I Woke up One Day as a God

Chapter-7 Creating a World is Kind of Hard

For the past few weeks Annette and I have just been playing games together. I know that it’s summer break and there’s probably fun activities to do outside but aside from Annette I don’t have anyone else I can do anything with. I could create some friends but doing so would just make me sound incredibly sad. 

I wonder if Annette is happy with just being around me. Maybe I should look for a school that Annette can go to once Summer Break ends. She’s so adorable that it would be impossible for her to not have other friends her age. But what if she ignores other kids because she’s too attached to me? I’m starting to feel more like a mom worrying about her daughter rather than a reliable older sister.

Oh well I can probably ask Annette about it later and hold off on finding a school for now. I just hope I don’t forget about it until it’s too late. I guess if I pass the allowed time to sign her up I can just forge documents or something like that using my super computer. Though I kind of feel like I’m giving it too much work.

“You’re not going to overthrow humanity, right?” I kind of mumbled it as a joke since theoretically robots can’t go against their programming. Then again with my powers I could probably create a robot uprising. Wait no, what the hell am I thinking about. 

I guess I’m just kind of bored and want to create something. Maybe I can watch some videos online for ideas and if I don’t get any ideas at least I managed to entertain myself. Ah before I start watching I should check in on Annette. The maids take care of her when I’m not watching over her but I’m sure Annette wouldn’t mind me saying hello.

I found her in the game room like usual. She is currently playing a fantasy rpg that was released a few days ago. “Hey Annette, how's the game?” When I said that she lost focus and died… Oops?

“Big Sis, please help me, this game is too hard.”

Well I did kind of make her lose focus, so it wouldn’t hurt to help her. “Okay Annette I’ll show you how reliable your big sister can be.” I sat down, picked up the controller, and chose to restart the battle. I then died almost instantly. Damn I didn’t realize she was at the final boss.

Yeah I don’t know if I can help her. It took me three hours to beat the final boss and that was only because I got lucky on my winning attempt. I really want to show off to Annette by helping her so my only other option is to cheat. Some people would say I shouldn’t be proud of winning if I cheat but I like finding ways to cheat even the easiest of bosses.

Though I won’t be cheating by using a strat in the game this time. “Hey Annette, can you get me a cup of water?”

“Sure thing Big Sis.”

Now that Annette is gone I’ll just put this controller away and create one that when used makes it impossible to lose because it plays for you no matter what you press. Wait I have to give a controller back to Annette and I’d rather not give her this one because it isn’t as fun if you can’t lose. Winning on your own merits is part of the fun after all. Uh… screw it I’ll just create a pill that gives me the ability to swap objects when it’s eaten.

It didn’t take much longer until Annette got back and my plan worked perfectly. I, or more accurately the controller, easily defeated the boss and now Annette gets to watch the really happy ending. I should probably get back to what I wanted to do but playing the game also kind of inspired me. I’m really in the mood to create something fantasy like now. The question is what to create.

I could make magic or fantasy creatures exist but I don’t want to change Earth with my power just yet. Making fantasy weapons wouldn’t be very entertaining and I wouldn’t be able to use them anyway. I could try making a Fantasy genre game but I don’t know the first thing when it comes to creating an entertaining game. I could use my power to just create an entertaining fantasy game, but because I don’t actually specify anything it won’t feel like I actually created it.

If all those are out of the question maybe I can just create a fantasy world. It would be a good way to test if my power truly has no limit and it would be pretty entertaining. Though I have to decide the specifications of how the world works. I’d like to watch over the world sometimes so I should have time in that world progress quicker than here. I’m not really confident in creating unique monsters so for now I’ll just create normal animals. Actually I should probably finish creating the world’s geography before deciding what exists on it.

 So I created a world with only one planet whose geography is a mix of real life and video game maps. I’ll decide what fantasy species I want to add later so for now it’s just going to be humans and I’ll make them already have the intelligence of the middle ages or whenever fantasy worlds are supposed to take place. I guess this is as good a starting point as any so I created the world and I instantly found a problem.

Time progresses too fast over there so I can't really pay attention to anything happening before it ends. Lets see, if I make a month over there equal a day over here it should be good. That way I should be able to actually pay attention to events that interest me without them resolving in a single second.

Now the world should be fine right now though I feel like I forgot something. Ah shit! I forgot to add magic.

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