I will save you in this 5th Life

Chapter 23: The Monster in the Night

"Wait am I going too fast with my story? 

Because it was actually after I went out for a bit that I found the weird stuff that I mentioned"

I shook my head to say

"I think it is fine to say it how ever you want to, but I think it is fine even if you go into more detail"

"Alright let me start from the beginning then

So at first I was just doing some review of the school subjects and reading some books that I had planned to read

And then I suddenly heard sounds of glass breaking but I did not think much of it since there was no one who was panicking due to the sound, so I just comminuted to do what I was already doing

And then I heard more sounds of glass breaking, closer this time

So I checked around my house to see if there were any windows or glass made items broken in my room

But everything seemed to be in perfect condition, which led me to think that the sound of the glass breaking was happening outside but also somewhat close to our building

So I ignored it for a second time thinking there would be someone who would be handling the problems soon

But after a while, although the sounds were gone, there was no one out there trying to solve the problem and it gave me a sense of unease as well since I felt that there was something wrong happening

Although I had no proof it was anything serious, my gut felt like if I did not go check what was happening, I would regret it"

She looked at me and said

"And my gut was right"

I nodded and said

"Its all thanks to you and your gut I am still fine today"

She then continued on with her story

"I put away all my stuff and prepared to go out in order to see what was happening

I did not bring any weapons since I had my Armamnet ready for battle so I just brought something that could be used for healing if I had to protect someone and could not have the option to heal them since I might be preoccupied with something else

So I just picked up some random selection of healing items head on me and went out to see what was happening

The first thing I was saw was the darkness due to the broken lamps

Which made me realise where the source of the sound was from

Then I just used Flame Orb in order to light up my path to see where I was going"

Flame Orb is a common support spell that can be used by people with fire affinity, and if I am not remembering wrong there is also a light spell equivalent that all Priests/Priestesses and Paladins who are locked into light affinity can learn

Although this is not something I can learn even if my Job Deck allows me to switch to a Paladin since I was not born as a true Paladin

She then continued on

"I then used the Flame Orb to light my path and follow the path of broken lamps all the way from our dorm to the convenience store which I assumed you passed through since the employee did tell me about someone fitting your characteristics passing by and buying something from her earlier

The employee then suggested that I stayed there for a while in order to hide from what was going on, but I declined since I was worried that you might be in some sort of trouble 

I also took a look at the office next to the store to report on the incident but I saw that it was closed for the night

Did you also happen to see the same thing or was I just too late when I went out?"

I nodded and told her

"Nah it was closed when I was there too

Which is something you don't really see these days but I guess some other major case happened last night, you also reminded me that I should probably go there later in order to provide a report on the incident"

She continued after hearing what I said

"I continued to follow the track of broken lamps for a while then I saw something on the floor that was not fragments of lamp glasses

I sent the Flame Orb closer to the object to see that it was some sort of liquid and what I assumed to be pieces of tentacles that had been cut up with a sharp blade writhing on the ground 

I then followed the traces of battles to see that there were more pieces of tentacles on the floor near the area where I found the first tentacle, to illuminate the surrounding area better I summoned more Orbs to spread them around

When I spread them around the area where I found there were more traces of battles due to the liquid which I assume where blood and also more pieces of tentacles that had been cut off

I also found one more peculiar thing and that was a convenience store bag that had some food and drinks in it

I assume that was your bag of items that I found?"

I nodded and said

"I was actually may be planning on getting to get it after I finished dealing with Red

Oh. Red is the way I am calling that thing we fought last night since the majority of their colour scheme was red so I used my creative juices in my brain to call it Red"

"Was there anything you wanted me to get from the bag?"

I shook my head and said

"Nah most of my important stuff was with me that time so it was fine even if I did not get the stuff from the bag, the only thing is I guess the waste of money from just leaving the food and drinks untouched

Now that I think about it, I am kinda pissed that Red caused me to lose money and be unable to have my dinner last night

I am going to thoroughly beat them the next time I see them"

I said half-jokingly but also with some semblance of truth

She looked and me and laughed slightly

"I will help you during that time so that you can get your revenge"

I nodded and said

"I will be counting on you"

"Let me continue then, I then saw traces of movement and saw that it seems someone had scaled the walls in order to enter the garden of a living area

And I assume it was you as well

In an attempt to run away from the thing that was chasing you?"

I nodded and added

"Can you believe that I didn't think it through before I scaled the wall and nearly thought I would not make it, luckily I was able to hold on due to my knife

But man the tentacles used by Red nearly choked me out and pulled off my head once I got on top of the wall, but luckily I was cut it off and escaped

But that was something I don't want to experience, the feeling of losing air and constricting of my trachea was horrible"

I shuddered as I touched my neck"

She looked at me with concern and said

"I am glad you were able to escape from that situation

And be sure to check out your neck area to see if there are any abnormalities as well"

I nodded as she continued with her story

"I thought for a bit whether or not I wanted to scale the wall and follow the tracks

But my feeling of wanting to know what happen won over my ethics of not wanting to break into a private so I quickly scaled the wall and follow the tracks of the battles

And the tracks were so easy to follow after I got out of the private area since there were so many liquids and cut tentacles all over the floor

What type of wild fight did you have with that monster that night, to leave all these types of tracks

But I am also surprised there have not been any reports regarding what had last night even with all the noise and evidence

This reminds me to turn on the news to see if there was anywhere this incident was reported"

