Ice Queen in Another World – Volume 1 [Completed]

[2] It’s Ice

"Why do you not want to enter into a fantasy world?" Michael tilted his head in disbelief.

"One." Claire raised a finger. "You never said it was a fantasy world."

"In this type of story, a fantasy world is a given," The archangel replied, matter-of-factly.

However, his words were simply tranced over.

"Two." She held another finger up for him to see. "Why should I want to enter a fantasy world?" Her head arched upwards to gleam at his features.

He wrinkled his brows for a moment. That was indeed a question to behold. Why should she venture into a fantasy world? Would it really be able to change her atrocious aura? Would it be able to fix her deficiency? Would it fix this mind of hers that thought like she did?

"Why do I feel as if you are thinking rudely of me?" A mutter reached his ears and brought his thoughts back.

He acted as if he heard nothing and threw a question of his own. "You are a young 15-year-old high schooler, wouldn't your kind Jump at the chance to adventure amidst a fantasy setting?"

"As sorry as I would like to be to disappoint you—which I am not in the least bit—but I quite like my life on earth," She replied back, unfazed.

He shook his head, chuckling as he spoke, "You don't understand. You have no choice. Your God has proclaimed it so, and his words are not to be ignored."

"Even if I do not want to go?" She raised a brow.




Claire grumbled as she looked at the sheepish smile on Michael's face.

"Fine." She forced the word from her depths as if she were vomiting out an horrid aftertaste. Honestly, she was. The aftertaste of losing a confrontation of words was not a pleasant experience for her. She rarely ever lost something like that.

Michael, the archangel of the first seat, nodded his head with a beaming smile proclaiming his victory. He seemed proud of the fact that he won over a mortal teenage girl.

"Now, the problem still remains on whether you want to be reincarnated or transmigrated."

"What's the difference?" She tilted her head.

"Well, in simplicity: Transmigration simply constitutes me sending you to another world with the same body, while Reincarnation leads to having you be born again as a baby within another world. The same soul but a different body built for you. Yet, in both cases, we can choose whether or not you wish to keep your memories."

"Isn't the choice obvious?" Claire thought him stupid.

"I quite like my body and my memories and I'm in no rush to forget my parents—wait, where are they, anyway? Are they aware of this ongoing situation?"

She narrowed her eyes.

"Oh? Them?"

Micheal snapped his fingers.

There was a volume of white smoke just behind the angel which two individuals unhurriedly stepped out from.

The first was a woman with draping black hair and crystal-like ruby eyes etched upon her youthful face, she wore a singular dress of dark amethyst. The next was a man with a bit of a scruffy beard around his chin, a simple robust statue, and his arms crossed above his large chest. He, on the other hand, wore a simple attire of a plain white shirt and cotton black pants—much less refined than his wife, but elegant nonetheless.

They glanced at the area for a moment before turning their attention to Claire.

"Honey, you wouldn't believe who we just met!" The woman said enthusiastically as she waved her hand with a bright smile plastered on her face.

"Did you meet God?" Claire raised a brow at her happily smiling mother and the content face of her father.

"Yes yes! He was a kind and gentle old man and gave us whatever it is we asked for. He treated us as if we were his own children and politely answered every—wait, how do you know?" She tilted her head, an innocent expression on her facade.

Claire nodded and replied, dodging her question, "Well then, goodbye for awhile I suppose, Mother, Father."

Her parents tilted their heads. What was this girl saying? Where was she going?

"Okay, you may send me now," She turned towards Micheal.

The angel grinned and snapped his fingers.

"Don't forget to say 'Status.'"

Her figure disappeared in a cove of light.


The cold air blew against her, like an unending torrent. Yet, although she could tell it was chilling, it seemed like a mild breeze gently caressing her in its embrace. Even as she realized just where she was.

". . .why here of all places?"

She was stranded atop a mountain. The sun held high above her figure and the trees spanned as far as her eyes could glean from her position. Not only had she been teleported atop a mountain, she had been tossed on top of one which seemed in the middle of absolute nowhere.

Truly, she had to applaud Michael. He really reached the high realms of prickling her nerves. In fact, she wished she could be teleported right back this instance to give him a small, little, tiny slap to the face.

She sighed to herself, folded her arms above her flat chest, and spoke.


Although she didn't like the man, an advice was better than none. Quite right she was as a screen popped up.

[Name: Claire Hill

Race: Ice Fairy

Strength: C

Speed: A

Mana: A

Skills: Ice Shift (Rising), Fairy Eyes (U), Glacial World (OverLord)

Overall: A+]

[Ice Fairy: As an Ice Fairy—one is immune to both the water element and ice element, and as long as one touches water or ice, they may consume it to heal all wounds.]

[Ice Shift: As an Ice fairy, one can transform into their second form or partially do so, gaining new abilities.

<Glaze> - One can summon and control Ice to their whim. One can also touch anything to simply freeze it. Finally, one may freeze an object and make it disappear into your <Glacial World> and may call it back at any time. Power over the strength of your Ice element is based on mana rank.

<Switch> - With this ability, one may switch locations with any piece of Ice that had been summoned or made previously.]

[Fairy Eyes: With the eyes of a fairy, one may see the statuses of others.]

[Glacial World: A world of unending snow, a land in which you are the master of and may enter and leave at will. You may call upon this world and deliver its domain into the world, bisecting space and reality to bring your full power forth. Within this space, all stats are increased by 1 rank and all abilities become 'broken'.]


Claire decided she truly did not like the man. Not one bit.

Now, it wasn't to say she didn't like having powers granted to her, in fact, she wouldn't mind if Micheal had made her as brokenly overpowered as possible. No, what she couldn't tolerate was the connotations of her abilities.

"Ice. . ." She grumbled.

'Out of every single power imaginable, out of all possibilities in the infinitude of the multiverse, it just had to be ice, didn't it?'

She realized he was still trolling her.

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