I'm a wizard with a proof from Hogwarts

Chapter 262: The initial establishment of the reunion, the battle of captains (2)"

"You're serious!?"

"Rudy, this is no joke. Ms. Carter is very important to SHIELD..."

Before Luodan and Colson could express their stakes, Rudy said to them: "You can wait here. It doesn't even take 10 minutes. I'll be done soon."

Lu Dan: ...I don’t know why I always feel like this kid is going to say something weird.

Steve obviously doesn't believe that this boy can rejuvenate people, and is still trying to persuade Paige, but Paige is not willing to continue to stay like this until she dies, she wants to give it a try.

More importantly, unlike Steve who knows nothing, although he is now bedridden and all important matters of S.H.I.E.L.D. have been handed over to Fury, Fury will still report many things to her. She comes to make up her mind.

She has her last hope for this magical boy in front of her. On this earth, a world where gods, magicians, and superhumans are mixed. In her opinion, it is just rejuvenation, but there is still a price to pay, so there is nothing to worry about. Yes.

She looked at Rudy with firm eyes and said, "Come on, kid."

Rudy looked at the old man in front of him and couldn't help but admire him: "You are the first person to believe in me so much, even though we only met for the first time."

As he spoke, he began to make spell-casting movements with his hands.

The voices of the other people in the room immediately fell silent, as if they had stopped breathing. They looked at Rudy's hands with wide eyes.I don’t know when, circles of golden-red magic rings appeared there, and mysterious runes were hovering on the magic rings.

Especially Steve, who didn't believe that magicians existed in this world at all, felt that his world view had been greatly impacted at this moment.

He just slept for 70 years, less than a century!Humans have already evolved such monsters! ?Or is this, like myself, a product of genetic modification?When he thought of this, Captain America's shocked eyes gradually changed and he looked at Fury, who also looked shocked.

Fury subconsciously glanced at Captain America and happened to catch his look.After all, he was also the head of the secret service. Seeing the look in the other person's eyes and the current situation, Fury immediately judged what the other person was thinking.

So he quickly waved his hands and explained: "Oh oh oh! No! - Captain, you have to believe us."

"Even if we launch the super soldier project, we will never experiment on such a young child!"

"This kid is a born mage, I swear, and he's from Europe."

Speaking of Europe, Fury also looked at Peggy Carter and said, "Oh, by the way. - Ms. Carter, this child is also from Britain."

Peggy Carter from Bed Mountain was stunned when she heard this, then looked at Rudy who was casting the spell, and said with a smile: "I knew it just now."

Rudy looked at these guys speechlessly, he was casting a spell!At such an important and serious moment, can you please respect me?

You guys are doing this, making me feel like I'm on the street. This is time magic!Time magic!

The speechless Rudy sighed, took out a magic ring and put it on, and then began to use time magic on Peggy Carter according to the records in the "Book of Cagliostro".

This was the first time he used this magic on a living person. Before, he had used apples, smashed things, and small animals.

Logically speaking, the use of time magic requires the use of the Eye of Agamotto, which is the Stone of Time, as an aid.

But that is when using it to change time on a large scale, or even around the world or the entire universe, then the Time Stone must be used as a medium.Otherwise, it would be the same as using the Infinity Stones directly, and you would pay a huge price.

If you only use time magic on a single individual, as long as you have enough magic power, you can theoretically succeed without the Time Stone.What's more, the experimental subject Peggy Carter is just a Muggle without any superpowers, an old man who is not far from death.

After chanting a series of complex spells, Rudy pressed and flipped his right hand with his left hand several times, then held his wrist and started casting spells with his right hand toward Peggy Carter in front of him.

When the emerald green magic circles appeared layer by layer in his palm, Rudy knew that he had succeeded.

Next, you only need to rotate the magic ring representing the axis of life, and the other party's time will change as the magic ring rotates.

I saw Rudy's right hand holding the spell was empty and began to turn to the left.With every inch of rotation, Peggy Carter's appearance instantly became 10 years younger. It was nothing at first, until Rudy and Lipton continuously rotated 40°, and an astonishing scene appeared!

