Ice Queen in Another World – Volume 1 [Completed]

[34] Shadow Wolves

The rays of the sun did not pierce into the city of Aclair but the morning was still bright under the florescent light of the orient crystals hanging upon the roof. The impression left Claire with an odd feeling, recognizing that the wrong move in the hands of the right person could send shock waves collapsing rocks upon them.

The lights were beautiful, but with the events of the mine, she recognized them as only a large swath of ticking bombs.

"We're here, it seems we may have been a bit late?" She commented, eyeing a group at the door of the Adventure guild as she and Alicia walked closer.

"Mhmm mhmm," The vampire nodded twice.

The group consisted of men and women dressed in the black of military motif, wielding weapons at their sides or back, and aided by pieces of equipment upon their body; enough to protect vital areas like their chest and limbs, but not restrict them. These people had eyes and movements that only spoke of sternness. At least, they seemed rather well organized.

At the other spectrum, aside from those official looking people, was the intermingling circus of adventurers. These men and women did not seem all that. . .elegant. They wore what they wore, wielded what they wielded, and acted as they wanted. Among them was a male with blonde hair trying to get the group configured, and a certain bunny that gave off the aura of boredom.

Though, she gave quite an unnatural smile as soon as the two came to her view.

"Took you two long enough," She grinned, eyeing them down.

Claire wanted to roll her eyes, "We arrived when we arrived I suppose."

The bunny-girl, Via, shrugged her shoulders.

"Ah, there you are," The blonde male, dressed in military garb with a sword at his side, said as he walked to meet them, "You arrived on time. I'm Albert, I'll be heading this year's Dungeon Rush."

[Name: Albert Stref

Race: Halfbreed

Strength: C-

Speed: C

Mana: C

Skills: Demonic Transformation (Rising)

Overall: B]

Claire raised a brow at his status. Halfbreed? Halfbreed of what? That part did not show. However, going by his singular skill. . .she supposed it was clear to say that he was a demon. The mixture of a demon and a human, hiding in plain sight.

Well, that was none of her business, so she merely nodded.

"I'm Claire."


With their short introduction, the group walked through the city, advancing down the slope before reaching an area extremely close to the guild. That section looked like a marketplace. Its street was large, and there were numerous stalls. . .but those stalls sold weapons, and armor, and what looked to Claire like potions?

Soon, they stood before a large magic circle.

"We will now be entering the dungeon, "Albert began, "Please advance onto the magic circle and await teleportation. Please keep in contact with at least two people so we may all reach the same location."

Claire held onto Alice, and Via held onto them both with a smile.

". . ."

"You reek of blood, let me go," Alicia seemed to dislike the smile of the girl very much as her nose twitched.

The bunny laughed, "We have to keep in contact~"

Light surrounded them. In a split blink of a second, their surroundings changed. Buildings became trees, and the cobblestone ground turned to grass. Claire and Alicia immediately escaped the clutches of Via as soon as it was over.

Yet, a voice soon came.

"Shadow Wolves ahead!" Albert drew his sword at the helm of the group, "Stay close to each other and watch out for each other's shadows. Try to kill them from a distance if you can!"

'Shadow Wolves. . .?' Claire thought, wondering what in the heck was that as her eyes turned.

Darkness blurred through trees, shining like death under the sun. The shadows resembled wolves and gleamed eyes of crimson as they lunged at the group. Their speed was faster than she expected.

Before she knew it, a maw opened in front of her, revealing black fangs ready to take a bite out of her face.

A short sword ruthlessly pierced into the skull of the thing.

Yet, only smoke swirled as the beast disappeared. A moment later, it appeared, lunging at its attacker instead and met with chains wrapping its body.

Claire watched on as the figure struggled, twisted, then was ripped apart by the chain, becoming two halves of black as blood spilled.

The bunny-girl smiled.

"These bastards are tricky. You've gotta kill them before they phase out into shadows. That's why it's best attacking them in a group."

Chains rolled around the girl as she gripped her two swords, a grin plastered upon her face. She bent her legs and leaped forward, escaping the group of dungeon raiders and piercing towards the incoming shadows.

She slashed, a shadow disappeared, only to appear moments later with its maw moving for her legs.

Via tsked as her chains rolled and soon-

The numerous monsters had themselves wrapped within the grasp of the golden thing. Every single one of them struggled but failed to activate their ability to turn to shadows.


Blades filled every corner of the chain and it shredded them apart. Blood soaked the forest, red falling upon the once perfect grass as Via Goodwill smiled at the stunned group.

"Of course," She eyed Claire with smugness coloring her face, "You only need to fight in a group if you're weak."

She relished in their amazement for mere moments before her senses rang.


Then, she realized the floor shaking beneath her. The sound of trees collapsing, and leaves of green fluttering around her.

"Look behind you," Claire shook her head.

"Huh?" Via tilted hers.

She turned around, eyes widening in a hurry.

"My god. . ."

Before them. . .

A stampede of darkness. Black overshadowed the green of the forest as hundreds of beasts lunged forward. Each and every single one of them a Shadow Wolf.

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