I'm a wizard with a proof from Hogwarts

Chapter 266 The Avengers appear, the battle in New York (2)"

Penetrate battleships and shoot down soldiers.

From the moment the meteor pierced the sky, rushed into the first enemy warship, and penetrated it out, the flame called hope was once again ignited in everyone's hearts.

The Avengers team, fighting alone, all burst into excited shouts after seeing the twinkling meteor.

After the first stage of dragon transformation was completed, Akashi's own magic power and physical capacity reached a new peak.Now he can bear it, and the energy of the Rubik's Cube he drives is three times more than before.

Using its energy to enter light speed mode is stress-free and there is no time limit at all.

Although the current Rudy's combat effectiveness in light speed mode is not as good as that of Captain Marvel, after all, it is the power gained from the impact when energy spreads frontally.

But Rudy has the original stone in his hand, and directly absorbing its power is much stronger than relying on its power.If you want to reach the level of Team Shock, you still need the power of the original stone to penetrate your body.But under the current circumstances, Rudy didn't think it was necessary.

What if, what if the Xuejing Team is so funny that they disappear...

Rudy, who was covered in light, looked at the densely packed Chitauri soldiers flying in the sky and increased his energy output. He was originally like a shooting star, but now he turned directly into a dazzling little sun.

The key point is that the sun is flying at an extremely fast speed. Looking from a distance, you can even see only a ray of light in the sky, which is spinning crazily back and forth, up, down, left and right, in the sky and on the ground.And wherever he flew, Chitauri soldiers would fall from the sky like dumplings every time.

The scene looked like it was raining, but the raindrops were a bit heavier.

In front of the research institute, when he saw the alien warships and the Chitauri army successfully landing on Earth, his little heart was almost excited.Now coming to Earth, wouldn’t the next step be Asgard?

Once Asgard is captured, haha, how can he, Loki, be the one who can live in depression for so long!

When he thought of his ultimate dream, the corners of Loki's mouth couldn't help but curl up, and his mood was as good as New Year's Day.

Ah, no, it should be said that a good mood is like seeing his father beating Thor wildly. The emphasis is on two words - happy!

However, just two seconds after he was happy, Rudy appeared.

He didn't notice Rudy at first, but as the Chitauri army was continuously shot down, especially after they penetrated the flying fish battleship, something that even a beast like this could not do, Loki was shocked.

It's him!Must be him!

In Loki's mind, Rudy's various inhuman scenes reappeared in Loki's mind, and they continued to play in a loop like a slideshow.

Loki scratched his head and yelled wildly: "It's you again! - It's you bastard again! - It's you who are ruining my good deeds again!"

Rudy seemed to sense Loki's hysteria in mid-air, or maybe he felt that his efficiency was too poor.


"The shape of Aikon!"

In mid-air, Rudy instantly split into thousands of himself like a goddess scattering flowers, and magic chains condensed in each hand.Immediately afterwards, Loki watched helplessly as countless densely packed golden-red magic chains were shot out, grabbing the Chitauri soldiers in the sky and throwing them out from hundreds of meters high on the spot, falling to the ground and falling into pieces. Star Bolognese.

In the command hall, Lu Dan watched the densely packed red dots of enemy troops disappear in patches on the big screen, and immediately laughed and celebrated with Hill.

Maybe it’s because I feel like killing isn’t exciting enough or fast enough.

Rudy's thousands of clones were reunited and reassembled, and then possessed him in light speed mode again, turning into meteors and rushing directly into the wormhole portal that constantly refreshed the Chitauri army.

The moment he crossed the portal, the originally blue sky turned into the vast dark space in an instant.And behind him, New York also changed to the earth.

Looking at the densely packed interstellar battleships and the Chitauri army in front of him, Rudy rubbed his hands and said with a smile: "I'm just going to test how much my magic power has increased after upgrading with you."

Although sound cannot be transmitted in the universe, the way Rudy rubbed his hands was captured by the surveillance camera, and the Chitauri leader saw it.

He didn't understand why this Midgardian dared to rush here. In fact, he had no idea that the vanguard had suffered heavy losses and resisted tenaciously.

I saw Rudy wearing the magic ring and clenching his hands into fists. The magic power coming out was so powerful that he felt like a deformed battery that was so full that it was about to explode.

