I will save you in this 5th Life

Chapter 11: Young Lions

She threw the spear she was holding with all her might, or maybe she was holding back but I cannot be sure 

But all I know is I either have to dodge that or I have to take it with Pridwen if I want to survive 

And I really do not want to receive that attack head-on, but as a Paladin, I have no other choice but to bear the brunt of the attack 

It is really a good thing that I switch to a Paladin before entering this classroom so that I can access the abilities that might allow me to reduce the damage of the attack and tank it 

Another advantage of switching to the class is obviously it allows me to fully take the damage so that it does not affect the others, although I might be too hasty in deciding that will not be thinking of tanking the attack as well 

But if they truly are Paladins, I guess they will aim for the same thing as me, it is just a matter of who will do it first 

I am going to summon Pridwen as well, since I do not have a shield and also to further decrease the damage of this attack 

Shine through the Darkness, come forth PRIDWEN 

As a blue light shone through and a familiar shield materialized in my forearm, I hope that Schild did not listen to closely to the change of incantation for the summon of Pridwen 

Because to say the truth, I do not even have to do an incantation or let alone a full incantation when trying to summon any of my Armaments, which was quite unusual 

I could just summon them by thinking in my mind, which was something I discover one time when I was on a trip on the mountains in order to find a place to train 

But I accidentally stepped on a loose rock and caused me to roll downhill 

And as I rolled down, I saw a sharp rock protruding out and while I had time to shout out my incantation to block it using Pridwen, I froze up and curled my body at that moment while saying Pridwen in my head instead of out loud 

But to my surprise, the sharp shot I expected did not arrive and instead, I felt an all too familiar shield in my hand that had hit the protruding rock 

And it was in that moment I knew that I was able to summon it even without saying it out loud 

It was quite shocking to me at first since I had heard that you could shorten the incantation as you get more used to your weapon, but this was the first time seeing and learned that I could use it just in my thoughts and not even have to utter a word, including the weapon name 

I had some theories after learning to do this voiceless incantation and why it is unknown among the people currently 

First is I might be able to voiceless incantation and summon my weapons due to the fact that it was my ability that was granted to me in exchange for not having my personal weapon 

Instead, I was given this ability and also the capability to use all four weapons of my predecessors 

But this is a very loft theory since I do not think that the “Gods” are that much of king group of people to give me this many abilities  

The second theory is the stronger one in my opinion, and that is I think all people with Armaments have the ability to do voiceless incantations and it is just that people have not tried it out yet 

And the people who have succeeded in doing so have not spread out this news in order to keep this as their trump card when battling against others 

This theory makes more sense in my opinion since there is no way that we should have to say the incantations out loud when the Armaments are supposed to be part of our soul which obviously part of our body 

And we do not have to shout for our body to move when trying to do certain actions and instead it just does it  

And I think the people are actively trying to hide this since as far as I remember I have not seen anything related to voiceless incantations regarding Armaments in libraries 

Although me being able to do it makes the theory work in a sense, I cannot fully trust this theory because I do not know other Armament users that I could try this out on, till I met Yuuna 

I guess I will talk with her about this when I get the chance 

As I raised up my shield in order to block the attack, I also felt people around me standing up with their shields to take the same action as I did 

But since I was the first one to stand up and also the closest to the attack, my shield was the first one to absorb the impact 

And my Paladin skills started to activate one by one 

Rank 1 Skill Shield Mastery (DMG Down when blocking using Shield) 

Rank 3 Skill Two Point Stance (DMG Down when standing on your two feet to block the attack) 

Rank 4 Skill Sole Lion (DMG Down when only target receiving the attack) 

And I slowly felt the impact of the damage decrease as my Armament skill activated as well 

Pridwen Personal Skill activated Faithful Protector (Further DMG Down for each DMG Down skill that has been activated) 

Then I felt the impact further decrease but I still was not able to make the damage stop for some reason 

Then the teacher looked at me and said 

“That’s one of the schools Tank eaters, the Orthrus. So, you are going to have a hard time if you think you can try to eat all of the damage on your own.” 

