I'm A Police Officer, Why Do I Have All These Abnormal Skills?

Chapter 82 Brother, Are You Playing The Role Of Me?

There were two cold lights in Xiao Yu's eyes, flickering in and out.

He is very angry now.

He was angry because someone tried to kill someone in front of him.

I also feel that my intelligence has been deeply insulted.

When Xiao Yu told Ye Heng his conjecture.

The director of national security looked surprised, "Kill someone and silence them?"

This is not to say that he is not intelligent enough.

Instead, he and Xiao Yu arrived at the scene together, saw the body together, and also saw the forensic autopsy.

Although Ye Heng knew that his little brother's criminal investigation ability was awesome.

But why do you conclude that this is murder and silence?

"From these footprints..."

Xiao Yu's eyes flashed with uncontrollable anger, and he pointed at the messy and erratic footprints extending from the Xuanmen door to the living room, "I saw a man who knew the human body very well and had received some kind of training. He was proficient in Murderer!"

Ye Heng's eyes widened and he stared at the footprints, still not seeing the reason.

It can only be roughly analyzed through these footprints that the murderer and the victim had pushed and struggled.

From the footprints alone, you can analyze that the murderer understands the human body, is trained, and is proficient in killing people.

Brother, are you playing the role of me?


Xiao Yu picked up a fruit knife from the coffee table in the living room, waved to him, walked out of the entrance door and stood outside, "Now I play the murderer and you play the victim. After I knock on the door, you open the door."

After saying that, he closed the security door.

Then there was a knock on the door.

Ye Heng:......

It feels like the younger brother wants to play with him, but there is no proof.

However, he still opened the door obediently.

The moment the door opens.


Xiao Yu rushed into the room.

The palm of his hand fell on Ye Heng's armpit and tapped lightly.

Xiao Yu's other palm is shaped like a knife.

He slashed steadily on Ye Heng's chin.


The severe pain, accompanied by dizziness, made Ye Heng take a breath.

The pain is because the armpit is attacked.

It will cause local soft tissue damage and severe pain.

That kind of pain can make your whole body weak and temporarily weak.

If the chin is attacked, it will directly affect the brain.

It can cause severe concussions, causing the brain to fall into dizziness.

In severe cases, it can cause coma.

What if Ye Heng had not received some special training in the army.

With just these two strikes from Xiao Yu, he might collapse to the ground.

Before he could react.

Xiao Yu grabbed his armpit with one hand and punched him below the sternum.



Ye Heng opened his mouth wide, his body went limp, and he lost the ability to breathe.

The 'chest pit' is also a weak point of the human body.

Being hit by a huge force will paralyze the human respiratory system.

To use a common saying to explain: being ‘distracted’.

As for why Xiao Yu grabbed Ye Heng's armpits.

This is a 'grappling technique'.

When you grab someone's armpits and lift them up.

It will cause the human body to be in severe pain and half the body will become limp.

When attacking Ye Heng, one of his thighs stretched behind him.

He hooked his feet and closed the security door.

From attacking to closing the door, the whole set of actions took no more than two seconds.

In the third second, a cold light flashed through and slowly penetrated Ye Heng's chest.

That's a small fruit knife.

For a moment, Ye Heng was so frightened that he thought Xiao Yu wanted to kill him.

Struggling, falling back.

But it had no effect, the fruit knife had already fallen on his chest.

It's just the hilt.

As Ye Heng struggled and retreated, the two of them entered the living room.

Xiao Yu also made a move to slowly insert the knife into Ye Heng's chest.

Suddenly, he let go of his hand and let go of Ye Heng, who was still confused.

Then he pointed to the ground, "Look at the footprints we just made."


Ye Heng endured the pain in his chest and armpits and looked from the entrance door to the living room.

Suddenly, he became motionless, as if he had become a sculpture.

He murmured with a dumbfounded look on his face, "How could this happen?!"

What did he see?

Ye Heng saw the footprints he and Xiao Yu made on the floor.

It was actually very different from the footprints left by the victim and the murderer.

Almost exactly the same!

Since the footprints are the same, it explains the process of Xiao Yu's attack on him.

Completely restored the entire process of the murderer killing the victim!

"The other party knows the human body too well. He knows how to make a person lose resistance quickly and then kill him easily."

Xiao Yu said coldly: "It is precisely because he knows so well that he is so skillful and easy in killing people. He can do it with ease. When he stabs the victim's body with a dagger, it is as easy as picking up mustard. So, shouldn't you think of something? ? Because killing... you are the professional!"

Soldiers were called soldiers in ancient times.

A soldier is a weapon, a human-shaped killing weapon.

It started from the day the profession of soldier was born.

Whether it's conquering a city or defending the country.

The role of a soldier is to kill and kill.

The so-called training is also preparation for killing.

As the king of soldiers, Ye Heng is indeed professional.

Professional killing!

After listening to Xiao Yu's words, his expression completely changed.

Recall the actions of my little brother just now, recalling every 'step'.

His face gradually became ugly, and murderous intent gradually appeared in his eyes.

And he slowly spit out two words, "Enemy agent... agent!"

Agent: Also called secret agent and special service.

Every country has different names.

Just like the Dragon Kingdom, they were called special agents in the past.

Now, it’s called Secret Service!

Many people mistakenly think that the National Security Police are the Secret Service.

This is a misunderstanding.

National security police are police officers, and national security special services are special services. They are two professions.

The secret agent profession emerged to perform major national security and intelligence work.

For example, hunting, spying, assassination, intelligence, going deep into other countries, and completing special missions.

Xiao Yu still remembers what Ye Heng said to him.

My brother was transferred from the army to the National Security Bureau, and first joined a "special operations" unit.

Then he was transferred to the Ninth Bureau and became the director of the Ninth Division.

Before he was transferred to the Ninth Division, he was a special agent.

But now, Ye Heng is just a national security policeman.

And if the murder case in front of me was done by an agent.

Apart from silence, Xiao Yu could not think of any other reason.

Because the victim Lu Hong did not deserve any other excuse.

The reason why he was silenced must be because of those counterfeit banknotes!

"Such people……"

Xiao Yu stared at the footprints on the ground, "Really professional."

"How do I feel that you are caring for me?"

The killing intent disappeared from Ye Heng's eyes and he glared at his little brother.

"Want to talk about your secret service life?" Xiao Yu glared back.

Gossip is not just a woman’s hobby.

Men, too!

"Don't ask, asking is the secret."

Ye Heng felt weak, "If you know too much about some things, you will lose your freedom."


Xiao Yu smiled evilly, "The poor guy is on a road of no return?"

"Go away, have you forgotten the old man's order?"

Ye Heng laughed and scolded, "Hurry up, find this person quickly."

Just use me as a tool... Xiao Yu rolled his eyes.

However, we do need to find people.

Playing murder and silence in front of me.

Are foreign agents considered ders?

I'll beat the shit out of you anyway!

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