A familiar feeling came from his right hand. His right hand was held empty, and the next second the golden and blue holy sword appeared in his hand.

Rudy held the sword in front of his chest with both hands. With the influx of magic power, the holy sword gradually spurted out the majestic golden sword energy.When Rudy raised his hands above his head, the magnificent golden magic power suddenly condensed into a substantial sword blade that penetrated the galaxy, as if it was about to pierce the universe.

Seeing this terrifying scene, the Chitauri leader, who was also a well-informed alien, immediately realized that something was wrong and quickly ordered his men to fire a volley of artillery fire to kill the Midgardian.

But it's too late...

Rudy, who had finished accumulating his energy, was still a little puzzled. Why did he look down on himself so much?Surprisingly, so many people watched him open up, and no one stopped him.

But once it's all done, it'll be fine.

Remember to give yourself some incense on this day next year....

Rudy: “E—X—alibur!!!”

Having completely released all the magic power... this is no longer a sword, it's simply a beam of light.

Rudy slashed the holy sword in his hand diagonally to the right, then twisted his wrist and slashed horizontally to the left with his backhand.With a slash of the sword, the outer orbit of the earth and moon was filled with dazzling explosions and shattered pieces of the battleship.

On Earth, after receiving the news of Jarvis' extremely dangerous energy fluctuation warning, Tony immediately asked everyone to look up to the sky.The heroes all looked up at the sky, and then... they saw densely packed round lights flashing in the blue sky, which looked like stars, twinkling.

Peter came over curiously and asked, "What are these, Mr. Stark?"

Tony's mouth twitched and he replied: "The alien's spaceship was blown up in a large area. Because it is outside the earth, we can only see a little bit of light."

....in the universe.

Looking at the enemy warships that turned into a large explosion area in front of him, Rudy began to think about how to get rid of all this group of space junk.

After all, it was too big. Even if he swung it with a curry stick just now, it only completely destroyed part of the small spacecraft.The big spaceship was only cut off and exploded, and did not directly turn into ashes.Moreover, there are too many such warships. Even though [-]% of the opponent's combat effectiveness was destroyed by this blow, it is still no problem to retreat.

This made Rudy feel very uncomfortable. He didn't want these guys to escape.

It would be great if there were some powerful weapons at this time to shoot these guys like crazy.

Looking at the large group of escaping battleships, Rudy finally couldn't think of a way and could only watch these guys escape.

He wanted to use another curry stick to keep the opponent, but the blow just now had consumed [-]% of his magic power. Unless he borrowed the power of the Space Stone, doing so would probably drain him dry.

The gains outweighed the losses, and it was not cost-effective, so he gave up.

"It's still too weak... It would be nice if it could be a little stronger, so strong that every clone of Archon can use curry sticks..."

Rudy was thinking wildly, blinked twice, turned around and rushed towards the wormhole door.

They hadn't finished killing them when they came just now. When they saw the large troops withdrawing, these guys also wanted to escape back.But Rudy rushed forward.

Seeing this terrifying guy rushing over, the remaining Chitauri fled in all directions frantically, fearing that they would be caught and killed by Rudy.

....In this way, the crisis in New York was officially resolved.

The whole process from Loki's arrogant opening of the wormhole portal to now, in just a few hours, they got... Oh, they got nothing, and they even lost a psychic scepter that Thanos lent them.

The Chitauri really lost all their money this time. The fuel cost of interstellar jumping, the money to repair the spacecraft, and the massive losses of the army, the total of these is probably not a small sum.And the most important thing is that - Thanos failed to get back the scepter he borrowed!

The Chitauri leader only wants to know one thing now, and that is how to survive Thanos' pursuit.

On the other side, Rudy returned to Earth and landed right in front of Loki.

Looking at Rudy so close, Loki was so angry that he rushed forward and raised his scepter to stab Rudy to death with a sharp blade.

It's a pity... There was a crisp sound of "dang", and the two of them looked at each other with big eyes.

Loki gritted his teeth and tried his best, but the scepter in his hand could not penetrate Rudy's skin, and the power of the Mind Stone could not be used. It was as if he had encountered some natural enemy.

Rudy raised the light speed mode energy in his right hand and waved it with his backhand.

There was a "bang" sound, and Loki stared blankly at the half of the scepter handle left in his hand, as well as the head of the scepter with the Mind Stone rolled twice on the ground.