Shit, I did not account for that and as I was about to ask the others to come to my aid 

I immediately felt a presence to my left as I was about to call them to help 

And I felt one of my skills deactivate as another activated when Schild put his blue shield next to mine 

Rank 4 Skill Sole Lion has been deactivated 

Rank 5 Skill Pride of Lions (DMG Down when other shield users are receiving the damage with you) 

I was quite surprised when this skill was activated since it was rarely in use due to the fact that most tankers usually work alone in order to tank for the party and in other cases, it is just a prideful trait of tankers since they believe and thinks that they should be able to tank damage alone 

But even when this skill was activated it was not enough for us to deflect the attack no matter what we did 

It just kept pushing us back 

“Think about the name of the weapon and the features of Tank eaters if you really want to beat this test” 

She said as she watched us struggle against the weapon 

Then I started to rack my brain to search for knowledge that I read when I had free time 

Tank eaters are not invincible but require multiple tanks in order to defeat it, the reason it is called a tank eater is due to two reasons 

The first reason is obviously that it is designed to “eat up” a tank or in some other words it is used to kill or heavy wound the tanks of a party 

The other reason is that it eats up a tank slot of a party due to its nature requiring multiple tanks in order to deflect or tank the damage 

And the names of the weapon are clues to the number of tanks that are required in order to offset its damage, but rarely you can know the name of the weapon when fighting in the field 

And it usually requires you to know both the name of the weapon by looking at its unique features or through the abilities of Blacksmiths, and also the features of the monsters behind its namesake 

The namesake is always a monster with multiple heads for Tank eaters requiring more than two tanks 

Orthrus is the next clue 

That was what I was thinking as my legs started to buckle under the pressure 

And the other two joined up our shield as our burden towards the attack started to lift 

“Sorry for taking such a long time” 

“Yeah, sorry about that, we actually thought you got it, but it seems we were too hasty in thinking that. Won't happen next time” 

Orthrus are the two-headed hell hounds that live near the Holy Kingdom and terrorize any adventurers that walk into its territory unprepared 

And this name meant that we required more than two tanks in order to offset this attack, which was proved by the other two joining us in tanking 

“Alright, it is fine let's do this then” 

In one move all four of us pushed back on the still charging spear and made go back towards the teacher 

And the teacher caught it with one hand and said 

“Very good, although I was worried at first but that was a great ending to the first lesson” 

And when she said the end of the first lesson, I looked at the clock on the wall and it showed that only about 2 minutes had passed during this whole debacle 

Damn and it felt much longer than that 

“So, this was the first lesson as a not only a Paladin but also as a tanker, and that is not to be too prideful of your tanking ability” 

I guess I was really too sure of myself when I was trying to receive that one attack 

“To be honest it is not always about pride when Paladin or tanks receive an attack they cannot tank but still continue to do so, but I am just using the word pride as an example for such actions 

When you are in the party, you should always be careful of your vitality and not always take damage that you and the whole party can avoid 

Even if you can take the damage, when you are already tired during the halfway point of the adventure then you would just be a burden even when you can get healed by a member of the party 

And you also have to remember you might be the only tank in the party and when you go down, the party might as well 

And in addition, when there are multiple tanks in a party, you guys should always share and work together in order to make it so that one of you is not doing too much while the other is resting too much 

And also, be aware of tank eaters so that you do not get overwhelmed by them and know how to handle them 

Although this time I gave you the name of the eater, it is not always the case out in the field 

So, remember to do your homework and figure out what do you need to know in order to differentiate the eaters 

And as I said earlier try to avoid them if it is an unneeded contact 

It is best for both you and the party to avoid it at all costs if you want your journeys to be less burdensome 

And yeah, that is all for today, you can spar if you want and you can leave for your early break if you want  

I will be here until the bell rings if you have any questions” 

The teacher then pulls out the chair beneath the table and sat down while opening her Personal Device and connected it to her teacher's desk which led to a large screen being displayed out 

And I used this chance to talk to my other cohorts not named Schild 

I turned and saw that Schild was already starting to talk to the other two and I also walked over and joined in on the conversation 

“Hi again and thanks for the help earlier, I am Itsuki Tida a Freelancer.” 

