Ice Queen in Another World – Volume 1 [Completed]

[6] Last Call

A frozen land stretched as far as the horizon itself. No matter where she looked, there was only ice to encapsulate her sight. Icy trees littered the ground, stretching high in lusters as they blocked the innards of the place.

And finally, at what seemed to be the dead center of such a massive island, was a single pillar piecing endlessly into the azure sky. A crystal tower of frozen radiance, as if a testimony to the wonders of ice itself. Glittering with the light of the sun, yet, at the same time, seeming to overshadow it.

However, even as strange as this land was, Claire Hill could do naught but perk her nerves towards the situation.

She looked back.

Just one step behind her figure; a sandy beach and a wide ocean.

"Behind, an endless sea. In front, a frozen realm."

The choice was clear and she turned her direction back forwards.

Stretching out her right hand, she called, "<Glaze>."

As if a fairy sprinkling magic dust, a shape settled into her hand.

An azure dagger.

"Well then," She recollected herself, grasping that weapon tightly in her hand.

If there was one thing she liked, it was being prepared. She had no idea whether there would be beasts, or men, but the previous case of facing a snake that spat lasers reminded her not to lower her guard. Crimson eyes narrowed as she placidly walked forwards.



Claire realized she had made a fatal mistake as soon as she stepped into the forest.

Several crimson eyes immediately turned her direction, sparkling in curiosity. Bluish little creatures with devilish tails. Their teeth snaring with fangs but not advancing in the least. Like monkeys, they retained their mild distance above the jaded trees, looking down at her figure.

Whoever said her foe would be a single opponent?

"<Fairy Eyes>," She silently muttered.

[Name: Unnamed

Race: Frozen Imp

Strength: D

Speed: C

Mana: D

Skills: Frozen Shriek (D), Rabid Frenzy (C)

Overall: C]

Those same curious eyes suddenly turned into a beautiful radiance of anger as the beasts bared their fangs.

'One would think I murdered them in their previous lives with those eyes,' Claire shook her head.

A loud shriek filled the air. Tearing and rupturing into her ears.


Those imps jumped down.

'Alright, so beasts do not much like their statuses being read.' Claire convinced herself that was the reason. It was either that, or they could feel her questioning their strength.

Her hand twirled, the dagger spun as she arched her back for a start.

'If there's anything I know, it's that a big ol crystal tower of ice would definitely be the place I'm meant to reach.'

She realized she would have to cut through them.

Her feet stepped forwards.


She gritted her teeth, her dagger raised to her face. Forcefully blocking sharp, blue, claws. She lashed a kick. The imp flew, collapsing upon another.

Claire Hill tapped her feet.

The ground quaked, rumbling and spitting to life. As if growing a will, a single rope of ice shot from the underbelly of the earth. Speechlessly bound, the imps stopped in their track. Their bodies unmoving.

Claire walked forwards, her dagger visibly extending with every step she took.

"Pleasure to meet you all," She smiled as she raised her blade.

Her eyes shined an azure light and she swiped her hand.


A crimson aura descended with renewed vigor echoing amidst the preys. Their shrieks heightened as cracks appeared on their bounds.

She narrowed her eyes, "<Rabid Frenzy>, I presume?"

Shards of ice broke away into freedom.

They lunged forwards, jumping as their small statues trailed through the air. Their fangs bared and their claws sharpened towards her body.

Claire jumped back, but those claws radiated an icy tempest.

A hellish rain of spikes short forwards.

She slashed her weapon.

The ground ripped apart.

A pillar of ice broke from the frozen earth and rushed ahead.

It slammed through those weak spikes and crushed against the beasts.

Painful shrieks wallowed as the pillar struck the trees, sliding and taking a slew of them down.

"Whew," She sighed.

Her crystal eyes looked on to see a struggling imp. Buried and stuck in place, half its body crushed, it reached out its hand.


It's blue lips opened, its crimson eyes narrowed towards her, and a rising shriek bled from its lungs. Every ounce of its breath raising and flowing with the wind.

Claire watched curiously but decided against stalling. Yet, as soon as she thought to move. She realized. Her figure froze in place with that rage induced yell. As if given a command, it refused to move.

'<Frozen Shriek>?' She thought, her figure visibly shaking with the will to move.

Though able to move, it was not to the degree of swinging her weapon.

For some reason, she couldn't help but see the content smile of the dying imp.

"Who said I needed to move?" She snared.

A wave of bluish aura birthed before her.

Transforming and twisting into spikes.

The imp widened its eyes.

"Your death was always assured."

It shredded into a crimson rain of blood.

Claire nodded as she finally regained motion. However, once she turned to walk, she realized, that frozen beast was not merely shrieking for attention.

It was a last call.

There, stood, a towering behemoth of a creature.

"I am <Asta>. Gatekeeper of this land. Return where you came or face my wrath."

Claire could not help but look up at the creature. In fact, she was not all too sure it was a creature.

"..." She stood, momentarily speechless.

Her brows furrowed, "A ball of snow?"

"Hey! Don't call me that! Asta I tell you! Call me Asta!"

No, she was wrong. It was a gigantic childish ball of snow.

"Hey, how can you even talk? Where's your mouth?" Claire asked, her head tilting as she folded her arms.

No matter how hard she could try to think differently, this thing was only a big ball of snow. Where was its childish voice coming from? How could it even see or hear her? Would it disappear if she shined light on it? She found herself a bit curious as she looked over the floating thing that resembled the spitting image of a snowball children would fling at each other, though much larger.


"No, hold on here," Claire raised a brow, "Can you even bring 'wrath'?"


"You can't, can you?"

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