I Woke up One Day as a God

Chapter-3 Those Old Dudes Won’t Miss the Money… Right?

When I woke up it was already noon, which I guess isn’t too surprising since I stayed up most of the night creating my little sister and then making dinner. Maybe I could have made a pill that makes it so that I don’t need to sleep, but why the hell would I do that. The feeling of fading into nothingness until you wake up is amazing. 

Anyways Annette and I slept in my room since the house didn’t have any other bedrooms. My parents don’t live here but the house is still registered under their names. They just disappeared on my tenth birthday leaving me the house, but they still continued to send me money. I don’t know where they went, and I don’t know how they got around the law for having a child live alone. In the end it doesn’t matter because with my new power I can just create a new life for me and my new little sister.

So with my next thing to do planned I set out to accomplish it. Kind of… All I actually did was have my smart computer discreetly steal a couple billion dollars from some rich dudes and then put it in my own bank account. I then realized that my bank account with no money suddenly gaining billions might be suspicious or something. I don’t really know how banks deal with that but I’d rather not get arrested. So I created a USB that when plugged in to any computer it alters people’s perspective or something like that to where they don’t find what that computer is doing weird at all. 

Next I started searching online for houses because people are going to question why a stranger is living in the house of a girl that died yesterday. When I found houses that interested me I created teleporting drones with a camera feed so I could look around without having to go there. 

It only took me about 10 minutes to find the house I wanted. It wasn’t big enough to where cleaning the house or walking between the rooms was a pain, and it wasn’t so small that it was cramped. There were a few more expensive houses that came with furniture but I can always create my own. The only downside was that it was on the outskirts of the city but I can always give us the power to teleport or something like that to make movement around the city quicker.

After I finished buying our new house I heard Annette waking up. Right now she really seems like a cat because she let out a big stretch and a long yawn. “What are you doing Big Sis?”

“Nothing important Annette. You want to go get something to eat?” I bet her reaction when I surprise her with the new house will be really cute. Especially since according to the memories I created for her, we are only temporarily living at a friend's house while they’re on vacation.

Her eyes lit up as soon as she said that. I’m glad that she loves food as much as I do. “Are you going to make the food again Big Sis?”

Ahhh she loves my food. Don’t you worry your Big Sis will spoil you as much as you want. Or at least I would make the food again but I really want to go out to eat so that I can surprise her with the new house. “Actually I was thinking of getting some fast food. Would that be fine with you Annette?”

“Yeah your food is great but fast food is even better!” Ah that’s really sweet of her to say but it also kind of hurts. I guess children will always be the best at unintentional insults. 

I told her, “Well once you finish getting dressed we can leave.” Annette looked down at herself only just seeming to realize that she was still in pajamas. She then started getting dressed and I realized that I should create a new driver’s license and then create a car. Wait, I also need to make license plates or something. Uhh I don’t really know how the government does these things so I place my future in your hands smart computer. Maybe I should give it a name because of how helpful it's been.

While I was thinking of names Annette finished getting dressed so we left the house and walked towards the car. “Big Sis, when did you get a car?” Oh yeah I kind of forgot that in her memories we didn’t have one. Should I just tell her I can create anything? Nah she’ll likely think that I'm just joking around.

“Uhh a friend of mine was borrowing it and they gave it back during the night.”

She pouted a bit and said, “Which friend?” I technically don’t have any friends anymore. Should I just say some random name? Wait I can’t, in the memories I gave her I introduced all of my fake friends to her. Oh I know, I can just change the topic.

“Oh are you jealous that I hung out with someone else?”

She blushed a bit then said, “You're my Big Sis of course I won’t let anyone else take you.” I feel like she just keeps getting sweeter the more time I hang out with her. At least the distraction worked so we ate some fast food and I started driving towards the new house.

As we got closer and closer to the house I was starting to get a little nervous. What if she doesn’t like the new house? I was able to buy the house successfully and I think I’m old enough to own it legally so nothing should go wrong. But then why does it feel like I’m forgetting something.

Since this isn't my main series I'll let you guys decide how I should release chapters.

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