She stood up and went to get her Device that she was connecting to a charging dock, while also continuing her story last night

"I followed the messy trial and heard some sound of combat making me sure I was heading in the right direction but then I heard a sound of something hitting the wall in a loud thud which made me increase my speed in case something went terribly wrong

And good thing I did that since I saw you crumpled up near the wall and shakily trying to get up, to be fair I actually did not it was you until I got closer to give you the healing potion

I first had to blast the assailant with a Flame Lance to keep it at a distance from you and to give myself ample amount of time to heal you up, so that you will have the chance to recover

But it seems that one Flame Lance was not enough and gave it another two more which finally made it work and caused the creature attacking you to be in a daze"

It seems the bright light I saw was the Flame Lances that were used by Yuuna, but as far as I remember I don't think the Flame Lances are in that colour and that bright

Unless I was just seeing things after my concussion, I have to make sure to ask her after she finishes

She continued on as she brought her Device to the table along with a display port to make the news video that she was planning on playing larger and show to both of us

"Once I got closer to your crumpled body on the floor I finally found out it was you that was knocked out on the ground, I threw up a temporary Flame Wall to make sure we are not disturbed when I was trying to heal you

After checking your body's status using Vital Check, I was relieved there was not anything I could not heal at that moment

I was planning on giving you the potion directly but since you were knocked out, I did not want to make you choke on it so I chose to feed it to you

And I drank the potion to give it to you"


Wait what

I felt my face slightly warm up

"Are you telling me you...."

"And then I used the Priestess Skill Holy Gift and forced it into your body

Eh, why are you burying your face in your hands again?"


I can't believe I forgot the Level 2 Skills that they have, which is kind of like an ability to send the full effect of a consumed item to an ally

I think she used this instead of her Healing Spells since she did not know how much mana she will have to expend in order to defeat Red, which is why she used the more efficient Holy Gift that would cost less mana but also could still heal the same amount if she had chosen to use healing magic

"Ignore me please"

She looked confused but still continued with her story

"I used two mid-level potions before you recovered enough for me not to worry about your condition

Before returning to battle, I checked your vitals one last time with Vital Check to make sure your body is recovering well

I set up a Holy Wall around your body to make sure no damage will reach your body while I try to fight the creature that you were fighting

Holy Wall?

That was a Defensive Spell of the Light Affinity but I did not know she was able to use it?

Could it be?

"Does this mean that you also got the Light Affinity due to being a Priestess?

I actually thought it would lock you into only having a Fire Affinity despite having a Class such as a Priestess that forces you into being an individual with Light Affinity"

"To be honest I only thought about doing it at that moment

Because I was planning on protecting you using the Flame Wall that I was keeping the creature at bay, but I thought the flames would affect you negatively so I thought at that moment

What if I tried using light magic to protect you, and what do you know I was able to do it"

Woah Woah Woah

Are you saying not only you can use two affinities, you learned to use light magic in such a short time

Damn that's some genius-level stuff she just did

I am going to have to keep working hard if I want to catch up to her level

"After shielding you with the Holy Wall, I continued on to fight it by using fire magic, but my Fire Balls and Flame Lances did not seem to have any effect

Which made it quite hard to try and completely defeat it or even try to repel it from the scene

While I was thinking about what to do it suddenly attacked me with one of its tentacles but I was able to dodge it at the expense of losing my concentration on feeding mana to the Holy Wall

Which made it think that you were a prime target and it immediately changed direction to take care of your first

But luckily I was use the Holy Wall on time but the tentacle was not able to stop in time and touched the Holy Wall

But I didn't expect that much of an effect on it

It seems to turn the tentacles into ash as soon as it touched it, which made me think that its weakness might be Light Magic so I tried to think of some Light Magic to use against it

I tried using Holy Lance against it but I was not able to make a good enough image to make it last to have enough impact to hurt it

So I tried doing something weird and mixing it up"

Don't tell me...

But I feel like she would just pull this off nonchalantly 

"So I thought what if I just mix some Light Magic into my Flame Lance and try to see if it will work

And what do you know it worked out much better than I thought"

There it is!

I thought as I put my head in my hands for the fifth or sixth time, I already lost count

She continued her story and said

"After hitting it with a few more shots of my Holy Flame Lance? 

It shrieked loudly and ran away

Sadly I could not defeat it"

"In a sense, I am glad you did not so that I can take my revenge but hopefully your attack will make it think twice before attacking any people in the night

But I can't believe you pulled off two crazy moves in that one fight"

She scratched her head and laughed sheepishly

I said under my breath

"Honestly I don't know who was the real monster at that moment"

She asked me

"Did you say anything?


I shook my head hard and tried to switch topics

"Let's look at what went on last night"

She seemed satisfied with my answer and turned on the news channels using her Device and it showed a familiar new anchor talking about what happened last night

"In six different areas, there were attacks done in by an unknown assailant, there is a chance that these attacks might be connected"

She then stopped and put her hand in her right ear, as if she was listening to new information

"It seems there has been evidence of a battle in Wakaba Street near the STARs Academy Dorms, where a similar liquid found in the six other attacks was discovered

Increasing the number of cases to 6 in the same night

The Security Office has urged any witnesses to call them and provide any sort of information that could prove useful"

I and Yuuna looked at each other and nodded once we heard the name of the area where we fought Red

"Let me go back and get ready so that we can go report this"

She also nodded and said

"I will also get ready and wait for you outside"


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