I'm a wizard with a proof from Hogwarts

Chapter 264 I, Loki, the King of the Universe! "

A few days later, a research institute in New York City.

As the secret research institute of S.H.I.E.L.D.'s New York branch, what is currently being researched here is the development of new energy weapons.

The energy source is the 'fake rough stone' created by Rudy to develop a new energy source for Tony.

Because Rudy gave it to Tony when they were in the conference room.

It happened to be seen by the braised egg. After understanding that the power of this thing was equivalent to the 'Rubik's Cube Energy' that could be safely controlled after being infinitely shrunk, the braised egg insisted on asking Rudy for one.

In the end, after being pestered by him for several hours, Rudy was finally disgusted and gave him one.

Fury immediately changed his face after getting the gem, and without saying a word, he disappeared in front of Rudy with his younger brother Colson, as if the person he couldn't beat away before was not him.

Rudy could only sneer at this, "They are all people who sell themselves out for profit."

The next second, the person turned around and went to the R&D laboratory where Tony was.

In exchange, Lu Dan agreed to lend him SHIELD's weapons manufacturing department and battleship construction team.

Because he had witnessed the horror of the Rubik's Cube energy during World War II, Lu Dan basically agreed to whatever Rudy said.In short, according to his logic, he should get the things first and then talk about it. As for the promised things... changing the stamp, is that a big deal?

It's just that he thought it would take at most a week, after he had replaced the new steel seal, and went to Rudy to tell Rudy about the termination of the contract. By then, he would have no evidence to prove it, and he would just get an energy source for nothing. It would be a pleasure.However, what he didn't expect was that Rudy spent several years of his research funds in just one week!

After obtaining the battleship construction team and the weapons research and development department, Rudy called in the chief engineering designer he hired, Mr. Tony, without saying a word.Handing him a drawing that he had prepared for a long time, he asked expectantly: "How about it, Teacher Tony, do you think this can be built?"

Tony thought it was some kind of blueprint at first, but there was actually a thick pile. All he wanted to do with the pile of things was to take a look at it and say a few perfunctory words to get it over with.But after he read the first page, he couldn't take his eyes away anymore...

He took off his sunglasses and looked at the contents on the drawing in shock. This thing... If this thing were built, the world would be in chaos...

He looked at Rudy seriously and asked: "This thing...are you sure that bald man Fury agreed to let you build it?"

Rudy nodded without hesitation, and pointed to a large group of people behind him and said: "Of course, you see, these people were all prepared for me by Ludan."

As he spoke, he did not forget to point outside. Under the bridge where they were, a huge aircraft carrier was being renovated.

He said proudly: "Are you afraid that you won't be able to make it if you have these materials?"

Tony's eyelids were twitching wildly, and he always felt that something was not quite right.

With Fury's personality, would he really let Rudy mess around like this with aircraft carrier materials?

But after struggling in his heart, Tony still chose to accept Rudy's project commission.

There was no way, he gave too much, and Tony looked at the stack of design drawings in his hand, and he was equally excited.

If he was really allowed to build this thing, then he would be the most powerful weapons designer and genius scientist on the planet.

Seeing that he agreed, Rudy immediately raised the drawing in his hand and shouted to the newly fooled boys around him: "Okay! Brothers, Stark agreed!"

"Let's get started!"


Luodan, who was driving to the secret laboratory, suddenly felt his eyelids twitching and said uneasily: "Why do I always feel like something is wrong?"

Coulson, who was driving, asked doubtfully: "What's wrong, sir? Do we need to stop? Or should we go back?"

Fury waved his hand and said: "No, keep going. - I'm afraid that kid will regret it, so we have to speed up, Coulson!"

"Yes, sir!" Colson stepped on the already fast accelerator again.

In just the blink of an eye, the car disappeared without a trace.

.....On the other side, with the help of his partners, Loki finally succeeded in landing on the earth without anyone noticing.

Although the arrival was not smooth...

For some reason, the defenses set up by Odin for the Nine Realms were still there. With the help of the Chitauri starship, Loki arrived outside the orbit of the earth and the moon, and was finally attacked by the mysterious power from the moon.Unfortunately, the spacecraft was sunk on the spot and fled in a hurry. Loki successfully gambled his life and fell to the earth.

