I will save you in this 5th Life

Chapter 3: The Silver Conference

Hey Hey HEY

I jolted awake as I heard four distinct names calling for me

Although I would not call this awake since I am pretty sure I am still in a dream because as I rubbed my eyes open, I saw four familiar silver-haired individuals that have been constantly appearing in my dreams.

I never noticed their similarities in appearance since their faces always becomes very vague when I wake up, but looking at them made me realize how alike they looked. The significant difference between them was their different tinges of colour in their silver hair and they also had different coloured eyes that corresponded with their patch of different coloured hair. Another obvious difference was their gender, but even though they were of different genders, it was really easy to see they were related somehow, due to their facial features being quite similar to each other.

After looking at their faces, I then realized they were sitting at a round table with their weapons sheathed.

They all beckoned me closer to the table, with the red-eyed Silver Warrior being the loudest of the bunch.

"Hey Fifth come closer to the table and we can talk more about what happening to you, it is not every day that you can see all of us in this type of event.”

I call him Silver Warrior because that is what I thought his class was, and that is also how I usually refer to the other members of the table, by adding silver in front of the job that I thought they had according to the evidence provided in my dream. He was still as loud as the man I dreamt of during the night, although I also felt a sense of pity, due to the gruesome end he faced at the end of his life.

According to what I had dreamed or more accurately experienced through him, he was a warrior who grew up in the slums. And though he grew up in such an improvised environment he had such a strong and blessed body for learning swordsmanship and was one day scouted by the passing by knight captain who caught a glimpse of his talent.

At first, he did not want to leave his family behind, but after hearing the benefits they would receive he gladly went along with the captain to train under the knight order. And at just the age of 15, he was already been chosen as the Vice-Captain of the order and helped protect the kingdom from many threats, other than martial prowess he was also known for his generosity due to him spent a large amount of his salary developing the slums in to better inhabitable and well-developed areas.

But he met his demise when he fell in love with a woman who caught the eye of the emperor, and even though they got fell in love with each other and got married first. The tyrannical and newly coronated emperor still wanted her for himself and chose to do whatever it takes to get his hands on her, going as far as to declare the Warrior as a traitor and seeking to get rid of him.

But that did not bode well for the Emperor as well since the warrior had already become an accomplished knight Captain by that time and many of his followers chose to follow him and rebel against the king instead of just quietly following orders and letting the Warrior go on exile.

Although all of the members of his Silver Wing Knight Order followed him after he left, the rebellion was still a very hard-fought battle for them since the Empire still had 5 more knight orders serving under him. And in the end, the Silver Wings lost and both Warrior and his wife had to be executed by hanging in order to preserve the lives of the remaining members of the order.

But I do not think that the empire survived for much longer after that since the rebellion actually did more damage to the Empire due to the silver wings decimating 3 orders and heavily incapacitating the remaining 2, meaning there was probably a very high chance that foreign countries would use this opportunity to take over the land of the recuperating and defenceless empire.

Now that I think about it again, it is crazy how strong his knight order was when compared to the others during his time in the empire, I hope that in the future I can be a good leader and make my group strong as he did.

"Hey Roy you are scaring her, why don’t you stay quiet since she is going to be coming to sit here anyway”

I heard another voice, this time it was more feminine than the one earlier and I turn to see a blue-eyed person reprimanding the warrior, Roy.

She gave me an apologetic look, despite having quite the feminine voice, you can clearly see that she is someone who is a trained warrior due to her built and rugged muscles, she also had a scar under her eye which was not actually from a battle according to my experience with her. She was also the original owner of Pridwen as evidenced by the buckler that was tied to her left hand.

As with all the other people sitting in this location, she also had a tragedy that ended her life.

From what I remembered, Silver Paladin was born in the Holy Kingdom and as a member of the Paladin family that had served the Empire for generations. She was also one of the best Paladins in the country despite being looked down upon for being a woman and the second child. She was a rare case for that time too, due to her immense Holy Magic aptitude and being born with an Armament, it allowed her to rise up the ranks from a young age and serve as one of the leading figures in the Empire's military by the age of 22.

