I Woke up One Day as a God

Chapter-5 A New Look

Thanks to the robot maids I created there wasn’t much work left for me to do. I know it’s because they’re robots but they are way too eager to do anything I want them to. I might run into some problems explaining to Annette why they’re here but they are really convenient to have around and once they become able to perfectly mimic a human they can watch over Annette if I ever need to leave her alone. I’m happy with what I created and this helped me learn a bit more about my power.

What I know about my power is that it is kind of instinctual on how I use it. It’s a lot like breathing, I can normally use it whenever I think “I want to create this.” But if I were to focus I can think about creating something without immediately creating it. Doing this is how I can change details about my creations.

The extra details are necessary to create stuff that doesn’t exist in real life or stuff in movies and books that I wouldn’t know how they actually work. I can choose to add as many details as I want to whatever I’m creating. Though after I create something I can’t create new details to give to it for some reason. That doesn’t stop me from just making something like a whistle that when blown adds the details I want.

After all my experimenting with creating the robot maids the conclusion I came to about my power is… My power pointlessly tries to follow the rules that I can only create instead of changing stuff that already exists. However it will immediately break those rules by allowing me to create things that can change something when used. Loopholes are quite the amazing thing.

Well if the rules about how my power works ever get in my way I’ll just create a pill that will change those rules to whatever I want when eaten. After I finished going over everything I learned I tried to grab my phone but I couldn’t find it in my pocket. “Urgh don’t tell me I left my phone at my old house.”

I could just create an exact copy of my phone but I’ll probably just lose it or break it within a few months like I always do. Maybe I can create something that will make it impossible for me to lose it? I could create a phone that just teleports into my pocket every thirty minutes, but that’s kind of a boring solution. I can create anything so of course I want to create something pointlessly sci-fi. 

But what should I create? In all the sci-fi movies I’ve seen it’s usually just a normal phone that projects holograms of the person talking to you. That isn’t really that cool, not to mention annoying because I don’t really need to see what the person talking to me looks like. Now that I think about it, the people who make sci-fi movies kind of suck at making devices that don’t explode or make other things explode.

I guess I just have to create something new instead of copying from movies. So for now all I want is something with the capabilities of a phone that won’t break and I can’t lose. I could just use my boring idea I came up with earlier, but I feel like I could make a more convenient phone. Maybe I can make it so that I don’t need to hold it? I could make it search things up for me but speech to text is boring so maybe thoughts to text? Maybe I could have it give me information directly to the brain so that I can look stuff up while doing something else?

I started coming up with a crap ton of ideas for what was supposed to be a phone but eventually started turning into another smart computer that can do anything. Almost seemed like something that an android would have rather than a human. Of course I mean the human robot hybrid type of android not the phone brand. 

Though now that I’m thinking about androids maybe I should turn myself into one? Creating special eyes for myself would work with all of my ideas. Then again if I created special eyes I wouldn’t be able to use them because I can't change something that already exists. Oh well I’ll just have to abuse the loophole in the rules and create a machine that can safely, and painlessly, replace one of my eyes with my new creation.

One hour later and I now have a cool new eye that can do a bunch of stuff. It can do everything that a phone can do, though making phone calls is kind of weird so I had to change it to where I send my thoughts to the other person’s phone and it comes out as if I spoke. I have no idea how my tech is compatible with normal phones considering my tech is incredibly advanced, but I guess my power doesn’t really give a shit about stuff like that. 

I also decided to have my eye change colour from blue to a light red when it’s being used because I thought it was kind of cool. There’s a joke about something like that right? With someone being all, “My overwhelming power that can change the world is sealed in my right eye.” Not to mention a lot of the cool characters in books that have special powers also have heterochromia and I’d feel left out if I wasn’t like them.

Anyway as far as I can tell my eye works exactly as I designed it. Though now that it’s finished I realize how far my original objective has changed. I just wanted to check what time it was and now one of my eyes is different and I have a giant machine that is sitting in the middle of the living room.

I was about to check the time when I heard Annette, who was sounding a bit scared. call out from the bedroom. “Big Sis, where are you?” Shit I hope she didn’t have a nightmare because I didn’t sleep with her like the me in her memories did. 

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