A garbage dump somewhere in New York City.

"Ahhhhh!!!" Loki fell from the sky and fell face down into the trash bin that had just been picked up by the homeless man.

With a "bang" sound, the lid of the trash can closed by itself...

Just as he opened the trash can with an angry roar, the scepter fell from the sky with him and hit him on the head with a "dang" sound.

With his eyes blurred, he fell back again with a 'pop', and the lid he had just held up was also closed together.


A few hours later, Loki woke up dazedly from the stench.

After opening his eyes, he found that his surroundings were full of darkness and mud. He was so frightened that he wanted to run away, but after thinking about it carefully...

He seemed to have fallen into a human trash can just now...The soft thing he touched just now was...

A chill came over him, and Loki quickly opened the garbage cover and breathed fresh air outside. At the same time, he did not forget to raise his hand to take a look.

After discovering that it was just a rotten apple, I couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

If he really held a bunch of Xiang and squeezed it hard to evaluate the feel, then he would really cut off his hand with tears in his eyes!


After observing his arm and making sure that he was fine, Loki was suddenly stunned.

Because following the line of sight of his arms, he looked down at his forearms, upper arms, entire arms, shoulders, and chest. Looking down... he was also naked down there?

"what's the situation!?"

It was only then that Loki realized that he had been plucked completely out of nowhere!

"That's it! Damn it! You even dare to take off God's clothes! Everyone on this planet really deserves to be enslaved and ruled! Learn etiquette and shame!"


Angrily crawling out of the trash can, Loki held his hands and found a homeless man nearby, called him with magic, knocked him unconscious and put on his clothes.

Then get ready to go out and look for your own clothes.

"Don't let me find it, otherwise I will let you know what life is worse than death!"

"Maybe I should try the power of the scepter with this filthy bug, yes... huh?"

"Where's the scepter!!?!?"

They were almost out of the alley when Loki suddenly remembered that besides his clothes, the most important thing was that the scepter was missing!

This is all his hope for a comeback!Without the scepter, how could he invade human energy stations, open wormhole doors, and summon an army of thugs to come to Earth!Without an army of thugs, how could he fight back to Asgard! ?

"Damn, damn, damn!"

Angry, Loki hurriedly ran towards the trash can he climbed out of just now, lay down and rummaged through it for a long time, and except for another half-eaten herring, the rest were all messy waste. .

His scepter is not here at all!

In other words, while he was in a coma, a homeless man saw him when he was passing through the trash can, and then he patronized him in a very friendly manner.

Not only did he take away his clothes, but he also took away the gleaming scepter that looked priceless!

Rushing out of the alley, Loki looked back left and right, hoping to find some clues.

However, New Mexico was different from when he first came.

Loki was dumbfounded as he looked at the cars, people, and high-rise buildings in the alley.

Where the hell are you going to find this! ?

Loki fell to the ground, his back against the brick wall, and his whole body collapsed.

But maybe hard work pays off, ah, it should be the only way out.

The author is ready to let you be the villain BOSS in this episode, then you will never become a partner of justice.

The homeless man who had just stolen his clothes and the scepter from the trash can had just left the street and was about to go to a familiar black shop to sell the scepter.

But for such a big, sparkling pigeon egg, the shady boss actually said it was only worth 3000 US dollars, damn shady dog!

The two of them had obviously broken up. The tramp snatched the scepter that he couldn't put down from the other's hand and ran away. However, the boss obviously refused to give up and immediately sent people to chase him, intending to take advantage of him.

The homeless man ran all the way back, and the gangster owner led his thugs to chase him all the way back.

He ran, they chased him, but he couldn't fly...

But because he kept looking behind him while running, he didn't even notice a person sitting slumped on the ground.

On the spot, he was tripped by Loki's long legs, and he fell forward. The scepter in his hand fell directly to the ground, and rolled twice with a clang.

Loki immediately became furious when he felt that he was being kicked.

Labor and capital are in such a miserable state. They are living on the streets, unable to return to their homes, and the son of the God King is humiliated by a homeless man. Isn't this enough? ?

How dare you kick me, you dirty bugs!

