I’m a God in an Online Game

Chapter 39

Soloing a Boss

For the dungeon to have a boss inside it wasn’t a surprise. What was really a surprise was that the boss’s Friendliness to Meng Jingtian was actually zero. The moment it appeared, it lunged at him.

“Demon?” The title in front of the boss’s name made Meng Jingtian pensive. Was this guy connected to the Blood Demon Palace base in Black Crow Forest?

It shared the word ‘Demon’, so did it have some connection to the Demon Nightmare of his mission?

Meng Jingtian didn’t have much time to think. Demon·Mi Fei repeatedly attacked him, the long sword in its hand coldly flashing. Each ordinary attack was able to take away several hundred hit points from Meng Jingtian.

It was a little too late to make a group, and Meng Jingtian was somewhat eager to give it a try.

Why didn’t he try soloing it?

Upon seeing the boss’s two million points of HP, Meng Jingtian was filled with unprecedented confidence, perhaps brought about by his victory over Seven Kill.

“Divine Punishment!” Meng Jingtian didn’t withdraw. He charged into the stone chamber behind the boss so that he would have more space to move around.

The boss was surrounded by black wisps of energy that concealed a human-shaped monster wearing shabby and old clothes. Turning its scarlet eyes on Meng Jingtian, it pursued him and swung its sword.

“-127841” The Divine Punishment’s white bolt of lightning instantly dealt more than one hundred thousand points of damage to the boss. At this level, this was a game-breaking ability, the equivalent DPS of seven or eight ordinary players.

The black mist around the boss roiled, revealing the white bones beneath, but in a flash, the black mist closed back around it.

Meng Jingtian raised Stupa and slashed several times. The skeleton encircled by black mist was quite sturdy and seemed unaffected.

But as the damage numbers popped out, the boss’s HP continued to slowly drop.

The boss was continuing to make regular attacks against Meng Jingtian. Meng Jingtian did damage and dodged the boss’s attacks, at the same time keeping track of his HP so that he could promptly use Divine Recovery when needed.

In ‘Tomorrow’, all attacks besides homing skills could be ‘dodged’ by changing position, including ordinary attacks.

When the boss’s HP reached 70%, the boss threw the sword, which turned into a white ray of light that shot at Meng Jingtian.

Meng Jingtian immediately moved to the side, but then he realized that it was a homing skill. After a moment of hesitation, he decided not to use the Black Tortoise True Body. A scarlet number popped out of Meng Jingtian’s body.


Meng Jingtian was alarmed. He had been at full HP, but this one skill had left him with barely a sliver. Two more hits from the boss would basically finish him.

He did not dare to continue doing damage. Glancing at the several seconds still left on Divine Recovery’s cooldown, he began to run around the stone table in the center of the chamber, reenacting ‘

The King of Qin runs around a pillar


The boss clumsily picked up its sword and continued its pursuit. After running around the table twice and failing to catch him, it decided to cut apart the stone table and then slash at Meng Jingtian.

“Jesus, how shameless!” Meng Jingtian fumed. What game had a boss that would destroy the environment of its own volition?

This sort of intelligent boss had never appeared, not even in the last few virtual online games he had played!

Meng Jingtian even speculated that if it weren’t for the mysterious ‘rules of the system’, this freaking boss probably would have thrown all the skills it could at him.

Right now, all he could do was mentally curse as he rolled to the side to avoid the boss’s sword.


“Bleeeh! Come at me! You still chasing me or not?!” Meng Jingtian’s cooldown finally finished, so he used Divine Recovery and recovered more than half his HP. He immediately got to his feet and began to slash his saber at the boss. Not caring whether the boss understood, he jeered at the boss.

The boss’s eyes flashed red, and its swings seemed to have even greater strength behind them. Meng Jingtian could even sense the anger within the sword.

“It’s almost at fifty percent…” Staring at the boss’s HP, Meng Jingtian muttered to himself. Although his HP was at a healthy level, he began to pull away from the boss.

“Divine Recovery!” It wasn’t long before Divine Recovery came off cooldown again, and Meng Jingtian used it again to heal himself fully.

He then used a Divine Punishment on the boss, dealing more than one hundred thousand damage and bringing it down to almost exactly 50%.

“Demon·Proud Frost Sword!” The boss let out a bizarre and hoarse cry.

Meng Jingtian immediately felt a chill run through his body, as if the air around him had frozen. He felt like he had been transported to the cold South Pole, a layer of white frost encasing the walls of the stone chamber.

Countless swords made from crystals of ice shot toward Meng Jingtian from all sides.

“Black Tortoise True Body!” His body shivering, Meng Jingtian instinctively sensed that if he didn’t use this skill now, he wouldn’t get another chance.

The moment before the Proud Frost Sword made impact, Meng Jingtian used the skill.

Ding! Ding!

With crisp clangs, the swords made from ice struck the Black Tortoise True Body and shattered, indicating that the skill had ended.

But even though the skill was done, the stone chamber was still encased in ice, and Meng Jingtian was now carrying a debuff.

Frost: As you are in a cold environment, your movement speed and attack speed are reduced by 5%.

Decreased movement speed is one thing, but why is my attack speed lower too?! Isn’t this a little too unreasonable!?

But he was just complaining for the sake of it. Looking at the boss with only half of its HP left, Meng Jingtian was somewhat looking forward to continuing the fight.

As the boss’s sword, circled by black wisps of energy, struck Meng Jingtian’s body, the damage was very normal, only a “-785”, but Meng Jingtian soon discovered that something was wrong.

He had another debuff!

Lingering Demonic Energy: Affected by the Demon’s energy, all healing to you is reduced by 20%!

“****” Meng Jingtian was speechless. What sort of scam boss was this? It could reduce healing too? Even a team of Level 35s would probably be brought to their knees, right?

Moreover, across the entire China region, there were probably only a few Level 35s, definitely not enough for a group.

These two additional debuffs forced Meng Jingtian to be more careful.

With his damage, if he focused entirely on DPS, the boss would probably be dead in a few minutes.

But the problem was that he did not dare to focus solely on damage. Each 5% drop in the boss’s HP made him nervous over the possibility that the boss could use another skill.

He also had to keep a close eye on his own HP so that he would have as many skills and as much HP as possible if the boss threw out a skill.

In this cautious fashion, he managed to endure the ‘Demon·Heaven-Cleaving Slash’. The boss was finally brought down to ten-some percent. This gold boss with two million HP was on the verge of being brought down by Meng Jingtian.

“Demon·Man-Sword Fusion!” When the boss’s HP dropped to 10%, the boss used its final skill.

  1. During the end of the Warring States period, an assassin attempted to take the life of the King of Qin, the future Qin Shihuang, the first emperor of China. In order to escape the assassin, the King of Qin circled around a pillar.

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