I'm A Police Officer, Why Do I Have All These Abnormal Skills?

Chapter 55 The Cpu Is Disconnected

S city shanty town, the scene of murder.

"I didn't expect that after checking again and again, I found a lonely one."

Xiao Yu walked into the courtyard, "Finally back to the starting point!"

"It doesn't count, does it?"

Ye Heng didn't think so. "At least I know it wasn't done by ghosts. I identified several suspects, destroyed a gang of thugs, discovered an intermediary, and knew there was someone behind the scenes... The next step is up to you."

Needless to say, my little brother’s ability to solve crimes is undeniable.

He has now adapted to being a tool man.

Wherever Xiao Yu points, he hits.

People need to be self-aware.

If you don't know how to pretend to understand, if you can't pretend to be good at it, you are the most stupid person!

"Since the case has returned to its original starting point, we must investigate it from the beginning."

Xiao Yu's eyes gradually became sharp, "Ghost!"

How did the police know that the victim's home was haunted?

First, the 11-year-old victim Ge Meng reported the crime.

Secondly, conduct interviews and surveys with surrounding neighbors.

It has been roughly confirmed that there is something wrong with Ge Meng's alarm call, and it is suspected of being a recording.

So how did the nearby neighbors know that the victim's home was haunted?

The findings of the National Security Bureau's investigation are as follows.

1. A neighbor heard the victim shouting in the middle of the night: It is haunted, there is a ghost.

2. Some children near a shanty town heard rumors of hauntings and sneaked outside the victim's yard in the middle of the night to take a peek. They saw will-o'-the-wisps coming out of the window of the room, and Ge Meng and Ge Qiang's siblings were covered in blood.

3. Rumors spread through various rumors and spread to the ears of nearby residents. From word to mouth, everyone thought it was really haunted and believed it to be true.

People have one biggest characteristic.

Eat melon.

The characteristic of eating melon is to tell others what you have figured out in your head.

And the biggest fear of human beings comes from the brain.

Then, the ghost appeared!

"Three questions."

Xiao Yu, standing in the living room, looked around and frowned slightly, "Will-o'-the-wisp? Blood on the child? Screaming and haunted in the middle of the night?"

"Will-o'-the-wisp is simple to make, based on the principle of phosphorus fire."

Ye Heng sneered, "It is composed of three elements: carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen. The teacher in the chemistry class explains it."

"As for the blood on the child, it must be fake. Otherwise, why can the 11-year-old daughter go to school normally during the day?"

"As for the screams in the middle of the night..."

Ye Heng frowned, "Who has nothing to do and shouts that there is a ghost in the middle of the night, just to play with themselves?"

Playing with yourself, this is a good word, don't use it next time... Xiao Yu twitched his lips, "I remembered one thing, the victim He Xuelan was not only a housewife, she was also..."

"Anchor?" Ye Heng's eyes lit up.

You must know that anchors in this era have no moral integrity at all for traffic.

Some people live broadcasted jumping into the sea, some live broadcasted kissing with dog tongue, and some live broadcasted eating shit.

There's nothing you can't think of, nothing these anchors dare to do.

Is there such a possibility.

In order to attract traffic and make money, the victim He Xuelan pretended that there was a ghost in her home during the live broadcast to attract onlookers?

National security personnel immediately took action and began an investigation.


The live broadcast of the victim He Xuelan was tepid, with dozens or hundreds of people watching each live broadcast, and there was no content about 'ghosts'.

In recent months, there has been no live broadcast.

After checking this, Xiao Yu and Ye Heng were puzzled and found that something was even more wrong.

The husband quit his job and has no income.

My wife’s live broadcast was not popular, and there was not even a live broadcast later.

Under normal circumstances, such a family with no source of income would have a problem eating.

But the situation of the victim's family was exactly the opposite. They actually had more than 400,000 yuan in savings.

Relatives all knew that the victim's family lived a prosperous life and had money.

Where did this money come from?

National Security continues to investigate.

Still nothing found.

It was only found that the victim Ge Yang had gone to a bank ATM machine and deposited cash five times in the past four months.

One hundred thousand each time!


Xiao Yu's eyes flickered, "Can you determine the source of the unknown money? Did it enter the victim's hands in cash?"

"This should be."

Ye Heng nodded, "Otherwise I can't explain it."

well known by all people.

Today's online transfers are extremely convenient, and people rarely carry cash when traveling and pay in cash.

As long as you have a mobile phone, you can travel around the world in one go.

Not to mention the large amount of cash flow.

The victim, Ge Yang, deposited 100,000 yuan into an ATM machine five times within four months, totaling 500,000 yuan.

The doubts should not be too obvious.

"Check, where did the suspect's family often go in the past."

Xiao Yu ordered.

National security personnel mobilized S city police to cooperate with the investigation.

One day passed in the blink of an eye.

The results of the investigation were very surprising.

The victim and his wife were very homely.

I rarely go out on weekdays.

I like online shopping and takeout, and rarely go out for a walk at night. I also have a travel record.

Other than that, nothing unusual!

"Something's wrong."

Xiao Yu shook his head, "I still say the same thing, money can't appear out of thin air, let alone half a million."

"But there is nothing abnormal at all now."

Ye Heng had a headache. The results of the investigation had obviously cut off his CPU.

"There must be anomalies, but we didn't find them."

Xiao Yu's tone was extremely firm.

That's what solving crimes is.

It is necessary to peel off the cocoons, and even more to discover those details that are not easy to detect.

Don't draw conclusions too early.

Reasoning again... Xiao Yu took a deep breath and closed his eyes.

The brain is like an overloaded and overclocked CPU, running crazy.

There are now two most obvious clues to the massacre.

1. Haunted incident.

2. Source of money.

In fact, the haunting story has been clearly determined to be false.

But the reason for the haunting cannot be figured out yet.

In the end, someone was pretending to be a ghost to scare the family.

Or this family is pretending to be ghosts to scare themselves.

All require continued investigation.

As for the source of the money, it certainly didn’t appear out of thin air.

The victim's family is a "homebody", shopping online, taking out food, and rarely going out.

But if you don’t go out, could it be that someone brings the money to your door?

No, national security investigators have ruled that out.

Any people who come to the door, such as takeaways, couriers, and some people who are suspects have been eliminated.

What can be confirmed is that the money is not 'delivered to the door'.

It's not delivered to the door, it can only be picked up by the victim's family.

So, where did they get it?

Suddenly, it was like a bolt of lightning struck in Xiao Yu's mind.

The sea of ​​consciousness in the brain seemed to be hit by something.

Xiao Yu suddenly opened his eyes and murmured to himself, "You can be lazy at home. Such lazy people rarely use walking to travel. Moreover, the victim does not have a car at home and is very rich. He should travel by taxi or online." Car-hailing... check the victim’s family’s taxi-hailing records and online car-hailing records in recent months!”

Hearing what his little brother said, Ye Heng's eyes instantly lit up and he ordered his men to investigate.

Soon, the couple’s travel records of the victim’s family were found.

Among them, the victim Ge Yang had five obvious abnormal online ride-hailing records.

Every other month, I call an online taxi and go to the bank to deposit money.

Then, the victim He Xuelan also made five abnormal online ride-hailing trips.

They were all travel records from the day before or a few days before Ge Yang went to the bank.

And every time I order a ride-hailing service, I always go to a shopping mall.

Xiao Yu and Ye Heng had happy smiles on their faces.

Clues found!

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