I will save you in this 5th Life

Chapter 15: Solitary Dragon (2)

She came towards me with tremendous speed 

The scariest part was it did not feel like she was holding a spear and javelin at all, since it looked like they did not slow her down at all 

She then thrust her spear in front in an attempt to attack me 

But I was luckily able to pull up and put my lance sideways in order to block the thrust 


And the spear she was thrusting towards me got deflected by my lance which was heavier and more sturdy 

But she did not stop her assault 

But stopped her right foot, and continued to move forwards using her left foot 

Which gave her momentum to thrust the smaller javelin which was on her left hand 

And it was already too late when I realized that but I still tried to turn my lance sideways to deflect the assault 

But by the time I was finished, I felt something sharp poking my abdomen 

But I did not feel pain at all 

Then I saw that she had only lighting touched my abdomen using her javelin 

“So, this is usually how I fight my battles, I try to use both of my weapons so that I can catch the single wielders off guard, or be prepared to fight multiple enemies if needed” 

This was something I did to the twins in the prior lesson, but I can't believe I got done in the same way 

She was way too fast and her control despite holding two weapons were also unreal 

“Were you surprised by my speed despite using two weapons at the same time?” 

I nodded 

“There is no way you can swing those heavy weapons in that speed and that fluidly, I knew you were strong but you really broke my expectations” 

“I don’t know if I should call this cheating but It kind of is 

This is a result of the Lancer class trait, ability, or passive, whatever people call it these days 

The Rank 5 Lancer skill is called the Weightless Dragon, which allows Lancers who are wielding suitable weapons to increase their speed by accumulating mana in their legs 

This is also related to the Rank 6 skill the Pouncing Dragon, which focuses on the jumping ability of lancers, which for your reference also requires the Lancer to use suitable weapons to do so 

But me using two weapons is also a way of protecting myself” 

Protecting herself? 

I was curious but I chose to let her choose whether or should she talk about it 

“Do you mind listening to an old tale?” 

I shook my head 

“No, I don’t mind, you can go ahead and tell me” 

She nodded and continued 

“When I was young, I was already groomed to be the successor of my Lancer clan, but I think you already knew about that” 

I nodded 

She is the eldest child of a famous clan of Lancers in the country, which also means that she is to be the heir of the clan after the current leader retires or passes away unless some weird politics happens 

“So, as I said earlier, I was trained since young in order to become the next leader of my clan, and the Weightless Dragon which is the gap closing move of our class was also something I had been training for since I was an early age 

At first, I did not have much luck in learning the ability, but I like to think it was normal due to my young age 

But that was not what my family thought, and instead, they thought the environment was not suitable for me to learn the ability  

And thus, they thought to send me to our homeland, the Aotsuki Principality, where some of my relatives was living and also where our ancestorial homes were in order to gain some insight into how the ability works and also to see if the mana rich environment could work to improve my body 

And to their credit, it did work out and I was able to gain Ranks and became a Rank 5 by learning the Weightless Dragon skill 

But the problem was, it worked too well due to the Mana from both my father’s and mother’s Aotsuki bloodline along with the rich Mana from the Land of Aotsuki, caused me to gain too much Mana and also made it so that the speed I gained from using Weightless Dragon was much more than my eye could handle at any moment 

And I remember the first time I used this ability; it actually completely wrecked my eyes when I was finally able to master the ability for the first time 

Luckily, I was able to recover the ability to see again, thanks to the healers that my family hired 

But this was not the only time it had happened, it actually happens every time I tried to use the ability 

And everyone who was watching could clearly see that I was able to activate the ability, but I was just not able to control my speed and that was the reason my eyes were getting wrecked every time I was using it 

And boy let me tell you, losing your eyesight every time you use an ability was not fun at all, and the Draconic Body that you can gain as Rank 4 Lancer also did not protect my eye when I was using the ability 

This might be due to the Rank 9 Ability Draconic Eyes providing that ability to do so 

But that was very inconvenient for me since I technically did have the Rank 4 ability but did not have it at the same time 

My family told me to either get Artificial Eyes that could deal with the speed or to step down as a Lancer, but I refused the latter obviously but I also did not agree to the first option as well since that meant I had to cheat to opt out of this problem so I did not do so as well” 

As I heard her recounting her past, I slightly touched the area near my eyes and also touched my eyes after properly closing my eyes 

Wrecking your eyes not just once but multiple times 

Sounds like something that will mess you up for life 

Even if healing magic can heal those damages, that feeling is definitely going to be sickening 

I suddenly imagined eyes bursting under the large speed 

I should not have done that 

I cleared my unnecessary imagination and went back to listening to her 

“I told them I would try to find my own way out before resorting to using Artificial Eyes 

And as I was still trying to control my abilities I was still failing quite badly 

And one day before I was trying to do so again, with a healer by my side and also my relative watching me  

Suddenly a javelin flew towards me and luckily, I was able to catch it before anything bad happened 

But that was also something that gave me a clue 

Although Lancers definitely did not use two weapons most if not ever 

And I tried to use them both when I speeding up 

It still strained my eyes, but it took a longer time before it got wrecked 

Then I went to my uncle after getting my eyes healed in order to propose something  

I asked for the service of the blacksmith he was using” 

I interrupted 

“Was it to make new weapons that you could utilize? 