I saw that the old man who was originally lying on the hospital bed with silver hair, wrinkles, and flat chest began to regain the radiance of youth at a speed visible to the naked eye!

The most intuitive thing is that the long silver hair quickly turned back to its original dark golden color from the hair roots. The dark spots and wrinkles on the face disappeared in large areas as if they were addicted, and the skin became shiny, white and tight again. To.The originally slumped body gradually returned to the plump and bumpy appearance it once had, holding up the hospital gown.

Steve, who was holding Peggy's hand, was stunned when he saw the image of a living person in front of him.

This is simply more outrageous than changing from a small man to what he is now!

He looked at Fury and Coulson in confusion, but found that their expressions were no different from his own. Obviously... these two guys didn't know they had this magical ability.

Finally, when Rudy finished all the operations, he looked at Carter on the hospital bed who closed his eyes and felt his body again and asked: "Ms. Carter, how do you feel? If nothing else, your current body should be back to more than 70 years ago. , I probably turned it a little bit more.”

Peggy Carter took a deep breath, suddenly opened her green eyes, and covered her cheeks in surprise. Feeling the delicateness and smoothness of the place where she started, she knew she had made the right bet!

The dark golden color draped over her shoulders made her even more delighted.Holding the hand of her lover beside her, Paige sat up and threw herself directly into Steve's arms, and the two hugged each other and cried.

Seeing that the two of them immediately showed their affection without saying anything, Rudy reminded him in a very embarrassing way: "It's only one week, don't forget it."

After saying that, he took the lead and walked out of the ward.

Fury and Coulson on the side had not yet recovered from the rejuvenation operation. It was not until Rudy pulled them that they left the room in shock.

After walking outside the house, the three of them looked back at the window of the room where they were just now, only to find that the two people inside actually started tearing each other's clothes off!

Rudy widened his eyes and asked in disbelief: "Isn't it right? Are you so hungry?"

Fury asked with a serious expression: "What I'm concerned about is whether the captain has just woken up and whether he can do it."

Colson coughed lightly and asked, "Um, isn't it good for us to do this?"

Rudy put his pocket in his pocket and walked to the car they came in. As he walked, he asked: "Lu Dan, didn't you believe me just now? Why are you still so surprised after seeing the actual effect?"

Fury sighed and said: "People, people who have never seen it before will always be surprised. - If you do an operation like today again, I guarantee that next time you won't be as embarrassed as today."

Rudy asked with interest: "Oh, how do you say it?"

Fury said proudly: "I have received professional training. Tricks like this will not work on me with the same trick!"

Seeing his arrogant look, Rudy turned to look at the other person next to him and asked: "Is what he said true or false, Colson?"

The other party looked at Rudy awkwardly and then at his immediate superior, hesitated and said, "Sir Fury was indeed very strong when he was in the army and could complete any task."

Rudy was speechless: "I didn't ask you to brag about him..."

While talking, the three of them got back into the car and drove away.

Before the car started, Rudy also saw Ms. Carter lying by the window through the window... Well, she has a good figure.


On the way back, Rudy asked Fury curiously: "By the way, Luodan, you said you were going to start the Avengers project, how many people have you found now?"

"Let me explain in advance, I am still a child. If your conscience is still intact, you will definitely not be able to do such a thing as letting me go to the front line to fight, right?"

"You think clearly before you speak, or I will sue you!"

Fury rolled his eyes at him speechlessly, and ordered to Colson beside him: "Colson, have them come to New York to gather in a week, at the SHIELD branch building."

"Okay, sir!" Coulson nodded quickly and started to call.


A week later, the Capitol Auditorium.

After spending the happiest week of her life with Steve, Margaret Page Carter left this world with a satisfied smile on her face in the early morning of the eighth day.

As one of the founders of S.H.I.E.L.D., she was honored with the Stars and Stripes and was buried in the National Cemetery with Steve Rogers as a pallbearer.

The day after the funeral, the S.H.I.E.L.D. New York branch building.

Fury, along with Coulson and Rudy, received all the 'Avengers' he called in the war conference room on the top floor.