While working at the palace she fell in love with someone she was not supposed to fall in love with, one of the empire's princesses and I cannot say if it’s a good thing or not but the princess also held the same feeling for the Paladin. But it is easy to guess that this story would be ending in a tragedy due to the stance towards same-sex relationships back in that period.

In addition, princesses were and are often used as tools in order to connect and create relationships between countries, and thus it would be easy to guess that the princess would have her life chosen ahead of time preventing her from finding a person she truly loved. It was also the same for Silver Paladin since, she was also someone who is a part of a strong family in the empire, so many of her family members had expectations for her to settle down and marry someone in order to extend the strong bloodline of the family.

Even though they had resigned themselves to their fates, they met and fell in love with each other. The relationship only continued to deepen due to Paladin being stationed near the palace allowing them to meet more often. As two women burdened by the same fate, they were able to find solace in each other and further strengthen their relationship since they found each other who loved them for themselves rather than their status or use as a tool.

But this happy time did not last long since, the church spies caught up to their relationship and told them to either break off their relationship or be exiled from the country, and those two begrudgingly broke off their relationship and tried to return to be strangers. But eventually, they chose to try and elope from the Kingdom instead.

They surprisingly succeeded with their plan and escape to a country two mountains away and tried to live on a low profile. The kingdom also various large-scale searches for them but luckily, they were able to hide from those investigations and lived a quiet life for a while. But it seems that their locations might have been found out by the church spies because one day after returning from work, the Paladin found the princess died in a pool of blood with the church sign next to her.

After burying her the paladin went on a berserk killing spree in the kingdom and the church, killing hundreds of soldiers and church officials before succumbing to her wounds.

"Take a seat fifth, I am Stella and you probably already know who I am although this might be the first time you are hearing my name so clearly”

She was right since, for some reason, I was not able to recall their name at all even though I had been dreaming about their lives for the past three years.

I took a seat at the table and looked to my left to see a person with his hood pulled back allowing me to get a full view of his purple eyes and purple-tinged silver hair, I was able to see that he had various daggers sheathed at his belt and I was also able to get a glimpse of Carnwenhau and sheathed alone on the left side of his belt, its white hilt allowed me to easily recognize its existence.

I recognized him from the dream in the morning, if I am not remembering it wrong, he should be a part of a government agency that focused on taking down terrorist groups and cults behind the scenes. Which aptly fit his class as a Rogue, which is why I obviously call him the Silver Rogue. He actually had a normal childhood; he joined the agency because he had nothing else to do and also due to having the talent for espionage and assassinations. Having the Armament Carnwenhau also further improved his ability to work behind the scenes. The case that led to his death was his investigation into the Crimsons Cult, which I dreamt of during the morning.

The Crimson Cult was an underground organization during his period, and there have been rumours that it still exists during this time but no one can be sure of its existence. But one thing is for sure about this Cult and that is they are very dangerous; they are a group of people who believe that human's salvation would be brought upon by the arrival of the Crimson Goddess.

The craziest part is their definition of salvation and also about how they are bringing about the arrival of the Crimson Goddess. They think that the Crimson Goddess will arrive when there is enough blood sacrificed for her and that is why they often try to cause large scale incidents and kidnap people to spill blood to make her descend to our realm. And they believe she will bring about the salvation of humanity by killing off everyone except her believers in order to create a new living environment that will not be defiled by their so-called heathens (which refers to people who do not support their cause).

While working with the agency he fell in love with a girl and married her after dating her for 2 years, living quite the blissful life. But as with his predecessors, he also suffered a tragedy, for some unknown reason the members of the Cult believed her to be a suitable host body for the goddess and kidnapped her. This also caused her death since the cultist believed that the host body had to have an empty soul for it to be possessed, but they were still unable to summon their so-called goddess and left her body in one town of their facilities after their failure.

That exact facility was the one Rogue was doing his raids upon and it was also then when he found out that she was taken to their facilities and died, this even made his resolve to destroy the cult even harder leading to his death that I dreamt of this morning before I went to the academy.

He looked at me and nodded

"The name's Sora, nice to meet you and I hope the Crimson Cult does not exist in your life time?”