But isn't buying them directly a simpler option?” 

“That was my original plan as well, but I did not know how much weight did the weapons needed to have in order to help me withstand the speed 

And so instead I choose to ask for a custom weapon that I could adjust as it was being built 

Of course, at the expense of my eyes yet again 


That was quite the hollow laugh 

“And it took us quite some time to do so as well since we had to make a good balance between the material weight in order to weigh me down and also for the weapon to be durable when I am trying to attack my opponent 

And after some time, I came up with something that most of the people I was talking to thought was ridiculous 

I thought to use a gravity enchant on the weapon” 

“Gravity enchant, isn't that usually for locking down criminals incases they escape?” 

“Yes, you are correct, back when it was first used, it was mainly used as a joke enchant for various weapons 

But as time went by and the strength of the enchant increased and improved 

It was used to keep a hold of the more vicious criminals so that they do not escape 

And once I got wind of the strength of such an enchant, it thought to use it to increase the weight of my weapons to slow down my Weightless Dragon 

And despite the protest of using such a stigma filled enchant, I was finally able to slow down my ability enough to not wreck my eyes” 

“Honestly, other than the fact that you are a trooper for recovering and not wavering despite all those eye injuries, the other thing I got from this whole story was if this is your slowed down state, I am really curious about what you would look like in your actual speed” 

She laughed and said 

“If you don’t mind see some bloody eyes, I could show you as soon as there is a healer nearby, or you could wait till I get to rank 9 and get the necessary ability” 

“I am definitely taking the latter option; I do not want you to get unneeded injuries just to do that and I can wait for you to get the ability since I feel like it's much closer than you might think” 

“I hope so too” 

“But I am surprised you told me all that, I thought that was something you would keep hidden at all costs” 

“I guess so. But I don’t know why it feel fine telling you this 

I guess you give out that calming aura that makes people want to tell you some stuff 

Fun fact, you are the only one aside from the twins and Schild that know about this, aside from my family” 

“That is quite the group of people I have entered huh, but I am glad that you think highly of me to tell me all about this 

I will take it to the grave” 

I saluted  

“It is not that serious but I appreciate it” 

“Let's get back to the lesson since I am done with my old story 

So, I obviously did not give you the chance to use your abilities earlier 

But let's familiarize you with the abilities of a Lancer 

As shown earlier we are a Class with an emphasis on speed, and our various abilities also reflect that 

Other than the Rank 1 ability which is Lancer Mastery that is a weapon mastery skill that is common for most classes 

The as a Rank 2 you gain the ability to use ability Relentless Dragon, which increases our power every time you miss the enemy until you finally hit them 

Although the payoff is great when you get them at the end, it is definitely best to hit the enemy as soon as possible”  

I knew about the abilities already be it's always great to hear from someone else regarding the abilities of the classes you are not familiar with 

“Since you are only a Rank 2 Lancer, I think that’s all you have to know for now 

I will get to the next abilities when you get to the required Rank 

Although now that I think about it, I already told you about most of the abilities already and it's just a matter of time before you know what it is, if you did not already know about the skill 

Then ignore what I just said, let me just talk to you about the Rank 3 ability which is Sanguine Dragon, which allows you to recover your mana and vitality if you can damage an enemy, and this allows make it so that the monster’s aggression is target towards you, whether or not this works on humans depends on the ability of the user” 

And she was right, I did know about this but I am more interested in trying out my abilities instead of learning about them 

And I think she understood my expression since she said 

“I can already see you wanted to try out the abilities you have then let's go” 

I materialized my lance by chanting  

Rank 1 Ability Lance Mastery has activated 

“Now attack me and I won't fight back” 

I thrust forwards 

I hit the air as she dodged 

Then I felt mana accumulating in my lance 

Rank 2 Ability Relentless Dragon has activated 

Then I missed yet again 

And the skill activated again 

This happened three more times and I felt more and more mana gathering 

But I also felt more tired due to all the mana being gathered, along with the slight weight increase of the spear 

She looked at me 

“I guess you are now feeling the side effects of missing too much, that’s why I said its best to hit your opponent without too many misses” 

She then picked her spear and seemed to activate her abilities 

“Go for it, try to hit me now” 

Then I did as I was told 

The lance made contact with her abdomen, but I held back in order to not hurt her too much 

As it made contact, I felt all the weight from my lance and also my arm leave 

And all the mana seemed to have moved forwards and caused a slight impact on her body making her move back a little 

But her abilities along with me holding back likely lessened the blow a lot 

Rank 2 Ability Relentless Dragon has deactivated 

“Did you get a feel for it? 

Although it was not a full experience of being a Lancer but I think as you get used to using the weapon and using this class, I think it will be easier for you to utilize the charged impact much better 

Since we have some time left before this session ends, do you want me to explain how the Rank 3 skill feels so that you can try to learn it?” 

I nodded 

“The skill is kind of like the Rank 2 skill, but instead of just letting the impact get through and damaging the enemy, you should visualize pulling in the opponent’s mana or vitality in their body as you make contact 

Do you want to try it out now?” 

“Sure, since I want to stack up on some skills before the mock battle anyway” 

I was optimistic at first, but I could not get even close to understanding how it worked and I lost too much mana and energy to continue 

So, I had to spend the remaining time recovering before I went to the library 

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