Finally, with fear in his eyes, he took a few steps back and fell to the ground.

As he climbed back, he looked at Rudy and shouted: "You...you...don't come over!"

Rudy looked at the guy with the horn on his head speechlessly and complained: "I haven't thrown you yet, but you are afraid of doing this..."

At this time, other members of the Avengers also arrived one after another. Seeing the perfect reunification of the enemy forces, and he was the only one left on our side... Loki was even more heartbroken...

Thor took a step forward, leaned down, stretched out his hand and said softly to Loki: "Loki, brother, please admit your mistake. - They will lock you up for a few decades at most, it will be fine. - I will let my father take over. You begged for mercy..."

It's okay not to mention Odin, but when he mentions Odin, Loki thinks of the stupid thing that he is not his biological son, so there is no way he can inherit the throne.

He gritted his teeth and slapped Thor's hand away, shouting at him: "Get away! - What do you know!? - I am the most correct successor to Asgard! - Not you who are obsessed with A drunken, hot-blooded idiot!"

As soon as he finished shouting, Hulk on the side suddenly became angry.

In his opinion, Thor is his own good friend and Loki is his enemy.Now that the enemies have been crushed by the Hulk, this guy still dares to be so arrogant. Not only does he push Thor, but he also yells loudly in front of the Hulk.

As a result, a shocking and famous scene occurred...

Thor, who was full of guilt, wanted to go up and reason with his brother, but before he could go up, a big green man suddenly flashed past...

Sol: ? ? ?

Hulk jumped in front of Loki and yelled at Loki who was lying on the ground: "Hulk!!!"

Then comes Loki's life...oh no, it should be an unforgettable moment in God's life...

I saw Hulk grabbing Loki's legs and pulling him up.

Loki didn't realize what was about to happen and was still yelling. Hulk was even more angry and just wanted to shut up the bug.

So he directly picked up Loki and smashed it to the ground.

"Bang!" A dent appeared on the ground.

Hulk was stunned. Oh my god, this feels so good!

So he swung it twice more - "Bang - Bang!" There were cracks on the ground.

Thor quickly stepped forward to stop Hulk, but before he could say anything, Loki shouted first: "You stupid smash, let me go! - You dirty..."

Before he finished speaking, Hulk became completely angry.

He shook the tendons on his arms, got into a posture, and beat back and forth on the ground crazily!


After hitting it back and forth dozens of times, Rudy, Thor and the other blades fell silent as they watched the cracks shatter and two pits sinking at least 2 centimeters.

Loki, who was lying in the pit in front, was lying there with his eyes blank and motionless. If he didn't know that he was not dead, Thor would have thought that he was cold.

I have to say, with just this one hand smashing it down, no wonder Loki would get scared when he saw Hulk in the future, and he would cheer excitedly when he saw Hulk swinging people.

This feeling... is probably quite wonderful...

In the end, Loki, who was left with a concussion, was taken away by the people sent by Fury, along with the scepter.Although logically this thing should be regarded as Rudy's trophy, he already has one gem and knows that he can't even exert the full power of one, let alone one more.

Sooner or later it will be squeezed dry, so it is better to use it out of sight and out of mind, and use it as a favor for braised eggs.

Didn't you see Luodan's expression when he saw the scepter? He was actually a little embarrassed when such a big pigeon egg was given to him.

Even though he said that, this guy was still very fast at picking up things.


A few days later....unknown planet.

Under the escort of several strong alien men, the Chitauri leader was escorted to a throne with a face full of fear.

Looking at the man on the throne with his chin in his hand, the Chitauri leader was so frightened that he couldn't speak clearly and quickly wanted to explain.

But the other party just glanced at him, then waved his hand and said: "Being beaten like this and losing my things...I heard you ran away?"

Proxima Centauri said: "Just kill him, it will save you trouble."

Nebula on the side shook his head and said: "No."

"This guy still has value, so we can't just kill him."

Upon hearing this, the Chitauri leader immediately shouted excitedly: "That's right! That's right! Sir, I can still be used! Really! Give me another chance! I will definitely! I can definitely do it!"

Nebula stepped forward and watched the fierce struggle. The Chitauri leader, who was full of desire for survival, suggested: "Sir, I suggest you chop it into pieces and feed it to the dogs. This is considered valuable."



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