I Woke up One Day as a God

Chapter-15 Pancakes :)

After finally seeing Corrin for the first time in a long time I didn’t know what to do. Come on me, say something. Just say hello and compliment her clothes… Oh, I forgot she’s not wearing anything. Wait no, she’s not wearing anything! Where am I supposed to look?! Oh god this is awkward. Initiate Plan B! …What’s Plan B?

Uh, execute plan ‘Cover my eyes and go to sleep until I’m more prepared.’ “Yes, sleep will…solve…everything.”

“Hey wait a sec! Don’t fall asleep in the bath!”


“So when am I going to be allowed to see you while you’re awake. You’re adorable when you sleep, but I’d much rather get to talk with you again.”

I shuffle around in bed without really acknowledging what I’m hearing and tiredly say, “Please, ten more minutes? Maybe another hour or two?”

“You truly do love sleeping. Well scoot over then; the bed is big enough to share.”

Through my hazy consciousness I roll over, accidentally getting curled up in all of the blankets. Snuggled up in all of the blankets I feel extremely comfortable and say the first word that comes to mind. “Soft”

I hear a soft giggle from behind me and someone says, “Of course they’re soft. Who’d sleep with hard blankets? Speaking of blankets, you’ve taken all of mine so I hope you don’t mind if I take some of your warmth.”

Inside the comfy bliss of the blankets I feel sorry for the person who can’t experience the blissful warmth with me. Ah, I know what to do. I create a bunch of blankets so the other person can join me in the blissful warmth. I then immediately started to drift into sleep again.

“Oh so this is your power. It certainly explains how we lost sight of you. Hey wait a sec you can’t just ignore my flirting like that! You were supposed to shyly accept me as your hugging pillow! Boo, I wanted to cuddle with you.” 

After a moment’s pause the person spoke one last time. “Well I guess you do look comfortable inside there. I suppose I have no choice, but to accept your offer.” They lowered themselves onto the bed and after a bit of rolling we were now experiencing the cozy warmth together.

I woke up in the morning with a hearty yawn. With my sisterly duties calling I prepared to wake up Annette. I lift my arms to get out from underneath the blankets and end up rolling off the bed; gently landing on the floor. Only then do I realize, “Ehhh, I can’t move.” I hopelessly wiggle around on the floor for a bit, only succeeding to roll under the bed.

“Hey, when did our bed get so high off the ground? Eh whatever.” I let out yet another yawn as I say, “Annette, your big sis requires saving.”

A few seconds pass and another person rolls off the bed. They wiggle around in silence for a few seconds before successfully turning around to face me. Wait, isn't that Corrin!? How did I end up in her bed!? And why does she look so cute despite only just waking up? Not fair, I need to create something that will always make me cute no matter the situation.

While I ponder over life’s greatest mysteries I begin to hear Corrin’s ever familiar teasing voice. “Fancy meeting you here. It’s not every day I find a cinnamon roll hiding under my bed.” 

Upon seeing this dreamlike encounter my brain empties of things to say and I begin to consider going back to sleep. I take a last look at Corrin and begin to close my eyes-

“HEY! Hey don’t you go falling asleep on me again. Geez you’re a regular old hypersomniac. Now how about we get out of these blankets and I’ll treat you to a comfy breakfast. You said you liked pancakes so how about I make you some fluffy pancakes before you fall asleep and eat my fluffy pillows.”

Hmm, on one hand I could go back to sleep and wake up from this lucid dream. On the other hand, “Yay, Pancakes!”

“Haha I figured that would wake you up. Well hurry up and roll out of there. I’ll just get these blankets off me and…” Corrin’s voice slowly trailed off as she struggled against the blankets cocooned around her. She continued to roll around eventually leaving my sight and giving me room to roll out. Upon doing so I end up bumping heads with Corrin.

We both tried to instinctively rub our foreheads, but try as we might, we were still stuck in our warm and comfy blankets…zzzzzzz.

“Hey what did I just say about falling asleep! Remember the pancakes! The soft, fluffy pancakes; freshly made with maple syrup slowly sliding down the stack. You can’t eat any pancakes if you go back to sleep.”

I let out a quiet nooooo~ in response to her words and then start to fully wake up. Gradually the haze around my mind slowly clears. I begin to recall how I just fell asleep in the bath next to a naked Corrin last night, but the most embarrassing part is everything that just happened. God why am I so stupid while I’m sleepy. I’m acting like a little kid around Corrin when I should be showing her just how capable I am now that I have a little sister.

“Hey sleepyhead, those pancakes aren’t gonna be made until dinnertime if you don’t help me out of these blankets.”

“Uh… How do I do that?”

“Aren’t you the one that created these blankets? I know it’s hard for you to think around me, but you’re gonna have more luck using your head than I will.”

Hmm. Surely I can create something else to get us out of this situation? A teleporter thingy maybe? Wait a second. I don’t need to create anything; pretty sure I can uncreate anything I’ve created. A quick second later the blankets around Corrin no longer exist. I try to uncreate the ones around me, but I guess I didn’t create them? Why were the ones I created only around Corrin? Eh it’s whatever I guess since Corrin quickly came to my aid.

Once I am freed from the blankets at last I say, “Well that was dumb. Let’s ignore the blankets and focus on the more important soft things. Pancakes!” With an excited shout I quickly exited the room and then quickly slowed to a halt as I started to actually use my brain. 

I don’t remember putting on this sleepwear. I don’t think I even remember creating these. I mean they’re really comfy and coloured in a cute shade of pink so I’m not complaining. …I guess Corrin must’ve gotten me out of my wet clothes and changed me into some comfier clothing. Thanks Corrin you really help me out so much.

Ach wait, why am I still at Corrin’s?! I thought I was supposed to leave her in the night. How does she even recognize me after I’ve changed bodies? How did she figure out I can create things and why does she not seem to care that I can? …You know what? I don’t care. I’m finally talking to Corrin again! Though are we actually reunited or am I just having the best lucid dream of my life?

Argh I just got done saying how I didn’t care. It’s ok I have the perfect way to figure out if it’s a dream or not. Everyone knows that the food you eat in dreams tastes like a pillow so I just gotta eat Corrin’s delicious pancakes and all will be revealed. Haha another mystery solved by yours truly.

Corrin’s Pov

After she left the room I immediately took action to start screaming into my pillow. “Ahhhh! You’re a dirty rotten liar mom! You said that if I kept using flirty lines one of them would have to get through, but nooo instead all I did was embarrass myself. I don’t think she noticed even a single one of them. Even though I spent so long memorizing the entire book for when we met again.”

I compose myself and let out a sigh. Oh well. I guess it’s my fault for trying to flirt with someone half-asleep. Knowing her though I wouldn’t be surprised if she’s always half-asleep. That’s part of why she’s so cute though so all is forgiven.

Ah wait, I can't just happily sit here I’m sure she’s eagerly waiting for breakfast and I still gotta explain the whole parents are gods thing so I better hurry into the kitchen.

Pancakes :)


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