The angry Loki turned his head, the murderous look in his eyes almost spilling out.

However, the next second, when he looked at the homeless man lying on the ground, he was shocked.

I checked the look... I haven't seen it before, but he looks familiar with that outfit!Damn it, this bastard stole his clothes!

Then follow the other person's line of sight and look forward...the sound of falling to the ground just now...

It's a scepter! ! !

Loki rushed forward with gleaming eyes and took back the scepter. He was so excited that he shouted in his heart: 'My lifeblood! ! '

The tramp stood up and wanted to reach out to grab it. Loki sensed that the bastard behind him still didn't know what to do, so he held the scepter in his backhand and turned around to wave it.

The scepter, which was originally about 1 meter long, unfolded back and forth, with a sharp blade protruding from the front. After a roar, blood instantly sealed its throat!

The black shop owner and thugs who were chasing after him happened to see this scene, and they were all confused.

But his greed for the scepter made him still not give up, and he quickly motioned to the two thugs to grab the things.



Three fresh corpses fell to the ground in a row, and the blood quickly stained the ground red.

A heavy rain fell in the sky at the right time. In the violent storm, Loki stood on the street, laughing wildly: "Well done! - This is why my life should not be cut off!"

"I am the real chosen one!"

"Wait for me! I will return to Asgard to regain my throne!"

"No, since I am the master of destiny, the little Asgard is not suitable for me. - I should dominate the entire universe!"

"I, Loki! - will be the future King of the Universe!!"

"Ha ha ha ha!!!"

"Boom!" Just as Loki laughed wildly, the window of the apartment upstairs opened, and an old lady with tied hair stretched out her hand and threw a flowerpot down, hitting Loki on the spot and laughing wildly. on the face.He shouted loudly: "You're crazy! If you don't sleep at night, you're looking for death!"


A few days later, the sight returned to SHIELD's secret research facility in New York.

After Loki played the role of a homeless man bitterly for the past few days, and used the scepter to control a large number of homeless people, and developed a large gang of homeless people in the area, he successfully used the crowd tactics to find the most suitable person in New York City. Where energy provides a place.

What satisfied him most was that in this research institution, he actually sensed the energy fluctuations of the Rubik's Cube!

This is an endless source of energy!

As long as you get this thing, you will be able to rule the earth just around the corner!

To this end, he manipulated all the beggars and vagrants under his control, and chose a dark and windy night.

Collectively invade this research facility.

When thousands of ragged homeless people walk towards you with disheveled hair, do you think you panic?

But the two SHIELD special agents on duty became numb when they saw the dense group of homeless people wandering towards this direction not far away.

Especially at night when the visibility was not good, Loki could only give simple orders and was unable to fully control their actions because of the large number of these homeless people after they were controlled.

This caused them to stagger when they walked, as if they were about to fall down.

Little did they know that the dark moon, high wind, swaying steps, and huge numbers, when these BUFFs were superimposed, scared the shit out of the two officers on duty.

He pressed the intercom frantically and shouted to the support troops: "Zombies! It's zombies! Hurry up and support!"

At first, the supporting troops on the opposite side thought that these two brothers had eaten too much late at night and were teasing them, so they ignored them.

It wasn't until the other party pressed the intercom repeatedly, more than a dozen times a minute, that they finally realized something was wrong.

By the time they checked the surveillance video, it was already too late...

What they saw was the two officers on duty who had been trampled to the ground by the overwhelming 'zombie', who had lost all movement, and the crumbling door of the research institute that had been shaken.

Depend on!

Seeing this scene, the support team leader could not sit still. He quickly dialed 911 to call for support from the New York Police Department. He then woke up the team members who were on shift, loaded up weapons and ammunition, and drove to the research institute.

In the SHIELD branch, Fury was having a sweet dream, and suddenly the door to the room was kicked open by Coulson.

Lu Dan watched in confusion as his younger brother shouted to him: "Sir! Something happened in the 1...1...107 Research Institute!"

Fury was still a little dazed at the time. It wasn't until he came back to his senses that he remembered that this damn Research Institute 107 was where he stored the 'Rubik's Cube Energy' that he finally got back from Rudy!

Fury: "My hair!"



[The ball is floating, please reward me]

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