I'm A Police Officer, Why Do I Have All These Abnormal Skills?

Chapter 40 Recruitment, Honors And Promotions

"Third, it's about Comrade Xiao Yu's meritorious performance."

As soon as Zhou Xiangguo finished speaking, everyone looked at Xiao Yu again.

Some are envious, some sigh, and some congratulate.

But no one is jealous and cannot be jealous.

They all heard about it.

When arresting the main culprit, Xiao Yu jumped from the rooftop of a 20-story building and jumped onto a paraglider.

It was during such a thrilling and dangerous process that the main culprit was captured.

Who dares to jump on the twentieth floor?

This can no longer be described as life-threatening.

This is really seeking death!

If you work hard to such an extent, you won’t be given credit.

Just asking you, who will be a police officer in the future?

Xiao Yu walked to the front desk.

Instructor He Yong brought another red tray.

But this time Ye Heng came to Xiao Yu.

"Originally, you need to go to the police department for your merit this time, and your superior will personally award it to you."

Ye Heng looked at the little brother in front of him, "But because the case is special and because it involves national security, it will not be made public. On behalf of the national security and police departments, I will award you this police merit!"

He picked up a golden medal from the red tray aside.

Medal style: five stars, red shield, Tiananmen Square.

First-class personal merit medal!

Looking at the medal, low exclamations sounded in the conference room.

Most of the people present were veteran criminal investigators who had been working for more than ten or twenty years.

But no one from the entire plainclothes team has ever won first class merit in the past.

After all, this is the capital, and the bad guys are not stupid.

Where are there so many major and special cases?

Who would have thought that a trainee police officer who had just joined the police for a few days would be like this.

Not only did he become a full-time employee in a blink of an eye, he also won first-class honors.

Xiao Yu was stunned, looking at the medal in front of him in a daze.

There was an indescribable feeling in my heart, with mixed emotions.

"According to relevant regulations, those who achieve first-class merit can be promoted to police rank in advance and receive a bonus of 50,000 yuan."

Ye Heng put the medal on Xiao Yu's left chest police uniform and said with a smile: "Your police rank will be promoted again, second-level superintendent. At the same time, because you are a party member, the lowest police officer position will be upgraded to...fourth level. Sheriff!"


The sound of gasping for cold air sounded in the conference room.

The uninitiated may not understand what Sheriff IV represents.

For example, comprehensive public management positions: clerk (share level), section level, division level, and department level.

Technical job qualifications: technician, technical supervisor, technical director, technical director.

Law enforcement police duties are also divided into: police constable, sergeant, senior sergeant, and police commissioner.

The fourth level sergeant is equivalent to the section officer level.

It can be said that Xiao Yu's position at this time was directly promoted to section officer level sergeant.

The reason why everyone in the Third Brigade was shocked was because many veteran criminal police officers had worked all their lives.

He is just a section member, and it is very difficult to be promoted to the 'director level'.

If you don't pass the threshold of being a clerk, you will never be able to enter the management level.

Xiao Yugang joined the team less than a week ago.

Not to mention being promoted to a full-time job, the police rank was also promoted to Superintendent II.

Now, he has directly surpassed the lowest position of 'police officer' and been promoted to the position of 'sheriff'.

Becoming a full-time employee, getting promoted, and being promoted can be described as ‘promoting three levels in a row’.

As long as Xiao Yu himself doesn't have any problems and doesn't do anything illegal or disciplinary.

The future prospects can be said to be limitless.

And all this is because he won a first-class personal merit!

“Thank you to the leadership and organization for your trust!”

Xiao Yu took a deep breath and gave Ye Heng a military salute.

Ye Heng raised his hand and returned the gift.

When he put down his hand, his expression was strange, "Don't worry, it's not over yet."

Xiao Yu:? ? ?

Everyone:? ? ?

Ye Hengshen took out a palm-sized crystal box.

Inside the box, there was actually another medal.

When they saw the medal, everyone was stunned.

Because this medal is a second-class merit medal.

"In view of the fact that Comrade Xiao Yu assisted the national security department in cracking down on the spy kidnapping case, I hereby record him as a second-class meritorious service!"

Ye Heng announced a brief summary of Xiao Yu’s meritorious award, saying, “Due to outstanding achievements and great contributions, in accordance with relevant national regulations, he was promoted to police rank in advance... Congratulations to Comrade Xiao Yu, you are now a first-class superintendent!”

Everyone, including Xiao Yu, had numb scalps.

Got promoted again, Superintendent First Class?

This time, no one exclaimed.

Everyone looked at Xiao Yu in shock.

22 years old, Sergeant IV, Superintendent I?

This is going against heaven!

However, there is nothing wrong with it.

Because he has done meritorious service, and he has done great meritorious service.

Not to mention second-class merit, even third-class merit can be promoted.

Second-class merit must be promoted.

Not to mention first-class merit.

It's normal for him to be promoted to two levels of police rank after performing two meritorious services.

Ye Heng once again wore the second-class merit medal for Xiao Yu.

At the same time, he also handed him two certificates of honor and merit.

With two certificates, you can record your achievements in your personal files.

This is not only an honor, but also represents Xiao Yu's contribution to the country.

This is a record of achievements!

First-class superintendent... Xiao Yu sighed.

He also won first-class and second-class merit.

Like what a dream!

Instructor He Yong once again brought a set of police badges.

Xiao Yu was replaced by captain Zhou Xiangguo.

Wear a set of police badges symbolizing the first-class superintendent on this young man.

Everyone present witnessed Xiao Yu's promotion.

All of them were as confused as if they were dreaming.

We also have nine years of compulsory education, why are you so stupid?


Envy, sure, but no one is jealous.

Whether it is first-class merit or second-class merit.

Xiao Yu paid for it with his life.

People can take credit for surviving.

When it's your turn, you may not be so lucky.

It's like men like to show off.

Once you've put it on, you can show yourself to others as a saint.

But if you don't pretend well, you will end up being a fool.

The credit won't be that easy to get.

It will kill people!

Outside the third brigade.

Zhou Xiangguo, He Yong, and Xiao Yu looked at Ye Heng.

"No need to send it away."

Ye Heng smiled and said, "Maybe we can work together in the future."

Cooperate with national security personnel?

Xiao Yu and others looked at Ye Heng with strange eyes.

The job of the National Security Bureau is to either catch spies or agents.

It is not a good thing to cooperate with them!

"I still have something I want to talk to Xiao Yu alone."

Ye Heng said: "Do you two have any objections?"

Zhou Xiangguo and He Yong looked at each other and shook their heads.

Do they dare to have an opinion?

Seeing the two leaders of the brigade leaving, Xiao Yu felt a little guilty when facing Ye Heng.

In recent days, he has been living with his second daughter.

At the beginning, I told Ye Heng that I would not date other girls.

With Guoan's ability, is it possible that Ye Heng didn't find out that he was living at his sister's house?

Could it be that he wanted to raise an army to hold him accountable... Xiao Yu had a toothache.

Panic almost dominated him!

"I heard that you have been having a good time recently?"

As expected, Ye Heng sank down and stared coldly at the little brother in front of him.

"It's not very pleasant."

Xiao Yu immediately put on a mask of pain, "My life has been miserable lately!"

His acting skills are pretty good.

When you tell lies with your eyes open, there are still some small details.

As the old saying goes.

Life is like a play, it all depends on acting!

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