In the large conference room, Rudy sat down with Lu Dan and Colson, and saw the monsters and monsters present...

The first person sitting in the first place is Dr. Bat 'Morbius', the second person is New York's new traffic kid 'Spider-Man', and the third person is Steve Rogers who looks uncomfortable and grief-stricken. The fourth one is Voldemort covered in green black mist, the fifth one is Hawkeye Clint, the seventh one is 'Black Widow' Natasha Romanoff, and the seventh one looks like she can't help herself. 'Hulk' Bruce Banner.

Rudy looked speechlessly at the eighth person sitting opposite - Thor, God of Thunder, and felt numb.

He poked Fury beside him with his elbow and asked in a low voice: "Hey, Ludan, where did you find this guy?"

"Didn't I tell you last time that this guy is Odin's son? If something happens on earth, I won't be able to stop Odin from killing him!"

Fury smiled mysteriously at him very calmly, and then continued to introduce everyone.

This indifference made Rudy dumbfounded.

After Fury introduced everyone present, an arrogant figure suddenly pushed open the door of the conference room and walked in with steps that he didn't recognize.And he took off his sunglasses very nonchalantly, looked around at the people sitting in the conference room, and shouted loudly: "Then, I announce that your team leader, who is me, Iron Man, is here!"

After hearing Tony's arrogant words, everyone couldn't help but look at Fury.

Luodan scolded with a dark face: "Okay, Stark, get down here! - When did I say you were the captain!?"

Tony pounded the table unconvinced and asked: "Among the people here, is there anyone who knows the way of leadership better than me? - You know, Stark Industries can be where it is today because of everything!" ..”

Before he finished speaking, Thor slapped the table in dissatisfaction and stood up: "What!? Shouldn't I be the captain!?"

"Who among you can!..."

Halfway through shouting, Sol suddenly stopped feeling guilty.

He glanced at Rudy opposite him with erratic eyes, who seemed to have no intention of talking to him, and shouted bravely: "I think to choose the captain, everyone should have a fair competition!"

This proposal was unanimously approved by everyone. Fury did not expect that things would turn out like this. Originally, he wanted to introduce Captain America directly in the subsequent plot, and then let his legendary experience and attributes attract us more fame.


The second underground floor is the practice field.

They were tired from going from the top floor to the bottom every day.

But now that they have a place to put their feet and have a big fight, these people are really happy.

The first game was Tony challenged by Thor. The two idiots didn't talk nonsense to each other. One picked up a hammer, and the other put on his armor, and they were soon fighting together.

In the end, Tony came out on top.The front of the Ark reactor was struck by lightning and thunder from Thor's hammer, and the power was directly charged to 400%.Tony was so happy that he immediately raised his hand and returned the attack.

The powerful laser attack shot Thor away on the spot and was firmly embedded in the wall.

Next up is Morbius, the big bat who challenges Captain America, also known as Steve Rogers.

He was very interested in this legendary man. Faced with Morbius, who was a vampire, Steve showed the power of the Super Soldier Serum.

The two of them fought back and forth. Although Morbius had the advantage at first, relying on the super speed and strength given by the vampire, he quickly besieged Steve in the center, and actually had a considerable advantage.

Although he gained extraordinary strength, Morbius's combat experience was really poor. Within 2 minutes of being proud, Steve took the opportunity to hit him with the star shield in his hand, knocked him to the ground, and then ate a wave of chain attacks. Shield Bash.

Among the rest, no one was interested in the captain's position, so in the end it was Tony and Steve who competed.

The final result of the game was that Tony lost. The reason was that the external power supply was hard-wired for charging, and the internal circuit short-circuited...

Something happened at a very critical moment, which destroyed Tony's fighting ability on the spot.

In desperation, Tony could only admit defeat unwillingly.

Of course, after losing, Tony yelled at Rudy in dissatisfaction: "Kid, come on!"

Rudy held a lollipop in his mouth and waved his hand without interest: "Forget it...I'm not targeting anyone, but I just want to say that all the uncles and aunts here are too good, and I can't be interested at all. .”

As soon as these words came out, everyone looked at him differently.


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