“As far as the news goes, they were deemed a Level 5 threat 8 decades ago and had the organizations shut down with any stragglers killed and imprisoned. Most of the remanents are in hiding and do not pose any threats to the people nowadays”

“Thats great to here”

As he said that he had a beaming smile

“I guess it's just me left? I am Rei and I am probably the newest member of this ‘club’ until you joined”

I turned and looked towards a woman sitting next to Sora

She is a much slenderer woman compared to Stella but there were still plenty of muscles on her body, especially the regions near her arm, proving that she is also a seasoned warrior that should not be underestimated. Like all of the members around the table, she had silver hair with her extra colouration being gold, as evidenced by her golden eyes and golden locks found near the tip of her hair.

She seemed to be the original owner of Rhongomiant which was laid beside her chair, its brilliant gold handle and sharp blade showcasing its status as a divine weapon.

Silver Lancer otherwise known as Rei, was the last one I dreamt of since she is the newest one to join this group of unfortunate heroes meaning she was her death was also the latest out of everyone here.

From what my dreams have told me, she was a normal person who joined the army at a young age in order to climb up the ranks and live a luxurious life after she retires from the army. She thought she would be doing more tactic-based work and brushed up on reading various tactic books written by renowned strategists and also refined various existing strategies used by the army. But things didn’t go as she planned since they also found out that she is a valuable combat asset with her ability to use the lance, and thus she was promoted to the frontlines to be used as a field commander. Although she hated the prospect, she could not go against the army hierarchy and thus begrudgingly went to the frontlines.

The army's choice to promote her was proven to be correct since she was able to bring about many victories to the country through her leadership and quick-thinking ability on the field. Her combat abilities were also well-known throughout the continent with many people dubbing her a <Valkyrie> who are known for their ability to fight alone and also lead armies.

And as with all her predecessors, her tragedy started when she fell in love at first sight with a female soldier from another country. Their countries were in a temporary but shaky alliance during the first time they met, allowing them to meet often outside of their barracks. The other soldier was also an ace of the other country's army, but a dangerous one due to her <Class> being <Berserker>.

<Berserkers> are blessed with high mana capacity which is used to boost their battle strength during combat, and they can also restore their mana from the blood they spill during battle, allowing them to have a limitless amount of mana as long they are in battle. But due to the <Berserk> and <Bloodthirst> ability of this class which have a chance of activating by itself during battle, it could lead them to keep on battle until there are no living creatures around them, meaning they might even attack their allies if there are no more enemies around. And thus, she was feared despite being one of the best soldiers the army has to offer since most people see her as a tool for war or a monster.

Rei, who is from another country being the only one to see her as a human being and someone to love. As they talked more and also met up more, she was falling more in love with Rei and they also searched for various archives that could have books on how to help her control her outburst more. Although as time went by, they still were not able to find out any clues on how to do to so, she was naturally able to snap out of Berserk state if she thought about Rei, making them think strong feelings such as love could help them control the instability of her powers.

During this period, they were dating in secret, with Rei planning to propose to her at the end of their service, which was around the same time. One month before the end of their service, she bought a ring after secretly finding out her ring size. One week before the end of their service, the relation with their countries had started to get sour, and there had been talks that they would break off their alliance and be at war soon. In lieu of that, the couple were planning their escape routes in case a war did break out.

But as with her predecessors, it did not go as smoothly for her as well. The day before the end of their service both kingdoms declared war on each other, and the formerly allied soldiers stationed near the kingdom started to attack the kingdom and also attack Rei when they saw her. Rei cut down her former allies while looking for her lover, she found her after hearing large noise sounds and cries of several soldiers.

She went and saw her lover in berserk state fighting and defeating soldiers of both kingdoms. She rushed to her side and hoped that she would regain her sanity once she saw her face, but that proved futile because of the Berserk Crest that was cast on her.

Seeing the crest, she figured the only way for her to regain her sanity is to stall for the Crest to disappear or weaken her enough so that she cannot rampage anymore. So she decided to take her on since she had the strength to bring about either of the victory conditions.

She sent away all the other soldiers and summoned Rhongomiant to her side and started to fight her frenzied lover. She chose to increase her speed and transferred her offensive power to boost her defence using magic in order to slowly chip away at her opponent's defence and vitality. She chose to transfer the offensive power to increase her defences, in order to prevent herself from being demolished while also lowering her damage so she does not accidentally kill her with Rhongomiant.