The gold hair student who sat behind me earlier, who even towered over Schild and the other student spoke up  

“Yeah, I know the Silver Yasha and its nice to meet you, I am Konya Iwao and I know I already said this earlier but sorry for the late help.” 

I cringe as I heard the nickname 

“Nah it is fine, at least it worked out, in the end, thanks to you guy’s help and you can just call me Itsuki 

Please do not use that nickname anymore” 

“Your matches last year were really amazing Silver Yasha, and I am Soma Michio. Please to make your acquaintance 

You can just call me Michio and if you do not mind me calling you Itsuki” 

I sheepishly rub my head when I hear people mention my matches last year and my nickname yet again 

But I thank his appreciation and respond to him nonetheless 

“Haha thanks, and it's nice to meet you too Michio” 

Now that I am standing closer to them, it really highlights their stature that towers over not only me but the average person in the country 

I have heard that there was a theory that most people who are blessed with tank-based classes also have a larger and stronger body type 

And I think this also applies to other types of classes, as people are born with or grow into body types suited for their jobs unless they do something drastic 

But being here really is showing me that this theory might be true regarding tanks being more giant in comparison 

Because I personally think I am a tall person for my gender and average for the people in my age group, but standing here made my neck strain when trying to talk to them 

While we were chatting about mundane things, when Michio suddenly said 

“Isn't our teach Miss Mina Mayer, one of the Paladins that your parents lead Itsuki?” 

Now that I think about it, I feel like I have seen a person of her particular hair and eye colour when I was younger, but I am not fully sure since my parent does not really bring their subordinates to meet me as they like to keep their work and private life separate 

But I have heard of her name before and I think she was also known as the 

Enten of the Blizzard!” 

Schild exclaimed 

And I looked at him and said 

“Yeah, that’s what I was thinking as well, If I am not wrong, she should be the elusive Enten who is best known for her legendary battle on the snowy mountains of Sheg in which she lasted and endured the invasion for a total of 3 days by herself 

And in the end, she was the only one standing surrounded by the blizzards and the frozen bodies of the invaders 

Along with her cyan hair, which gave her the nickname” 

I think she heard us talking about her and she came over to talk to us 

And as she walked closer, I actually realized she was taller than me as well, but still significantly shorter than the other three 

“I heard you were talking about and I guess it’s no use hiding but yes, I am the one you were talking about, but I am not a full frontline member anymore since I am settling down soon so I am just doing some training for my future job switch as an instructor for troops” 

She turned and looked towards me and said 

“I would also really like to thank your parents for taking care of me for so long and I am actually sad you do not remember meeting me when you were younger 

Your parents gushed so much and still does, about you every time we have some sort of break during work, haha 

Glad to see you are growing up well and hope you can fill their shoes as you grow” 

She ended by patting me on my back 

I was embarrassed when she said her first sentence but then I said 

“Thank you for taking care of my parents and I hope you will take care of me as well, instructor” 

I said as I bowed 

And the other three also did the same thing 

“Same here” 


“We will be in your care ma'am” 

She smiled and said  


“Although I already said so earlier but if you guys have nothing to ask you can take the early break” 

And I saw that there was still quite a bit to go before the lessons end so I wanted to go and check out the other lessons for the other classes I possess when there is still some time 

“I think I am going to check the other classes since I still have quite a bit of time left 

I will head off now then, goodbye Miss and see ya guys next time” 

I said as I head out 

They waved as I left 

Now which class should I go to 

I thought as I made my way back up to the middle of the right wing 

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