Ice Queen in Another World – Volume 1 [Completed]

[15] Smelling Trouble

Time didn't stop for them. The Guildhall was rough and there were constant movements, voices echoed and boots clicked against the stone ground, even the air stung with the smell of food—particularly meat. Yet, within that chaotic space, three people stared at one another, unmoving as they seized each up.

There was curiosity in Alicia's eyes. Clara felt excitement. And Claire produced a light smile.

"My name is Claire Hill," She finally spoke.

"Alicia Fraught." The vampire nodded, chiming in.

"This place doesn't seem half-bad." Claire finished, looking over the area.

There was a smile on the receptionist's lips, as if she was showing a guest her well furnished and decorated home. As someone who had lived to become sensitive to the stares and expressions others had towards her, Claire thought the woman 'genuine'.

"Mhmm," Clara nodded, "It becomes mundane, however."

Claire raised a brow, "Do you dislike the mundane?"

"I do."

"I quite like the mundane."

"Then, you will soon come to love this city." Clara smiled.

There was no hesitation in her voice. She wasn't a person that hid her thoughts or emotions, nor someone who bet around the bushes, she was straightforward.

Alicia, on the other hand, shook her head, "I've lived with the mundane for too long, I think I rather have excitement."

Hers was a sharp voice, almost like a beast that found a worthy prey to stalk, faint but sharp. For a person that wore her emotions on the sleeves of her clothing, it was quite unusual.

Clara nodded at the girl, finding her an interesting sight. Even with half a mask covering her face, the girl always seemed to have no problem showing her expressions when she chose to. Especially even now, her crimson eye constantly glanced here and there in curiosity.

She handed over two plain white cards.

"Put a drop of your blood on it and keep it with you at all times. If someone has it, they could steal your identity—if you ever suspect that has happened, come find me." She explained. to them.

"You know the cost right?" She asked.

Both nodded, "The completion of a request."

Good, she thought, pointing the two towards the board, "I recommend you pick one suitable for your current strengths."

They nodded and walked away, she continued to watch them through the corner of her eyes as she served the next person in the line.

Claire passed a dagger of ice over to Alicia as she stared at the once pure white card.  Her blood dripped onto the card, wiggling and twisting before being absorbed. It took a moment, there was a red glow of light before what appeared to be crimson scribbles slowly filled the card. She didn't exactly know what language it was in, except that it was definitely not English. Yet, something in her head seemed to click as the words translated themselves before her.

[Name: Claire Hill

Records: Walker of Worlds

Rank: A+]

That was what was on the left side, while on the right, there was a small seal. Circular, it held within it the image of a sword striking through a shield. It looked like there was a possible space for more.

Looking over at Alicia's card, it appeared similar.

They soon found themselves before the request board, glancing over it.

There was a collection request. It asked for the collection of something called a Colo flower within or at the outskirts of the forest to be used by the alchemist guild, promising to pay 1 copper con per flower. Claire had no idea of how that flower looked, and she didn't feel like entering the forest any time soon, so she left it be.

There was a guard request for a helper for the coal mining company 'Black Lagoon'. It asked for a party of three to help protect miners as they ventured into the caves in case they had encounters with goblins or imps. Although she didn't exactly know, its pay seemed decent, two silver coins per hour. However, there were only two of them currently.

Claire skipped over that one and glanced at another. She could already see Alicia's eyes shining at the parchment hung up.

[Mission: Find the source of the goblin and imp infestation and rid them from the inter-connected mines of the Black Lagoon company.

Individual Rank: A+

Party Rank:  A+

Reward: Two gold coins.]

Looking at the top of the parchment, it was from the same company, Black Lagoon.

There was nothing to it, Claire quickly swiped it from the board and walked back to the counter.

"This one." She handed the parchment over.

Clara took the piece of paper with a smile but soon frowned, she looked back at the two girls, "Are you su-?"

Alicia threw her Sacred Card on top of the counter, she was already itching to move her body and seemed anxious to get this along as fast as possible. Although skeptical, Clara picked up the card and examined it.

[Name: Alicia Fraught

Records: Cursed Child

Rank: S-]

The receptionist's emerald eyes opened wide, she glanced at the two girls before glancing back at the card and then back to the girls. She gulped, handing the card over with a fiercely beating heart and quickly beginning the procedures for the request.

However, at that moment, the door to the guild hall flung open as two figures walked in--attracting the eyes of all.

The first was a young man who looked to be 19 years of age, his skin just a smidge darker than commonplace, and he appeared neither skinny nor muscular. He had a head of light blue hair that reached his lower shoulders and eyes of copper brown. Wearing a set of black leather armor and a sword at his back, he stood tall and almost grandiose, a perpetual grin on his face.

Following behind him was a small and petite girl carrying a large, brown, bag on her back that seemed to have been stuffed with all the mysteries of the world. It was to the point where the bag itself appeared larger and taller than the girl carrying it effortlessly. Her skin was tanned, even a darker shade than Clara herself. She had a head of dirty-blonde hair and a right eye of lime green with a dark blue left. She wore pants of white lined with gold and a vest of the same colors upon what appeared to be a red long sleeved shirt. However, what caught everyone's eyes was her large--long--ears that hung low and twitched from time to time.

The boy frowned, glancing back and snaring a "Hurry up."

The girl's face seemed to twitch as she staggered into the place, her head was downcast, and when she crossed eyes with the people within--a small, white, smile formed from her lips.

There were multiple audible gasps as murmurs filled the air, "The Hero of heart...what is he doing here?"

The man seemed to lift his chest and head up higher at the satisfaction of having his presence known, raising his voice and hallowing, "I have come to liberate the mines! Where is the request?"

Alicia tilted her head, showing her fangs, merely glancing at the duo once before losing interest and no longer paying them any mind. Claire furrowed her brows. And Lara frowned. The latter two looked at each other and then back at the man.

'Hero of Heart?' Claire wondered.

'Do goblin and imp blood taste good?' Alicia wondered, she had no idea how she knew what those two creatures were and didn't bother to think too hard about it, 'But will they taste better than Claire's?'

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