They battled for hours and no one ever approached the place they were fighting in due to a large amount of mana released and also the amount of damage they were doing preventing people from entering the area.

But as luck would have it, as they were getting tired and close to finishing the fight, they both could not control their strength due to the fatigue and stabbed each other in their heart. Causing her lover to regain her sanity and enough for Rei to use the last of her power to put on the ring on her lover's finger, they then died in each other's arms after they reaffirmed their feelings for each other.

As I remembered their last scene, I also felt inexplicably sad, which was further amplified by the shine of a ring I saw on her left hand.

It was not just her, everyone that is sitting at this table makes feel sad for them and also the life they had led, this sadness was further enhanced due to the fact that I also experienced what they had, allowing me to feel how their happiness from meeting their lovers turned into despair at the end of their lives due to the tragedy they experience.

Rei was the first one to speak up since she probably what expression my face was making

“Don't make such a sad face, although as you experienced, we had all faced such a horrible in the end, we do not regret our lives, since we were able to find people that we love dearly. I guess the only regret of ours is that we were not able to spend out our lives with them”

The other three also nodded in agreement

Roy slammed the table and stated

“That's why are here to provide our strengths so that you would not go through the things we went through and would be able to live out your life with the person you love”

"But you guys never appeared and talked to me before today, what made you guys suddenly appear and hold a meeting with me”

Sora chose to respond to my query

“It's because you found you other half finally, so we chose to show ourselves and provide insight into fates with the one we love.”

"Huh? I found my other half, wait who are you talking about?”

“I think the answer is quite easy to find out once you recall all of our memories again”

Stella interjects

Common point with their memories, they all had silver hair and were strong warriors, died in a tragedy without being able to live out their lives with their lovers, their lover had red hair and had a face similar to the girl I met this morning



They all looked at my face and saw my shocked face and Roy amusedly said

“You are pretty slow huh?”

"But this does not make sense I just met her this morning and just thought she was familiar since I remember seeing someone similar to her in my dreams.”

"Well, I did suddenly think she was cute that one time during the assembly this morning.”

I added quietly

They all had amused faces hearing my quiet remark

Rei then further said

"We know that feeling, we were also quite shocked when we found out that they were supposed to be our soul mate or other half as other people say”

“It really is a shock to someone come in your dreams and tell you that the person you just recently saw for the first time is someone you would spend your life with. It was the same for us as well, well for three of us at least.”

She said the last sentence as she looked at Roy

AH, Roy did not have anyone telling him who was his other half since he was the first one to start this cycle

I then got worried about the genuinely of my feelings towards Yuuna since there was no way to see if it was real or just manipulated by the people here

I then started my query out loud, and Sora was the one who answered me this time

“I agree with your query and worries, as the three of thought the same thing when our predecessor first appeared in front of us”

I made a mental note of the usage of “predecessor” instead of "predecessors”

“And you are hundred percent right since there really is no way to prove that is true, and all of us just started by talking to the person we "fell in love with” and as time passed by, we really fell in love with them and that started the series of events that led to our deaths as you saw in our dreams.”

“So, I guess the best choice of action is to just start talking with her and who knows you might fall in love with her as well. You finding her cute is a good first step, Haha.”

After hearing him say that, I thought it would not be bad to start as friends I guess since I was curious about her as well

“But do you guys know why we are always born with silver hair and look so similar, while the person we love is always a red haired and also look similar each cycle as well?”

Roy then stated

“As you just said, it is a cycle and the similarities between us and our other half might be due to me and her being the first person starting the cycle”

“As for why this cycle has started, we have no clue, it might be a prank or even punishment from gods. Or if we are seeing this optimistically, they might be giving a chance to be with our lover and break the cycle, which is something each of us tried and failed. But with the differences that happened with this cycle, we have very high suspicions that you will be the one to break it.”

“Why do you think so? And what differences do you mean? Is this related to the fact that Sora said predecessor instead of predecessors earlier?”

“Yes, let us finally enter the main ‘main topic’ and talk about the irregularity in this cycle”

Roy then continued on


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