up into the air were engaging in warfare with flying eyeballs with rows upon rows of teeth in their mouths. They were fired at by dark versions of preexisting magic, dark flames, lightning, ice, and light. Those were caught in that line of fire fell to the ground screaming as those eye balls swooped in and tore through their limbs and devoured them as they rapidly descended to the ground.

Demonic voices spoke from all angles making this situation go from bad to worse as those who heard them became corrupted into zombies who attacked their own comrades and ate them on the spot, then the moon turned black and opened its malice filled eye at humanity. Monsters made entirely out of tentacles broke out from the ground, grabbing those unfortunate enough to be caught in their hard grip and breaking their bones. Inserting themselves into ever orifice causing them to become shambling tentacle filled beasts that only responded through sound.


A tendril was sent into his chest causing the soldier to convulse as he was turned inside out by the tentacles with his organs now operating as weapons to use against those unfortunate enough to encounter such a monstrosity. Scenes like these were happening everywhere, in Yukiyo’s eyes this was their atonement for all of the suffering that they had inflicted on the beastkin, elves and other demihumans who were even remotely captured near here. Their blood filled wails of agony was an orchestra of pain and curses. The dead did not rest as they got up as disfigured as they were to continue fighting their comrades.


An arrow was lodged into the head of a general to stop him from spouting such bullshit, they had to escape otherwise they would all die in this hellscape of a border. The gates of hell had opened none of them could close them, the screams of those damned to this one sided massacre was too much for the average soldier or knight. Several knights were still battling them head on, these were the augmented knights that were under no name knight general. One had his arm ripped off and was fighting against the hordes over the bodies of his enemies and his comrades, another merely shooting arrows in quick succession, another punched and kicked until his arms and legs were bitten off. These brave souls fell one by one. All that was left was a desolate land filled with corpses, another light came from the heavens with Yukiyo staring at the sky as an archangel descended from above to smite her. But before it had the chance to speak she struck it with a dark spear right into the chest.

“And now you’re mine”

The archangel was possessed by a Dark Matter that specialized in it, its wings were covered in eyes with its armor having evil motifs and curses written all over. The bright halo it once had now darkened with a bloody eye in the center. It shrieked loudly as it pointed its sword with thousands upon thousands of dark matter demons being directed ever deeper into the Cornea Empire.

“I just want this over and done with, let’s continue on.”

Yukiyo says as she heads back home to look after Kuroyuki, leaving the hellcats open so they can spread as much destruction as they can.

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